numpy covariance between each column of a matrix and a vector - python

Based on this post, I can get covariance between two vectors using np.cov((x,y), rowvar=0). I have a matrix MxN and a vector Mx1. I want to find the covariance between each column of the matrix and the given vector. I know that I can use for loop to write. I was wondering if I can somehow use np.cov() to get the result directly.

As Warren Weckesser said, the numpy.cov(X, Y) is a poor fit for the job because it will simply join the arrays in one M by (N+1) array and find the huge (N+1) by (N+1) covariance matrix. But we'll always have the definition of covariance and it's easy to use:
A = np.sqrt(np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4)) # some 3 by 4 array
b = np.array([[2], [4], [5]]) # some 3 by 1 vector
cov = - b.mean(), A - A.mean(axis=0)) / (b.shape[0]-1)
This returns the covariances of each column of A with b.
array([[ 2.21895142, 1.53934466, 1.3379221 , 1.20866607]])
The formula I used is for sample covariance (which is what numpy.cov computes, too), hence the division by (b.shape[0] - 1). If you divide by b.shape[0] you get the unadjusted population covariance.
For comparison, the same computation using np.cov:
import numpy as np
A = np.sqrt(np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4))
b = np.array([[2], [4], [5]])
np.cov(A, b, rowvar=False)[-1, :-1]
Same output, but it takes about twice this long (and for large matrices, the difference will be much larger). The slicing at the end is because np.cov computes a 5 by 5 matrix, in which only the first 4 entries of the last row are what you wanted. The rest is covariance of A with itself, or of b with itself.
Correlation coefficient
The correlation coefficientis obtained by dividing by square roots of variances. Watch out for that -1 adjustment mentioned earlier: numpy.var does not make it by default, to make it happen you need ddof=1 parameter.
corr = cov / np.sqrt(np.var(b, ddof=1) * np.var(A, axis=0, ddof=1))
Check that the output is the same as the less efficient version
np.corrcoef(A, b, rowvar=False)[-1, :-1]


In which scenario would one use another matrix than the identity matrix for finding eigenvalues?

The scipy.linalg.eigh function can take two matrices as arguments: first the matrix a, of which we will find eigenvalues and eigenvectors, but also the matrix b, which is optional and chosen as the identity matrix in case it is left blank.
In what scenario would someone like to use this b matrix?
Some more context: I am trying to use xdawn covariances from the pyRiemann package. This uses the scipy.linalg.eigh function with a covariance matrix a and a baseline covariance matrix b. You can find the implementation here. This yields an error, as the b matrix in my case is not positive definitive and thus not useable in the scipy.linalg.eigh function. Removing this matrix and just using the identity matrix however solves this problem and yields relatively nice results... The problem is that I do not really understand what I changed, and maybe I am doing something I should not be doing.
This is the code from the pyRiemann package I am using (modified to avoid using functions defined in other parts of the package):
# X are samples (EEG data), y are labels
# shape of X is (1000, 64, 2459)
# shape of y is (1000,)
from scipy.linalg import eigh
Ne, Ns, Nt = X.shape
tmp = X.transpose((1, 2, 0))
b = np.matrix(sklearn.covariance.empirical_covariance(tmp.reshape(Ne, Ns * Nt).T))
for c in self.classes_:
# Prototyped response for each class
P = np.mean(X[y == c, :, :], axis=0)
# Covariance matrix of the prototyper response & signal
a = np.matrix(sklearn.covariance.empirical_covariance(P.T))
# Spatial filters
evals, evecs = eigh(a, b)
# and I am now using the following, disregarding the b matrix:
# evals, evecs = eigh(a)
If A and B were both symmetric matrices that doesn't necessarily have to imply that inv(A)*B must be a symmetric matrix. And so, if i had to solve a generalised eigenvalue problem of Ax=lambda Bx then i would use eig(A,B) rather than eig(inv(A)*B), so that the symmetry isn't lost.
One practical application is in finding the natural frequencies of a dynamic mechanical system from differential equations of the form M (d²x/dt²) = Kx where M is a positive definite matrix known as the mass matrix and K is the stiffness matrix, and x is displacement vector and d²x/dt² is acceleration vector which is the second derivative of the displacement vector. To find the natural frequencies, x can be substituted with x0 sin(ωt) where ω is the natural frequency. The equation reduces to Kx = ω²Mx. Now, one can use eig(inv(K)*M) but that might break the symmetry of the resultant matrix, and so I would use eig(K,M) instead.
A - lambda B x it means that x is not in the same basis as the covariance matrix.
If the matrix is not definite positive it means that there are vectors that can be flipped by your B.
I hope it was helpful.

