Interpolate polynomial over a finite field - python

I want to use python interpolate polynomial on points from a finite-field and get a polynomial with coefficients in that field.
Currently I'm trying to use SymPy and specifically interpolate (from sympy.polys.polyfuncs), but I don't know how to force the interpolation to happen in a specific gf. If not, can this be done with another module?
Edit: I'm interested in a Python implementation/library.

SymPy's interpolating_poly does not support polynomials over finite fields. But there are enough details under the hood of SymPy to put together a class for finite fields, and find the coefficients of Lagrange polynomial in a brutally direct fashion.
As usual, the elements of finite field GF(pn) are represented by polynomials of degree less than n, with coefficients in GF(p). Multiplication is done modulo a reducing polynomial of degree n, which is selected at the time of field construction. Inversion is done with extended Euclidean algorithm.
The polynomials are represented by lists of coefficients, highest degrees first. For example, the elements of GF(32) are:
[], [1], [2], [1, 0], [1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 0], [2, 1], [2, 2]
The empty list represents 0.
Class GF, finite fields
Implements arithmetics as methods add, sub, mul, inv (multiplicative inverse). For convenience of testing interpolation includes eval_poly which evaluates a given polynomial with coefficients in GF(pn) at a point of GF(pn).
Note that the constructor is used as G(3, 2), not as G(9), - the prime and its power are supplied separately.
import itertools
from functools import reduce
from sympy import symbols, Dummy
from import ZZ
from sympy.polys.galoistools import (gf_irreducible_p, gf_add, \
gf_sub, gf_mul, gf_rem, gf_gcdex)
from sympy.ntheory.primetest import isprime
class GF():
def __init__(self, p, n=1):
p, n = int(p), int(n)
if not isprime(p):
raise ValueError("p must be a prime number, not %s" % p)
if n <= 0:
raise ValueError("n must be a positive integer, not %s" % n)
self.p = p
self.n = n
if n == 1:
self.reducing = [1, 0]
for c in itertools.product(range(p), repeat=n):
poly = (1, *c)
if gf_irreducible_p(poly, p, ZZ):
self.reducing = poly
def add(self, x, y):
return gf_add(x, y, self.p, ZZ)
def sub(self, x, y):
return gf_sub(x, y, self.p, ZZ)
def mul(self, x, y):
return gf_rem(gf_mul(x, y, self.p, ZZ), self.reducing, self.p, ZZ)
def inv(self, x):
s, t, h = gf_gcdex(x, self.reducing, self.p, ZZ)
return s
def eval_poly(self, poly, point):
val = []
for c in poly:
val = self.mul(val, point)
val = self.add(val, c)
return val
Class PolyRing, polynomials over a field
This one is simpler: it implements addition, subtraction, and multiplication of polynomials, referring to the ground field for operations on coefficients. There is a lot of list reversals [::-1] because of SymPy's convention to list monomials starting with highest powers.
class PolyRing():
def __init__(self, field):
self.K = field
def add(self, p, q):
s = [self.K.add(x, y) for x, y in \
itertools.zip_longest(p[::-1], q[::-1], fillvalue=[])]
return s[::-1]
def sub(self, p, q):
s = [self.K.sub(x, y) for x, y in \
itertools.zip_longest(p[::-1], q[::-1], fillvalue=[])]
return s[::-1]
def mul(self, p, q):
if len(p) < len(q):
p, q = q, p
s = [[]]
for j, c in enumerate(q):
s = self.add(s, [self.K.mul(b, c) for b in p] + \
[[]] * (len(q) - j - 1))
return s
Construction of interpolating polynomial.
The Lagrange polynomial is constructed for given x-values in list X and corresponding y-values in array Y. It is a linear combination of basis polynomials, one for each element of X. Each basis polynomial is obtained by multiplying (x-x_k) polynomials, represented as [[1], K.sub([], x_k)]. The denominator is a scalar, so it's even easier to compute.
def interp_poly(X, Y, K):
R = PolyRing(K)
poly = [[]]
for j, y in enumerate(Y):
Xe = X[:j] + X[j+1:]
numer = reduce(lambda p, q: R.mul(p, q), ([[1], K.sub([], x)] for x in Xe))
denom = reduce(lambda x, y: K.mul(x, y), (K.sub(X[j], x) for x in Xe))
poly = R.add(poly, R.mul(numer, [K.mul(y, K.inv(denom))]))
return poly
Example of usage:
K = GF(2, 4)
X = [[], [1], [1, 0, 1]] # 0, 1, a^2 + 1
Y = [[1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0]] # a, a^2, a^3
intpoly = interp_poly(X, Y, K)
pprint([K.eval_poly(intpoly, x) for x in X]) # same as Y
The pretty print is just to avoid some type-related decorations on the output. The polynomial is shown as [[1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 0]]. To help readability, I added a function to turn this in a more familiar form, with a symbol a being a generator of finite field, and x being the variable in the polynomial.
def readable(poly, a, x):
return Poly(sum((sum((c*a**j for j, c in enumerate(coef[::-1])), S.Zero) * x**k \
for k, coef in enumerate(poly[::-1])), S.Zero), x)
So we can do
a, x = symbols('a x')
print(readable(intpoly, a, x))
and get
Poly(x**2 + (a**2 + a + 1)*x + a, x, domain='ZZ[a]')
This algebraic object is not a polynomial over our field, this is just for the sake of readable output.
As an alternative, or just another safety check, one can use the lagrange_polynomial from Sage for the same data.
field = GF(16, 'a')
a = field.gen()
R = PolynomialRing(field, "x")
points = [(0, a), (1, a^2), (a^2+1, a^3)]
Output: x^2 + (a^2 + a + 1)*x + a

