I am using the parallel_offset function of the shapely package to get offset structures to some polygons that are closed rings. I have several polygons at once, many with similar shapes. Around 10-25% of them, however, do not generate a closed ring from the parallel_offset. Here is a MWE of a shape that does not work:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry.polygon import LinearRing
def plot_line(ax, ob, color):
x, y = ob.xy
ax.plot(x, y, color=color, alpha=0.7, linewidth=3,
solid_capstyle='round', zorder=2)
polygon = [[-29.675, -30.675],
[-28.4094, -29.4094],
[-28.325, -29.325],
[-28.325, -29.764],
[-28.325, -29.7933],
[-28.4587, -29.8274],
[-28.4676, -29.8297],
[-28.5956, -29.8814],
[-28.6041, -29.8848],
[-28.724, -29.953],
[-28.732, -29.9576],
[-28.8417, -30.0413],
[-28.849, -30.0469],
[-28.9466, -30.1445],
[-28.9531, -30.151],
[-29.0368, -30.2607],
[-29.0424, -30.268],
[-29.1106, -30.3879],
[-29.1152, -30.3959],
[-29.1669, -30.5239],
[-29.1703, -30.5324],
[-29.2044, -30.6661],
[-29.2067, -30.675],
[-29.6457, -30.675],
[-29.675, -30.675]]
poly_line = LinearRing(polygon)
poly_line_offset = poly_line.parallel_offset(0.05, side="left", resolution=16,
join_style=2, mitre_limit=1)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plot_line(ax, poly_line, "blue")
plot_line(ax, poly_line_offset, "green")
As you can see, the green offset polygon does not close at the point that is first/last in the list of vertices. Other very similar shapes, however, do work as intended. They have the same data structure and also have the same start/end point, as does my example above. The join_style attribute does not change the outcome to what I want. Changing the resolution or distance does not help either. The documentation also does not address this issue.
Do you have any guidance? I am using shapely 1.6.3.
not completely sure why this happens, nevertheless you might use a workaround based on the buffer method:
poly_line = LinearRing(polygon)
poly_line_offset = poly_line.buffer(0.05,
resolution=16, join_style=2, mitre_limit=1).exterior
With your data, this produces the (probably) desired result:
Here's a work around I did in my code.
I basically rolled the LinearRing (shifting the start point along the ring),
applied two offsets, and then added them back together.
It's probably not an ideal solution, but hopefully can work as a starting point:
from shapely import ops, geometry
import numpy as np
# test geo:
ring_coords = [(0,0.1),(0,2),(4,2),(4,0)]
ring = geometry.LinearRing(ring_coords)
# shifts the ring by one point
rolled = LinearRing(np.roll(ring.coords[:-1], 2))
# apply the offsets
offset_ring = ring.parallel_offset(-0.2, side='right', resolution=3, join_style=2, mitre_limit=3)
offset_rolled = rolled.parallel_offset(-0.2, side='right', resolution=3, join_style=2, mitre_limit=3)
# combine the points
# assuming you started with two rings, backward should be empty
forward, backward = ops.shared_paths(offset_rolled, offset_ring)
combined = geometry.LinearRing(ops.linemerge(forward))
I am not sure on how to plot a dotted line from a shapefile in Python. It appears that readshapefile() does not have any linestyle for me to set. Below I have a working code where I take a shapefile and plot it, but it only plots a solid line. Any ideas to set me in the right direction? Thanks!
The shapefile can be found here: http://www.natice.noaa.gov/products/daily_products.html, where the Start Date is Feb 15th, end date is Feb 17th, and the Date Types is Ice Edge. It should be the first link.
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
map = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-84.37,llcrnrlat=42.11,urcrnrlon=-20.93,urcrnrlat=66.48,
resolution='i', projection='tmerc', lat_0 = 55., lon_0 = -50.)
map.drawcoastlines(zorder = 3)
map.readshapefile('nic_autoc2018046n_pl_a', 'IceEdge', zorder = 2, color = 'blue')
From the Basemap documentation:
A tuple (num_shapes, type, min, max) containing shape file info is
returned. num_shapes is the number of shapes, type is the type code
(one of the SHPT* constants defined in the shapelib module, see
http://shapelib.maptools.org/shp_api.html) and min and max are
4-element lists with the minimum and maximum values of the vertices.