Multiplying subarrays of tensor

I am trying to implement a multivariate Gaussian Mixture Model and am trying to calculate the probability distribution function using tensors. There are n data points, k clusters, and d dimensions. So far, I have two tensors. One is a (n,k,d) tensor of centered data points and the other is a kxdxd tensor of covariance matricies. I can compute an nxk matrix of probabilities by doing
centered = np.repeat(points[:,np.newaxis,:],K,axis=1) - mu[np.newaxis,:] # KxNxD
prob = np.zeros(n,k)
constant = 1/2/np.pow(np.pi, d/2)
for n in range(centered.shape[1]):
for k in range(centered.shape[0]):
p = centered[n,k,:][np.newaxis] # 1xN
power = -1/2*(p # np.linalg.inv(sigma[k,:,:]) # p.T)
prob[n,k] = constant * np.linalg.det(sigma[k,:,:]) * np.exp(power)
where sigma is the triangularized kxdxd matrix of covariances and centered are mypoints. What is a more pythonic way of doing this using numpy's tensor capabilites?
Just a couple of quick observations:
I don't see you using p in the loop; is this a mistake? Using n instead?
The T in centered[n,k,:].T does nothing; with that index the array is 1d
I'm not sure if np.linal.inv can handle batches of arrays, allowing np.linalg.inv(sigma).
# allows batches, just so long as the last 2 dim are the ones entering into the dot (with the usual last of A, 2nd to the last of B rule; einsum can also be used.
again does np.linalg.det handle batches?

Pearson's correlation coefficient between all pairs of rows from two 2D arrays using scipy.stats.pearsonr vs. numpy.corrcoeff in python 3.5

I tried to calculate the Pearson's correlation coefficients between every pairs of rows from two 2D arrays. Then, sort the rows/columns of the correlation matrix based on its diagonal elements. First, the correlation coefficient matrix (i.e., 'ccmtx') was calculated from one random matrix (i.e., 'randmtx') in the following code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
def correlation_map(x, y):
n_row_x = x.shape[0]
n_row_y = x.shape[0]
ccmtx_xy = np.empty((n_row_x, n_row_y))
for n in range(n_row_x):
for m in range(n_row_y):
ccmtx_xy[n, m] = pearsonr(x[n, :], y[m, :])[0]
return ccmtx_xy
randmtx = np.random.randn(100, 1000) # generating random matrix
#ccmtx = np.corrcoef(randmtx, randmtx) # cc matrix based on numpy.corrcoef
ccmtx = correlation_map(randmtx, randmtx) # cc matrix based on scipy pearsonr
ccmtx_diag = np.diagonal(ccmtx)
ids, vals = np.argsort(ccmtx_diag, kind = 'mergesort'), np.sort(ccmtx_diag, kind = 'mergesort')
#ids, vals = np.argsort(ccmtx_diag, kind = 'quicksort'), np.sort(ccmtx_diag, kind = 'quicksort')
The issue here is when the 'pearsonr' was used, the diagonal elements of 'ccmtx' are exactly 1.0 which makes sense. However, the 'corrcoef' was used, the diagonal elements of 'ccmtrix' are not exactly one (and slightly less than 1 for some diagonals) seemingly due to a precision error of floating point numbers.
I found to be annoying that the auto-correlation matrix of a single matrix have diagnoal elements not being 1.0 since this resulted in the shuffling of rows/columes of the correlation matrix when the matrix is sorted based on the diagonal elements.
My questions are:
[1] is there any good way to accelerate the computation time when I stick to use the 'pearsonr' function? (e.g., vectorized pearsonr?)
[2] Is there any good way/practice to prevent this precision error when using the 'corrcoef' in numpy? (e.g. 'decimals' option in np.around?)
I have searched the correlation coefficient calculations between all pairs of rows or columns from two matrices. However, as the algorithms containe some sort of "cov / variance" operation, this kind of precision issue seems always existing.
Minor point: the 'mergesort' option seems to provide reliable results than the 'quicksort' as the quicksort shuffled 1d array with exactly 1 to random order.
Any thoughts/comments would be greatly appreciated!
For question 1 vectorized pearsonr see the comments to the question.
I will answer only question 2: how to improve the precision of np.corrcoef.
The correlation matrix R is computed from the covariance matrix C according to
The implementation is optimized for performance and memory usage. It computes the covariance matrix, and then performs two divisions by sqrt(C_ii) and by sqrt(Cjj). This separate square-rooting is where the imprecision comes from. For example:
np.sqrt(3 * 3) - 3 == 0.0
np.sqrt(3) * np.sqrt(3) - 3 == -4.4408920985006262e-16
We can fix this by implementing our own simple corrcoef routine:
def corrcoef(a, b):
c = np.cov(a, b)
d = np.diag(c)
return c / np.sqrt(d[:, None] * d[None, :])
Note that this implementation requires more memory than the numpy implementation because it needs to store a temporary matrix with size n * n and it is slightly slower because it needs to do n^2 square roots instead of only 2 n.

