pika connection times out during execution of long task (3+ minutes) - python

I have a process in which I need to assign long running tasks amongst a pool of workers, in python. So far I have been using RabbitMQ to queue the tasks (input is a nodejs frontend); a python worker subscribes to the queue, obtains a task and executes it. Each task takes several minutes minimum.
After an update this process started breaking, and I eventually discovered this was due to RabbitMQ version 3.6.10 having changed the way it handles timeouts. I now believe I need to rethink my method of assigning tasks, but I want to make sure I do it the right way.
Until now I only had one worker (the task is to control a sequence of actions in a VM - I couldn't afford a new Windows license for a while, so until recently I had no practical way of testing parallel task execution); I suspect if I'd had two before I would have noticed this sooner. The worker attaches to a VM using libvirt to control it. The way my code is written currently implies that I would run one instance of the script per VM that I wish to control.
I suspect that part of my problem is the use of BlockingConnection - I think I need a way for the worker to disconnect from the queue when it has received and validated a task (this part takes less than 1 sec), then reconnect once it has completed the actions, but I haven't figured out how to do this yet. Is this correct? If so, how should I do this, and if not, what should I do instead?
One other idea I've had is that instead of running a script per VM I could have a global control script that on receiving a task would spin off a thread which would handle the task. This would solve the problem of the connection timing out during task execution, but the timeout would just have moved to a different stage: I would potentially receive tasks while there were no idle VMs, and I would have to come up with a way to make the script await an available VM without breaking the RabbitMQ connection.
My current code can be seen here:
Any thoughts folks?


asyncio run from sync function in multiple workers

I am really struggling to understand the interaction between asyncio event loop and multiple workers/threads/processes.
I am using dash: which uses flask internally and gunicorn.
Say I have two functions
def async_download_multiple_files(files):
# This function uses async just so that it can concurrently send
# Multiple requests to different webservers and returns data.
def sync_callback_dash(files):
# This is a sync function that is called from a dash callback to get data
As I understand, asyncio.run runs the async function in an event loop but blocks it:
From Python Docs
While a Task is running in the event loop, no other Tasks can run in the same thread.
But what happens when I run a WSGI server like Gunicorn with multiple workers.
Say there are 2 requests coming in simultaneously, presumably there will be multiple calls to sync_callback_dash which will happen in parallel because of multiple Gunicorn workers.
Can both request 1 and request 2 try to execute the asyncio.run in parallel in different threads\processes ? Will one block the other ?
If they can run in parallel, what is the use of having asyncio workers that Gunicorn offers?
I answered this question with the assumption that there is some lack of knowledge on some of the fundamental understandings of threads/processes/async loop. If there was not, forgive me for the amount of detail.
First thing to note is that processes and threads are two separate concepts. This answer might give you some context. To expand:
Processes are run directly by the CPU, and if the CPU has multiple cores, processes can be run in parallel. Inside processes is where threads are run. There is always at least 1 thread per process, but there can be more. If there are more, the process switches between which thread it is executing after every (specific) millisecond (dictated by things out of the scope of this question)- and therefore threads are not run in absolute parallel, but rather constantly switched in and out of the CPU (at least as it pertains to Python, specifically, due to something called the GIL). The async loop runs inside a thread, and switches context relating specifically to I/O-bound instructions (more of this below).
Regarding this question, it's worth noting that Gunicorn workers are processes, and not threads (though you can increase the amount of threads per worker).
The intention of asynchronous code (with the use of async def, await, and asyncio) is to speed-up performance as it specifically relates to I/O bound tasks. Stuff like getting a file from disk, sending/receiving a network request, or anything that requires a physical piece of your computer - whether it is SSD, or the network card - other than the CPU to do some work. It can also be used for large CPU-bound instructions, but this is usually where threads come in. Note that I/O bound instructions are much slower than CPU bound instructions as the electricity inside your computer literally has to travel further distances, as well as perform extra steps in the hardware level (to keep things simple).
These tasks waste the CPU time (or, more specifically, the current process's time) on simply waiting for a reply. Asynchronous code is run with the help of a loop that auto-manages the context switching of I/O bound instructions and normal CPU bound instructions (dependent on the use of await keywords) by leveraging the idea that a function can "yield" control back to the loop, and allow the loop to continue processing other pieces of code while it waits. When async code sends an I/O bound instruction (e.g. grab the latest packet from the network card), instead of sitting still and waiting for a reply it will switch the current process' context to the next task in its list to speed up general execution time (adding that previous I/O bound call to this list to check back in later). There is more to this, but this is the general gist as it relates to your question.
This is what it means when the docs says:
While a Task is running in the event loop, no other Tasks can run in the same thread.
The async loop is not running things in parallel, but rather constantly switching context between different instructions for a more optimized CPU + I/O relationship/execution.
Processes, in the other hand, run in parallel in your CPU assuming you have multiple cores. Gunicorn workers - as mentioned earlier - are processes. When you run multiple async workers with Gunicorn you are effectively running multiple asyncio.loop in multiple (independent, and parallel-running) processes. This should answer your question on:
Can both request 1 and request 2 try to execute the asyncio.run in parallel in different threads\processes ? Will one block the other ?
If there is ever the case that one worker gets stuck on some extremely long I/O bound (or even non-async computation) instruction(s), other workers are there to take care of the next request(s).
With asyncio it is possible to run a separate event loop in each thread. Both will run in parallel (to the extent the Python Interpreter is capable). There are some restrictions. Communication between those loops must use threadsafe methods. Signals and subprocesses can be handled in the main thread only.
Calling asyncio.run in a callback will block until the asyncio part completely finishes. It is not clear from your question if this is what you want.
Alternatively, you could start a long running event loop in one thread and use asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe from other threads. Read the docs with an example here.