If drawbounds=True a matplotlib.patches.LineCollection object is
appended to the tuple.
drawbounds is True by default, so all you have to do is collect the return value of readshapefile and alter the linestyle of the returned LineCollection object, which can be done with LineCollection.set_linestyle(). So in principle you can change the linestyle of your plotted shape file with something like this:
result = m.readshapefile('shapefiles/nic_autoc2018046n_pl_a', 'IceEdge', zorder = 10, color = 'blue')#, drawbounds = False)
col = result[-1]
However, your shapefile contains 5429 separate line segments of different length and somehow matplotlib does not seem to be able to deal with this large amount of non-continuous lines. At least on my machine the plotting did not finish within one hour, so I interrupted the process. I played a bit with your file and it seems like many of the lines are broken into segments unnecessarily (I'm guessing this is because the ice sheet outlines are somehow determined on tiles and then pieced together afterwards, but only the providers will really know). Maybe it would help to piece together adjacent pieces, but I'm not sure.
I was also wondering whether the result would even look that great with a dotted line, because there are so many sharp bends. Below I show a picture where I only plot the 100 longest line segments (leaving out drawcoastlines and with thicker lines) using this code:
import numpy as np
result = m.readshapefile('shapefiles/nic_autoc2018046n_pl_a', 'IceEdge', zorder = 10, color = 'blue')#, drawbounds = False)
col = result[-1]
segments = col.get_segments()
seglens = [len(seg) for seg in col.get_segments()]
segments = np.array(segments)
seglens = np.array(seglens)
idx = np.argsort(seglens)
seglens = seglens[idx]
segments = segments[idx]
new_col = LineCollection(segments[-100:],linewidths = 2, linestyles='dotted', colors='b')
And the result looks like this:
I am trying to select a region of data based on a matplotlib Path object, but when the path contains a Bezier curve (not just straight lines), the selected region doesn't completely fill in the curve. It looks like it's trying, but the far side of the curve gets chopped off.
For example, the following code defines a fairly simple closed path with one straight line and one cubic curve. When I look at the True/False result from the contains_points method, it does not seem to match either the curve itself or the raw vertices.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.path import Path
from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch
# Make the Path
verts = [(1.0, 1.5), (-2.0, 0.25), (-1.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.5), (1.0, 1.5)]
codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CLOSEPOLY]
path1 = Path(verts, codes)
# Make a field with points to select
nx, ny = 101, 51
x = np.linspace(-2, 2, nx)
y = np.linspace(0, 2, ny)
yy, xx = np.meshgrid(y, x)
pts = np.column_stack((xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()))
# Construct a True/False array of contained points
tf = path1.contains_points(pts).reshape(nx, ny)
# Make a PathPatch for display
patch1 = PathPatch(path1, facecolor='c', edgecolor='b', lw=2, alpha=0.5)
# Plot the true/false array, the patch, and the vertices
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(tf.T, origin='lower', extent=(x[0], x[-1], y[0], y[-1]))
ax.plot(*zip(*verts), 'ro-')
This gives me this plot:
It looks like there is some sort of approximation going on - is this just a fundamental limitation of the calculation in matplotlib, or am I doing something wrong?
I can calculate the points inside the curve myself, but I was hoping to not reinvent this wheel if I don't have to.
It's worth noting that a simpler construction using quadratic curves does appear to work properly:
I am using matplotlib 2.0.0.
This has to do with the space in which the paths are evaluated, as explained in GitHub issue #6076. From a comment by mdboom there:
Path intersection is done by converting the curves to line segments
and then converting the intersection based on the line segments. This
conversion happens by "sampling" the curve at increments of 1.0. This
is generally the right thing to do when the paths are already scaled
in display space, because sampling the curve at a resolution finer
than a single pixel doesn't really help. However, when calculating the
intersection in data space as you've done here, we obviously need to
sample at a finer resolution.