How to compare a search query to SVD resulting 'w' matrix

I am working on developing a search algorithm and I am struggling to understand how to actually use the results of a singular value decomposition ( u,w,vt = svd(a) ) reduction on a term-document matrix.
For example, say I have an M x N matrix as follows where each column represents a document vector (number of terms in each document)
a = [[ 0, 0, 1 ],
[ 0, 1, 2 ],
[ 1, 1, 1 ],
[ 0, 2, 3 ]]
Now, I could run a tf-idf function on this matrix to generate a score for each term/document value, but for the sake of clarity, I will ignore that.
SVD Results
Upon running SVD on this matrix, I end up with the following diagonal vector for 'w'
import svd
u,w,vt = svd.svd(a)
print w
// [4.545183973611469, 1.0343228430392626, 0.5210363733873331]
I understand more or less what this represents (thanks to a lot of reading and particularly this article, however I can't figure out how to relate this resulting 'approximation' matrix back to the original documents? What do these weights represent? How can I use this result in my code to find documents related to a term query?
Basically... How do I use this?
The rank-r SVD reduces a rank-R MxN matrix A into r orthogonal rank-1 MxN matrices (u_n * s_n * v_n'). If you use these singular values and vectors to reconstruct the original matrix, you will obtain the best rank-r approximation of A.
Instead of storing the full matrix A, you just store the u_n, s_n, and v_n. (A is MxN, but U is Mxr, S can be stored in one dimension as r elements, and V' is rxN).
To approximate A * x, you simply compute (U * (S * (V' * x))) [Mxr x rxr x rxN x Nx1]. You can speed this up further by storing (U * S) instead of U and S separately.
So what do the singular values represent? In a way, they represent the energy of each rank-1 matrix. The higher a singular value is, the more that its associated rank-1 matrix contributes to the original matrix and the worse your reconstruction will be if it is not included if it is truncated.
Note that this procedure is closely related to Principal Component Analysis, which is performed on covariance matrices and is commonly used in machine learning to reduce the dimensionality of measured N-dimensional variables.
Additionally, it should be noted that the SVD is useful for many other applications in signal processing.
More information is on the Wikipedia article.

Least-Squares Regression of Matrices with Numpy

I'm looking to calculate least squares linear regression from an N by M matrix and a set of known, ground-truth solutions, in a N-1 matrix. From there, I'd like to get the slope, intercept, and residual value of each regression. Basic idea being, I know the actual value of that should be predicted for each sample in a row of N, and I'd like to determine which set of predicted values in a column of M is most accurate using the residuals.
I don't describe matrices well, so here's a drawing:
(N,M) matrix with predicted values for each row N
in each column of M...
##NOTE: Values of M and N are not actually 4 and 3, just examples
4 columns in "M"
[1, 1.1, 0.8, 1.3]
[2, 1.9, 2.2, 1.7] 3 rows in "N"
[3, 3.1, 2.8, 3.3]
(1,N) matrix with actual values of N
[2] Actual value of each sample N, in a single column
So again, for clarity's sake, I'm looking to calculate the lstsq regression between each column of the (N,M) matrix and the (1,N) matrix.
For instance, the regression between
[1] and [1]
[2] [2]
[3] [3]
then the regression between
[1] and [1.1]
[2] [1.9]
[3] [3.1]
and so on, outputting the slope, intercept, and standard error (average residual) for each regression calculated.
So far in the numpy/scipy documentation and around the 'net, I've only found examples computing one column at a time. I had thought numpy had the capability to compute regressions on each column in a set with the standard
But that returns the error
ValueError: array dimensions must agree except for d_0
Do I need to split the columns into their own arrays, then compute one at a time?
Is there a parameter or matrix operation I need to use to have numpy calculate the regressions on each column independently?
I feel like it should be simpler? I've looked it all over, and I can't seem to find anyone doing something similar.
Maybe you switched A and b?
Following works for me:
# A is now a (3,4) array
The 0th dimension of arrayB must be the same as the 0th dimension of arrayA (ref: the official documentation of np.linalg.lstsq). You need matrices with dimensions (N, M) and (N, 1) or (N, M) and (N) instead of the (N,M) and (1,N) matrices you're using now.
Note that the (N, 1) and N dimensional matrices will give identical results -- but the shapes of the arrays will be different.
I get a slightly different exception from you, but that may be due to different versions (I am using Python 2.7, Numpy 1.6 on Windows):
>>> A = np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4)
>>> b = np.arange(3).reshape(1, 3)
>>> np.linalg.lstsq(A,b)
# This gives "LinAlgError: Incompatible dimensions" exception
>>> np.linalg.lstsq(A,b.T)
# This works, note that I am using the transpose of b here

