Multiplying a numpy array within Psychopy - python

TL;DR: Can I multiply a numpy.average by 2? If yes, how?
For an orientation discrimination experiment, during which people respond on how well they're able to discriminate the angle between an visible grating and non-visible reference grating, I want to calculate the Just Noticeable Difference (JND).
At the end of the code I have this:
#write JND to logfile (average of last 10 reversals)
if len(staircase[stairnum].reversalIntensities) < 10:
dataFile.write('JND = %.3f\n' % numpy.average(staircase[stairnum].reversalIntensities))
dataFile.write('JND = %.3f\n' % numpy.average(staircase[stairnum].reversalIntensities[-10:]))
This is where the JND is written to the file, and I thought it'd be easy to multiply that "numpy.average" line by 2, which doesn't work. I thought of making two different variables that contained the same array, and using numpy.sum to add them together.
#Possible solution
numpy.sum(x,y, [et cetera])
I am sure the procedure is very simple, but my current capabilities of programming are limited and the psychopy and python reference materials did not provide what I was looking for (if there is, please share!).


Python: Computation in for loop doesn't match result of manual computation

I'm currently working on a project researching properties of some gas mixtures. Testing my code with different inputs, I came upon a bug(?) which I fail to be able to explain. Basically, it's concerning a computation on a numpy array in a for loop. When it computed the for-loop, it yields a different (and wrong) result as opposed to the manual construction of the result, using the same exact code snippets as in the for-loop, but indexing manually. I have no clue, why it is happening and whether it is my own mistake, or a bug within numpy.
It's super weird, that certain instances of the desired input objects run through the whole for loop without any problem, while others run perfectly up to a certain index and others fail to even compute the very first loop.
For instance, one input always stopped at index 16, throwing a:
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (25,) into shape (32,)
Upon further investigation I could confirm, that the previous 15 loops threw the correct results, the results in loop of index 16 were wrong and not even of the correct size. When running loop 16 manually through the console, no errors occured...
The lower array shows the results for index 16, when it's running in the loop.
These are the results for index 16, when running the code in the for loop manually in the console. These are, what one would expect to get.
The important part of the code is really only the np.multiply() in the for loop - I left the rest of it for context but am pretty sure it shouldn't interfere with my intentions.
def thermic_dissociation(input_gas, pressure):
# Copy of the input_gas object, which may not be altered out of scope
gas = copy.copy(input_gas)
# Temperature range
T = np.logspace(2.473, 4.4, 1000)
# Matrix containing the data over the whole range of interest
moles = np.zeros((gas.gas_cantera.n_species, len(T)))
# Array containing other property of interest
sum_particles = np.zeros(len(T))
# The troublesome for-loop:
for index in range(len(T)):
print(str(index) + ' start')
# Set temperature and pressure of the gas
gas.gas_cantera.TP = T[index], pressure
# Set gas mixture to a state of chemical equilibrium
# Sum of particles = Molar Density * Avogadro constant for every temperature
sum_particles[index] = gas.gas_cantera.density_mole * ct.avogadro
#This multiplication is doing the weird stuff, printed it to see what's computed before it puts it into the result matrix and throwing the error
print(np.multiply(list(gas.gas_cantera.mole_fraction_dict().values()), sum_particles[index]))
# This is where the error is thrown, as the resulting array is of smaller size, than it should be and thus resulting in the error
moles[:, index] = np.multiply(list(gas.gas_cantera.mole_fraction_dict().values()), sum_particles[index])
print(str(index) + ' end')
# An array helping to handle the results
molecule_order = list(gas.gas_cantera.mole_fraction_dict().keys())
return [moles, sum_particles, T, molecule_order]
Help will be very appreciated!
If you want the array of all species mole fractions, you should use the X property of the cantera.Solution object, which always returns that full array directly. You can see the documentation for that method: cantera.Solution.X`.
The mole_fraction_dict method is specifically meant for cases where you want to refer to the species by name, rather than their order in the Solution object, such as when relating two different Solution objects that define different sets of species.
This particular issue is not related to numpy. The call to mole_fraction_dict returns a standard python dictionary. The number of elements in the dictionary depends on the optional threshold argument, which has a default value of 0.0.
The source code of Cantera can be inspected to see what happens exactly.
In other words, a value ends up in the dictionary if x > threshold. Maybe it would make more sense if >= was used here instead of >. And maybe this would have prevented the unexpected outcome in your case.
As confirmed in the comments, you can use mole_fraction_dict(threshold=-np.inf) to get all of the desired values in the dictionary. Or -float('inf') can also be used.
In your code you proceed to call .values() on the dictionary but this would be problematic if the order of the values is not guaranteed. I'm not sure if this is the case. It might be better to make the order explicit by retrieving values out of the dict using their key.