This is discussing intersections, but contains_points is also affected. This enhancement is still open so we'll have to see if it is addressed in the next milestone. In the meantime, there are a couple options:
1) If you are going to be displaying a patch anyway, you can use the display transformation. In the example above, adding the following demonstrates the correct behavior (based on a comment by tacaswell on duplicate issue #8734, now closed):
# Work in transformed (pixel) coordinates
hit_patch = path1.transformed(ax.transData)
tf1 = hit_patch.contains_points(ax.transData.transform(pts)).reshape(nx, ny)
ax.imshow(tf2.T, origin='lower', extent=(x[0], x[-1], y[0], y[-1]))
2) If you aren't using a display and just want to calculate using a path, the best bet is to simply form the Bezier curve yourself and make a path out of line segments. Replacing the formation of path1 with the following calculation of path2 will produce the desired result.
from scipy.special import binom
def bernstein(n, i, x):
coeff = binom(n, i)
return coeff * (1-x)**(n-i) * x**i
def bezier(ctrlpts, nseg):
x = np.linspace(0, 1, nseg)
outpts = np.zeros((nseg, 2))
n = len(ctrlpts)-1
for i, point in enumerate(ctrlpts):
outpts[:,0] += bernstein(n, i, x) * point[0]
outpts[:,1] += bernstein(n, i, x) * point[1]
return outpts
verts1 = [(1.0, 1.5), (-2.0, 0.25), (-1.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.5), (1.0, 1.5)]
nsegments = 31
verts2 = np.concatenate([bezier(verts1[:4], nsegments), np.array([verts1[4]])])
codes2 = [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO]*(nsegments-1) + [Path.CLOSEPOLY]
path2 = Path(verts2, codes2)
Either method yields something that looks like the following:
I am trying to plot a linear line with associated error.
I calculated values for slope (a) and intercepts (b). In addition, I calculated the error associated with these values. So I drew the line given by the typical formula below.
However, in addition to the line, I also want to draw the associated error. I came up with the idea to draw the lines associated with these formulas and color the space between the lines gray.
Uisng the following piece of code, I am able to color part of the surface between the lines, but not the whole span (see included output).
I think this may be due to the fact that "distance" is not sorted, and fill_between is using distance[0] and distance[-1] as begin and end for the span, respectively.
As always, any help would be highly appreciated!
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
distance=[0.35645334340084989, 0.55406894241607718, 0.10201413273193734, 0.13401365724625941, 0.71918808865838735, 0.14151335417722818]
time=[2.4004984846346171, 2.4909766335028447, 1.9852064018125195, 1.9083156734132103, 2.6380396934372863, 1.9114505780323543]
time_SD=[0.062393810960652669, 0.056945715242838917, 0.073960838867327183, 0.084111239062664475, 0.026912957190265499, 0.08595664694840538]
distance_SD=[0.035160608598240162, 0.032976715460514235, 0.02782911002465227, 0.035465701695038584, 0.043009444687382707, 0.038387585107200854]
plt.errorbar(distance,time,yerr=time_SD, xerr=distance_SD, linestyle="None")
abline_values = [(a)*i + (b) for i in distance]
abline_values_plus = [(a+a_sd)*i + (b+b_sd) for i in distance]
abline_values_minus = [(a-a_sd)*i + (b-b_sd) for i in distance]
plt.plot(distance, abline_values,"r")
plt.fill_between(distance,abline_values_minus,abline_values_plus,facecolor='lightgrey', interpolate=True, edgecolors="None")
leg = plt.legend(loc="lower right", frameon=False, handlelength=0, handletextpad=0)
for item in leg.legendHandles:
In order to use pyplot.fill_between() the list to plot the horizontal coordinate should be sorted. Using an unsorted list of x values is possible, but can lead to undesired results.
Sorting a list can be done using sorted(list).
