tensorflow not improving during trainning - python

I'm starting to study neural Networks. So I started to program some easy neural networks in Python with TensorFlow.
I'm trying to construct one with the MNIST database.
The problem that I have is: when trainning the loss function doesn't decrease. It gets stuck in 60000 that is the number of traininning images.
I've realized that the prediction that it does is all full of zeros. Here it is the code (Also I'm new in this platform so I'm sorry if there is something wrong in the post):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from keras.datasets import mnist # subroutines for fetching the MNIST dataset
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from keras.utils import np_utils # utilities for one-hot encoding of ground truth values
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
x_train = np.reshape(x_train,[60000,784])
y_train = np_utils.to_categorical(y_train, 10) # One-hot encode the labels
x_test = np.reshape(x_test,[10000,784])
y_test = np_utils.to_categorical(y_test, 10) # One-hot encode the labels
input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='Input')
output = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name = 'Output')
syn0 = tf.Variable(2*tf.random_uniform([784,10],seed=1)-1, name= 'syn0')
bias = tf.Variable(2*tf.random_uniform([10],seed=1)-1, name= 'syn0')
syn0 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([784,10]))
bias = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([10]))
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
l1 = tf.sigmoid((tf.matmul(input,syn0) + bias),name='layer1')
error = tf.square(l1-output,name='error')
loss = tf.reduce_sum(error, name='cost')
with tf.name_scope('trainning'):
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.1)
train = optimizer.minimize(loss)
sess = tf.Session()
for i in range (100):
_,lossNow = sess.run([train,loss],{input: x_train,output: y_train})
#print debug
print("Finally, the coeficients are: " , sess.run(tf.transpose(syn0)))
pred = sess.run(l1,{input: x_test,output: y_test})
print("Next prediction: " , pred)
print("Final Loss: ", sess.run(loss,{input: x_test,output: y_test}))
#print graph
After few iterations this is what I get:
[[ 150000.]]
[[ 60000.]]
[[ 60000.]]
[[ 60000.]]
[[ 60000.]]
It seems that the loss gets stuck. I've tried to change the learning_rate and I've added more layers just to try but I get the same result.
Hope you can help me! And thank you! :D

I think here are two problems. First is that you sum up all the 60000 data points in your set to compute your loss function instead of using mini batches. That makes your loss function extremely steep with very flat minimums. Second is that you've found a local minimum of the loss function and because of the steepness of the function you've got locked there.
One more problem is that you use sigmoid instead of softmax. If you check your predicted values they are all zeros. With sigmoid you can have this kind of prediction since all outputs are independent and there is no normalization like with softmax (the sum of the output of the softmax is always 1).

For training, did you try executing the node "l1" is session.run(), it is the one that actually does the computation. It is necessary for training also, your error and loss will depend upon the output of "l1", if you are not executing in the session, then loss will not come correctly.
error = tf.square(l1-output,name='error')
See in this line you are calculating error with l1-output, output here are the ground truth but "l1" will not have any value unless you compute it through graph under session.run().
Can you try with below command and check the outputs
predictions, _,lossNow = sess.run([l1,train,loss],{input: x_train,output: y_train})
Also, instead of using "-" sign while calculating the error (l1-output), please use tensorflow operators like show here


How to generate predictions from new data using trained tensorflow network?

