I'm working on a project to implement infix-to-postfix transformations in python.
The implementation of the code works as long as the expression is fully bracketed. It cannot handle expressions where humans would implicitly assume an order to the calculation.
For instance, I can use a fully-bracketed expression such as:
And get the right result.
However, humans might normally write:
Where the first outer bracket is assumed.
Are there any algorithms that could correctly add brackets. If not, is there a best-practice solution for how to handle this sort of problem?
Here is the implementation of the parse tree function:
class BinaryTree:
def __init__(self, root):
self.key = root
self.left_child = None
self.right_child = None
def insert_left(self, new_node):
if self.left_child == None:
self.left_child = BinaryTree(new_node)
t = BinaryTree(new_node)
t.left_child = self.left_child
self.left_child = t
def insert_right(self, new_node):
if self.right_child == None:
self.right_child = BinaryTree(new_node)
t = BinaryTree(new_node)
t.right_child = self.right_child
self.right_child = t
def get_right_child(self):
return self.right_child
def get_left_child(self):
return self.left_child
def set_root_val(self, obj):
self.key = obj
def get_root_val(self):
return self.key
def build_parse_tree(fp_exp):
fp_list = re.findall('[+-/*//()]|\d+', fp_exp)
p_stack = Stack()
e_tree = BinaryTree('')
current_tree = e_tree
for i in fp_list:
if i == '(':
current_tree = current_tree.get_left_child()
elif i not in ['+', '-', '*', '/', ')']:
parent = p_stack.pop()
current_tree = parent
elif i in ['+', '-', '*', '/']:
current_tree = current_tree.get_right_child()
elif i == ')':
current_tree = p_stack.pop()
raise ValueError
return e_tree
def postorder(tree):
if tree != None:
print (tree.get_root_val())
The output from the second expression postorder:
The one with the first (correct) is:
Disclaimer: Sorry for that huge response; I was curious and just wrote down what I did during testing around a bit for your question. Find the entire code here: https://gist.github.com/jbndlr/3657fa890539d29c9e4b0311dc60835d
By the way, this is just test code and not meant to be used in production, as it may still be flawed.
Your sequence parsing and tree setup with pushes of empty strings seems a bit odd, but I cannot accurately point to your error. Your parsing somehow swallows the * operator, probably because its left element is a closing bracket.
While I was playing around with this a bit, I tried to reproduce and came up with a solution that correctly parses simple equations and can generate the required parentheses. Even though no longer required, if the tree is already parsed correctly, you can use this to generate fully bracketed equations, or extend it by your own needs.
Preparation: The Imports
from __future__ import print_function
import re
Step 1: Tokenizing the Input
This function takes a string as an expression and generates a list of tuples representing your tokens. It also already classifies them as kind of simple (string-represented) types for later processing.
def tokenize(expression):
'''Generate tokens from a string following fixed rules.
scanner = re.Scanner([
(r'[0-9]\.[0-9]+', lambda _, t: ('FLOAT', t)),
(r'[0-9]+', lambda _, t: ('INTEGER', t)),
(r'[a-z_]+', lambda _, t: ('IDENTIFIER', t)),
(r'\(', lambda _, t: ('P_OPEN', t)),
(r'\)', lambda _, t: ('P_CLOSE', t)),
(r'[+\-*/]', lambda _, t: ('OPERATOR', t)),
(r'\s+', None),
tokens, _ = scanner.scan(expression)
return tokens
This approach is by far not complete, but it is sufficient for demonstrating building binary parse trees. Note that the order of rules is important; it makes no difference here, as I do not catch single dots, but putting INTEGER before FLOAT could mess things up later.