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
distance=[0.35645334340084989, 0.55406894241607718, 0.10201413273193734, 0.13401365724625941, 0.71918808865838735, 0.14151335417722818]
time=[2.4004984846346171, 2.4909766335028447, 1.9852064018125195, 1.9083156734132103, 2.6380396934372863, 1.9114505780323543]
time_SD=[0.062393810960652669, 0.056945715242838917, 0.073960838867327183, 0.084111239062664475, 0.026912957190265499, 0.08595664694840538]
distance_SD=[0.035160608598240162, 0.032976715460514235, 0.02782911002465227, 0.035465701695038584, 0.043009444687382707, 0.038387585107200854]
distance_sorted = sorted(distance)
plt.errorbar(distance,time,yerr=time_SD, xerr=distance_SD, linestyle="None")
abline_values = [(a)*i + (b) for i in distance_sorted]
abline_values_plus = [(a+a_sd)*i + (b+b_sd) for i in distance_sorted]
abline_values_minus = [(a-a_sd)*i + (b-b_sd) for i in distance_sorted]
plt.plot(distance_sorted, abline_values,"r")
plt.fill_between(distance_sorted,abline_values_minus,abline_values_plus, facecolor='lightgrey', edgecolors="None")
The documentation does not mention the requirement of x values being sorted. The reason is probably that fill_between actually works even with unsorted lists, just not the way one might expect. Maybe the following animation gives a more intuitive understanding on the issue:
You are right fill_between seems to expect the values to be sorted. The documentation is not clear about this behaviour though. The following example however shows the same effect:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import random, array
#x = random.randn(20) #does not work
x = array(sorted(random.randn(20))) #works
a = 2
d = .5
y_h = x*(a+d)
y_l = x*(a-d)
plt.fill_between(x,y_h, y_l)
As a workaround just sort your values before calculating your errorlines using sorted.
Is there a way to extract the data from an array, which corresponds to a line of a contourplot in python? I.e. I have the following code:
n = 100
x, y = np.mgrid[0:1:n*1j, 0:1:n*1j]
where values is a 2d array with data (I stored the data in a file but it seems not to be possible to upload it here). The picture below shows the corresponding contourplot. My question is, if it is possible to get exactly the data from values, which corresponds e.g. to the left contourline in the plot?
Worth noting here, since this post was the top hit when I had the same question, that this can be done with scikit-image much more simply than with matplotlib. I'd encourage you to check out skimage.measure.find_contours. A snippet of their example:
from skimage import measure
x, y = np.ogrid[-np.pi:np.pi:100j, -np.pi:np.pi:100j]
r = np.sin(np.exp((np.sin(x)**3 + np.cos(y)**2)))
contours = measure.find_contours(r, 0.8)
which can then be plotted/manipulated as you need. I like this more because you don't have to get into the deep weeds of matplotlib.
plt.contour returns a QuadContourSet. From that, we can access the individual lines using:
This returns all the individual paths. To access the actual x, y locations, we need to look at the vertices attribute of each path. The first contour drawn should be accessible using:
X, Y = cs.collections[0].get_paths()[0].vertices.T
See the example below to see how to access any of the given lines. In the example I only access the first one:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
n = 100
x, y = np.mgrid[0:1:n*1j, 0:1:n*1j]
values = x**0.5 * y**0.5
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(1)
cs = plt.contour(x, y, values)
lines = []
for line in cs.collections[0].get_paths():
fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(1)
ax2.plot(lines[0][:, 0], lines[0][:, 1])
plt.contour returns a QuadContourSet which holds the data you're after.
See Get coordinates from the contour in matplotlib? (which this question is probably a duplicate of...)