I want to train Googles VGGish network (Hershey et al 2017) from scratch to predict classes specific to my own audio files.
For this I am using the vggish_train_demo.py script available on their github repo which uses tensorflow. I've been able to modify the script to extract melspec features from my own audio by changing the _get_examples_batch() function, and, then train the model on the output of this function. This runs to completetion and prints the loss at each epoch.
However, I've been unable to figure out how to get this trained model to generate predictions from new data. Can this be done with changes to the vggish_train_demo.py script?
For anyone who stumbles across this in the future, I wrote this script which does the job. You must save logmel specs for train and test data in the arrays: X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test. The X_train/test are arrays of the (n, 96,64) features and the y_train/test are arrays of shape (n, _NUM_CLASSES) for two classes, where n = the number of 0.96s audio segments and _NUM_CLASSES = the number of classes used.
See the function definition statement for more info and the vggish github in my original post:
### Run the network and save the predictions and accuracy at each epoch
### Train NN, output results
r"""This uses the VGGish model definition within a larger model which adds two
layers on top, and then trains this larger model.
We input log-mel spectrograms (X_train) calculated above with associated labels
(y_train), and feed the batches into the model. Once the model is trained, it
is then executed on the test log-mel spectrograms (X_test), and the accuracy is
ouput, alongside a .csv file with the predictions for each 0.96s chunk and their
true class."""
def main(X):
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
# Define VGGish.
embeddings = vggish_slim.define_vggish_slim(training=FLAGS.train_vggish)
# Define a shallow classification model and associated training ops on top
# of VGGish.
with tf.variable_scope('mymodel'):
# Add a fully connected layer with 100 units. Add an activation function
# to the embeddings since they are pre-activation.
num_units = 100
fc = slim.fully_connected(tf.nn.relu(embeddings), num_units)
# Add a classifier layer at the end, consisting of parallel logistic
# classifiers, one per class. This allows for multi-class tasks.
logits = slim.fully_connected(
fc, _NUM_CLASSES, activation_fn=None, scope='logits')
tf.sigmoid(logits, name='prediction')
linear_out= slim.fully_connected(
fc, _NUM_CLASSES, activation_fn=None, scope='linear_out')
logits = tf.sigmoid(linear_out, name='logits')
# Add training ops.
with tf.variable_scope('train'):
global_step = tf.train.create_global_step()
# Labels are assumed to be fed as a batch multi-hot vectors, with
# a 1 in the position of each positive class label, and 0 elsewhere.
labels_input = tf.placeholder(
tf.float32, shape=(None, _NUM_CLASSES), name='labels')
# Cross-entropy label loss.
xent = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(
logits=logits, labels=labels_input, name='xent')
loss = tf.reduce_mean(xent, name='loss_op')
tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss)
# We use the same optimizer and hyperparameters as used to train VGGish.
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)
# Initialize all variables in the model, and then load the pre-trained
# VGGish checkpoint.
vggish_slim.load_vggish_slim_checkpoint(sess, FLAGS.checkpoint)
# The training loop.
features_input = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(
accuracy_scores = []
for epoch in range(num_epochs):#FLAGS.num_batches):
epoch_loss = 0
while i < len(X_train):
start = i
end = i+batch_size
batch_x = np.array(X_train[start:end])
batch_y = np.array(y_train[start:end])
_, c = sess.run([train_op, loss], feed_dict={features_input: batch_x, labels_input: batch_y})
epoch_loss += c
#print no. of epochs and loss
print('Epoch', epoch+1, 'completed out of', num_epochs,', loss:',epoch_loss) #FLAGS.num_batches,', loss:',epoch_loss)
#If these lines are left here, it will evaluate on the test data every iteration and print accuracy
#note this adds a small computational cost
correct = tf.equal(tf.argmax(logits, 1), tf.argmax(labels_input, 1)) #This line returns the max value of each array, which we want to be the same (think the prediction/logits is value given to each class with the highest value being the best match)
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct, 'float')) #changes correct to type: float
accuracy1 = accuracy.eval({features_input:X_test, labels_input:y_test})
print('Accuracy:', accuracy1)#TF is smart so just knows to feed it through the model without us seeming to tell it to.
#Save predictions for test data
predictions_sigm = logits.eval(feed_dict = {features_input:X_test}) #not really _sigm, change back later
#print(predictions_sigm) #shows table of predictions, meaningless if saving at each epoch
test_preds = pd.DataFrame(predictions_sigm, columns = col_names) #converts predictions to df
true_class = np.argmax(y_test, axis = 1) #This saves the true class
test_preds['True class'] = true_class #This adds true class to the df
#Saves csv file of table of predictions for test data. NB. header will not save when using np.text for some reason
np.savetxt("/content/drive/MyDrive/..."+"Epoch_"+str(epoch+1)+"_Accuracy_"+str(accuracy1), test_preds.values, delimiter=",")
if __name__ == '__main__':
#'An exception has occurred, use %tb to see the full traceback.' error will occur, fear not, this just means its finished (perhaps as its exited the tensorflow session?)