Step 2: Parse the Hierarchy
The next function takes a list of tokens as generated in Step 1 and resolves all parts that are put into brackets as individual sub-lists. The result is a nested list where each previously bracketed part is shifted to a deeper level.
def parse(tokens, in_parens=False):
'''Parse a list of tokens that may contain brackets into a token hierarchy
where all brackets are removed and replaced by list nesting.
cur = []
i = 0
while i < len(tokens):
t = tokens[i]
if t[0] == 'P_OPEN':
# If we hit an opening bracket, we memorize its position and search
# for the corresponding closing one by counting the stacked
# brackets.
pos_open = i
pos_close = None
par_stack = 0
for j, p in enumerate(tokens[i:]):
if p[0] == 'P_OPEN':
# Deeper nesting, increase.
par_stack += 1
elif p[0] == 'P_CLOSE':
# Level closed, decrease.
par_stack -= 1
if par_stack == 0:
# If we hit level 0, we found the corresponding closing
# bracket for the opening one.
pos_close = i + j
if pos_close is None:
# If we did not find a corresponding closing bracket, there
# must be some syntax error.
raise Exception('Syntax error; missing closing bracket.')
# For the bracketed subset we just found, we invoke a recursive
# parsing for its contents and append the result to our hierarchy.
elem = parse(tokens[i + 1:j], in_parens=True)
i = j
elif t[0] == 'P_CLOSE':
if not in_parens:
# If we hit a closing bracket but are not searching for one, we
# found too many closing brackets, which is a syntax error.
raise Exception('Syntax error; too many closing brackets.')
return cur
i += 1
return cur
This makes sure that we do not miss the explicit grouping given by parentheses in the expression. At the same time, as we count parenthesis levels, we can spot syntax errors that result from wrong bracket counts.
Step 3: Build a Tree
In order to proceed, we need to build an actual binary tree from our hierarchy. The hierarchy we got from Step 2 still has all un-bracketed chained operators on the same level, so we do not know yet about the order in which the operators need to be executed. This is what is solved now.
When creating a new Node from a hierarchy (i.e. a nested list of tokens), we search for a pivot element that we can use as the operator of the currently built Node. We choose the weakest binding operator, because we build the tree top-down, but it will be evaluated bottom-up. Hence, the operation that shall be performed last is the one we want to have in the upmost Node of our tree.
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, hierarchy, parent=None):
if len(hierarchy) == 1 and type(hierarchy[0]) is list:
hierarchy = hierarchy[0] # Bracketed descent
# Find position of operator that has the weakest binding priority and
# use it as pivot element to split the sequence at. The weakest binding
# is executed last, so it's the topmost node in the tree (which is
# evaluated bottom-up).
pivot = self._weakest_binding_position(hierarchy)
if pivot is not None:
self.left = Node(hierarchy[:pivot], parent=self)
self.op = hierarchy[pivot][1]
self.right = Node(hierarchy[pivot + 1:], parent=self)
# There is no pivot element if there is no operator in our
# hierarchy. If so, we hit an atomic item and this node will be
# a leaf node.
self.value = hierarchy[0]
def _binding_order(self, operator):
'''Resolve operator to its binding order.'''
if operator in '+-':
return 1
elif operator in '*/':
return 2
raise Exception('Parsing error; operator binding cannot be assessed.')
def _weakest_binding_position(self, tokens):
'''Return position of operator with weakest binding (maintains LTR).'''
ops = sorted([
(i, self._binding_order(t[1]))
for i, t in enumerate(tokens)
if t[0] == 'OPERATOR'
], key=lambda e: e[1], reverse=True)
if len(ops) == 0:
if len(tokens) != 1:
raise Exception('Parsing error; found sequence w/o operator.')
return None
return ops[-1][0]
def isleaf(self):
if hasattr(self, 'value'):
return True
return False
def __str__(self):
if self.isleaf():
return str(self.value[1])
return '({:s} {:s} {:s})'.format(self.left, self.op, self.right)
If you want to see how the tree is set up, just print(self) at the end of Node.__init__(). This will give you a bottom-up print of all nodes.