I'm trying to find (but not draw!) contour lines for some data:
from pprint import pprint
import matplotlib.pyplot
z = [[0.350087, 0.0590954, 0.002165], [0.144522, 0.885409, 0.378515],
[0.027956, 0.777996, 0.602663], [0.138367, 0.182499, 0.460879],
[0.357434, 0.297271, 0.587715]]
cn = matplotlib.pyplot.contour(z)
I know cn contains the contour lines I want, but I can't seem to get
to them. I've tried several things:
print dir(cn)
print dir(cn.collections[0])
print dir(cn.collections[0].figure)
to no avail. I know cn is a ContourSet, and cn.collections is an array
of LineCollections. I would think a LineCollection is an array of line segments, but I
can't figure out how to extract those segments.
My ultimate goal is to create a KML file that plots data on a world
map, and the contours for that data as well.
However, since some of my data points are close together, and others
are far away, I need the actual polygons (linestrings) that make up
the contours, not just a rasterized image of the contours.
I'm somewhat surprised qhull doesn't do something like this.
Using Mathematica's ListContourPlot and then exporting as SVG works, but I
want to use something open source.
I can't use the well-known CONREC algorithm because my data isn't on a
mesh (there aren't always multiple y values for a given x value, and
vice versa).
The solution doesn't have to python, but does have to be open source
and runnable on Linux.
You can get the vertices back by looping over collections and paths and using the iter_segments() method of matplotlib.path.Path.
Here's a function that returns the vertices as a set of nested lists of contour lines, contour sections and arrays of x,y vertices:
import numpy as np
def get_contour_verts(cn):
contours = []
# for each contour line
for cc in cn.collections:
paths = []
# for each separate section of the contour line
for pp in cc.get_paths():
xy = []
# for each segment of that section
for vv in pp.iter_segments():
return contours
It's also possible to compute the contours without plotting anything using the undocumented matplotlib._cntr C module:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import _cntr as cntr
z = np.array([[0.350087, 0.0590954, 0.002165],
[0.144522, 0.885409, 0.378515],
[0.027956, 0.777996, 0.602663],
[0.138367, 0.182499, 0.460879],
[0.357434, 0.297271, 0.587715]])
x, y = np.mgrid[:z.shape[0], :z.shape[1]]
c = cntr.Cntr(x, y, z)
# trace a contour at z == 0.5
res = c.trace(0.5)
# result is a list of arrays of vertices and path codes
# (see docs for matplotlib.path.Path)
nseg = len(res) // 2
segments, codes = res[:nseg], res[nseg:]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
img = ax.imshow(z.T, origin='lower')
p = plt.Polygon(segments[0], fill=False, color='w')
I would suggest to use scikit-image find_contours
It returns a list of contours for a given level.
matplotlib._cntr has been removed from matplotlib since v2.2 (see here).
It seems that the contour data is in the .allsegs attribute of the QuadContourSet object returned by the plt.contour() function.
The .allseg attribute is a list of all the levels (which can be specified when calling plt.contour(X,Y,Z,V). For each level you get a list of n x 2 NumPy arrays.
C = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, [0], colors='r')
for ii, seg in enumerate(C.allsegs[0]):
plt.plot(seg[:,0], seg[:,1], '.-', label=ii)
plt.legend(fontsize=9, loc='best')
In the above example, only one level is given, so len(C.allsegs) = 1. You get:
contour plot
the extracted curves
The vertices of an all paths can be returned as a numpy array of float64 simply via:
vertices = cn.allsegs[i][j] # for element j, in level i
with cn defines as in the original question:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
z = [[0.350087, 0.0590954, 0.002165], [0.144522, 0.885409, 0.378515],
[0.027956, 0.777996, 0.602663], [0.138367, 0.182499, 0.460879],
[0.357434, 0.297271, 0.587715]]
cn = plt.contour(z)
More detailed:
Going through the collections and extracting the paths and vertices is not the most straight forward or fastest thing to do. The returned Contour object actually has attributes for the segments via cs.allsegs, which returns a nested list of shape [level][element][vertex_coord]:
num_levels = len(cn.allsegs)
num_element = len(cn.allsegs[0]) # in level 0
num_vertices = len(cn.allsegs[0][0]) # of element 0, in level 0
num_coord = len(cn.allsegs[0][0][0]) # of vertex 0, in element 0, in level 0
See reference: