How to format and build query strings in Python Sqlite? - python

What is the most used way to create a Sqlite query in Python?
query = 'insert into events (date, title, col3, col4, int5, int6)
values("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", %s, %s)' % (date, title, col3, col4, int5, int6)
print query
Problem: it won't work for example if title contains a quote ".
query = 'insert into events (date, title, col3, col4, int5, int6)
values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'
c.execute(query, (date, title, col3, col4, int5, int6))
Problem: in solution 1., we could display/print the query (to log it); here in solution 2. we can't log the query string anymore because the "replace" of each ? by a variable is done during the execute.
Another cleaner way to do it? Can we avoid to repeat ?, ?, ?, ..., ? and have one single values(?) and still have it replaced by all the parameters in the tuple?

You should always use parameter substitution of DB API, to avoid SQL injection, query logging is relatively trivial by subclassing sqlite3.Cursor:
import sqlite3
class MyConnection(sqlite3.Connection):
def cursor(self):
return super().cursor(MyCursor)
class MyCursor(sqlite3.Cursor):
def execute(self, sql, parameters=''):
print(f'statement: {sql!r}, parameters: {parameters!r}')
return super().execute(sql, parameters)
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:', timeout=60, factory=MyConnection)
conn.execute('create table if not exists "test" (id integer, value integer)')
conn.execute('insert into test values (?, ?)', (1, 0));
statement: 'create table if not exists "test" (id integer, value integer)', parameters: ''
statement: 'insert into test values (?, ?)', parameters: (1, 0)

To avoid formatting problems and SQL injection attacks, you should always use parameters.
When you want to log the query, you can simply log the parameter list together with the query string.
(SQLite has a function to get the expanded query, but Python does not expose it.)
Each parameter markers corresponds to exactly one value. If writing many markers is too tedious for you, let the computer do it:
parms = (1, 2, 3)
markers = ",".join("?" * len(parms))


Shorten SQLite3 insert statement for efficiency and readability

From this answer:
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO booking_meeting (room_name,from_date,to_date,no_seat,projector,video,created_date,location_name) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (rname, from_date, to_date, seat, projector, video, now, location_name ))
I'd like to shorten it to something like:
simple_insert(booking_meeting, rname, from_date, to_date, seat, projector, video, now, location_name)
The first parameter is the table name which can be read to get list of column names to format the first section of the SQLite3 statement:
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO booking_meeting (room_name,from_date,to_date,no_seat,projector,video,created_date,location_name)
Then the values clause (second part of the insert statement):
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
can be formatted by counting the number of column names in the table.
I hope I explained the question properly and you can appreciate the time savings of such a function. How to write this function in python? my question.
There may already a simple_insert() function in SQLite3 but I just haven't stumbled across it yet.
If you're inserting into all the columns, then you don't need to specify the column names in the INSERT query. For that scenario, you could write a function like this:
def simple_insert(cursor, table, *args):
query = f'INSERT INTO {table} VALUES (' + '?, ' * (len(args)-1) + '?)'
cursor.execute(query, args)
For your example, you would call it as:
simple_insert(cursor, 'booking_meeting', rname, from_date, to_date, seat, projector, video, now, location_name)
Note I've chosen to pass cursor to the function, you could choose to just rely on it as a global variable instead.

Sqlite not using default values

When using:
import datetime
import sqlite3
db = sqlite3.connect('mydb.sqlite', detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES)
c = db.cursor()
db.text_factory = str
c.execute('create table if not exists mytable (date timestamp, title str, \
custom str, x float, y float, z char default null, \
postdate timestamp default null, id integer primary key autoincrement, \
url text default null)')
c.execute('insert into mytable values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', \
(datetime.datetime(2018,4,23,23,00), 'Test', 'Test2', 2.1, 11.1))
I have:
sqlite3.OperationalError: table mytable has 9 columns but 5 values were supplied
Why doesn't SQlite take default values (specified during table creation) in consideration to populate a new row?
(Also, as I'm reopening a project I wrote a few years ago, I don't find the datatypes str, char anymore in the sqlite3 doc, is it still relevant?)
Because you are saying that you want to insert all columns by not specifying the specific columns.
Change 'insert into mytable values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'
to 'insert into mytable (date, title, custom, x, y) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'
Virtually any value for column type can be specified, the value will follow a set of rules and be converted to TEXT, INTEGER, REAL, NUMERIC or BLOB. However, you can store any type of value in any column.
STR will resolve to NUMERIC,
TIMESTAMP will resolve to NUMERIC,
FLOAT will resolve to REAL,
Have a read of Datatypes In SQLite or perhaps have a look at How flexible/restricive are SQLite column types?
If you're going to only supply values for some columns, you need to specify which columns. Otherwise the engine won't know where to put them. This line needs to be changed:
c.execute('insert into mytable values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', \
(datetime.datetime(2018,4,23,23,00), 'Test', 'Test2', 2.1, 11.1))
To this:
c.execute('insert into mytable (date, title, custom, x, y)values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', \
(datetime.datetime(2018,4,23,23,00), 'Test', 'Test2', 2.1, 11.1))
Example Solution
SQLite3 Query Above
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO vehicles_record(name) VALUES(?)", (name))
id would be 1, name would be value of name var, current timestamp for last column.

How can I assign the ROWID through a variable in Python?

Is there a way I can assign an SQLite rowid through a variable in Python? I am using Tkinters 'get()' function to retrieve the contents of the entry.
Here is the code:
def insertdata():
c.execute("INSERT INTO Students VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", (surnamelabelentry.get(), forenamelabelentry.get(), dateofbirthlabelentry.get(), homeaddresslabelentry.get(), homephonenumberentry.get(), genderlabelentry.get(), tutorgrouplabelentry.get(), emaillabelentry.get()))
c.execute('INSERT INTO Students(rowid) VALUES',(studentidentry.get()))
Here is the error:
File "R:/Documents/PYTHON/Login And", line 124, in insertdata
c.execute('INSERT INTO Students(rowid) VALUES',(studentidentry.get()))
sqlite3.OperationalError: near "VALUES": syntax error
Thanks in advance.
When creating your table, declare one column as INTEGER PRIMARY KEY.
This makes that column an alias for the ROWID, and you can then use a normal INSERT statement to set it.
If for some bizarre reason you want to keep ROWID as a hidden column but still set an explicit value for it, then you can use an explicit column list for INSERT.
c.execute("INSERT INTO Students(ROWID, Surname, Forename) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (5678, 'Tables', 'Robert'))

Syntax for a parameter query in Python (pyodbc)

I am trying to write results of some processing into SQL Server table.
My results are store in a list of lists where each item of the list is a list. I am using parameters (6 params) and I am getting the following error:
cnxn.execute(sqlStatement, (item[0],item[1],item[2],item[3],item[4],item[5]))
pyodbc.ProgrammingError: ('The SQL contains 0 parameter markers, but 6 parameters were supplied', 'HY000')
That's my code
sqlStatement = "INSERT INTO CEA_CR (`SessionID`, `Session.Call_TYPE_Assigned`, `Session.Did_Call_Type_happen_on_this_call`, `Session.Was_there_a_system_or_Rep_generated_Memo_that_matches_with_Call_Type` , 'cycle' , 'version') VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s ,%s ,%s)"
for item in result:
cnxn.execute(sqlStatement, (item[0],item[1],item[2],item[3],item[4],item[5]))
Anyone knows why my execution fails ?
You should be using ? as parameter markers I believe.
Your sql should probably look like this:
sqlStatement = "INSERT INTO CEA_CR (SessionID, Session.Call_TYPE_Assigned, Session.Did_Call_Type_happen_on_this_call, Session.Was_there_a_system_or_Rep_generated_Memo_that_matches_with_Call_Type, cycle, version) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"

Python Dynamic Parameterized Query

I'm hoping to create a build a query dynamically that I can populate through paramerters. E.g. Something like:
INSERT INTO Table (Col1, Col2, Col3, ...) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, ...)
Then I want to populate it like shown in
How to put parameterized sql query into variable and then execute in Python? :
sql = "INSERT INTO table VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"
args= var1, var2, var3
cursor.execute(sql, args)
Building the query string above should be pretty easy, however I'm not sure how to build the list of args. Once I can do that, the rest should be easy.
Looks like my question was easier than I thought, it looks like arrays behave like lists in python. The following gave me what I needed:
results = []
print results
I can use the above to make my arg list.
I typically use something like this to achieve what you describe:
>>> def prepquery(qrystr, args):
... # Assumes Qry Str has a %s in it instead of column placeholders.
... return qrystr % ', '.join('?' * len(args)) # ['%s'] * len(args), depending on DB.
>>> prepquery('Insert Into Table Values (%s)', range(5))
'Insert Into Table Values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'