What is the best way to dispatch many tasks to concurrent worker threads in Python?

There is a large number of field devices (100,000, each having individual IP) from which I have to collect data.
I want to do it in a python based scheduler combined with an readily available executable written in C/C++, which handles the communication and readout of the devices. The idea is to communicate with up to ~100 devices in parallel. So the first 100 devices could be read out using subprocess call to the executable. I don't want to wait for all 100 tasks being completed, because some might take longer while other being faster. Instead I want to put the next process on its journey immediately after one task has been finished, and so on. So, conducted by a simple "dispatcher", there is a continuous starting of tasks over time.
Question: Which Python API is the best I can use for this purpose?
I considered to use concurrent.futures API, starting a ThreadPoolExecutor and submit task by task, each starting the executable in a separate thread. ProcessPoolExecutor wouldn't be an advantage, because the executable is started as a process anyway...
But I think, that this is not intended to be used in such way, because each submitted job will be remembered an therefore "kind of stored" in the executor forever; when a job is finished it ends up in status "finished" and is still visible, so I would mess up my executor with finished tasks. So I guess, the Executor API is more usable, when there is a given fixed number of tasks to be worked up like in
and not for permanently submitting tasks.
The other idea would be, to start 100 worker threads in parallel, each working in an endless-loop and reading its next task to be executed from a Queue object. In this case I can dispatch on my own to which Worker a new task is sent next. I know that this would work, because I implemented it already. But I have the feeling, that it must be a more elegant solution in Python to perform dispatching of tasks.

APScheduler using cron and instant triggers together

Im writing an app for Raspberry Pi. App has to run periodic tasks and also connected to main server over socket.io to get commands from server. I preferred APscheduler to run periodic tasks because it gives ability to control task intervals dynamically. I used socketIO_client to get cron statements from server and apply them on running tasks. Up until this point it works like charm. Yet i need some more functionality.
Between periodic task runs, i want to run tasks by socket.io server events. On this site i found similar problem on this question and applied answer. Normally APscheduler is smart enough not to run task before previous task finished by setting coalesce True and/or max_instances 1. But with job.func() method, job starts even though previous hasn't finished yet.
Basically what i want is run a function periodically and also be able to run between intervals by server events. If job started either cron or server event, up until it finishes new job should be passed. Is there any way to do that?
Sorry, that is not currently possible natively with APScheduler. You'll have to create two jobs and share a lock object or something among them that will make sure they don't run simultaneously.

celery and long running tasks

I just watch a youtube video where the presenter mentioned that one should design his/her celery to be short. Tasks running several minutes are bad.
Is this correct? What I do see is that I have some long running task, which takes say 10 minutes to finish. When these kind of task is scheduled frequently, the queue is swamped and no other tasks get scheduled. Is this the reason?
If so, what should be used for long running tasks?
Long running tasks aren't great but It's by no means appropriate to say they are bad. The best way to handle long running tasks is to create a queue for just those tasks and have them run on a separate worker then the short tasks.
The problem with long running tasks is that you have to wait for them when you're pushing a new software version on your server. If you don't wait, your task may run possibly incompatible code, especially if you pickled some complex object as a parameter (which is strongly discouraged).
As #user2097159 said its a good practice to keep the long running tasks in a dedicate queue. You should do that by routing using "settings.CELERY_ROUTES" more info here
If you could estimate how long a task can be running, I recommend to use soft_time_limit per task, you will be able to handle it.
There is a gist from a talk I gave here
Augment the basic Task definition to optionally treat the task instantiation as a generator, and check for TERM or soft timeout on every iteration through the generator. Generically inject a "state" dict kwarg into tasks that support it. If it's the first time the task is run, allocate a new one in results cache, otherwise look up the existing one from results cache.
In your task, figure out a good place to yield which results in short execution times. Update the state parameter as necessary.
When control returns to the master task class, check for TERM or soft timeout, and if there is one, save off the state object and respond to the signal.

Making a zmq server run forever in Django?

I'm trying to figure that best way to keep a zeroMQ listener running forever in my django app.
I'm setting up a zmq server app in my Django project that acts as internal API to other applications in our network (no need to go through http/requests stuff since these apps are internal). I want the zmq listener inside of my django project to always be alive.
I want the zmq listener in my Django project so I have access to all of the projects models (for querying) and other django context things.
I'm currently thinking:
Set up a Django management command that will run the listener and keep it alive forever (aka infinite loop inside the zmq listener code) or
use a celery worker to always keep the zmq listener alive? But I'm not exactly sure on how to get a celery worker to restart a task only if it's not running. All the celery docs are about frequency/delayed running. Or maybe I should let celery purge the task # a given interval & restart it anyways..
Any tips, advice on performance implications or alternate approaches?
Setting up a management command is a fine way to do this, especially if you're running on your own hardware.
If you're running in a cloud, where a machine may disappear along with your process, then the latter is a better option. This is how I've done it:
Setup a periodic task that runs every N seconds (you need celerybeat running somewhere)
When the task spawns, it first checks a shared network resource (redis, zookeeper, or a db), to see if another process has an active/valid lease. If one exists, abort.
If there's no valid lease, obtain your lease (beware of concurrency here!), and start your infinite loop, making sure you periodically renew the lease.
Add instrumentation so that you know who, where the process is running.
Start celery workers on multiple boxes, consuming from the same queue your periodic task is designated for.
The second solution is more complex and harder to get right; so if you can, a singleton is great and consider using something like supervisord to ensure the process gets restarted if it faults for some reason.