I added some parentheses in the Node.__str__() method to actually make a fully-bracketed expression from the input. You can verify with some samples like so:
if __name__ == '__main__':
expressions = [
for expr in expressions:
root = Node(parse(tokenize(expr)))
... yields
>>> ((((3 + 15) * 2) + 6) - 3)
>>> (((a + 15) * 2) + (6 / 3))
So, if you want to print (or return) this in postfix notation now, you can just switch the operator and operands by changing this row in the Node.__str__() method:
return '({:s} {:s} {:s})'.format(self.left, self.op, self.right)
return '({:s} {:s} {:s})'.format(self.left, self.right, self.op)
If you want your postfix notation to be returned for further processing instead of just obtaining it as a string, just write another method like so (warning: pseudo-code):
def postfix(self):
if self.isleaf():
return self.value
return (self.left.postfix(), self.right.postfix(), self.op)
and then invoke it from your root node:
pf = root.postfix()
Step 4: Evaluation
Finally, you can put a method into the Node class to evaluate the expression. This method checks whether or not we have a leaf node, and, if so, returns its value using the correct type. Otherwise, it evaluates its left and right child and applies the desired operator and then passes the result upwards the tree.
def eval(self, variables={}):
if self.isleaf():
ttype, value = self.value
if ttype == 'FLOAT':
return float(value)
elif ttype == 'INTEGER':
return int(value)
elif ttype == 'IDENTIFIER':
if value in variables.keys():
return variables[value]
raise Exception('Unbound variable: {:s}'.format(value))
raise Exception('Unknown type: {:s}'.format(ttype))
left = self.left.eval(variables=variables)
right = self.right.eval(variables=variables)
if self.op == '+':
return left + right
elif self.op == '-':
return left - right
elif self.op == '*':
return left * right
elif self.op == '/':
return left / right
raise Exception('Unknown operator: {:s}'.format(self.op))
Some special thing here is, that you can also use variables (like a in my example in Step 3), but you have to map them to actual (un-typed) values on evaluation:
if __name__ == '__main__':
expression = '(a+15)*2+6/3'
tokens = tokenize(expression)
hierarchy = parse(tokens)
root = Node(hierarchy)
print(root.eval({'a': 7}))
... yields:
>>> (((a + 15) * 2) + (6 / 3))
>>> 46
Final Thoughts
As already stated, this is far from perfect. I even noticed, that it somehow fails to parse an expression, where a single operator connects two bracketed parts like (1-2)/(0+5) -- but I leave this to whoever wants to have a look at it ;)
Hope it helps somehow; and sorry for this huge response. I was just curious and had a little bit of spare time.
I am trying to pass a parameter "by value". I have tried making a deep copy of the parameter that is passed recursively in order to prevent any changes from circling back to the parent function calls.
Here is a snippet of code that tries to generate the array of all possible parentheses.
def generateParenthesis(n):
#Iterate for each move.
M = 2 * n
retArray = []
def recHelper(numMoves, perm, stack):
print("Function call: ", numMoves, perm, stack)
newPerm = copy.deepcopy(perm)
newStack = stack.copy()
#Base case, no moves
if (numMoves == 0):
#Case when left move is valid
if (numMoves != len(newStack)):
#Apply the left move. Pass it recursively
newPerm +='('
#Update the stack accordingly
#Decrease numMoves
newNumMoves = numMoves - 1
#Call it recursively
recHelper(newNumMoves, newPerm, newStack)
#Case when right move is valid
if len(newStack) != 0:
#Apply the right move. Pass it recursively
newPerm +=')'
#Update the stack accordingly, delete the top, last elm
#Decrease numMoves
newNumMoves = numMoves - 1
#Call it recursively
recHelper(newNumMoves, newPerm, newStack)
recHelper(M, "", [])
return retArray
Unfortunately, calling generateParenthesis(1) returns ['()','()(', '()()'] and not ['()'].
def generateParenthesis(n):
retArray = []
def append_solutions(partial, opened_p, closed_p):
if opened_p < n:
append_solutions(partial + '(', opened_p + 1, closed_p)
if closed_p < n and opened_p > closed_p:
append_solutions(partial + ')', opened_p, closed_p + 1)
if opened_p == closed_p == n and partial:
append_solutions('', 0, 0)
return retArray
After 3 hours of simplifying ideas, I came with this working code.