I'm the author of the galois Python library. Polynomial interpolation can be performed with the lagrange_poly() function. Here's a simple example.
In [1]: import galois
In [2]: galois.__version__
Out[2]: '0.0.32'
In [3]: GF = galois.GF(3**5)
In [4]: x = GF.Random(10); x
Out[4]: GF([ 33, 58, 59, 21, 141, 133, 207, 182, 125, 162], order=3^5)
In [5]: y = GF.Random(10); y
Out[5]: GF([ 34, 239, 120, 170, 31, 165, 180, 79, 215, 215], order=3^5)
In [6]: f = galois.lagrange_poly(x, y); f
Out[6]: Poly(165x^9 + 96x^8 + 9x^7 + 111x^6 + 40x^5 + 208x^4 + 55x^3 + 17x^2 + 118x + 203, GF(3^5))
In [7]: f(x)
Out[7]: GF([ 34, 239, 120, 170, 31, 165, 180, 79, 215, 215], order=3^5)
The finite field element display may be changed to either the polynomial or power representation.
In [8]: GF.display("poly"); f(x)
GF([ α^3 + 2α + 1, 2α^4 + 2α^3 + 2α^2 + α + 2,
α^4 + α^3 + α^2 + α, 2α^4 + 2α + 2,
α^3 + α + 1, 2α^4 + α,
2α^4 + 2α^2, 2α^3 + 2α^2 + 2α + 1,
2α^4 + α^3 + 2α^2 + 2α + 2, 2α^4 + α^3 + 2α^2 + 2α + 2], order=3^5)
In [9]: GF.display("power"); f(x)
GF([α^198, α^162, α^116, α^100, α^214, α^137, α^169, α^95, α^175, α^175],