Keras accuracy and actual accuracy are exactly reverse of each other

I'm learning Neural Networks and currently implemented object classification on CFAR-10 dataset using Keras library. Here is my definition of a neural network defined by Keras:
# Define the model and train it
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(units = 60, input_dim = 1024, activation = 'relu'))
model.add(Dense(units = 50, activation = 'relu'))
model.add(Dense(units = 60, activation = 'relu'))
model.add(Dense(units = 70, activation = 'relu'))
model.add(Dense(units = 30, activation = 'relu'))
model.add(Dense(units = 10, activation = 'sigmoid'))
model.fit(X_train, y_train, epochs=50, batch_size=10000)
So I've 1 input layer having the input of dimensions 1024 or (1024, ) (each image of 32 * 32 *3 is first converted to grayscale resulting in dimensions of 32 * 32), 5 hidden layers and 1 output layer as defined in the above code.
When I train my model over 50 epochs, I got the accuracy of 0.9 or 90%. Also when I evaluate it using test dataset, I got the accuracy of approx. 90%. Here is the line of code which evaluates the model:
print (model.evaluate(X_test, y_test))
This prints following loss and accuracy:
[1.611809492111206, 0.8999999761581421]
But When I calculate the accuracy manually by making predictions on each test data images, I got accuracy around 11% (This is almost the same as probability randomly making predictions). Here is my code to calculate it manually:
wrong = 0
for x, y in zip(X_test, y_test):
if not (np.argmax(model.predict(x.reshape(1, -1))) == np.argmax(y)):
wrong += 1
print (wrong)
This prints out 9002 out of 10000 wrong predictions. So what am I missing here? Why both accuracies are exactly reverse (100 - 89 = 11%) of each other? Any intuitive explanation will help! Thanks.
Here is my code which processes the dataset:
# Process the training and testing data and make in Neural Network comfortable
# convert given colored image to grayscale
def rgb2gray(rgb):
return np.dot(rgb, [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140])
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = [], [], [], []
def process_batch(batch_path, is_test = False):
batch = unpickle(batch_path)
imgs = batch[b'data']
labels = batch[b'labels']
for img in imgs:
img = img.reshape(3,32,32).transpose([1, 2, 0])
img = rgb2gray(img)
img = img.reshape(1, -1)
if not is_test:
for label in labels:
if not is_test:
process_batch('cifar-10-batches-py/test_batch', True)
number_of_classes = 10
number_of_batches = 5
number_of_test_batch = 1
X_train = np.array(X_train).reshape(meta_data[b'num_cases_per_batch'] * number_of_batches, -1)
print ('Shape of training data: {0}'.format(X_train.shape))
# create labels to one hot format
y_train = np.array(y_train)
y_train = np.eye(number_of_classes)[y_train]
print ('Shape of training labels: {0}'.format(y_train.shape))
# Process testing data
X_test = np.array(X_test).reshape(meta_data[b'num_cases_per_batch'] * number_of_test_batch, -1)
print ('Shape of testing data: {0}'.format(X_test.shape))
# create labels to one hot format
y_test = np.array(y_test)
y_test = np.eye(number_of_classes)[y_test]
print ('Shape of testing labels: {0}'.format(y_test.shape))
The reason why this is happening is due to the loss function that you are using. You are using binary cross entropy where you should be using categorical cross entropy as the loss. Binary is only for a two-label problem but you have 10 labels here due to CIFAR-10.
When you show the accuracy metric, it is in fact misleading you because it is showing binary classification performance. The solution is to retrain your model by choosing categorical_crossentropy.
This post has more details: Keras binary_crossentropy vs categorical_crossentropy performance?
Related - this post is answering a different question, but the answer is essentially what your problem is: Keras: model.evaluate vs model.predict accuracy difference in multi-class NLP task
You mentioned that the accuracy of your model is hovering at around 10% and not improving in your comments. Upon examining your Colab notebook and when you change to categorical cross-entropy, it appears that you are not normalizing your data. Because the pixel values are originally unsigned 8-bit integer, when you create your training set it promotes the values to floating-point, but because of the dynamic range of the data, your neural network has a hard time learning the right weights. When you try to update the weights, the gradients are so small that there are essentially no updates and hence your network is performing just like random chance. The solution is to simply divide your training and test dataset by 255 before you proceed:
X_train /= 255.0
X_test /= 255.0
This will transform your data so that the dynamic range scales from [0,255] to [0,1]. Your model will have an easier time training due to the smaller dynamic range, which should help gradients propagate and not vanish because of the larger scale before normalizing. Because your original model specification has a significant number of dense layers, due to the dynamic range of your data the gradient updates will most likely vanish which is why the performance is poor initially.
When I run your notebook, I get 37% accuracy. This is not unexpected with CIFAR-10 and only a fully-connected / dense network. Also when you run your notebook now, the accuracy and the fraction of wrong examples match.
If you want to increase accuracy, I have a couple of suggestions:
Actually include colour information. Each object in CIFAR-10 has a distinct colour profile that should help in discrimination
Add Convolutional layers. I'm not sure where you are in your learning, but convolutional layers help in learning and extracting the right features in the image so that the most optimal features are presented to the dense layers so that classification on these features increases accuracy. Right now you're classifying raw pixels, which is not advisable given how noisy they can be, or due to how unconstrained things can get (rotation, translation, skew, scale, etc.).

