import numpy as np
arr = np.random.random((5, 3))
labels = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3]
array([[0.20349907, 0.1330621 , 0.78268978],
[0.71883378, 0.24783927, 0.35576746],
[0.17760916, 0.25003952, 0.29058267],
[0.90379712, 0.78134806, 0.49941208],
[0.08025936, 0.01712403, 0.53479622]])
Out[137]: [1, 1, 2, 2, 3]
assume I have this dataset.
I would like, using the labels as indicators, to perform np.mean over the rows.
(The labels here indicates the class of each row.
labels could also be [0, 1, 1, 0, 4, 1, 4] So have no assumptions over them.)
So the output here will be an average over the:
1st and 2nd row.
3rd and 4th row.
5th row.
in the most efficient way numpy offers. like so:
[np.mean(arr[:2], axis=0),
np.mean(arr[2:4], axis=0),
np.mean(arr[4:], axis=0)]
[array([0.46116642, 0.19045069, 0.56922862]),
array([0.54070314, 0.51569379, 0.39499737]),
array([0.08025936, 0.01712403, 0.53479622])]
(in real life scenario the matrix dimensions could be (100000, 256))
First we would like to sort our label and matrix:
labels = np.array(labels)
# Getting the indices of a sorted array
sorted_indices = np.argsort(labels)
# Use the indices to sort both labels and matrix
sorted_labels = labels[sorted_indices]
sorted_matrix = matrix[sorted_indices]
Then, we calculate the "steps" or pairs of indices, (from, to) we want to calculate average over, We sum them and divide by their count.
# Here we're getting the amount of rows per label to average (over the sorted_matrix).
# Infact, we're getting the start and end indices per label.
label_indices = np.concatenate(([0], np.where(np.diff(sorted_labels) != 0)[0] + 1, [len(sorted_labels)]))
# using add + reduceat to add all rows with regard to the label indices
group_sums = np.add.reduceat(sorted_matrix, label_indices[:-1], axis=0)
# getting count for each group using the diff in label_indices
group_counts = np.diff(label_indices)
# Calculating the mean
group_means = group_sums / group_counts[:, np.newaxis]
array([[0.69524902, 0.22105336, 0.65631557, 0.54823511, 0.25248685],
[0.61675048, 0.45973729, 0.22410694, 0.71403135, 0.02391662],
[0.02559926, 0.41640708, 0.27931808, 0.29139379, 0.76402121],
[0.27166955, 0.79121862, 0.23512671, 0.32568048, 0.38712154],
[0.94519182, 0.99834516, 0.23381289, 0.40722346, 0.95857389],
[0.01685432, 0.8395658 , 0.73460083, 0.08056013, 0.02522956],
[0.27274409, 0.64602305, 0.05698037, 0.23214598, 0.75130743],
[0.65069115, 0.32383729, 0.86316629, 0.69659358, 0.26667206],
[0.91971818, 0.02011127, 0.91776206, 0.79474582, 0.39678431],
[0.94645805, 0.18057829, 0.23292538, 0.93111373, 0.44815706]])
Out[266]: array([3, 3, 2, 3, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 5])
array([[0.33377274, 0.58170155, 0.79888356, 0.38857686, 0.14595081],
[0.94519182, 0.99834516, 0.23381289, 0.40722346, 0.95857389],
[0.40602051, 0.36084713, 0.41802017, 0.43942853, 0.63737099],
[0.52788969, 0.49066976, 0.37184974, 0.52931565, 0.221175 ],
[0.94645805, 0.18057829, 0.23292538, 0.93111373, 0.44815706]])
and the results are suited for: np.unique(sorted_labels)
Out[271]: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 5])
I did not understand the labels part in your question. but there is a way to calculate the mean of each row in a matrix.
use --> np.mean(arr, axis = 1).
If lables to be used, please go through below mentioned script.
import numpy as np
arr = np.array([[1,2,3],
labels =np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 4])
#print('LABEL IS :', labels)
#print('MEAN VALUES ARE : ',np.mean(arr[:2], axis = 1))
id = labels.argsort()
eq_lal = labels[id]
print(np.mean(arr[eq_lal], axis = 1))
Note that this question is not about multiple conditions within a single np.where(), see this thread for that.