I want to make a list from the outcome of a function using lists as arguments

I'm trying to make a list by using other lists as arguments of a function. However, i can't seem to get the right syntax.
This is my code:
f1 = theta0 + theta1*(X1_train) + theta2*(X2_train)+theta3*(X3_train)
The expected outcome would be a list of the same length of X1_train, X2_train and X3_train (which is the same for those 3).
I expect to get a list of the outcomes of each element on the lists X1_train, X2_train and X3_train as arguments of the funcion. For example, if my lists were
X1_train = [0, 1]
X2_train = [1, 2]
X3_train = [0, 2]
I'd expect a list of numbers like
f1 = [theta0 + theta2, theta0 + theta1 + theta2 + 2*theta3]
The thethas are random numbers.
This lists are columns of a dataframe I converted into lists so I could do the function.
I hope this helps:
import random
X1_train = [0,1]
X2_train = [1,2]
X3_train = [0,1]
amnt = 2
theta0 = random.sample(range(1, 10), amnt)
theta1 = random.sample(range(1, 10), amnt)
theta2 = random.sample(range(1, 10), amnt)
theta3 = random.sample(range(1, 10), amnt)
EndValues = []
for i in range(0, len(X1_train)):
f1 = theta0[i] + theta1[i] * X1_train[i] + theta2[i] * X2_train[i] + theta3[i] * X3_train[i]
This returns
[3, 6] [5, 1] [2, 5] [7, 8]
[5, 25]
Use zip to zip the three lists into a list of 3-tuples, unpack the 3-tuple, then multiply each theta value by its corresponding element before summing the results.
f1 = [theta0 + theta1*x1 + theta2*x2 + theta3*x3
for x1, x2, x3 in zip(X1_train, X2_train, X3_train)]
If you think of theta0 as being multiple by 1, you can generalize this to
from itertools import repeat
f1 = [theta0*x0 + theta1*x1 + theta2*x2 + theta3*x3
for x0, x1, x2, x3 in zip(repeat(1), X1_train, X2_train, X3_train)]
which you can reduce to
from operator import mul
thetas = [theta0, theta1, theta2, theta3]
trains = [repeat(1), X1_train, X2_train, X3_train]
f1 = [sum(map(mul, t, thetas)) for t in zip(*trains)]
sum(map(mul, t, thetas)) is just the dot product of t and thetas.
def dotp(x, y):
return sum(map(mul, x, y))
f1 = [dotp(t, thetas) for t in zip(*trains)]
I suggest you try this simple code:
def f(X: tuple, theta: tuple):
if not isinstance(X, tuple):
raise TypeError('X must be a tuple')
if not isinstance(theta, tuple):
raise TypeError('theta must be a tuple')
if not X.__len__() == theta.__len__():
raise ValueError('length of tuples is not equal')
return sum([np.array(x_)*t_ for x_, t_ in zip(X, theta)])
Note it would throw an error if X or Theta are not tuples of the same length.
Example: (should work as is
import numpy as np
X1_train = [0, 1]
X2_train = [1, 2]
X3_train = [0, 2]
theta_1 = 1
theta_2 = 1
theta_3 = 3
(X1_train, X2_train, X3_train),
(theta_1, theta_2, theta_3)
>>> [1 9]

Polynomial which satisfies integral and two points

Consider two points (x_0, f_0) and (x_1, f_1)
let p(x) be the degree two polynomial for which
p(x_0) = f_0
p(x_1) = f_1
and the integral of p(x) from -1 to 1 is equal to 0
Write a function which accepts two arguments
1. a length 2 NumPy vector 'x' of floating point values, with 'x[i]' containing the value of x_i,
2. a length 2 NumPy vector 'f' of floating point values, with 'f[i]' containing the value of f_i,
and which returns
a length 3 NumPy vector of floating point values containing the power series coefficients, in order from the highest order term to the constant term, for p(x)
I'm not sure where to start. My intial thought would be to have a differential equation P(1)=P(-1) with initial values p(x_0) = f_0 and p(x_1) = f_1, but I'm also having issues with the implementation.
Using sympy, Python's symbolic math library, the problem can be formulated as follows:
from sympy import symbols Eq, solve, integrate
def give_coeff(x, f):
a, b, c, X = symbols('a, b, c, X')
F = a * X * X + b * X + c # we have a second order polynomial
sol = solve([Eq(integrate(F, (X, -1, 1)), 0), # the integral should be zero (2/3*a + 2*c)
Eq(F.subs(X, x[0]), f[0]), # filling in x[0] should give f[0]
Eq(F.subs(X, x[1]), f[1])], # filling in x[1] should give f[1]
(a, b, c)) # solve for a, b and c
return sol[a].evalf(), sol[b].evalf(), sol[c].evalf()
import numpy as np
coeff = give_coeff(np.array([1, 2]), np.array([3, 4]))
The code can even be expanded to polynomials of any degree:
from sympy import Eq, solve, symbols, integrate
def give_coeff(x, f):
assert len(x) == len(f), "x and f need to have the same length"
degree = len(x)
X = symbols('X')
a = [symbols(f'a_{i}') for i in range(degree + 1)]
F = 0
for ai in a[::-1]:
F = F * X + ai
sol = solve([Eq(integrate(F, (X, -1, 1)), 0)] +
[Eq(F.subs(X, xi), fi) for xi, fi in zip(x, f)],
# print(sol)
# print(F.subs(sol).expand())
return [sol[ai].evalf() for ai in a[::-1]]
import numpy as np
coeff = give_coeff(np.array([1, 2]), np.array([3, 4]))
print(give_coeff(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), np.array([3, 4, 6, 9, 1])))
PS: To solve the second degree equation only using numpy, np.linalg.solve can be used to solve the linear system of 3 unknowns with 3 equations. The equations need to be "hand calculated" which is are more error prone and more elaborated to extend to higher degrees.
import numpy as np
def np_give_coeff(x, f):
# general equation: F = a*X**2 + b*X + c
# 3 equations:
# integral (F, (X, -1, 1)) == 0 or (2/3*a + 2*c) == 0
# a*x[0]**2 + b*x[0] + c == f[0]
# a*x[1]**2 + b*x[1] + c == f[1]
A = np.array([[2/3, 0, 2],
[x[0]**2, x[0], 1],
[x[1]**2, x[1], 1]])
B = np.array([0, f[0], f[1]])
return np.linalg.solve(A, B)
coeff = np_give_coeff(np.array([1, 2]), np.array([3, 4]))
You can solve this generically, taking advantage of the fact that
and adding that as a constraint. Then you have 3 equations for 3 unknowns (a, b, c).
There are other interesting tricks, it is a neat question. Try playing around with writing your formula in terms of a(x-b)(x-c), then you have 3bc + 1 = 0., also any solution starting with points (x0,y0),(x1,x1) has a similar solution for (k*x0,k*y0),(k*x1,k*y1).