(scipy.stats.qmc) How to do multiple randomized Quasi Monte Carlo

I want to generate many randomized realizations of a low discrepancy sequence thanks to scipy.stat.qmc. I only know this way, which directly provide a randomized sequence:
from scipy.stats import qmc
ld = qmc.Sobol(d=2, scramble=True)
r = ld.random_base2(m=10)
But if I run
r = ld_deterministic.random_base2(m=10)
twice I get
The balance properties of Sobol' points require n to be a power of 2. 2048 points have been previously generated, then: n=2048+2**10=3072. If you still want to do this, the function 'Sobol.random()' can be used.
It seems like using Sobol.random() is discouraged from the doc.
What I would like (and it should be faster) is to first get
ld = qmc.Sobol(d=2, scramble=False)
then to generate like a 1000 scrambling (or other randomization method) from this initial series.
It avoids having to regenerate the Sobol sequence for each sample and just do scrambling.
How to that?
It seems to me like it is the proper way to do many Randomized QMC, but I might be wrong and there might be other ways.
As the warning suggests, Sobol' is a sequence meaning that there is a link between with the previous samples. You have to respect the properties of 2^m. It's perfectly fine to use Sobol.random() if you understand how to use it, this is why we created Sobol.random_base2() which prints a warning if you try to do something that would break the properties of the sequence. Remember that with Sobol' you cannot skip 10 points and then sample 5 or do arbitrary things like that. If you do that, you will not get the convergence rate guaranteed by Sobol'.
In your case, what you want to do is to reset the sequence between the draws (Sobol.reset). A new draw will be different from the previous one if scramble=True. Another way (using a non scrambled sequence for instance) is to sample 2^k and skip the first 2^(k-1) points then you can sample 2^n with n<k-1.

Could you explain the 4th and 5th lines of this code?

I want to recreate a Python code from a colleague's old script. I could not understand what kind of programming language is used in the script; I would appreciate if someone could explain the 4th and 5th lines of the code! I understood at first glance that these lines integrate the angle from 0 to 2/π, right? how could one formulate these lines in Python code, I tried with a for Loop but I failed, and I simply used the Numpy.arange to generate angles from 0 to 2/pi; but the final result is a bit deviated from the original code's result.
let lambda = 450; n1 = 2.45; n2 = 1.5
let d = 1
set data 1000
let x=1;X=x++
let alpha = X*pi/(2*(data-1))
let arc = min(n1*sin(alpha)/n2,1)
let beta = asin(arc)
From what I can gather:
Line 3: Setting the variable data to 1000
Line 4: Actually two line's (separated by semi-colon) is creating an integer called x and setting it to 1 and then incremented as seen by the x++
I have no idea what language this is so I might not be right. It looks like a combination of Python, C++ and a little JavaScript thrown in for good luck
Edit: You mentioned it was an ".ft" file so here what i found on fileinfo:
File used by Edgecam, a Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) program used for designing manufacturing parts and generating Numerical Control (NC) code to machine them; contains geometric information in an XML format describing a range of similar machinable features and their common attributes.
More Information: Feature templates are used as a common starting point to identify and control the machining of machinable features on manufacturing parts.
The programming language from the syntax is javascript. From looking at the code line 4: let x = 1; X=x++ is setting the value 1 into x and incrementing it and saving the answer into the variable X.

Why is Python randint() generating bizarre grid effect when used in script to transform image?

I am playing around with images and the random number generator in Python, and I would like to understand the strange output picture my script is generating.
The larger script iterates through each pixel (left to right, then next row down) and changes the color. I used the following function to offset the given input red, green, and blue values by a randomly determined integer between 0 and 150 (so this formula is invoked 3 times for R, G, and B in each iteration):
def colCh(cVal):
rnd = random.randint(0,150)
newVal = max(min(cVal - 75 + rnd,255),0)
return newVal
My understanding is that random.seed() without arguments uses the system clock as the seed value. Given that it is invoked prior to the calculation of each offset value, I would have expected a fairly random output.
When reviewing the numerical output, it does appear to be quite random:
Scatter plot of every 100th R value as x and R' as y:
However, the picture this script generates has a very peculiar grid effect:
Output picture with grid effect hopefully noticeable:
Furthermore, fwiw, this grid effect seems to appear or disappear at different zoom levels.
I will be experimenting with new methods of creating seed values, but I can't just let this go without trying to get an answer.
Can anybody explain why this is happening? THANKS!!!
Update: Per Dan's comment about possible issues from JPEG compression, the input file format is .jpg and the output file format is .png. I would assume only the output file format would potentially create the issue he describes, but I admittedly do not understand how JPEG compression works at all. In order to try and isolate JPEG compression as the culprit, I changed the script so that the colCh function that creates the randomness is excluded. Instead, it merely reads the original R,G,B values and writes those exact values as the new R,G,B values. As one would expect, this outputs the exact same picture as the input picture. Even when, say, multiplying each R,G,B value by 1.2, I am not seeing the grid effect. Therefore, I am fairly confident this is being caused by the colCh function (i.e. the randomness).
Update 2: I have updated my code to incorporate Sascha's suggestions. First, I moved random.seed() outside of the function so that it is not reseeding based on the system time in every iteration. Second, while I am not quite sure I understand how there is bias in my original function, I am now sampling from a positive/negative distribution. Unfortunately, I am still seeing the grid effect. Here is my new code:
def colCh(cVal):
rnd = random.uniform(-75,75)
newVal = int(max(min(cVal + rnd,255),0))
return newVal
Any more ideas?
As imgur is down for me right now, some guessing:
Your usage of PRNGs is a bit scary. Don't use time-based seeds in very frequently called loops. It's very much possible, that the same seeds are generated and of course this will generate patterns. (granularity of time + number of random-bits used matter here)
So: seed your PRNG once! Don't do this every time, don't do this for every channel. Seed one global PRNG and use it for all operations.
There should be no pattern then.
(If there is: also check the effect of interpolation = image-size change)
Edit: As imgur is on now, i recognized the macro-block like patterns, like Dan mentioned in the comments. Please change your PRNG-usage first before further analysis. And maybe show more complete code.
It may be possible, that you recompressed the output and JPEG-compression emphasized the effects observed before.
Another thing is:
newVal = max(min(cVal - 75 + rnd,255),0)
There is a bit of a bias here (better approach: sample from symmetric negative/positive distribution and clip between 0,255), which can also emphasize some effect (what looked those macroblocks before?).

Mandelbrot set on python using matplotlib + need some advices

this is my first post here, so i'm sorry if i didn't follow the rules
i recently learned python, i know the basics and i like writing famous sets and plot them, i've wrote codes for the hofstadter sequence, a logistic sequence and succeeded in both
now i've tried writing mandelbrot's sequence without any complex parameters, but actually doing it "by hand"
for exemple if Z(n) is my complexe(x+iy) variable and C(n) my complexe number (c+ik)
i write the sequence as {x(n)=x(n-1)^2-y(n-1)^2+c ; y(n)=2.x(n-1).y(n-1)+c}
from math import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def mandel(p,u):
for i in range(p):
for n in range(p):
for m in range (u):
x=x*x-y*y + c
y=2*x*y + k
if sqrt(x*x+y*y)>2:
if sqrt(x*x+y*y)<2:
print (round((i/p)*100),"%")
return (plt.plot(X,Y,'.')),(
p is the width and number of complexe parameters i want, u is the number of iterations
this is what i get as a result :
i think it's just a bit close to what i want.
now for my questions, how can i make the function faster? and how can i make it better ?
thanks a lot !
A good place to start would be to profile your code.
Using the cProfile module or the command line profiler, you can find the inefficient parts of your code and try to optimize them. If I had to guess without personally profiling it, your array appending is probably inefficient.
You can either use a numpy array that is premade at an appropriate size, or in pure python you can make an array with a given size (like 50) and work through that entire array. When it fills up, append that array to your main array. This reduces the number of times the array has to be rebuilt. The same could be done with a numpy array.
Quick things you could do though
if sqrt(x*x+y*y)>2:
should become this
if x*x+y*y>4:
Remove calls to sqrt if you can, its faster to just exponentiate the other side by 2. Multiplication is cheaper than finding roots.
Another thing you could do is this.
print (round((i/p)*100),"%")
should become this
# print (round((i/p)*100),"%")
You want faster code?...remove things not related to actually plotting it.
Also, you break a for loop after a comparison then make the same comparison...Do what you want to after the comparison and then break it...No need to compute that twice.