I have a numpy array arr1 with some numbers (without a particular structure):
arr0 = \
and a list of all the entries in this array:
entries = [0,1,2,3]
I also have another array, arr1:
arr1 = \
I would like to perform some function on multiple subsets of elements of arr1. A subset consts of numbers which are at the same position as arr0 entries with a cetrain value. Let this function be finding the max value. Performing the function on each subset via a list comprehension:
res = [np.where(arr0==index,arr1,0).max() for index in entries]
res is [9, 6, 7, 5]
As expected: 0 in arr0 is on the top left, top right, bottom right corner, and the biggest number from the top left, top right, bottom right entries of arr1 (ie 4, 6, 9) is 9. Rest follow with a similar logic.
How can I achieve this without iteration?
My actual arrays are much bigger than these examples.
With broadcasting
res = np.where(arr0[...,None] == entries, arr1[...,None], 0).max(axis=(0, 1))
The result of np.where(...) is a (3, 3, 4) array, where slicing [...,0] would give you the same 3x3 array you get by manually doing the np.where with just entries[0], etc. Then taking the max of each 3x3 subarray leaves you with the desired result.
Apparently this method doesn't scale well for bigger arrays. The other answer using np.unique is more efficient because it reduces the maximum operation down to a few unique value regardless of how big the original arrays are.
import timeit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def loops():
return [np.where(arr0==index,arr1,0).max() for index in entries]
def broadcast():
return np.where(arr0[...,None] == entries, arr1[...,None], 0).max(axis=(0, 1))
def numpy_1d():
arr0_1D = arr0.ravel()
arr1_1D = arr1.ravel()
arg_idx = np.argsort(arr0_1D)
u, idx = np.unique(arr0_1D[arg_idx], return_index=True)
return np.maximum.reduceat(arr1_1D[arg_idx], idx)
sizes = (3, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000)
lengths = (4, 10, 25, 50, 100)
methods = (loops, broadcast, numpy_1d)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(lengths), sharex=True)
for i, M in enumerate(lengths):
entries = np.arange(M)
times = [[] for _ in range(len(methods))]
for N in sizes:
arr0 = np.random.randint(1000, size=(N, N))
arr1 = np.random.randint(1000, size=(N, N))
for j, method in enumerate(methods):
times[j].append(np.mean(timeit.repeat(method, number=1, repeat=10)))
for t in times:
ax[i].plot(sizes, t)
ax[i].legend(['loops', 'broadcasting', 'numpy_1d'])
ax[i].set_title(f'Entries size {M}')
fig.text(0.5, 0.04, 'Array size (NxN)', ha='center')
fig.text(0.04, 0.5, 'Time (s)', va='center', rotation='vertical')
It's more convenient to work in 1D case. You need to sort your arr0 then find starting indices for every group and use np.maximum.reduceat.
arr0_1D = np.array([[0,3,0],[1,3,2],[1,2,0]]).ravel()
arr1_1D = np.array([[4,5,6],[6,2,4],[3,7,9]]).ravel()
arg_idx = np.argsort(arr0_1D)
>>> arr0_1D[arg_idx]
array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3])
u, idx = np.unique(arr0_1D[arg_idx], return_index=True)
>>> idx
array([0, 3, 5, 7], dtype=int64)
>>> np.maximum.reduceat(arr1_1D[arg_idx], idx)
array([9, 6, 7, 5], dtype=int32)
I have a segmentation map (numpy.ndarray) that contain objects labeled with unique numbers. I want to combine objects across multiple slices by labeling them with the same number. Specifically, I want to renumber objects based on a DataFrame containing centroid positions and the desired label value.
First, I created some mock labels and a DataFrame:
df = pd.DataFrame({
"slice": [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2],
"number": [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3],
"x": [10, 20, 30, 40, 11, 21, 31, 12, 22, 32],
"y": [10, 20, 30, 40, 11, 21, 31, 12, 22, 32]
def make_segmap(df):
x, y = np.indices((50, 50))
maps = []
# Iterate over slices and coordinates
for n_slice in df["slice"].unique():
masks = []
for row in df[df["slice"] == n_slice].iterrows():
# Create circle
mask_circle = (x - row[1]["x"])**2 + (y - row[1]["y"])**2 < 5**2
# Random index number (here just a multiple)
masks.append(mask_circle * row[1]["number"]*3)
maps.append(np.max(masks, axis=0))
return np.stack(maps, axis=0)
segmap = make_segmap(df)
For renumbering, this is what I came up with so far:
new_maps = []
# Iterate over slices
for n_slice in df["slice"].unique():
new_labels = []
for row in df[df["slice"] == n_slice].iterrows():
# Find current value at position
original_label = segmap[n_slice, row[1]["y"], row[1]["x"]]
# Replace all label occurrences with the desired label from the DataFrame
replaced_label = np.where(segmap[n_slice] == original_label, row[1]["number"], 0)
new_maps.append(np.max(new_labels, axis=0))
new_segmap = np.stack(new_maps, axis=0)
This works reasonably well but doesn't scale to larger datasets. The real dataset has thousands of objects across hundreds of slices and this approach takes very long to run (an hour or so). Are there any suggestions on how to replace multiple values at once to improve performance?
Thanks in advance.
You can use groupby to replace the current quadratic search algorithm by a (quasi) linear search. Moreover, you can take advantage of Numpy's vectorization and broadcasting to remove the inner loop and make the computation faster.
Here is a faster implementation:
def make_segmap_fast(df):
x, y = np.indices((50, 50))
maps = []
# Iterate over slices and coordinates
for n_slice,subDf in df.groupby("slice"):
subDf_x = subDf["x"].to_numpy()[:, None, None]
subDf_y = subDf["y"].to_numpy()[:, None, None]
subDf_number = subDf["number"].to_numpy()[:, None, None]
# Create circle
mask_circle = (x - subDf_x)**2 + (y - subDf_y)**2 < 5**2
# Random index number (here just a multiple)
masks = mask_circle * subDf_number
maps.append(np.max(masks, axis=0)*3)
return np.stack(maps, axis=0)
On my machine, this is 2 times faster on the very small example (much more on bigger dataframes).
I already found two solutions for the strides moving windows which can compute mean, max, min, variance, etc. Now, I look to add a count of unique value function by axis. By axis, I mean compute all 2D arrays in single pass.
len(numpy.unique(array)) can make it but a lot of iterations will be needed to compute all arrays. I may work with image as big as 2000 x 2000, so iterations are not a good option. It's all about performance and memory effectiveness.
Here is the two solutions for the strides moving windows:
First is directly taken from Erik Rigtorp's at
import numpy as np
def rolling_window_lastaxis(a, window):
if window < 1:
raise ValueError, "`window` must be at least 1."
if window > a.shape[-1]:
raise ValueError, "`window` is too long."
shape = a.shape[:-1] + (a.shape[-1] - window + 1, window)
strides = a.strides + (a.strides[-1],)
return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides)
def rolling_window(a, window):
if not hasattr(window, '__iter__'):
return rolling_window_lastaxis(a, window)
for i, win in enumerate(window):
if win > 1:
a = a.swapaxes(i, -1)
a = rolling_window_lastaxis(a, win)
a = a.swapaxes(-2, i)
return a
filtsize = (3, 3)
a = np.zeros((10,10), dtype=np.float)
a[5:7,5] = 1
b = rolling_window(a, filtsize)
blurred = b.mean(axis=-1).mean(axis=-1)
Second is from Alex Rogozhnikov at
def compute_window_mean_and_var_strided(image, window_w, window_h):
w, h = image.shape
strided_image = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(image,
shape=[w - window_w + 1, h - window_h + 1, window_w, window_h],
strides=image.strides + image.strides)
# important: trying to reshape image will create complete 4-dimensional compy
means = strided_image.mean(axis=(2,3))
mean_squares = (strided_image ** 2).mean(axis=(2, 3))
maximums = strided_image.max(axis=(2,3))
variations = mean_squares - means ** 2
return means, maximums, variations
image = np.random.random([500, 500])
compute_window_mean_and_var_strided(image, 20, 20)
Is there a way to add/implement a count of unique value function in one or both solutions?
Clarification: Basically, I need a Unique Value filter for a 2D array, just like numpy.ndarray.mean.
Thanks you
Here's one approach with scikit-image's view_as_windows for efficient sliding window extraction.
Steps involved :
Get sliding windows.
Reshape into 2D array. Note that this would make a copy and thus we would lose the efficiency of views, but keep it vectorized.
Sort along the axis of merged block axes.
Get the differentiation along that axes and count the number of different elements, which when added with 1 would be the count of unique values in each of those sliding windows and hence the final expected result.
The implementation would be like so -
from skimage.util import view_as_windows as viewW
def sliding_uniq_count(a, BSZ):
out_shp = np.asarray(a.shape) - BSZ + 1
a_slid4D = viewW(a,BSZ)
a_slid2D = np.sort(a_slid4D.reshape(-1,,axis=1)
return ((a_slid2D[:,1:] != a_slid2D[:,:-1]).sum(1)+1).reshape(out_shp)
Sample run -
In [233]: a = np.random.randint(0,10,(6,7))
In [234]: a
array([[6, 0, 5, 7, 0, 8, 5],
[3, 0, 7, 1, 5, 4, 8],
[5, 0, 5, 1, 7, 2, 3],
[5, 1, 3, 3, 7, 4, 9],
[9, 0, 7, 4, 9, 1, 1],
[7, 0, 4, 1, 6, 3, 4]])
In [235]: sliding_uniq_count(a, [3,3])
array([[5, 4, 4, 7, 7],
[5, 5, 4, 6, 7],
[6, 6, 6, 6, 6],
[7, 5, 6, 6, 6]])
Hybrid approach
To make it work with very large arrays, to accommodate everything into memory, we might have to keep one loop that would iterate along each row of the input data, like so -
def sliding_uniq_count_oneloop(a, BSZ):
S =
out_shp = np.asarray(a.shape) - BSZ + 1
a_slid4D = viewW(a,BSZ)
out = np.empty(out_shp,dtype=int)
for i in range(a_slid4D.shape[0]):
a_slid2D_i = np.sort(a_slid4D[i].reshape(-1,S),-1)
out[i] = (a_slid2D_i[:,1:] != a_slid2D_i[:,:-1]).sum(-1)+1
return out
Hybrid approach - Version II
Another version of hybrid one, with the explicit usage of np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided -
def sliding_uniq_count_oneloop(a, BSZ):
S =
out_shp = np.asarray(a.shape) - BSZ + 1
strd = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided
m,n = a.strides
N = out_shp[1]
out = np.empty(out_shp,dtype=int)
for i in range(out_shp[0]):
a_slid3D = strd(a[i], shape=((N,) + tuple(BSZ)), strides=(n,m,n))
a_slid2D_i = np.sort(a_slid3D.reshape(-1,S),-1)
out[i] = (a_slid2D_i[:,1:] != a_slid2D_i[:,:-1]).sum(-1)+1
return out
np.mean operates on a given axis without making any copies. Looking at just the shape of the as_strided array it looks much bigger than the original array. But because each 'window' is a view, it doesn't take up any additional space. Reduction operators like mean work fine with that kind of view.
But note that your second example warns about reshape. That creates a copy; it replicates the values in all of those windows.
unique starts with
ar = np.asanyarray(ar).flatten()
so right off the bat is is making a reshapened copy. It's a copy, and 1d. Then it sorts elements, looks for duplicates etc.
There are ways of finding unique rows, but they require converting rows into large structured array elements. In effect turning a 2d array into a 1d that unique can work with.
I have a 2d numpy array (6 x 6) elements. I want to create another 2D array out of it, where each block is the average of all elements within a blocksize window. Currently, I have the foll. code:
import os, numpy
def avg_func(data, blocksize = 2):
# Takes data, and averages all positive (only numerical) numbers in blocks
dimensions = data.shape
height = int(numpy.floor(dimensions[0]/blocksize))
width = int(numpy.floor(dimensions[1]/blocksize))
averaged = numpy.zeros((height, width))
for i in range(0, height):
print i*1.0/height
for j in range(0, width):
block = data[i*blocksize:(i+1)*blocksize,j*blocksize:(j+1)*blocksize]
if block.any():
averaged[i][j] = numpy.average(block[block>0])
return averaged
arr = numpy.random.random((6,6))
avgd = avg_func(arr, 3)
Is there any way I can make it more pythonic? Perhaps numpy has something which does it already?
Based on M. Massias's soln below, here is an update with fixed values replaced by variables. Not sure if it is coded right. it does seem to work though:
dimensions = data.shape
height = int(numpy.floor(dimensions[0]/block_size))
width = int(numpy.floor(dimensions[1]/block_size))
t = data.reshape([height, block_size, width, block_size])
avrgd = numpy.mean(t, axis=(1, 3))
To compute some operation slice by slice in numpy, it is very often useful to reshape your array and use extra axes.
To explain the process we'll use here: you can reshape your array, take the mean, reshape it again and take the mean again.
Here I assume blocksize is 2
t = np.array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],])
t = t.reshape([6, 3, 2])
t = np.mean(t, axis=2)
t = t.reshape([3, 2, 3])
np.mean(t, axis=1)
array([[ 0.5, 2.5, 4.5],
[ 0.5, 2.5, 4.5],
[ 0.5, 2.5, 4.5]])
Now that it's clear how this works, you can do it in one pass only:
t = t.reshape([3, 2, 3, 2])
np.mean(t, axis=(1, 3))
works too (and should be quicker since means are computed only once - I guess). I'll let you substitute height/blocksize, width/blocksize and blocksize accordingly.
See #askewcan nice remark on how to generalize this to any dimension.