sympy collect undefined functions

I have an expression in sympy that is a linear combination of an evaluated function, f. Schematically
expr = Sum_{m,n} c_{m,n} f(x+a_m,y+a_n)
where c_{m,n} is a coefficient depending on the variables x,y. A very simple example is
import sympy as sp
x, y = sp.symbols("x, y")
f = sp.Function("f")(x,y)
expr = 0
for i in range(0,3):
expr += (x-i)* f.subs({x: x+2*i, y: y+3*i})
In my actual code expr is the result of a long succession of sums and the function g not simplify like here. Is there an efficient way of grouping functions with different argument together, like collect(expr) does for polynomials? What I am after is to obtain a structured list:
In: someFunction(...)
Out: [..., [c_{m,n}, x+a_m, y+a_n ], ...]
in the example above
In: someFunction(expr)
Out: [[x, x, y], [x - 1, x + 2, y + 3], [x - 2, x + 4, y + 6]]
I'm not sure if this does exactly what you want but you can use pattern matching:
In [27]: expr
Out[27]: x⋅f(x, y) + (x - 2)⋅f(x + 4, y + 6) + (x - 1)⋅f(x + 2, y + 3)
In [28]: a, b, c = symbols('a, b, c', cls=Wild)
In [29]: pattern = a*f(b, c)
In [30]: for term in Add.make_args(expr):
...: print(term.match(pattern))
{b_: x, c_: y, a_: x}
{b_: x + 2, c_: y + 3, a_: x - 1}
{b_: x + 4, c_: y + 6, a_: x - 2}