Tensorflow model performing significantly worse than Keras model

I was having an issue with my Tensorflow model and decided to try Keras. It appears to me at least that I am creating the same model with the same parameters, but the Tensorflow model just outputs the mean value of train_y while the Keras model actually varies according the input. Am I missing something in my tf.Session? I usually use Tensorflow and have never had a problem like this.
Tensorflow Code:
score_inputs = tf.placeholder(np.float32, shape=(None, 100))
targets = tf.placeholder(np.float32, shape=(None), name="targets")
l2 = tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(0.01)
first_layer = tf.layers.dense(score_inputs, 100, activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_regularizer=l2)
outputs = tf.layers.dense(first_layer, 1, activation = None, kernel_regularizer=l2)
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.001)
l2_loss = tf.losses.get_regularization_loss()
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(tf.subtract(targets, outputs)))
loss += l2_loss
rmse = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(outputs - targets)))
mae = tf.reduce_mean(tf.sqrt(tf.square(outputs - targets)))
training_op = optimizer.minimize(loss)
batch_size = 32
with tf.Session() as sess:
for epoch in range(10):
avg_train_error = []
for i in range(len(train_x) // batch_size):
batch_x = train_x[i*batch_size: (i+1)*batch_size]
batch_y = train_y[i*batch_size: (i+1)*batch_size]
_, train_loss = sess.run([training_op, loss], {score_inputs: batch_x, targets: batch_y})
feed = {score_inputs: test_x, targets: test_y}
test_loss, test_mae, test_rmse, test_ouputs = sess.run([loss, mae, rmse, outputs], feed)
This has a mean absolute error of 0.682 and root mean squared error of 0.891.
The Keras Code:
inputs = Input(shape=(100,))
hidden = Dense(100, activation="relu", kernel_regularizer = regularizers.l2(0.01))(inputs)
outputs = Dense(1, activation=None, kernel_regularizer = regularizers.l2(0.01))(hidden)
model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
model.compile(optimizer=keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=0.001), loss='mse', metrics=['mae'])
model.fit(train_x, train_y, batch_size=32, epochs=10, shuffle=False)
keras_pred = model.predict(test_x)
This has a mean absolute error of 0.601 and root mean square error of 0.753.
It appears to me that I am defining the same network in both instances, yet as I said the Tensorflow model only outputs the mean value of train_y, while the Keras model performs a lot better. Any suggestions?
I'm going to try to point out the differences between the two codes.
Keras documentation here shows that the weights are initialized by 'glorot_uniform' whereas your weights are initialized by default, most probably at random as the documentation doesn't clearly specify what it is tensorflow intialization. So initialization is most probably different and it definitely
The second difference most probably is because of the difference in the data type of input, one being numpy.float32 and other being keras default input type, which again hasn't been specified by the documentation
#Priyank Pathak and #lehiester have given some valid points. Taking their suggestions into account, I can suggest you to change the following things and check again:
Use same kernel_initializer and data_type
Use more epochs for better generalisation
Seed your random, numpy and tensorflow functions
There isn't any obvious difference in the models, but the different results could possibly be explained due to random variation in training. Especially since you're only training for 10 epochs, the results could be fairly sensitive to the randomly chosen initial weights for the models.
Try running with more epochs (e.g. 1000) and running each one several times (e.g. 5)--the average results should be fairly close.