Now it finds things like (()())() for generateParenthesis(4), for instance.
The code is very self explanatory. You keep a count of opened/closed parenthesis and only close parenthesis when there are correspondent opened.
I chose not to use a stack because since everything in Python is passed by "pointer copy", stacks (i.e. lists in your OP) would require a costly list(stack) in the function body, creating a local copy of the list.
Notice that I create new strings (partial + '(', for instance), and these new string objects are passed by "pointer copy" to recursion calls.
(Sorry I lack a better term now. But this is important)
Your solution has a problem with the variable newPerm. Its value is leaking into the second recursive function. Also, you need to understand that all your copying of values is not needed except for the stack.
See how your function can be simplified. I think it's working:
def generateParenthesisOP(n):
#Iterate for each move.
M = 2 * n
retArray = []
def recHelper(numMoves, perm, stack):
print("Function call: ", numMoves, perm, stack)
if numMoves == 0:
if numMoves != len(stack):
left_stack = list(stack)
recHelper(numMoves - 1, perm + '(', left_stack)
if len(stack) != 0:
right_stack = list(stack)
recHelper(numMoves - 1, perm + ')', right_stack)
recHelper(M, "", [])
return retArray
Use + operator to add to a list rather than .append() behavior to best emulate pass by value behavior.
Python officially abides by pass-by-object-reference. In your case, when a list stack or perm passed and modified in the child function, the parent function's stack or perm will see the updated variable.
So far I have done this. I am stuck on recursion. I have no idea how to move forward, joining and reversing etc.
def callrecursion(s):
z=len(s) - string[::-1].index(')') -1
# Something is missing here i cant figure it out
return newStr
def reverseParentheses(s):
if '(' in s:
return reverseParentheses(callrecursion(s))
print('wabba labba dub dub')
return s
EXPECTED OUTPUT : "apmnolkjihgfedcbq"
def reverseParentheses(s):
if '(' in s:
return s
print('apmnolkjihgfedcbq') # your test
The idea is to go 'inward' as long as possible (where 'inward' does not even mean 'nesting', it goes as long as there are any opening parentheses), so the innermost pairs are flipped first, and then the rest as the recursion returns. This way 'parallel' parentheses seem to work too, while simple pairing of "first opening parentheses" with "last closing ones" do not handle them well. Or at least that is what I think.
Btw: recursion is just a convoluted replacement for rfind here:
def reverseParentheses(s):
while '(' in s:
return s;
(... TBH: now I tried, and the recursive magic dies on empty parentheses () placed in the string, while this one works)
I've come up with tho following logic (assuming the parentheses are properly nested).
The base case is the absence of parentheses in s, so it is returned unchanged.
Otherwise we locate indices of leftmost and rightmost opening and closing parentheses
(taking care of possible string reversal, so ')' might appear opening and '(' -- as closing).
Having obtained beg and end the remaining job is quite simple: one has to pass the reversed substring contained between beg and end to the subsequent recursive call.
