I am using pandas in a python notebook to make some data analysis. I am trying to make a simple nested loop, but this is very bad performing.
The problem is that I have two tables made of two columns each, the first containing time stamps (hh:mm:ss) and the second containing some integer values.
The first table (big_table) contains 86400 rows, one for each possible timestamp in a day, and each integer value is initially set to 0.
The second table (small_table) contains less rows, one for each timestamp in which an actual integer value is registered.
The goal is to map the small_table integers to the big_table integers, in the rows where the timestamp is the same. I also want to write the last written integer when the small_table timestamp is not found in the big_table timestamps.
I am doing this trying to "force" a Java/C way of doing it, which iterates over each element accessing them as the [i][j] elements of a matrix.
Is there any better way of doing this using pandas/numpy?
rel_time_pointer = small_table.INTEGER.iloc[0]
for i in range(small_table.shape[0]):
for j in range(big_table.shape[0]):
if (small_table.time.iloc[i] == big_table.time.iloc[j]):
rel_time_pointer = small_table.INTEGER.iloc[i]
big_table.INTEGER.iloc[j] = rel_time_pointer
big_table.INTEGER.iloc[j] = rel_time_pointer
00:00:00 0
00:00:01 0
00:00:02 0
00:00:03 0
00:00:04 0
00:00:05 0
00:00:06 0
23:59:59 0
00:00:03 100
00:00:05 100
00:00:00 0
00:00:01 0
00:00:02 0
00:00:03 100
00:00:04 100
00:00:05 200
00:00:06 200
Using the #gtomer merge command:
big_table = big_table.merge(small_table, on='time', how='left')
and adding .fillna(0) at the end of the command I get:
00:00:00 0 0.0
00:00:01 0 0.0
... ... ...
with the INTEGER values of small_table in the right places of big_table_after_execution. Now I'm trying to set the 0 values to the not-0 top element:
00:00:00 0 0.0
00:00:01 0 0.0
00:00:02 0 0.0
00:00:03 0 1.0
00:00:04 0 1.0
00:00:05 0 2.0
00:00:06 0 2.0
instead of:
00:00:00 0 0.0
00:00:01 0 0.0
00:00:02 0 0.0
00:00:03 0 1.0
00:00:04 0 0.0
00:00:05 0 2.0
00:00:06 0 0.0
Please try the following:
big_table_after_execution = big_table.merge(small_table, on='time', how='left')
Please post the output you get and we'll continue from there
Numpy iteration and enumeration options:
if you have a 2d np.ndarray type object, then iteration can be achieved in one line as follows:
for (i,j), value in np.ndenumerate(ndarray_object):...
This works like regular enumerate, but allows you to deconstruct the higher dimensional index into a tuple of appropriate dimensions.
You could maybe place your values into a 2d array structure from numpy and iterate through them like that?
The easiest way to modify what you already have so that it looks less 'c-like' is probably to just use regular enumerate:
for small_index, small_value in enumerate(small_table):
for big_index, big_value in enumerate(big_table):...
Another option for grouping your iteration together is the zip() function, which will combine iterable 1 and 2, but it will only produce a resultant iterable as with a length equal to the minimum iterable length.
I have a data frame that looks like this:
How can I make a new data frame that contains only the minimum 'Time' values for a user on the same date?
So I want to have a data frame with the same structure, but only one 'Time' for a 'Date' for a user.
So it should be like this:
Sort values by time column and check for duplicates in Date+User_name. However to make sure 09:00 is lower than 10:00 we can convert the strings to time first.
import pandas as pd
data = {
'User_name':['user1','user1','user1', 'user2'],
'Date':['8/29/2016','8/29/2016', '8/31/2016', '8/31/2016'],
'Time':['9:07:41','9:07:42','9:07:43', '9:31:35']
# Recreate sample dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
Alternative 1 (quicker):
#100 loops, best of 3: 1.73 ms per loop
# Create a mask
m = (df.reindex(pd.to_datetime(df['Time']).sort_values().index)
# Apply inverted mask
df = df.loc[~m]
Alternative 2 (more readable):
One easier way would be too remake the df['Time'] column to datetime and group it by date and User_name and get the idxmin(). This will be our mask. (Credit to jezrael)
# 100 loops, best of 3: 4.34 ms per loop
# Create a mask
m = pd.to_datetime(df['Time']).groupby([df['Date'],df['User_name']]).idxmin()
df = df.loc[m]
Date Time User_name
0 8/29/2016 9:07:41 user1
2 8/31/2016 9:07:43 user1
3 8/31/2016 9:31:35 user2
Update 1
#User included into grouping
Not the best way but simple
df = pd.DataFrame(np.datetime64('2016')+
columns =['DT']).join(pd.Series(list('abcdefg'),name='str_val')
df['Date'] = df.DT.dt.date
df['Time'] = df.DT.dt.time
df.drop(columns = ['DT'],inplace=True)
print (df)
str_val User Date Time
0 a U 2016-01-01 04:00:00
1 b A 2016-01-01 10:00:00
2 c U 2016-01-01 20:00:00
3 d A 2016-01-01 22:00:00
4 e U 2016-01-02 04:00:00
5 f A 2016-01-02 23:00:00
6 g U 2016-01-02 09:00:00
Code to get values
print (df.sort_values(['Date','User','Time']).groupby(['Date','User']).first())
Date User
2016-01-01 A b 10:00:00
U a 04:00:00
2016-01-02 A f 23:00:00
U e 04:00:00
I have a DataFrame like this:
Date X
2014-01-02 07:00:00 16
2014-01-02 07:15:00 20
2014-01-02 07:30:00 21
2014-01-02 07:45:00 33
2014-01-02 08:00:00 22
2014-01-02 23:45:00 0
So my "Date" Column is a datetime and has values vor every 15min of a day.
What i want is to remove ALL Rows where the time is NOT between 08:00 and 18:00 o'clock.
Some days are missing in the datas...how could i put the missing days in my dataframe and fill them with the value 0 as X.
My approach: Create a new Series between two Dates and set 15min as frequenz and concat my X Column with the new created Series. Is that right?
Problem for my second Question:
#create new full DF without missing dates and reindex
full_range = pandas.date_range(start='2014-01-02', end='2017-11-
df = df.reindex(full_range,fill_value=0)
Date X
2014-01-02 00:00:00 1970-01-01 0
2014-01-02 00:15:00 1970-01-01 0
2014-01-02 00:30:00 1970-01-01 0
2014-01-02 00:45:00 1970-01-01 0
2014-01-02 01:00:00 1970-01-01 0
That didnt work as you see.
The "Date" Column is not a index btw. i need it as Column in my df
and why did he take "1970-01-01"? 1970 as year makes no sense to me
What I want is to remove ALL Rows where the time is NOT between 08:00
and 18:00 o'clock.
Create a mask with datetime.time. Example:
from datetime import time
idx = pd.date_range('2014-01-02', freq='15min', periods=10000)
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': np.empty(idx.shape[0])}, index=idx)
t1 = time(8); t2 = time(18)
times = df.index.time
mask = (times > t1) & (times < t2)
df = df.loc[mask]
Some days are missing in the data...how could I put the missing days
in my DataFrame and fill them with the value 0 as X?
Build a date range that doesn't have missing data with pd.date_range() (see above).
Call reindex() on df and specify fill_value=0.
Answering your questions in comments:
np.empty creates an empty array. I was just using it to build some "example" data that is basically garbage. Here idx.shape is the shape of your index (length, width), a tuple. So np.empty(idx.shape[0]) creates an empty 1d array with the same length as idx.
times = df.index.time creates a variable (a NumPy array) called times. df.index.time is the time for each element in the index of df. You can explore this yourself by just breaking the code down in pieces and experimenting with it on your own.
I've got two dataframes (very long, with hundreds or thousands of rows each). One of them, called df1, contains a timeseries, in intervals of 10 minutes. For example:
date value
2016-11-24 00:00:00 1759.199951
2016-11-24 00:10:00 992.400024
2016-11-24 00:20:00 1404.800049
2016-11-24 00:30:00 45.799999
2016-11-24 00:40:00 24.299999
2016-11-24 00:50:00 159.899994
2016-11-24 01:00:00 82.499999
2016-11-24 01:10:00 37.400003
2016-11-24 01:20:00 159.899994
And the other one, df2, contains datetime intervals:
start_date end_date
0 2016-11-23 23:55:32 2016-11-24 00:14:03
1 2016-11-24 01:03:18 2016-11-24 01:07:12
2 2016-11-24 01:11:32 2016-11-24 02:00:00
I need to select all the rows in df1 that "falls" into an interval in df2.
With these examples, the result dataframe should be:
date value
2016-11-24 00:00:00 1759.199951 # Fits in row 0 of df2
2016-11-24 00:10:00 992.400024 # Fits in row 0 of df2
2016-11-24 01:00:00 82.499999 # Fits in row 1 of df2
2016-11-24 01:10:00 37.400003 # Fits on row 2 of df2
2016-11-24 01:20:00 159.899994 # Fits in row 2 of df2
Using np.searchsorted:
Here's a variation based on np.searchsorted that seems to be an order of magnitude faster than using intervaltree or merge, assuming my larger sample data is correct.
# Ensure the df2 is sorted (skip if it's already known to be).
df2 = df2.sort_values(by=['start_date', 'end_date'])
# Add the end of the time interval to df1.
df1['date_end'] = df1['date'] + pd.DateOffset(minutes=9, seconds=59)
# Perform the searchsorted and get the corresponding df2 values for both endpoints of df1.
s1 = df2.reindex(np.searchsorted(df2['start_date'], df1['date'], side='right')-1)
s2 = df2.reindex(np.searchsorted(df2['start_date'], df1['date_end'], side='right')-1)
# Build the conditions that indicate an overlap (any True condition indicates an overlap).
cond = [
df1['date'].values <= s1['end_date'].values,
df1['date_end'].values <= s2['end_date'].values,
s1.index.values != s2.index.values
# Filter df1 to only the overlapping intervals, and drop the extra 'date_end' column.
df1 = df1[np.any(cond, axis=0)].drop('date_end', axis=1)
This may need to be modified if the intervals in df2 are nested or overlapping; I haven't fully thought it through in that scenario, but it may still work.
Using an Interval Tree
Not quite a pure Pandas solution, but you may want to consider building an Interval Tree from df2, and querying it against your intervals in df1 to find the ones that overlap.
The intervaltree package on PyPI seems to have good performance and easy to use syntax.
from intervaltree import IntervalTree
# Build the Interval Tree from df2.
tree = IntervalTree.from_tuples(df2.astype('int64').values + [0, 1])
# Build the 10 minutes spans from df1.
dt_pairs = pd.concat([df1['date'], df1['date'] + pd.offsets.Minute(10)], axis=1)
# Query the Interval Tree to filter df1.
df1 = df1[[tree.overlaps(*p) for p in dt_pairs.astype('int64').values]]
I converted the dates to their integer equivalents for performance reasons. I doubt the intervaltree package was built with pd.Timestamp in mind, so there probably some intermediate conversion steps that slow things down a bit.
Also, note that intervals in the intervaltree package do not include the end point, although the start point is included. That's why I have the + [0, 1] when creating tree; I'm padding the end point by a nanosecond to make sure the real end point is actually included. It's also the reason why it's fine for me to add pd.offsets.Minute(10) to get the interval end when querying the tree, instead of adding only 9m 59s.
The resulting output for either method:
date value
0 2016-11-24 00:00:00 1759.199951
1 2016-11-24 00:10:00 992.400024
6 2016-11-24 01:00:00 82.499999
7 2016-11-24 01:10:00 37.400003
8 2016-11-24 01:20:00 159.899994
Using the following setup to produce larger sample data:
# Sample df1.
n1 = 55000
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'date': pd.date_range('2016-11-24', freq='10T', periods=n1), 'value': np.random.random(n1)})
# Sample df2.
n2 = 500
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'start_date': pd.date_range('2016-11-24', freq='18H22T', periods=n2)})
# Randomly shift the start and end dates of the df2 intervals.
shift_start = pd.Series(np.random.randint(30, size=n2)).cumsum().apply(lambda s: pd.DateOffset(seconds=s))
shift_end1 = pd.Series(np.random.randint(30, size=n2)).apply(lambda s: pd.DateOffset(seconds=s))
shift_end2 = pd.Series(np.random.randint(5, 45, size=n2)).apply(lambda m: pd.DateOffset(minutes=m))
df2['start_date'] += shift_start
df2['end_date'] = df2['start_date'] + shift_end1 + shift_end2
Which yields the following for df1 and df2:
date value
0 2016-11-24 00:00:00 0.444939
1 2016-11-24 00:10:00 0.407554
2 2016-11-24 00:20:00 0.460148
3 2016-11-24 00:30:00 0.465239
4 2016-11-24 00:40:00 0.462691
54995 2017-12-10 21:50:00 0.754123
54996 2017-12-10 22:00:00 0.401820
54997 2017-12-10 22:10:00 0.146284
54998 2017-12-10 22:20:00 0.394759
54999 2017-12-10 22:30:00 0.907233
start_date end_date
0 2016-11-24 00:00:19 2016-11-24 00:41:24
1 2016-11-24 18:22:44 2016-11-24 18:36:44
2 2016-11-25 12:44:44 2016-11-25 13:03:13
3 2016-11-26 07:07:05 2016-11-26 07:49:29
4 2016-11-27 01:29:31 2016-11-27 01:34:32
495 2017-12-07 21:36:04 2017-12-07 22:14:29
496 2017-12-08 15:58:14 2017-12-08 16:10:35
497 2017-12-09 10:20:21 2017-12-09 10:26:40
498 2017-12-10 04:42:41 2017-12-10 05:22:47
499 2017-12-10 23:04:42 2017-12-10 23:44:53
And using the following functions for timing purposes:
def root_searchsorted(df1, df2):
# Add the end of the time interval to df1.
df1['date_end'] = df1['date'] + pd.DateOffset(minutes=9, seconds=59)
# Get the insertion indexes for the endpoints of the intervals from df1.
s1 = df2.reindex(np.searchsorted(df2['start_date'], df1['date'], side='right')-1)
s2 = df2.reindex(np.searchsorted(df2['start_date'], df1['date_end'], side='right')-1)
# Build the conditions that indicate an overlap (any True condition indicates an overlap).
cond = [
df1['date'].values <= s1['end_date'].values,
df1['date_end'].values <= s2['end_date'].values,
s1.index.values != s2.index.values
# Filter df1 to only the overlapping intervals, and drop the extra 'date_end' column.
return df1[np.any(cond, axis=0)].drop('date_end', axis=1)
def root_intervaltree(df1, df2):
# Build the Interval Tree.
tree = IntervalTree.from_tuples(df2.astype('int64').values + [0, 1])
# Build the 10 minutes spans from df1.
dt_pairs = pd.concat([df1['date'], df1['date'] + pd.offsets.Minute(10)], axis=1)
# Query the Interval Tree to filter the DataFrame.
return df1[[tree.overlaps(*p) for p in dt_pairs.astype('int64').values]]
def ptrj(df1, df2):
# The smallest amount of time - handy when using open intervals:
epsilon = pd.Timedelta(1, 'ns')
# Lookup series (`asof` works best with series) for `start_date` and `end_date` from `df2`:
sdate = pd.Series(data=range(df2.shape[0]), index=df2.start_date)
edate = pd.Series(data=range(df2.shape[0]), index=df2.end_date + epsilon)
# (filling NaN's with -1)
l = edate.asof(df1.date).fillna(-1)
r = sdate.asof(df1.date + (pd.Timedelta(10, 'm') - epsilon)).fillna(-1)
# (taking `values` here to skip indexes, which are different)
mask = l.values < r.values
return df1[mask]
def parfait(df1, df2):
df1['key'] = 1
df2['key'] = 1
df2['row'] = df2.index.values
df3 = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=['key'])
return df3[df3['start_date'].between(df3['date'], df3['date'] + dt.timedelta(minutes=9, seconds=59), inclusive=True) | df3['date'].between(df3['start_date'], df3['end_date'], inclusive=True)].set_index('date')[['value', 'row']]
def root_searchsorted_modified(df1, df2):
# Add the end of the time interval to df1.
df1['date_end'] = df1['date'] + pd.DateOffset(minutes=9, seconds=59)
# Get the insertion indexes for the endpoints of the intervals from df1.
s1 = df2.reindex(np.searchsorted(df2['start_date'], df1['date'], side='right')-1)
s2 = df2.reindex(np.searchsorted(df2['start_date'], df1['date_end'], side='right')-1)
# ---- further is the MODIFIED code ----
# Filter df1 to only overlapping intervals.
df1.query('(date <= #s1.end_date.values) |\
(date_end <= #s1.end_date.values) |\
(#s1.index.values != #s2.index.values)', inplace=True)
# Drop the extra 'date_end' column.
return df1.drop('date_end', axis=1)
I get the following timings:
%timeit root_searchsorted(df1.copy(), df2.copy())
100 loops best of 3: 9.55 ms per loop
%timeit root_searchsorted_modified(df1.copy(), df2.copy())
100 loops best of 3: 13.5 ms per loop
%timeit ptrj(df1.copy(), df2.copy())
100 loops best of 3: 18.5 ms per loop
%timeit root_intervaltree(df1.copy(), df2.copy())
1 loop best of 3: 4.02 s per loop
%timeit parfait(df1.copy(), df2.copy())
1 loop best of 3: 8.96 s per loop
This solution (I believe it works) uses pandas.Series.asof. Under the hood, it's some version of searchsorted - but for some reason it's four times faster than it's comparable in speed with #root's function.
I assume that all date columns are in the pandas datetime format, sorted, and that df2 intervals are non-overlapping.
The code is pretty short but somewhat intricate (explanation below).
# The smallest amount of time - handy when using open intervals:
epsilon = pd.Timedelta(1, 'ns')
# Lookup series (`asof` works best with series) for `start_date` and `end_date` from `df2`:
sdate = pd.Series(data=range(df2.shape[0]), index=df2.start_date)
edate = pd.Series(data=range(df2.shape[0]), index=df2.end_date + epsilon)
# The main function (see explanation below):
def get_it(df1):
# (filling NaN's with -1)
l = edate.asof(df1.date).fillna(-1)
r = sdate.asof(df1.date + (pd.Timedelta(10, 'm') - epsilon)).fillna(-1)
# (taking `values` here to skip indexes, which are different)
mask = l.values < r.values
return df1[mask]
The advantage of this approach is twofold: sdate and edate are evaluated only once and the main function can take chunks of df1 if df1 is very large.
pandas.Series.asof returns the last valid row for a given index. It can take an array as an input and is quite fast.
For the sake of this explanation, let s[j] = sdate.index[j] be the jth date in sdate and x be some arbitrary date (timestamp).
There is always s[sdate.asof(x)] <= x (this is exactly how asof works) and it's not difficult to show that:
j <= sdate.asof(x) if and only if s[j] <= x
sdate.asof(x) < j if and only if x < s[j]
Similarly for edate. Unfortunately, we can't have the same inequalities (either week or strict) in both 1. and 2.
Two intervals [a, b) and [x, y] intersect iff x < b and a <= y.
(We may think of a, b as coming from sdate.index and edate.index - the interval [a, b) is chosen to be closed-open because of properties 1. and 2.)
In our case x is a date from df1, y = x + 10min - epsilon,
a = s[j], b = e[j] (note that epsilon has been added to edate), where j is some number.
So, finally, the condition equivalent to "[a, b) and [x, y] intersect" is
"sdate.asof(x) < j and j <= edate.asof(y) for some number j". And it roughly boils down to l < r inside the function get_it (modulo some technicalities).
This is not exactly straightforward but you can do the following:
First get the relevant date columns from the two dataframes and concatenate them together so that one column is all the dates and the other two are columns representing the indexes from df2. (Note that df2 gets a multiindex after stacking)
dfm = pd.concat((df1['date'],df2.stack().reset_index())).sort_values(0)
0 level_0 level_1
0 2016-11-23 23:55:32 0.0 start_date
0 2016-11-24 00:00:00 NaN NaN
1 2016-11-24 00:10:00 NaN NaN
1 2016-11-24 00:14:03 0.0 end_date
2 2016-11-24 00:20:00 NaN NaN
3 2016-11-24 00:30:00 NaN NaN
4 2016-11-24 00:40:00 NaN NaN
5 2016-11-24 00:50:00 NaN NaN
6 2016-11-24 01:00:00 NaN NaN
2 2016-11-24 01:03:18 1.0 start_date
3 2016-11-24 01:07:12 1.0 end_date
7 2016-11-24 01:10:00 NaN NaN
4 2016-11-24 01:11:32 2.0 start_date
8 2016-11-24 01:20:00 NaN NaN
5 2016-11-24 02:00:00 2.0 end_date
You can see that the values from df1 have NaN in the right two columns and since we have sorted the dates, these rows fall in between the start_date and end_date rows (from df2).
In order to indicate that the rows from df1 fall between the rows from df2 we can interpolate the level_0 column which gives us:
dfm['level_0'] = dfm['level_0'].interpolate()
0 level_0 level_1
0 2016-11-23 23:55:32 0.000000 start_date
0 2016-11-24 00:00:00 0.000000 NaN
1 2016-11-24 00:10:00 0.000000 NaN
1 2016-11-24 00:14:03 0.000000 end_date
2 2016-11-24 00:20:00 0.166667 NaN
3 2016-11-24 00:30:00 0.333333 NaN
4 2016-11-24 00:40:00 0.500000 NaN
5 2016-11-24 00:50:00 0.666667 NaN
6 2016-11-24 01:00:00 0.833333 NaN
2 2016-11-24 01:03:18 1.000000 start_date
3 2016-11-24 01:07:12 1.000000 end_date
7 2016-11-24 01:10:00 1.500000 NaN
4 2016-11-24 01:11:32 2.000000 start_date
8 2016-11-24 01:20:00 2.000000 NaN
5 2016-11-24 02:00:00 2.000000 end_date
Notice that the level_0 column now contains integers (mathematically, not the data type) for the rows that fall between a start date and an end date (this assumes that an end date will not overlap the following start date).
Now we can just filter out the rows originally in df1:
df_falls = dfm[(dfm['level_0'] == dfm['level_0'].astype(int)) & (dfm['level_1'].isnull())][[0,'level_0']]
df_falls.columns = ['date', 'falls_index']
And merge back with the original dataframe
df_final = pd.merge(df1, right=df_falls, on='date', how='outer')
which gives:
date value falls_index
0 2016-11-24 00:00:00 1759.199951 0.0
1 2016-11-24 00:10:00 992.400024 0.0
2 2016-11-24 00:20:00 1404.800049 NaN
3 2016-11-24 00:30:00 45.799999 NaN
4 2016-11-24 00:40:00 24.299999 NaN
5 2016-11-24 00:50:00 159.899994 NaN
6 2016-11-24 01:00:00 82.499999 NaN
7 2016-11-24 01:10:00 37.400003 NaN
8 2016-11-24 01:20:00 159.899994 2.0
Which is the same as the original dataframe with the extra column falls_index which indicates the index of the row in df2 that that row falls into.
Consider a cross join merge that returns the cartesian product between both sets (all possible row pairings M x N). You can cross join using an all 1's key column in merge's on argument. Then, run a filter on large returned set using pd.series.between(). Specifically, the series between() keeps rows where start date falls within the 9:59 range of date or date falls within start and end times.
However, prior to the merge, create a df1['date'] column equal to the date index so it can be a retained column after merge and used for date filtering. Additionally, create a df2['row'] column to be used as row indicator at the end. For demo, below recreates posted df1 and df2 dataframes:
from io import StringIO
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
data1 = '''
date value
"2016-11-24 00:00:00" 1759.199951
"2016-11-24 00:10:00" 992.400024
"2016-11-24 00:20:00" 1404.800049
"2016-11-24 00:30:00" 45.799999
"2016-11-24 00:40:00" 24.299999
"2016-11-24 00:50:00" 159.899994
"2016-11-24 01:00:00" 82.499999
"2016-11-24 01:10:00" 37.400003
"2016-11-24 01:20:00" 159.899994
df1 = pd.read_table(StringIO(data1), sep='\s+', parse_dates=[0], index_col=0)
df1['key'] = 1
df1['date'] = df1.index.values
data2 = '''
start_date end_date
"2016-11-23 23:55:32" "2016-11-24 00:14:03"
"2016-11-24 01:03:18" "2016-11-24 01:07:12"
"2016-11-24 01:11:32" "2016-11-24 02:00:00"
df2['key'] = 1
df2['row'] = df2.index.values
df2 = pd.read_table(StringIO(data2), sep='\s+', parse_dates=[0,1])
df3 = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=['key'])
df3 = df3[(df3['start_date'].between(df3['date'], df3['date'] + dt.timedelta(minutes=9), seconds=59), inclusive=True)) |
(df3['date'].between(df3['start_date'], df3['end_date'], inclusive=True)].set_index('date')[['value', 'row']]
# value row
# date
# 2016-11-24 00:00:00 1759.199951 0
# 2016-11-24 00:10:00 992.400024 0
# 2016-11-24 01:00:00 82.499999 1
# 2016-11-24 01:10:00 37.400003 2
# 2016-11-24 01:20:00 159.899994 2
I tried to modify the #root's code with the experimental query pandas method see.
It should be faster than the original implementation for very large dataFrames. For small dataFrames it will be definitely slower.
def root_searchsorted_modified(df1, df2):
# Add the end of the time interval to df1.
df1['date_end'] = df1['date'] + pd.DateOffset(minutes=9, seconds=59)
# Get the insertion indexes for the endpoints of the intervals from df1.
s1 = df2.reindex(np.searchsorted(df2['start_date'], df1['date'], side='right')-1)
s2 = df2.reindex(np.searchsorted(df2['start_date'], df1['date_end'], side='right')-1)
# ---- further is the MODIFIED code ----
# Filter df1 to only overlapping intervals.
df1.query('(date <= #s1.end_date.values) |\
(date_end <= #s1.end_date.values) |\
(#s1.index.values != #s2.index.values)', inplace=True)
# Drop the extra 'date_end' column.
return df1.drop('date_end', axis=1)
EDIT: Session generation from log file analysis with pandas seems to be exactly what I was looking for.
I have a dataframe that includes non-unique time stamps, and I'd like to group them by time windows. The basic logic would be -
1) Create a time range from each time stamp by adding n minutes before and after the time stamp.
2) Group by time ranges that overlap. The end effect here would be that a time window would be as small as a single time stamp +/- the time buffer, but there is no cap on how large a time window could be, as long as multiple events were less distance apart than the time buffer
It feels like a df.groupby(pd.TimeGrouper(minutes=n)) is the right answer, but I don't know how to have the TimeGrouper create dynamic time ranges when it sees events that are within a time buffer.
For instance, if I try a TimeGrouper('20s') against a set of events: 10:34:00, 10:34:08, 10:34:08, 10:34:15, 10:34:28 and 10:34:54, then pandas will give me three groups (events falling between 10:34:00 - 10:34:20, 10:34:20 - 10:34:40, and 10:34:40-10:35:00). I would like to just get two groups back, 10:34:00 - 10:34:28, since there is no more than a 20 second gap between events in that time range, and a second group that is 10:34:54.
What is the best way to find temporal windows that are not static bins of time ranges?
Given a Series that looks something like -
0 2013-01-01 10:34:00+00:00
1 2013-01-01 10:34:12+00:00
2 2013-01-01 10:34:28+00:00
3 2013-01-01 10:34:54+00:00
4 2013-01-01 10:34:55+00:00
5 2013-01-01 10:35:19+00:00
6 2013-01-01 10:35:30+00:00
If I do a df.groupby(pd.TimeGrouper('20s')) on that Series, I would get back 5 group, 10:34:00-:20, :20-:40, :40-10:35:00, etc. What I want to do is have some function that creates elastic timeranges.. as long as events are within 20 seconds, expand the timerange. So I expect to get back -
2013-01-01 10:34:00 - 2013-01-01 10:34:48
0 2013-01-01 10:34:00+00:00
1 2013-01-01 10:34:12+00:00
2 2013-01-01 10:34:28+00:00
2013-01-01 10:34:54 - 2013-01-01 10:35:15
3 2013-01-01 10:34:54+00:00
4 2013-01-01 10:34:55+00:00
2013-01-01 10:35:19 - 2013-01-01 10:35:50
5 2013-01-01 10:35:19+00:00
6 2013-01-01 10:35:30+00:00
This is how to use to create a custom grouper. (requires pandas >= 0.13) for the timedelta computations, but otherwise would work in other versions.
Create your series
In [31]: s = Series(range(6),pd.to_datetime(['20130101 10:34','20130101 10:34:08', '20130101 10:34:08', '20130101 10:34:15', '20130101 10:34:28', '20130101 10:34:54','20130101 10:34:55','20130101 10:35:12']))
In [32]: s
2013-01-01 10:34:00 0
2013-01-01 10:34:08 1
2013-01-01 10:34:08 2
2013-01-01 10:34:15 3
2013-01-01 10:34:28 4
2013-01-01 10:34:54 5
2013-01-01 10:34:55 6
2013-01-01 10:35:12 7
dtype: int64
This just computes the time difference in seconds between successive elements, but could actually be anything
In [33]: indexer = s.index.to_series().order().diff().fillna(0).astype('timedelta64[s]')
In [34]: indexer
2013-01-01 10:34:00 0
2013-01-01 10:34:08 8
2013-01-01 10:34:08 0
2013-01-01 10:34:15 7
2013-01-01 10:34:28 13
2013-01-01 10:34:54 26
2013-01-01 10:34:55 1
2013-01-01 10:35:12 17
dtype: float64
Arbitrariy assign things < 20s to group 0, else to group 1. This could also be more arbitrary. if the diff from previous is < 0 BUT the total diff (from first) is > 50 make in group 2.
In [35]: grouper = indexer.copy()
In [36]: grouper[indexer<20] = 0
In [37]: grouper[indexer>20] = 1
In [95]: grouper[(indexer<20) & (indexer.cumsum()>50)] = 2
In [96]: grouper
2013-01-01 10:34:00 0
2013-01-01 10:34:08 0
2013-01-01 10:34:08 0
2013-01-01 10:34:15 0
2013-01-01 10:34:28 0
2013-01-01 10:34:54 1
2013-01-01 10:34:55 2
2013-01-01 10:35:12 2
dtype: float64
Groupem (can also use an apply here)
In [97]: s.groupby(grouper).sum()
0 10
1 5
2 13
dtype: int64
You might want consider using apply:
def my_grouper(datetime_value):
return some_group(datetime_value)
It's up to you to implement just any grouping logic in your grouper function. Btw, merging overlapping time ranges is kind of iterative task: for example, A = (0, 10), B = (20, 30), C = (10, 20). After C appears, all three, A, B and C should be merged.
This is my ugly version of merging algorithm:
groups = {}
def in_range(val, begin, end):
return begin <= val <= end
global max_group_id
max_group_id = 1
def find_merged_group(begin, end):
global max_group_id
found_common_group = None
full_wraps = []
for (group_start, group_end), group in groups.iteritems():
begin_inclusion = in_range(begin, group_start, group_end)
end_inclusion = in_range(end, group_start, group_end)
full_inclusion = begin_inclusion and end_inclusion
full_wrap = not begin_inclusion and not end_inclusion and in_range(group_start, begin, end) and in_range(group_end, begin, end)
if full_inclusion:
groups[(begin, end)] = group
return group
if full_wrap:
elif begin_inclusion or end_inclusion:
if not found_common_group:
found_common_group = group
else: # merge
for range, g in groups.iteritems():
if g == group:
groups[range] = found_common_group
if not found_common_group:
found_common_group = max_group_id
max_group_id += 1
groups[(begin, end)] = found_common_group
return found_common_group
def my_grouper(date_time):
return find_merged_group(date_time - 1, date_time + 1)
df['datetime'].apply(my_grouper) # first run to fill groups dict
grouped = df.groupby(df['datetime'].apply(my_grouper)) # this run is using already merged groups
try this:
create a column tsdiff that has the diffs between consecutive times (using shift)
df['new_group'] = df.tsdiff > timedelta
fillna on the new_group
groupby that column
this is just really rough pseudocode, but the solution's in there somewhere...