fft division for fast polynomial division

I'm trying to implement fast polynomial division using Fast Fourier Transform (fft).
Here is what I have got so far:
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
def fft_div(C1, C2):
# fft expects right-most for significant coefficients
C1 = C1[::-1]
C2 = C2[::-1]
d = len(C1)+len(C2)-1
c1 = fft(list(C1) + [0] * (d-len(C1)))
c2 = fft(list(C2) + [0] * (d-len(C2)))
res = list(ifft(c1-c2)[:d].real)
# Reorder back to left-most and round to integer
return [int(round(x)) for x in res[::-1]]
This works well for polynomials of same length, but if length is different then the result is wrong (I benchmark against RosettaCode's extended_synthetic_division() function):
# Most signficant coefficient is left
N = [1, -11, 0, -22, 1]
D = [1, -3, 0, 1, 2]
# OK case, same length for both polynomials
fft_div(N, D)
>> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8, 0, -23, -1]
extended_synthetic_division(N, D)
>> ([1], [-8, 0, -23, -1])
# NOT OK case, D is longer than N (also happens if shorter)
D = [1, -3, 0, 1, 2, 20]
fft_div(N, D)
>> [0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 4, -11, -1, -24, -19]
extended_synthetic_division(N, D)
>> ([], [1, -11, 0, -22, 1])
What is weird is that it seems it's very close, but still a bit off. What did I do wrong? In other words: how to generalize fast polynomial division (using FFT) to vectors of different sizes.
Also bonus if you can tell me how to compute the division quotient (currently I only have the remainder).
Here's a direct implementation of a fast polynomial division algorithm found in these lecture notes.
The division is based on the fast/FFT multiplication of dividend with the divisor's reciprocal. My implementation below strictly follows the algorithm proven to have O(n*log(n)) time complexity (for polynomials with degrees of the same order of magnitude), but it's written with emphasis on readability, not efficiency.
from math import ceil, log
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
def poly_deg(p):
return len(p) - 1
def poly_scale(p, n):
"""Multiply polynomial ``p(x)`` with ``x^n``.
If n is negative, poly ``p(x)`` is divided with ``x^n``, and remainder is
discarded (truncated division).
if n >= 0:
return list(p) + [0] * n
return list(p)[:n]
def poly_scalar_mul(a, p):
"""Multiply polynomial ``p(x)`` with scalar (constant) ``a``."""
return [a*pi for pi in p]
def poly_extend(p, d):
"""Extend list ``p`` representing a polynomial ``p(x)`` to
match polynomials of degree ``d-1``.
return [0] * (d-len(p)) + list(p)
def poly_norm(p):
"""Normalize the polynomial ``p(x)`` to have a non-zero most significant
for i,a in enumerate(p):
if a != 0:
return p[i:]
return []
def poly_add(u, v):
"""Add polynomials ``u(x)`` and ``v(x)``."""
d = max(len(u), len(v))
return [a+b for a,b in zip(poly_extend(u, d), poly_extend(v, d))]
def poly_sub(u, v):
"""Subtract polynomials ``u(x)`` and ``v(x)``."""
d = max(len(u), len(v))
return poly_norm([a-b for a,b in zip(poly_extend(u, d), poly_extend(v, d))])
def poly_mul(u, v):
"""Multiply polynomials ``u(x)`` and ``v(x)`` with FFT."""
if not u or not v:
return []
d = poly_deg(u) + poly_deg(v) + 1
U = fft(poly_extend(u, d)[::-1])
V = fft(poly_extend(v, d)[::-1])
res = list(ifft(U*V).real)
return [int(round(x)) for x in res[::-1]]
def poly_recip(p):
"""Calculate the reciprocal of polynomial ``p(x)`` with degree ``k-1``,
defined as: ``x^(2k-2) / p(x)``, where ``k`` is a power of 2.
k = poly_deg(p) + 1
assert k>0 and p[0] != 0 and 2**round(log(k,2)) == k
if k == 1:
return [1 / p[0]]
q = poly_recip(p[:k/2])
r = poly_sub(poly_scale(poly_scalar_mul(2, q), 3*k/2-2),
poly_mul(poly_mul(q, q), p))
return poly_scale(r, -k+2)
def poly_divmod(u, v):
"""Fast polynomial division ``u(x)`` / ``v(x)`` of polynomials with degrees
m and n. Time complexity is ``O(n*log(n))`` if ``m`` is of the same order
as ``n``.
if not u or not v:
return []
m = poly_deg(u)
n = poly_deg(v)
# ensure deg(v) is one less than some power of 2
# by extending v -> ve, u -> ue (mult by x^nd)
nd = int(2**ceil(log(n+1, 2))) - 1 - n
ue = poly_scale(u, nd)
ve = poly_scale(v, nd)
me = m + nd
ne = n + nd
s = poly_recip(ve)
q = poly_scale(poly_mul(ue, s), -2*ne)
# handle the case when m>2n
if me > 2*ne:
# t = x^2n - s*v
t = poly_sub(poly_scale([1], 2*ne), poly_mul(s, ve))
q2, r2 = poly_divmod(poly_scale(poly_mul(ue, t), -2*ne), ve)
q = poly_add(q, q2)
# remainder, r = u - v*q
r = poly_sub(u, poly_mul(v, q))
return q, r
The poly_divmod(u, v) function returns a (quotient, remainder) tuple for polynomials u and v (like Python's standard divmod for numbers).
For example:
>>> print poly_divmod([1,0,-1], [1,-1])
([1, 1], [])
>>> print poly_divmod([3,-5,10,8], [1,2,-3])
([3, -11], [41, -25])
>>> print poly_divmod([1, -11, 0, -22, 1], [1, -3, 0, 1, 2])
([1], [-8, 0, -23, -1])
>>> print poly_divmod([1, -11, 0, -22, 1], [1, -3, 0, 1, 2, 20])
([], [1, -11, 0, -22, 1])
(x^2 - 1) / (x - 1) == x + 1
(2x^3 - 5x^2 + 10x + 8) / (x^2 + 2x -3) == 3x - 11, with remainder 41x - 25
etc. (Last two examples are yours.)

