I am looking to plot a network graph using the networkx package in python. The problem I am facing is that the customizations that I'm making are not taking place and the defaults values(probably) are getting used instead. The code I am using is below. It looks lengthy but it most of it setting up the data.
import pandas as pd
import networkx as NX
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pygraphviz as PG
# the dataframeI'm using
corr_mat_2 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'clump_thickness': {'clump_thickness': 0.0, 'cell_size_uniformity': 0.0, 'cell_shape_uniformity': 0.0, 'marginal_adhesion': 0.0, 'epithelial_cell_size': 0.0, 'bare_nuclei': 0.0, 'bland_chromatin': 0.0, 'normal_nucleoli': 0.0, 'mitoses': -0.5790403219346321}, 'cell_size_uniformity': {'clump_thickness': 0.0, 'cell_size_uniformity': 0.0, 'cell_shape_uniformity': 0.9490385801487778, 'marginal_adhesion': 0.0, 'epithelial_cell_size': 0.5726586033292179, 'bare_nuclei': 0.0, 'bland_chromatin': 0.6533249167391942, 'normal_nucleoli': 0.5106708697857533, 'mitoses': -0.5473028893162575}, 'cell_shape_uniformity': {'clump_thickness': 0.0, 'cell_size_uniformity': 0.9490385801487778, 'cell_shape_uniformity': 0.0, 'marginal_adhesion': 0.0, 'epithelial_cell_size': 0.502767944815973, 'bare_nuclei': 0.5261228487320817, 'bland_chromatin': 0.631017333346977, 'normal_nucleoli': 0.5115973333620983, 'mitoses': -0.5850744184472585}, 'marginal_adhesion': {'clump_thickness': 0.0, 'cell_size_uniformity': 0.0, 'cell_shape_uniformity': 0.0, 'marginal_adhesion': 0.0, 'epithelial_cell_size': 0.0, 'bare_nuclei': 0.0, 'bland_chromatin': 0.0, 'normal_nucleoli': 0.0, 'mitoses': 0.0}, 'epithelial_cell_size': {'clump_thickness': 0.0, 'cell_size_uniformity': 0.5726586033292179, 'cell_shape_uniformity': 0.502767944815973, 'marginal_adhesion': 0.0, 'epithelial_cell_size': 0.0, 'bare_nuclei': 0.0, 'bland_chromatin': 0.0, 'normal_nucleoli': 0.0, 'mitoses': 0.0}, 'bare_nuclei': {'clump_thickness': 0.0, 'cell_size_uniformity': 0.0, 'cell_shape_uniformity': 0.5261228487320817, 'marginal_adhesion': 0.0, 'epithelial_cell_size': 0.0, 'bare_nuclei': 0.0, 'bland_chromatin': 0.5522628091390857, 'normal_nucleoli': 0.0, 'mitoses': -0.7437142606374423}, 'bland_chromatin': {'clump_thickness': 0.0, 'cell_size_uniformity': 0.6533249167391942, 'cell_shape_uniformity': 0.631017333346977, 'marginal_adhesion': 0.0, 'epithelial_cell_size': 0.0, 'bare_nuclei': 0.5522628091390857, 'bland_chromatin': 0.0, 'normal_nucleoli': 0.0, 'mitoses': -0.716623255542893}, 'normal_nucleoli': {'clump_thickness': 0.0, 'cell_size_uniformity': 0.5106708697857533, 'cell_shape_uniformity': 0.5115973333620983, 'marginal_adhesion': 0.0, 'epithelial_cell_size': 0.0, 'bare_nuclei': 0.0, 'bland_chromatin': 0.0, 'normal_nucleoli': 0.0, 'mitoses': 0.0}, 'mitoses': {'clump_thickness': -0.5790403219346321, 'cell_size_uniformity': -0.5473028893162575, 'cell_shape_uniformity': -0.5850744184472585, 'marginal_adhesion': 0.0, 'epithelial_cell_size': 0.0, 'bare_nuclei': -0.7437142606374423, 'bland_chromatin': -0.716623255542893, 'normal_nucleoli': 0.0, 'mitoses': 0.0}}
G = NX.Graph()
# these are the nodes
nodes = ['clump_thickness', 'cell_size_uniformity', 'cell_shape_uniformity', 'epithelial_cell_size', 'bare_nuclei',
'bland_chromatin', 'normal_nucleoli', 'mitoses']
# the following list contains the pairs between which I want to add an edge
pairs = [['bare_nuclei', 'bland_chromatin'], ['bare_nuclei', 'cell_shape_uniformity'],
['bare_nuclei', 'mitoses'], ['bland_chromatin', 'cell_shape_uniformity'],
['bland_chromatin', 'cell_size_uniformity'],
['bland_chromatin', 'mitoses'], ['cell_shape_uniformity', 'cell_size_uniformity'],
['cell_shape_uniformity', 'epithelial_cell_size'], ['cell_shape_uniformity', 'mitoses'],
['cell_shape_uniformity', 'normal_nucleoli'], ['cell_size_uniformity', 'epithelial_cell_size'],
['cell_size_uniformity', 'mitoses']]
# the size of each node depends on the average value of the absolute values of the corresponding column.
# the below is the minimum size
node_default_size = 2
for each_node in nodes:
# the customisation I want for each node
avg_abs_corr = corr_mat.loc[:, each_node].abs().mean()
weight=str(avg_abs_corr + node_default_size),
size=str(avg_abs_corr + node_default_size),
for each_pair in pairs[::-1]:
edge_len = corr_mat.loc[each_pair[0], each_pair[1]]
# default edge color is red
color = 'red'
# change the edge color if its positive
if edge_len > 0:
color = 'green'
# the customisation for each edge
G.add_edge(each_pair[0], each_pair[1], len=str(5 * edge_len), color=color, width="2.0")
The output is something like this
Not only does this not have any labels at the nodes, none of the customizations work. Any ideas on where I am going wrong?
What I eventually want to achieve is something like this graph.
Since you are creating the graph first and then you want to draw it, I would recommend to play with the options of the nx.draw command.
node_size=[float(G.node[node]['size']) for node in G.nodes()],
node_color=[G.node[node]['color'] for node in G.nodes()],
fontweight=[G.node[node]['fontsize'] for node in G.nodes()],
edge_color=[G.edge[edge[0]][edge[1]]['color'] for edge in G.edges()],
width=[G.edge[edge[0]][edge[1]]['width'] for edge in G.edges()]
I have the following colors variable that contains the RGBA values of the colours I would like my bar graphs to be.
colors = [(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
(0.9625172106584595, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
(0.8426095407791366, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
(0.7803353041224589, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
(0.7778812667044626, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
(0.7527658540536163, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
(0.7322264517696606, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
(0.6348343727221187, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
(0.5364622985340568, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)]
However, it seems like all of the bar graphs are only taking the colour of the first value
reg_graph = reg_df.plot(kind="barh",figsize=(10,6),color=colors)
reg_graph.set_title("Number of records by region",fontsize=15)
Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?
-------- EDIT ---------
I have included more code from my jupyter notebook
reg_df = pd.DataFrame({"Records per region":df["Region"].value_counts()})
reg_df["Region Name"] = reg_df.index.to_series().map(codes_to_names_map["Region"])
#reg_df = reg_df.set_index("Region Name")
reg_df = reg_df.sort_values("Records per region")
#Applying a colour gradient for better data visualization
max_value = reg_df["Records per region"].max()
min_value = reg_df["Records per region"].min()
def calculate_color(value):
MAX_COLOR = (0.5,0,0)
MIN_COLOR = (1,0,0)
diff_in_color = tuple(map(lambda i, j: i - j, MAX_COLOR, MIN_COLOR))
calculate_diff = tuple((value-min_value)/(max_value-min_value) * i for i in diff_in_color)
return tuple(map(lambda i, j: i + j, calculate_diff, MIN_COLOR))
colors = [i for i in reg_df["Records per region"].apply(calculate_color)]
# Plotting the bar graph
reg_graph = reg_df.plot(kind="barh",figsize=(10,6),color=colors)
reg_graph.set_title("Number of records by region",fontsize=15)
This final bit of code produces the graph in red despite the colors array being different RGB values.
I have the following code for the stack bar chart
cols = ['Bug Prediction','Traceability','Security', 'Program Generation & Repair',
'Performance Prediction','Code Similarity & Clone Detection',
'Code Navigation & Understanding', 'Other_SE']
count_ANN = [2.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,3.0,5.0,1.0]
count_CNN = [1.0,0.0,5.0,0.0,1.0,4.0,4.0,0.0]
count_RNN = [1.0,0.0,3.0,1.0,0.0,4.0,7.0,2.0]
count_LSTM =[3.0,0.0,5.0,3.0,1.0,9.0,15.0,1.0]
count_GNN = [0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,3.0,3.0,3.0]
count_AE = [0.0,0.0,1.0,3.0,0.0,6.0,11.0,0.0]
count_AM = [2.0,0.0,1.0,4.0,1.0,4.0,15.0,1.0]
count_other =[1.0,0.0,2.0,2.0,0.0,1.0,3.0,0.0]
b_RNN = list(np.add(count_ANN,count_CNN))
b_LSTM = list(np.add(np.add(count_ANN,count_CNN),count_RNN))
b_AE = list(np.add(np.add(np.add(count_ANN,count_CNN),count_RNN),count_AE))
b_GNN = list(np.add(b_AE,count_GNN))
b_others = list(np.add(b_GNN,count_other))
plt.bar(cols,count_ANN,0.4,label = "ANN")
plt.bar(cols,count_CNN,0.4,bottom=count_ANN,label = "CNN")
plt.bar(cols,count_RNN,0.4,bottom=b_RNN,label = "RNN")
plt.bar(cols,count_LSTM,0.4,bottom =b_LSTM, label = "LSTM")
plt.bar(cols,count_AE,0.4,bottom=b_AE,label = "Auto-Encoder")
plt.bar(cols,count_GNN,0.4,bottom=b_GNN,label = "GNN")
plt.bar(cols,count_other,0.4,bottom=b_others,label = "Others")
#ax.bar(cols, count)
Then the output for this is overlapped stacks as in the following figure
The specific problem is that b_AE is calculated wrong. (Also, there is a list called count_AM for which there is no label).
The more general problem, is that calculating all these values "by hand" is very prone to errors and difficult to adapt when there are changes. It helps to write things in a loop.
The magic of numpy's broadcasting and vectorization lets you initialize bottom as a single zero, and then use numpy's adding to add the counts.
To have a bit neater x-axis, you can put the individual words on separate lines. Also, plt.tight_layout() tries to make sure all text fits nicely into the plot.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
cols = ['Bug Prediction', 'Traceability', 'Security', 'Program Generation & Repair',
'Performance Prediction', 'Code Similarity & Clone Detection',
'Code Navigation & Understanding', 'Other_SE']
count_ANN = [2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 5.0, 1.0]
count_CNN = [1.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 4.0, 0.0]
count_RNN = [1.0, 0.0, 3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 4.0, 7.0, 2.0]
count_LSTM = [3.0, 0.0, 5.0, 3.0, 1.0, 9.0, 15.0, 1.0]
count_GNN = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0]
count_AE = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 3.0, 0.0, 6.0, 11.0, 0.0]
count_AM = [2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 1.0, 4.0, 15.0, 1.0]
count_other = [1.0, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 3.0, 0.0]
all_counts = [count_ANN, count_CNN, count_RNN, count_LSTM, count_GNN, count_AE, count_AM, count_other]
all_labels = ["ANN", "CNN", "RNN", "LSTM", "GNN", "Auto-Encoder", "AM", "Others"]
cols = ["\n".join(c.split(" ")) for c in cols]
cols = [c.replace("&\n", "& ") for c in cols]
bottom = 0
for count_i, label in zip(all_counts, all_labels):
plt.bar(cols, count_i, 0.4, bottom=bottom, label=label)
bottom += np.array(count_i)
# plt.xticks(np.arange(len(cols)) + 0.1, cols)
plt.tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation=45, length=0)
PS: To have the bars in the same order as the legend, you could draw them starting from the top:
bottom = np.sum(all_counts, axis=0)
for count_i, label in zip(all_counts, all_labels):
bottom -= np.array(count_i)
plt.bar(cols, count_i, 0.4, bottom=bottom, label=label)
I want to extract let say the 3 max values in a matplotlib histogram.
There are a lot of ways to extract the (unique) max value in a histogram, but I don't find anything about extract the 2-3 or 4 max values in a histogram.
I also want it to be automatic (not specific to the following case).
Here is my data and my code:
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
Angle=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5526165117219184, 0.0, 1.559560844536934, 0.0, 1.5554129250143014, 1.5529410816553442, 1.5458015331759765, -0.036680787756651845, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.017855245139552514, -0.03224688243525392, 1.5422326689561365, 0.595918005516301, -0.06731387579270513, -0.011627382956383872, 1.5515679276951895, -0.06413211500143158, 0.0, -0.6123221322275954, 0.0, 0.0, 0.13863973713415806, 0.07677189126977804, -0.021735706841792667, 0.0, -0.6099169030770674, 1.546410917622178, 0.0, 0.0, -0.24111767845146836, 0.5961991412974801, 0.014704822377851432]
plt.hist(Angle, bins=100,label='Angle')
plt.hist outputs the bin heights, the bin boundaries and the rectangular patches.
np.argsort can sort the values and use the result to index the other arrays.
The code below imports pyplot as plt because importing it as * can lead to al lot of confusion.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
Angle=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5526165117219184, 0.0, 1.559560844536934, 0.0, 1.5554129250143014, 1.5529410816553442, 1.5458015331759765, -0.036680787756651845, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.017855245139552514, -0.03224688243525392, 1.5422326689561365, 0.595918005516301, -0.06731387579270513, -0.011627382956383872, 1.5515679276951895, -0.06413211500143158, 0.0, -0.6123221322275954, 0.0, 0.0, 0.13863973713415806, 0.07677189126977804, -0.021735706841792667, 0.0, -0.6099169030770674, 1.546410917622178, 0.0, 0.0, -0.24111767845146836, 0.5961991412974801, 0.014704822377851432]
plt.figure(1,figsize=(10, 6))
values, bins, patches = plt.hist(Angle, bins=30)
order = np.argsort(values)[::-1]
print("4 highest bins:", values[order][:4])
print(" their ranges:", [ (bins[i], bins[i+1]) for i in order[:4]])
for i in order[:4]:
4 highest bins: [21. 8. 3. 2.]
their ranges: [(-0.03315333842372081, 0.03924276080176348), (1.4871647453114498, 1.559560844536934), (-0.1055494376492051, -0.03315333842372081), (0.5460154553801537, 0.6184115546056381)]
Another example highlighting the 3 highest bins:
Angle = np.random.normal(np.tile(np.random.uniform(1, 100, 20 ), 100), 5 )
values, bins, patches = plt.hist(Angle, bins=100)
I'm having trouble replicating a neural net created in matlab using python. Its a {9,8,4} network. Below is the original output in matlab and python respectively
0.00187283763854096 0.00280257304094145 0.00709416898379967 0.00474275971385824 0.000545071722266366
0.0520122170317888 0.0402746073491970 0.0179208146529717 0.0245726107168336 0.230693355244371
0.430695009441386 0.434492291029203 0.410151021812136 0.416871471927059 0.469873849186641
0.562954025662924 0.539410486293765 0.666336481449288 0.637779009735872 0.284564488176231
[1.0, -1.0, -0.6875955603907775, -0.9999999426232321]
[1.0, -1.0, 0.5569364789701737, -0.9994593106654553]
[1.0, -1.0, 0.5022468075847347, -0.999780120038859]
[1.0, -1.0, 0.4924691499951816, -0.9997110849203137]
[1.0, -1.0, 0.5945295051094253, -0.9991584098381949]
I obtained the input and layered weights using net2.IW{1}, net2.LW{2}. The bias was obtained as follows; net2.b{1} and net2.b{2}.
Without using bias, I got something that looks close:
[-0.6296705512038354, 0.9890465283687858, 0.1368924025968622, 0.5426776395855755]
[-0.05171165478856995, 0.2973298654798701, 0.02897695903082293, 0.0499820714219222]
[-0.10046933055782481, 0.40531232885083035, 0.033067381241777244, 0.06585830703439044]
[0.03167268710874907, 0.5485036035542894, 0.10579223668518502, 0.015475934153332364]
[0.006502829360007152, 0.22928662468119648, 0.03788967208701787, 0.012868192806301859]
Hence I think the problem may lie in the bias; I'm not quite sure though.
Python implementation with weights taken from Matlab
def sigmoid(x):
return math.tanh(x)
def NN(inputs, bias1, bias2):
wsum=[sum([(x*y) for x,y in zip(inputs[0],row)])for row in inputweights]
wsbias=[(x + y) for x,y in zip(wsum,bias1)]
inputactivation=[sigmoid(k) for k in wsbias]
wsoutput=[sum([(x*y) for x,y in zip(inputactivtion,row)])for row in hiddenweights]
wsbias2=[(x + y) for x,y in zip(wsoutput,bias2)]
outputactivation=[sigmoid(k) for k in wsbias2]
return 'output' outputactivation
I would really appreciate any solution that works.
Below are input and Layered weights as well as input and layered bias obtained.
IW=[[-9.1964, -2.3015, 0.2493, 3.3648, -2.6015, -0.0795, -11.2356, 4.6861,-0.8360],
[6.0201, -1.8708, 2.7844, 0.2419, -1.1808, -8.6800, 5.8519, -5.2958, 5.3233],
[0.8597, 0.8644, -0.6913, -0.0397, 0.0619, 0.4506, 1.0687, 0.4090, -0.2874],
[2.9459, 3.2596, 2.2859, 1.1933, 2.9675, -9.6017, 3.5893, 1.4808, -7.5311],
[-0.1533, -1.4806, -2.3748, 0.8059, -0.5502, -1.0447, -0.5920, -1.1667, -1.1447],
[4.7185, -9.2097, 1.1001, -0.0173, 1.4929, 0.3884, 3.7674, 6.3459, -4.2845],
[-16.4031, 8.1351, 2.0689, 2.1267, 6.2093, -8.3875, -15.8493, -0.6096, 2.9214],
[1.7329, 0.1797, 0.1500, 9.1616, -1.7226, 0.9479, 3.2542, -24.4003, -4.2790]]
LW=[[-18.5985, 12.2366, -0.8833, -1.6382, 4.6281, 8.1221, -23.7587, -0.8589],
[12.0462, -11.5464, 6.9612, -10.8562, -7.0647, 5.6653, 16.2527, -7.6119],
[12.4176, 0.9808, 0.7650, -2.9434, -0.2765, -3.0689, -3.1528, 3.0389],
[5.7570, 7.7584, -6.9550, -2.3679, -1.4884, -11.0668, 2.6764, 26.5427]]
bias1=[-1.7639, -1.2599, -0.7560, 0.2520,-0.2520,0.7560, -1.2599, -1.7639]
bias2= [0.2129,-8.1812, 0.0202,4.4512]
My inputs
[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0414444125526, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00670501464516, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0313140652051], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
[[0.0, 0.0, 0.00398243636152, 0.0, 0.0, 0.000863557858377, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00356406423776], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
[[0.0, 0.0, 0.00440892765754, 0.0, 0.0, 0.000725737283104, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00543503005753], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
[[0.0, 0.0, 0.00565322288091, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00236630383341, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00642911490856], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
[[0.0, 0.0, 0.00250332223564, 0.0, 0.0, 0.000926998841251, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00241792804103], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
Thanks for your suggestions.
The code below is a mixture of R and Python, which is used for determining the Outliers values from a list of values.
When I run this code :
from rpy import *
listInput = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0016999999999999999, 0.0025999999999999999, 0.0086, 0.0095999999999999992, 0.012, 0.0132, 0.0149, 0.021700000000000001, 0.022700000000000001, 0.023300000000000001, 0.024799999999999999, 0.0263, 0.029100000000000001, 0.033000000000000002, 0.0424, 0.057099999999999998, 0.0625, 0.063299999999999995, 0.0654, 0.069900000000000004, 0.070599999999999996, 0.072999999999999995, 0.078, 0.085599999999999996, 0.085599999999999996, 0.086499999999999994, 0.088200000000000001, 0.088999999999999996, 0.091300000000000006, 0.092700000000000005, 0.092999999999999999, 0.097199999999999995, 0.099900000000000003, 0.1077, 0.1143, 0.1255, 0.128, 0.13009999999999999, 0.13159999999999999, 0.13270000000000001, 0.1333, 0.1351, 0.14369999999999999, 0.15060000000000001, 0.1547, 0.15529999999999999, 0.15740000000000001, 0.15870000000000001, 0.17630000000000001, 0.1799, 0.18179999999999999, 0.20660000000000001, 0.20930000000000001, 0.2152, 0.219, 0.22919999999999999, 0.22989999999999999, 0.23200000000000001, 0.23369999999999999, 0.23619999999999999, 0.2399, 0.2422, 0.24890000000000001, 0.2545, 0.255, 0.25519999999999998, 0.25990000000000002, 0.26050000000000001, 0.26400000000000001, 0.27489999999999998, 0.27739999999999998, 0.27800000000000002, 0.27889999999999998, 0.28310000000000002, 0.29220000000000002, 0.29470000000000002, 0.30120000000000002, 0.31119999999999998, 0.32829999999999998, 0.32890000000000003, 0.33119999999999999, 0.3347, 0.3407, 0.35310000000000002, 0.35580000000000001, 0.35980000000000001, 0.3705, 0.38009999999999999, 0.38569999999999999, 0.39389999999999997, 0.40060000000000001, 0.4108, 0.4173, 0.42859999999999998, 0.4289, 0.4294, 0.443, 0.44359999999999999, 0.4541, 0.47020000000000001, 0.49109999999999998, 0.5, 0.50449999999999995, 0.50749999999999995, 0.53769999999999996, 0.54779999999999995, 0.58220000000000005, 0.59089999999999998, 0.60070000000000001, 0.60360000000000003, 0.60970000000000002, 0.63070000000000004, 0.63390000000000002, 0.65880000000000005, 0.6653, 0.66620000000000001, 0.66669999999999996, 0.69120000000000004, 0.72240000000000004, 0.7399, 0.74629999999999996, 0.748, 0.76139999999999997, 0.76319999999999999, 0.76719999999999999, 0.79549999999999998, 0.80679999999999996, 0.8085, 0.81599999999999995, 0.82499999999999996, 0.84940000000000004, 0.85919999999999996, 0.8851, 0.8921, 0.89900000000000002, 0.92200000000000004, 0.92379999999999995, 0.95099999999999996, 0.96150000000000002, 0.96319999999999995, 0.96709999999999996, 0.9698, 0.97499999999999998, 0.97589999999999999, 0.98419999999999996, 0.99029999999999996, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
print len(listInput)
TupleInput = tuple(listInput)
print r("adjboxStats")(r.c(TupleInput), coef = 2.5, a = -4, b = 3, do_conf = True, do_out = True)
I get this error:
maximal number of iterations (100 =? 100) reached prematurely
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/kritani/r_python/stack.py", line 49, in <module>
print r("adjboxStats")(r.c(TupleInput), coef = 2.5, a = -4, b = 3, do_conf = True, do_out = True)
rpy.RPy_RException: Error in mc.default(x, na.rm = TRUE) :
mc(): not 'converged' in 100 iterations
When I minimize the number to less than 100 number it works.
I uninstalled R and reinstalled it but it didn't fix the issue. I looked here and here and here and here and there's not a clear solution that really helps.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
Thank you, guys!