XOR neural network, the losses don't go down

I'm using Mxnet to train a XOR neural network, but the losses don't go down, they are always above 0.5.
Below is my code in Mxnet 1.1.0; Python 3.6; OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
I tried 2 loss functions - squared loss and softmax loss, both didn't work.
from mxnet import ndarray as nd
from mxnet import autograd
from mxnet import gluon
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
X = nd.array([[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]])
y = nd.array([0,1,1,0])
batch_size = 1
dataset = gluon.data.ArrayDataset(X, y)
data_iter = gluon.data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size, shuffle=True)
plt.scatter(X[:, 1].asnumpy(),y.asnumpy())
net = gluon.nn.Sequential()
with net.name_scope():
net.add(gluon.nn.Dense(2, activation="tanh"))
net.add(gluon.nn.Dense(1, activation="tanh"))
softmax_cross_entropy = gluon.loss.SigmoidBCELoss()#SigmoidBinaryCrossEntropyLoss()
square_loss = gluon.loss.L2Loss()
trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'sgd', {'learning_rate': 0.3})
train_losses = []
for epoch in range(100):
train_loss = 0
for data, label in data_iter:
with autograd.record():
output = net(data)
loss = square_loss(output, label)
train_loss += nd.mean(loss).asscalar()
I got this question figured out in somewhere else, so I'm going to post the answer here.
Basically, the issue in my original code was multi-dimensional.
Weight initialization. Notice that I used default initialization
which actually does
Apparently these initial weights were too small, and the network could never jump out of them. So the fix is
After doing this, the network could converge using sigmoid/tanh as the activation, and using L2Loss as the loss function. And it worked with sigmoid and SigmoidBCELoss. However, it still didn't work with tanh and SigmoidBCELoss, which can be fixed by the second item below.
SigmoidBCELoss has to be used in these 2 scenarios in the output layer.
2.1. Linear activation and SigmoidBCELoss(from_sigmoid=False);
2.2. Non-linear activation and SigmoidBCELoss(from_sigmoid=True), in which the output of the non-linear function falls into (0, 1).
In my original code, when I used SigmoidBCELoss, I was using either all sigmoid, or all tanh. So just need to change the activation in the output layer from tanh to sigmoid, and the network could converge. I can still have tanh in the hidden layers.
Hope this helps!

low training accuracy of a neural network with adult income dataset

I built a neural network with tensorflow. It is a simple 3 layer neural network with the last layer being softmax.
I tried it on standard adult income dataset (e.g. https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/adult) since it is publicly available, has a good amount of data (roughly 50k examples) and also provides separate test data.
As there are some categorical attributes, I converted them into one hot encodings. For neural network I used Xavier initialization and Adam Optimizer. As there are only two output classes (>50k and <=50k) the last softmax layer had only two neurons. After one hot encoding expansion, the 14 attributes / columns expanded into 108 columns.
I experimented with different number of neurons in the first two hidden layers (from 5 to 25). I also experimented with number of iterations (from 1000 to 20000).
The training accuracy wasn't affected much by the number of neurons. It went up a little with more number of iterations. However I could not do any better than 82% :(
Am I missing something basic in my approach? Has anyone tried this (neural network with this dataset)? If so what are the expected results? Could the low accuracy be due to missing values? (I am planning to try filtering out all the missing values if there aren't much in the dataset).
Any other ideas? Here is my tensorflow neural network code in case there are any bugs in it etc.
def create_placeholders(n_x, n_y):
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [n_x, None], name = "X")
Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [n_y, None], name = "Y")
return X, Y
def initialize_parameters(num_features):
tf.set_random_seed(1) # so that your "random" numbers match ours
layer_one_neurons = 5
layer_two_neurons = 5
layer_three_neurons = 2
W1 = tf.get_variable("W1", [layer_one_neurons,num_features], initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(seed = 1))
b1 = tf.get_variable("b1", [layer_one_neurons,1], initializer = tf.zeros_initializer())
W2 = tf.get_variable("W2", [layer_two_neurons,layer_one_neurons], initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(seed = 1))
b2 = tf.get_variable("b2", [layer_two_neurons,1], initializer = tf.zeros_initializer())
W3 = tf.get_variable("W3", [layer_three_neurons,layer_two_neurons], initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(seed = 1))
b3 = tf.get_variable("b3", [layer_three_neurons,1], initializer = tf.zeros_initializer())
parameters = {"W1": W1,
"b1": b1,
"W2": W2,
"b2": b2,
"W3": W3,
"b3": b3}
return parameters
def forward_propagation(X, parameters):
Implements the forward propagation for the model: LINEAR -> RELU -> LINEAR -> RELU -> LINEAR -> SOFTMAX
X -- input dataset placeholder, of shape (input size, number of examples)
parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters "W1", "b1", "W2", "b2", "W3", "b3"
the shapes are given in initialize_parameters
Z3 -- the output of the last LINEAR unit
# Retrieve the parameters from the dictionary "parameters"
W1 = parameters['W1']
b1 = parameters['b1']
W2 = parameters['W2']
b2 = parameters['b2']
W3 = parameters['W3']
b3 = parameters['b3']
Z1 = tf.add(tf.matmul(W1, X), b1)
A1 = tf.nn.relu(Z1)
Z2 = tf.add(tf.matmul(W2, A1), b2)
A2 = tf.nn.relu(Z2)
Z3 = tf.add(tf.matmul(W3, A2), b3)
return Z3
def compute_cost(Z3, Y):
Computes the cost
Z3 -- output of forward propagation (output of the last LINEAR unit), of shape (6, number of examples)
Y -- "true" labels vector placeholder, same shape as Z3
cost - Tensor of the cost function
# to fit the tensorflow requirement for tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(...,...)
logits = tf.transpose(Z3)
labels = tf.transpose(Y)
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = logits, labels = labels))
return cost
def model(X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test, learning_rate = 0.0001, num_epochs = 1000, print_cost = True):
Implements a three-layer tensorflow neural network: LINEAR->RELU->LINEAR->RELU->LINEAR->SOFTMAX.
X_train -- training set, of shape (input size = 12288, number of training examples = 1080)
Y_train -- test set, of shape (output size = 6, number of training examples = 1080)
X_test -- training set, of shape (input size = 12288, number of training examples = 120)
Y_test -- test set, of shape (output size = 6, number of test examples = 120)
learning_rate -- learning rate of the optimization
num_epochs -- number of epochs of the optimization loop
print_cost -- True to print the cost every 100 epochs
parameters -- parameters learnt by the model. They can then be used to predict.
ops.reset_default_graph() # to be able to rerun the model without overwriting tf variables
tf.set_random_seed(1) # to keep consistent results
seed = 3 # to keep consistent results
(n_x, m) = X_train.shape # (n_x: input size, m : number of examples in the train set)
n_y = Y_train.shape[0] # n_y : output size
costs = [] # To keep track of the cost
# Create Placeholders of shape (n_x, n_y)
X, Y = create_placeholders(n_x, n_y)
# Initialize parameters
parameters = initialize_parameters(X_train.shape[0])
# Forward propagation: Build the forward propagation in the tensorflow graph
Z3 = forward_propagation(X, parameters)
# Cost function: Add cost function to tensorflow graph
cost = compute_cost(Z3, Y)
# Backpropagation: Define the tensorflow optimizer. Use an AdamOptimizer.
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate).minimize(cost)
# Initialize all the variables
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
# Start the session to compute the tensorflow graph
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Run the initialization
# Do the training loop
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
_ , epoch_cost = sess.run([optimizer, cost], feed_dict={X: X_train, Y: Y_train})
# Print the cost every epoch
if print_cost == True and epoch % 100 == 0:
print ("Cost after epoch %i: %f" % (epoch, epoch_cost))
if print_cost == True and epoch % 5 == 0:
# plot the cost
plt.xlabel('iterations (per tens)')
plt.title("Learning rate =" + str(learning_rate))
# lets save the parameters in a variable
parameters = sess.run(parameters)
print ("Parameters have been trained!")
# Calculate the correct predictions
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(Z3), tf.argmax(Y))
# Calculate accuracy on the test set
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, "float"))
print ("Train Accuracy:", accuracy.eval({X: X_train, Y: Y_train}))
#print ("Test Accuracy:", accuracy.eval({X: X_test, Y: Y_test}))
return parameters
import math
import numpy as np
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline
df = pd.read_csv('adult.data', header = None)
X_train_orig = df.drop(df.columns[[14]], axis=1, inplace=False)
Y_train_orig = df[[14]]
X_train = pd.get_dummies(X_train_orig) # get one hot encoding
Y_train = pd.get_dummies(Y_train_orig) # get one hot encoding
parameters = model(X_train.T, Y_train.T, None, None, num_epochs = 10000)
Any suggestions for other publicly available dataset for trying this out?
I tried standard algorithms on this dataset from scikit learn with default parameters and I got following accuracies:
Random Forest: 86
SVM: 96
kNN: 83
MLP: 79
I have uploaded my iPython notebook for this at: https://github.com/sameermahajan/ClassifiersWithIncomeData/blob/master/Scikit%2BLearn%2BClassifiers.ipynb
The best accuracy is with SVM which can be expected from some explanation that can be seen from: http://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/classification/plot_classifier_comparison.html Interestingly SVM also took a lot of time to run, way more than any other method.
This may not be a good problem to be solved by neural network looking at MLPClassifier accuracy above. My neural network wasn't that bad after all! Thanks for all the responses and your interest in this.
I didn't experiment on this dataset but after looking at some papers and doing some researches, it looks like your network is doing ok.
First is your accuracy calculed from the training set or the test set ? Having both will give you a good hint of how your network is performing.
I'm still a bit new to machine learning but I can maybe give some help :
By looking at the data documentation link here : https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/adult/adult.names
And this paper : https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/classes/wi17/cse258-a/reports/a120.pdf
From those links 85% accuracy on training and test set looks like a good score, you are not too far.
Do you have some kind of cross-validation to look for overfitting of your network ?
I don't have your code so can't help you if this is a bug or a programming related issue, maybe sharing your code might be a good idea.
I think you would gain more accuracy by pre-processing your data a bit :
There are a lot of unknowns inside your data and neural networks are very sensitive to mislabeling and bad data.
You should try to find and replace or remove the unknowns.
You could also try to identify the most useful features and drop the ones that are near useless.
Feature scaling / data normalization can also be quite important for neural networks, i didn't look much into the data but maybe you can try to figure out how to scale your data between [0, 1] if its not done already.
The document I linked you seems to see an upgrade in performance by adding layers up to 5 layers, did you try adding more layers ?
You can also add dropout if you network overfits, if you didn't already.
I would maybe try other networks that are generally good for those tasks like SVM (Support Vector Machine) or Logistic Regression or even Random Forest but not sure by looking at the result that those will perform better than the artificial neural network.
I would also take a look at those links : https://www.kaggle.com/wenruliu/adult-income-dataset/feed
In this link there are some people trying algorithms and giving tips to process the data and tackle this subject.
Hope it helped
Good luck,
I think you are focusing too much in your network structure and you are forgetting that your results also depend largely on the data quality. I have tried a quick out-of-the-shelf random forest and it gave me similar results as you got (acc = 0.8275238).
I suggest you do some feature engineering (the kaggle link provided by #Marc has some nice examples). Decide an strategy for your NA's (look here), group values when you have many factor levels in categorical variables (e.g. countries grouped into continents) or discretise continuous variables (age variable into levels as in old, mid_aged, young).
Play with your data, study your dataset and try to apply expertise to remove redundant or too narrow info. Once this is done, then start tweaking your model. Additionally, you can consider doing as I did: use ensemble models (which are usually fast and pretty accurate with the default values) like RF or XGB to check if the results are consistent between all your models. Once you are sure you are in the right track, you can start tweaking structure, layers, etc. and see if you can push your results ever further.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!