Fitting a polynomial function for a vector field in python

At first, thank you everybody for the amazing work on stackoverflow... you guys are amazing and have helped me out quite some times already. Regarding my problem: I have a series of vectors in the format (VectorX, VectorY, StartingpointX, StartingpointY)
data = [(-0.15304757819399128, -0.034405679205349315, -5.42877197265625, 53.412933349609375), (-0.30532995491023485, -0.21523935094046465, -63.36669921875, 91.832427978515625), (-0.15872430479453215, -0.077999419482978283, -67.805389404296875, 81.001983642578125), (-0.36415549211687903, -0.33757147194808113, -59.015228271484375, 82.976226806640625), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (-0.052973530805275004, 0.098212384392411423, 19.02667236328125, -13.72125244140625), (-0.34318724086483599, 0.17123742336019632, 80.0394287109375, 108.58499145507812), (0.19410169197834648, -0.17635303976555861, -55.603790283203125, -76.298828125), (-0.38774018337716143, -0.0824692384322816, -44.59942626953125, 68.402496337890625), (0.062202543524108478, -0.37219011831012949, -79.828826904296875, -10.764404296875), (-0.56582988168383963, 0.14872365390732512, 39.67657470703125, 97.303192138671875), (0.12496832467900276, -0.12216653754859408, 24.65948486328125, -30.92584228515625)]
When I plot the vectorfield it looks like this:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def main():
# Format Data...
numdata = len(data)
x = np.zeros(numdata)
y = np.zeros(numdata)
u = np.zeros(numdata)
v = np.zeros(numdata)
for i,el in enumerate(data):
x[i] = el[2]
y[i] = el[3]
# length of vector
z[i] = math.sqrt(el[0]**2+el[1]**2)
u[i] = el[0]
v[i] = el[1]
# Plot
plt.quiver(x,y,u,v )
# showing the length with color
plt.scatter(x, y, c=z)
I want to create a polynomial function to fit a continous vector field for the whole area. After some research I found the following functions for fitting polynoms in two dimensions. The problem is, that it only accepts one value for the value that is fitted.
def polyfit2d(x, y, z, order=3):
ncols = (order + 1)**2
G = np.zeros((x.size, ncols))
ij = itertools.product(range(order+1), range(order+1))
for k, (i,j) in enumerate(ij):
G[:,k] = x**i * y**j
m, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(G, z)
return m
def polyval2d(x, y, m):
order = int(np.sqrt(len(m))) - 1
ij = itertools.product(range(order+1), range(order+1))
z = np.zeros_like(x)
for a, (i,j) in zip(m, ij):
z += a * x**i * y**j
return z
Also when I tried to fit the one dimensional length of the vectors, the values returned from the polyval2d were completely off. Does anybody know a method to get a fitted function that will return a vector (x,y) for any point in the grid?
Thank you!
A polynomial to fit a 2-d vector field will be two bivariate polynomials - one for the x-component and one for the y-component. In other words, your final polynomial fitting will look something like:
P(x,y) = ( x + x*y, 1 + x + y )
So you will have to call polyfit2d twice. Here is an example:
import numpy as np
import itertools
def polyfit2d(x, y, z, order=3):
ncols = (order + 1)**2
G = np.zeros((x.size, ncols))
ij = itertools.product(range(order+1), range(order+1))
for k, (i,j) in enumerate(ij):
G[:,k] = x**i * y**j
m, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(G, z)
return m
def fmt1(x,i):
if i == 0:
return ""
elif i == 1:
return x
return x + '^' + str(i)
def fmt2(i,j):
if i == 0:
return fmt1('y',j)
elif j == 0:
return fmt1('x',i)
return fmt1('x',i) + fmt1('y',j)
def fmtpoly2(m, order):
for (i,j), c in zip(itertools.product(range(order+1), range(order+1)), m):
yield ("%f %s" % (c, fmt2(i,j)))
xs = np.array([ 0, 1, 2, 3] )
ys = np.array([ 0, 1, 2, 3] )
zx = np.array([ 0, 2, 6, 12])
zy = np.array([ 1, 3, 5, 7])
mx = polyfit2d(xs, ys, zx, 2)
print "x-component(x,y) = ", ' + '.join(fmtpoly2(mx,2))
my = polyfit2d(xs, ys, zy, 2)
print "y-component(x,y) = ", ' + '.join(fmtpoly2(my,2))
In this example our vector field is:
at (0,0): (0,1)
at (1,1): (2,3)
at (2,2): (6,5)
at (3,3): (12,7)
Also, I think I found a bug in polyval2d - this version gives more accurate results:
def polyval2d(x, y, m):
order = int(np.sqrt(len(m))) - 1
ij = itertools.product(range(order+1), range(order+1))
z = np.zeros_like(x)
for a, (i,j) in zip(m, ij):
z = z + a * x**i * y**j
return z

