How would I be able to pan a sound in pygame? - python

Basically, what I want to accomplish here, is a way to pan the sound while the game is running. I'd like to make the volumes (left and right) change depending on the position of the player. For now I've got a simple code that I thought that would be a good test:
self.sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("System Of A Down - DDevil #06.mp3")
print("I could get here") =, 0)
First, I tried something similar but with, but I came to realize that there's no way to change the volumes separately this way, or so I think, then I changed to the code presented here.
Now it seems like the file is not able to be loaded, my guess is that the file is too big to be treated as a sound in pygame. Any idea of how I'd be able to make this work?

You can pan on the Channel like this:
from os import split, join
import pygame
import pygame.examples.aliens
# get path to an example punch.wav file that comes with pygame.
sound_path = join(split(pygame.examples.aliens.__file__)[0], 'data', 'punch.wav')
sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(sound_path)
# mixer can mix several sounds together at once.
# Find a free channel to play the sound on.
channel = pygame.mixer.find_channel()
# pan volume full loudness on the left, and silent on right.
channel.set_volume(1.0, 0.0)

It may be worth looking into a seperate audio library for this. In general i'd recommend PortAudio (which is C), but using the python bindings for it provided by PyAudio. This will give you much more control over the exact audio stream.
To simplify this even further, there is a library known as PyDub which is built ontop of PyAudio for a high level interface (it even has a specific pan method!).
from pydub import AudioSegment
from pydub.playback import play
backgroundMusic = AudioSegment.from_wav("music.wav")
# pan the audio 15% to the right
panned_right = backgroundMusic.pan(+0.15)
# pan the audio 50% to the left
panned_left = backgroundMusic.pan(-0.50)
#Play audio
while True:
If this is too slow or doesn't provide effective real-time implementations then I would definately give PyAudio a go because you will also learn a lot more about audio processing in the process!
PS. if you do use PyAudio make sure to check out the callback techniques so that the game you are running can continue to run in parallel using different threads.

This answer certainly can help you.
Basically, you get the screen width, then you pan the left according to player.pos.x / screen_width, and the right according to 1 - player.pos.y / screen_width like that:
channel = # we will pan the music through the use of a channel
screen_width = screen.get_surface().get_width()
[main loop]:
right = player.pos.x / screen_width
left = player.pos.x / screen_width
channel.set_volume(left, right)


How do I get inputs from a MIDI device through Pygame?

I'm somewhat new to both Python and Pygame, and trying to simply read MIDI controls live from a Windows computer. I've looked into Pygame and have set up what I think to be most of the right syntaxes, but the shell seems to crash or at least reset at the line pygame.midi.Input(input_id) every time.
import pygame.midi
import time
print("The default input device number is " + str(pygame.midi.get_default_input_id()))
input_id = int(pygame.midi.get_default_input_id())
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
crashed = False
while (crashed == False):
I am also new to both Python and and Pygame.
I also tried for quite some time to get the midi input reading to work. In another forum I was pointed to an included sample file in the library. You can see the answer here.
Side note:
On my computer there are several Midi devices active. So it maybe would be a good idea to not rely on the default input id. You can get a list of your Midi devices like this:
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from pygame import midi
def printMIDIDeviceList():
for i in range(pygame.midi.get_count()):
print(pygame.midi.get_device_info(i), i)

how to use pyglet to play sound in a mayavi animation?

I want to play sound using pyglet in a mayavi animation loop, but I found that pyglet worked not well with 'yield', which has to use in a mayavi animation. The situation is that, it just can't start a new loop when the sound played and animation done once, here are some of my codes, any ideas?
The pyglet can play sound in a for-loop, but can't use yield.
def animate():
f = mlab.gcf()
while True:
for i in range(frames_num):
# update sound
sound = 'shiping/shiping_%d.wav'%i
sound_adjust =, streaming=False)
# update scene
print('Update scene >>', time.time())
# with out 'yield' it works well
Any other modules suggest can also be accepted. The matter is that I need to update sound quickly within 20ms.
I at last solved this by using winsound module. Using
winsound.PlaySound(sound, winsound.SND_FILENAME | winsound.SND_ASYNC)
to replace
sound_adjust =, streaming=False)
to play defined sound asynchronously. Off course you have to import winsound at the very beginning.

Music player for Python not working

I want to be able to play multiple songs through a playlist using python, but it will only play the last song on the list. Please help.
from pygame import mixer # Load the required library
from os import listdir
k = listdir('C:/LOCAL')
for x in k:
y = "C:/LOCAL/" + x
print y
Your problem is that you assume that playing music with pygame will pause the program until the music is finished - which is not the case. As a result, it tries starting a song, and then it's starting another, and another, etc.
There are a few ways of trying to correct this. You could either:
Use pygame events and "tell" pygame to fire an event when the song finishes (though this requires a display surface (window) to be opened within pygame), or
Detect the length of the song, and sleep for that amount of time (which is more compatible with your current code).
I'm going to assume that you would like to do option 2, since your code works better with it.
To get the length of an MP3 file (I've not tried it with any other types), you could use the Mutagen library.
Some example code to get the length of an MP3 file (in seconds):
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
tracklength = MP3("/path/to/song.mp3").info.length
Then you could substitute the path with y, and time.sleep for the amount of time returned, before continuing to the next iteration of the loop.
Hope that helps.
(also, you don't need to queue a file before loading it - just load and play)

Stop Winsound / Stop a thread on Python

Im writing a litle game on python using Tkinter (And by the way, i am not allowed to use any other non built in modules) and I want to play a background song when on the main window, wich is the one that holds the title, and the buttons to go to other windows and stuff...
So the thing is that I need that sound to stop when I enter to another window, but when I hit the button to go, to another window, the song keeps playing...
I'm using the winsound module, and had define a couple of functions, (That by the way, are wicked as hell) to play the song when I first run the program using threads...
So here is the deal, I want something to put in the function "killsound" so that I can add it to every button, and then when I press any button to open any other window, the sound will be killed.
I was hoping something like 'a.kill()' or 'a.stop()' but it didnt worked.
And I really don´t know how to use the SND_PURGE thing on winsound... Although I understand that SND_PURGE is no longer working on new windows OS (Got Win8.1)
Could you please help me?
Thank You! (And Sorry for the creepy english...)
def Play(nombre): #This function Is the core of the winsound function
ruta = os.path.join('Audio',nombre)
Reproducir= winsound.PlaySound(ruta,winsound.SND_FILENAME)
return Reproducir
def PlayThis():
while flag_play:
return Play('prettiest weed.wav')
return "Error"
def PlayThisThread():
global flag_play
flag_play= True
a=Thread(target=PlayThis, args=())
a.daemon = True
def killsound(): #This is the function I want, for killing sound.
global flag_play
flag_play = False
There are 2 major problems in your code:
global variable flag_play has to be placed inside the sound playback loop, in your case within the PlayThis() function
the Winsound module is aiming simple non-threaded usage. while the sound is playbacked, there is no chance to "softly" interrupt. It does not support any playback status reporting e.g. .isPlaying() nor any kind of .stop() that you need in order to kill it.
try PyMedia package. Pymedia allows lower-level audio manipulation therefore more details have to be provided at the initialisation:
import time, wave, as sound
# little to do on the proper audio setup
f= 'prettiest weed.wav', 'rb' )
sampleRate= f.getframerate() # reads framerate from the file
channels= f.getnchannels()
format= sound.AFMT_S16_LE # this sets the audio format to most common WAV with 16-bit codec PCM Linear Little Endian, use either pymedia or any external utils such as FFMPEG to check / corvert audio into a proper format.
audioBuffer = 300000 # you are able to control how much audio data is read
with the following assigment the "snd" becomes an instance of the class sound.Output and gives you bunch of useful audio methods:
snd= sound.Output( sampleRate, channels, format )
s= f.readframes( audioBuffer ) s )
and finally your threaded playback loop might look as follows:
while snd.isPlaying():
global flag_play
if not flag_play: snd.stop() #here is where the playback gets interupted.
time.sleep( 0.05 )
Please, let me know if you need more support on this.
I also created a 0.5 sec wavfile in Adobe Audition containing silence and attached it to the stop button, and this basically "stopped" playback of the previously played audio clip.
I found a way to do it, by adding a 0.5sec sound to a button, so that when I press the button it stops the background one to play the button one, and then stops all sounds on program.

Find the Length of a Song with Pygame

I'm building an Radio Automation Program, but I can't figure out how to have a timer countdown the number of seconds left in the song. I'm currently using Pygame and don't really want to load another toolkit just for this. So far I can make a timer count up using this:
import pygame
#setup music
track = "Music/Track02.wav"
print("Playing Music")
print "\r"+str(,
But I have no idea how to get the total length of the song and countdown without having played the song already.
You could also load the song as a normal sound and then check the length while using for playing it.
a = pygame.mixer.Sound("test.wav")
The mutagen.mp3 can be used to find the length of music.
Firstly: pip install mutagen
-> İmport:
from pygame import *
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
-> Use:'example.mp3')
song = MP3('example.mp3')
songLength =
Check the Documentation. According to the site, this function returns the length of a sound object in seconds. So, time remaining is simply ( -*-1.
That way, it displays as a negative number like most time remaining counters do in a music player. Note, I don't have pygame on this computer, so I can't test it. So, check it just to make sure.