def reverseParentheses(s):
if s.find('(') == -1:
return s
if s.find('(') < s.find(')'):
beg, end = s.find('('), s.rfind(')')
beg, end = s.find(')'), s.rfind('(')
return s[:beg] + reverseParentheses(s[beg + 1:end][::-1]) + s[end + 1:]
Assuming that number of opening and closing brackets always match, this might be the one of the simplest method to reverse words in parenthesis:
def reverse_parentheses(st: str) -> str:
while True:
split1 = st.split('(')
split2 = split1[-1].split(')')[0]
st = st.replace(f'({split2})', f'{split2[::-1]}')
if '(' not in st and ')' not in st:
return st
# s = "(abcd)"
# s = "(ed(et)el)"
# s = "(ed(et(oc))el)"
# s = "(u(love)i)"
s= "((ng)ipm(ca))"
reversed = reverse_parentheses(s)
You have a few issues in your code, and much of the logic missing. This adapts your code and produces the desired output:
def callrecursion(s):
# 's' not 'string'
z=len(s) - s[::-1].index(')') -1
# Need to consider swapped parentheses
newStr=newStr.replace('(', "$") # Placeholder for other swap
newStr=newStr.replace(')', "(")
newStr=newStr.replace('$', ")")
#Need to recombine initial and trailing portions of original string
newStr = s[:a] + newStr + s[z+1:]
return newStr
def reverseParentheses(s):
if '(' in s:
return reverseParentheses(callrecursion(s))
print('wabba labba dub dub')
return s
While the existing O(n^2) solutions were sufficient here, this problem is solvable in O(n) time, and the solution is pretty fun.
The idea is to build a k-ary tree to represent our string, and traverse it with DFS. Each 'level' of the tree represents one layer of nested parentheses. There is one node for each set of parentheses, and one node for each letter, so there are only O(n) nodes in the tree.
For example, the tree-nodes at the top level are either:
A letter that is not contained in parentheses
A tree-node representing a pair of parentheses at the outermost layer of our string, which may have child tree-nodes
To get the effect of reversals, we can traverse the tree in a depth-first way recursively. Besides knowing our current node, we just need to know if we're in 'reverse mode': a boolean to tell us whether to visit our node's children from left to right, or right to left.
Every time we go down a level in our tree, whether we're in 'reverse mode' or not is flipped.
Python code:
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.parent = parent
self.children = []
def reverseParentheses(s: str) -> str:
root_node = TreeNode()
curr_node = root_node
# Build the tree
for let in s:
# Go down a level-- new child
if let == '(':
new_child = TreeNode(parent=curr_node)
curr_node = new_child
# Go back to our parent
elif let == ')':
curr_node = curr_node.parent
answer = []
def dfs(node, is_reversed: bool):
nonlocal answer
num_children = len(node.children)
if is_reversed:
range_start, range_end, range_step = num_children-1, -1, -1
range_start, range_end, range_step = 0, num_children, 1
for i in range(range_start, range_end, range_step):
if isinstance(node.children[i], str):
dfs(node.children[i], not is_reversed)
dfs(root_node, False)
return ''.join(answer)
Here is the correct version for your callrecursion function:
def callrecursion(text):
a = text.find('(') + 1
z = text.rfind(')') + 1
newStr = text[:a - 1] + text[a:z-1][::-1].replace('(', ']').replace(')', '[').replace(']', ')').replace('[', '(') + text[z:]
return newStr
You probably have to take into account if the parethesis is the first/last character.
I'm solving such issue:
I need to implement a feature for a string to find errors in the usage of brackets.
If string is balanced, then I should return
If not, I need to mention the position of problematic bracket.
So for that reason I decided to create a class Bracket
class Bracket:
def __init__(self, bracket_type, position):
self.bracket_type = bracket_type
self.position = position
def Match(self, c):
if self.bracket_type == '[' and c == ']':
return True
if self.bracket_type == '{' and c == '}':
return True
if self.bracket_type == '(' and c == ')':
return True
return False
Next, I'm using stack, whether sting is balanced or not. I created a loop, going through every symbol, and if symbol is a bracket I want to assign it to my special class in order to match for closing one further.
if __name__ == "__main__":
text = sys.stdin.read()
brackets_stack = []
Balanced = True
for i, symbol in enumerate(str(text)):
if symbol in ['(', '[', '{']:
j = i
new_bracket = Bracket(brackets_stack[j], j)
elif new_bracket.Match(symbol) == True:
elif len(brackets_stack) == 0:
But it works good only with cases like this
For other tests, like
It shows that array is not empty yet, as his tenth is equal to 1. I think the problem lies in variable new_bracket. After removing "(" from array my program doesn't compare "{" for matching.
I don't know why.
Can somebody help me?
Your code has a few problems. First, there are a few things that I want to address:
Your code will throw an error if the symbols string does not start with an opening bracket. This is because you initialize new_bracket inside of the first if statement. This would cause problems since if the first character is NOT an opening bracket, it will try to call new_bracket in the elif statement, and since it has not been initiated, it will raise an UnboundLocalError. This can be fixed with an elif symbol in [')', ']', '}']: return False. Since starting with a close bracket obviously means its unbalanced, this makes sense and prevents the program from calling new_bracket without it being initialized.
Your use of the j variable is useless since you never use it outside of the scope of that if statement. You could have just used i.
Your use of list.pop(i) may cause errors if i is out of range of brackets_stack. You don't need the index since you want the symbol at the end of the stack, which is automatically what list.pop() does.
elif len(brackets_stack) == 0: should not be inside of the for loop. This should be outside of the loop since you only want to say success after all the text has been processed.
new_bracket = Bracket(brackets_stack[j], j) is wrong in many ways. The first is that you don't want to make a new symbol with brackets_stack[j], you want it to be made with either text[j] or better yet, symbol. Another is that this will only be changed whenever a new open bracket is seen. However, if you find the match to that bracket, since you never change this variable, it will stay as the previous bracket. You should re-declare what the symbol of your new_bracket should be. The name itself is then misleading and is changed below.
With all this in mind, below is a revised version of what you want to do, encapsulated in a function. There are some stuff you need to add to your class as well.
class Bracket:
def __init__(self, bracket_type, position):
self.bracket_type = bracket_type
self.position = position
def Match(self, c):
if self.bracket_type: //handles empty bracket_type
if self.bracket_type == '[' and c == ']':
return True
if self.bracket_type == '{' and c == '}':
return True
if self.bracket_type == '(' and c == ')':
return True
return False
//update function to use the same object instead of initializing a new one each time (better space complexity)
def update(self, new_type, new_position):
self.bracket_type = new_type
self.position = new_position
// pass in text to check if text has balanced brackets or not
def isBalanced(text):
brackets_stack = []
current_bracket = Bracket('',0) //initialize an empty bracket
for i, symbol in enumerate(str(text)):
if symbol in ['(', '[', '{']:
current_bracket.update(symbol, i) //call update function
elif symbol in [')', ']', '}']:
return False
elif new_bracket.Match(symbol):
else: //since it assumes symmetrical balanced brackets, this can return False immediately
return False
//same as saying return len(list) == 0
return not(len(brackets_stack))
This code assumes that text ONLY contains brackets. I do not know if this is a reasonable assumption and you should keep this in mind for whatever application you are using it for. Also, like MTset commented on your post, it also assumes simply, symmetrical, balanced brackets. [{]} will return False, although it is technically balanced.
I want to turn a tree into a string and get prestr order (starts with root and goes down all left nodes then to the right ones back up) example: tree (root (left (a) (b)) (right (c) (d))) would be "root left a b right c d".
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, data = None):
self.data = data
self.children = []
class Tree:
def __init__(self, string = None):
self.root = None
def prestr(self):
string1 = ""
value = self.root
string1 += value.data
string1 += " "
while len(value.children) > 0:
for i in value.children:
string1 += i.data
string1 += " "
value = i
This when running this code with
tree (root (left (a) (b)) (right (c) (d)))
I get: "root left right c d". I suspect this is becasue it doesn't run for i in value.children on value.children[0] when that is set as the value but I don't know why. What is the problem here?
The problem with your code is that you set value = i in the for loop. When you do this, you expect your code to go back to while ...: but it doesn't, instead it goes to the next iteration of the for loop. The result of this is that you set value to the last child of the node in the for loop before actually continuing on that value. This skips all but the last child of each node, which is why you were seeing the behaviour you were. In order to keep as close to your original solution while being correct, I would suggest using recursion for this code instead, as it is much easier to reason about in this case:
def prestr_helper(value):
if len(value.children) > 0:
return value.data + ' ' + \
' '.join(prestr_helper(child) for child in value.children)
return value.data
def prestr(self):
However, this does have the problem of Python's recursion limit and so will fail at trees of depth 1000 or more (approximately). In order to circumvent this restriction you would have to implement an iterative solution such as one described here.
Recently, I got an interview question which says to convert string expressions like "1+2-3" and "-2+4" to 0 and 2 respectively. Assuming the inputs are single digits numbers followed by signs and no NULL input. I tried this output but the interviewer said I am close but not perfect solution. Please help me here. Thanks.
def ans(input):
result, j = 0, 0
for i in input:
if i == '+' or i == '-':
j = i
i = int(i)
result = result j i
return result
I am making some silly mistake but I am learning. Thanks in advance.
Two things need fixing to work at all:
You need to handle the initial value properly; when the initial value is non-negative, this fails. Before the loop, set j = '+' so a non-sign prefixed value is added (also, for style points, j is a terrible name, could you use op or something?).
You can't use variables as operators.
result = result j i
if j == '+':
result += i
result -= i
Note: If modules are allowed, a generalization can be used to handle operators the "nice" way (though more work would be needed to obey operator precedence). You'd define:
import operator
ops = {'+': operator.add, '-': operator.sub, ...}
then make the initial value of op operator.add and change the test for operators to:
if i in ops:
op = ops[i]
result = op(result, int(i))
which scales to many more operators, dynamically selecting the operation to perform without cascading if/elif checks.
Side-note: While violating the spirit of the challenge, ast.literal_eval (at least as of Python 3.5, and this may change, see bug #22525) will actually safely parse strings like this (eval is unsafe, since it can execute arbitrary code, but ast.literal_eval can only parse Python literals and apparently some basic compile-time math). So you could just do:
import ast
ans = ast.literal_eval
Sure, it handles many other literals too, but we never defined the failure case behavior anyway. :-)
Using eval() is the simplest solution. Like
The following code give another solution without using built-in eval
import operator
class Parse(object):
def __init__(self, input):
self.input = input
self.pos = 0
self.end = len(input)
def eval(self):
result = self.match_digits()
while self.pos < self.end:
op = self.match_operator()
operand = self.match_digits()
result = op(result, operand)
return result
def match_operator(self):
look_ahead = self.input[self.pos]
return operator.add if look_ahead == '+' else operator.sub
def match_digits(self):
look_ahead = self.input[self.pos]
positive = 1
if look_ahead == '-':
positive = -1
digits, s = 0, self.pos
while s < self.end and self.input[s].isdigit():
digits = digits * 10 + int(self.input[s])
s += 1
return digits * positive
def advance(self, offset=1):
self.pos += offset
For testing
p = Parse(input='2+1+0-3')
print p.eval()
p = Parse(input='-2+-13+3')
print p.eval()
I think the most flexible solution (not using eval and able to handle any operations) is to parse the string into a binary (red-black) tree, where leafs are numbers and branches operators (+,-,/,*,etc).
For example, "1+(5*12)/17" would be parsed into following structure:
/ \
1 "/"
/ \
"()" 17
/ \
5 12
Once you've parsed a string into this structure, it's easy to compute by traversing branches depth-first, right to left.
If you need to handle variables, then you'd have to get locals() and replace accordingly, either as you parse the string, or as you traverse the tree.
I created a working example to illustrate this, you can find the source on github: https://github.com/MJWunderlich/py-math-expression-evaluator
what about:
def f(s):
s = s.strip()
for i, c in enumerate(s):
if c == '+':
return f(s[:i]) + f(s[i+1:])
if c == '-':
return f(s[:i]) - f(s[i+1:])
for i, c in enumerate(s):
if c == '*':
return f(s[:i]) * f(s[i+1:])
if c == '/':
return f(s[:i]) / f(s[i+1:])
return 0 if s == '' else int(s)
? Doesn't work with parenthesis