Unable to receive multiple clients data using ZeroMQ - python

I am executing this program of server, receiving from multiple clients, but after the first message for one client, the server is receiving the data and then it does not wait for other client request and just display the first clients data and stops.
Also, I am unable to be a client from other VM, which uses the same linux machine. I am not sure how to modify it in order to let the server receive from more clients.
1.I am running the same client program in different VM-s and trying to send the data to the server. Only one client message is delivered and other client is unable to send and just waits.
import zmq
import json
ports = [""]
context = zmq.Context()
print("Connecting to server")
socket = context.socket(zmq.DEALER)
socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0)
for port in ports:
socket.connect("tcp://%s" % port)
print("Successfully connected to server %s" % port)
for request in range(len(ports)):
print("Sending request ", request, "...")
socket.send_string("", zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send_string("Sensor Data")
# use poll for timeouts:
poller = zmq.Poller()
poller.register(socket, zmq.POLLIN)
socks = dict(poller.poll(5 * 1000))
if socket in socks:
socket.recv() # discard delimiter
msg_json = socket.recv() # actual message
sens = json.loads(msg_json)
response = "am: %s :: pam: %s :: dam: %s" % (sens['a'], sens['b'], sens['c'])
print("Received reply ", request, "[", response, "]")
except IOError:
print("Could not connect to machine")
print("Machine did not respond")
import zmq
import time
import json
port = "10000"
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)
socket.bind("tcp://*:%s" % port)
while True:
# Wait for next request from server
message = str(socket.recv(), "utf-8")
print("Received request: ", message)
msgDict = {
'am': "990",
'pam': "11",
'dam': "1",
ms = json.dumps(msgDict)

There are few details that seem not to be well orchestrated inside your flow of events:
Given your code, the client-side makes a single .send_string( json.dumps( msgDict ) )
but on the server-side, your code does two consecutive .recv()-s, both of which are blocking.
So what happens is that after having read-out a message from the first .recv() read, the server steps right into a second, again blocking .recv(), where it remains waiting infinitely long ( as instructed ) in all cases no other message was delivered from distributed-system external worlds to the hands of your local Context() instance. In any such case, the blocking-form of the .recv() simply never returns.
If in doubts, whether there is anything at all to read, the POLLIN event is the conditio sine qua non, and using another test, until a call to socket.getsockopt( zmq.RCVMORE ) returns False, upon all first received message multipart-elements ( if any present ) were already depleted.
Given your client-code opts to use a REQ-archetype, it will never send any message, without having first been asked to do so from server. This if your server-code is hanging inside the above explained ( conceptually ill-defined ) blocking .recv(), it will never ask "another" REQ-client to reply.


How to send multiple messages over same socket connection?

I am trying to send an array of messages through the same socket connection, but I get an error.
Here is my client code:
def send_over_socket(hl7_msg_array):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((config.HOST, config.PORT))
for single_hl7_msg in hl7_msg_array:
received = sock.recv(1024*1024)
print("Sent: ", received)
While debugging the code, I see that the exception occurs when I call the sock.recv(1024*1024) for the second message.
Here is the error:
ConnectionAbortedError: [WinError 10053] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine
Server-side code:
def run_mllp_server():
class PDQHandler(AbstractHandler):
def reply(self):
msg = hl7.parse(self.incoming_message)
msg_pid = msg[1][3]
msg_key = msg[2][3][0][1]
msg_value = msg[2][5]
lock = RLock()
results_collection[str(msg_pid)][str(msg_key)] = str(msg_value)
print("Received: ", repr(self.incoming_message))
return parse_message(self.incoming_message).to_mllp()
# error handler
class ErrorHandler(AbstractErrorHandler):
def reply(self):
if isinstance(self.exc, UnsupportedMessageType):
print("Error handler success 1")
print("Error handler else case")
handlers = {
'ORU^R01^ORU_R01': (PDQHandler,),
'ERR': (ErrorHandler,)
server = MLLPServer(config.SOCKET_HOST, config.SOCKET_PORT, handlers)
print("Running Socket on port ", config.SOCKET_PORT)
Here I am using MLLP protocol which has a TCP connection behind the scenes.
Can you help me please figure out what is going on? Is it a problem of ACK?
I do not know python at all but...
I do not think multiple messages is your problem. Looking at exception, I guess your first message is being sent correctly. Then, your client code waits for ACK to be received; but server never sends it. It instead closes the connection.
Also, make sure that whether sendall should be used instead of send.
After above issue is fixed, to send multiple messages on same connection, you have to follow MLLP (also called LLP) so that server can differentiate the message.
Description HEX ASCII Symbol
Message starting character 0B 11 <VT>
Message ending characters 1C,0D 28,13 <FS>,<CR>
This way, when you send a message to Listener (TCP/MLLP server), it looks for Start and End Block in your incoming data. Based on it, it differentiates each message.
Please refer to this answer for more details.

Why send message in diffrent time but receive mssage in the same time when use zmq delear/delear model

When I use DEALER-DEALER model to communicate, I find: server send messages in different time, but client receive messages in the same. For example (Python code):
# server
context = zmq.Context()
sock_conn = self.context.socket(zmq.DEALER)
sock_conn.bind("tcp://*:%d" % port)
# client
context_send = zmq.Context()
sock_send = self.context.socket(zmq.DEALER)
sock_send.connect("tcp://%s:%d" % (ip, port1))
while True:
msg = sock_send.recv()
The server sends the message in different time, but sometimes the client receives the messages at the same time, who can explain this problem, thanks.

python socket recv in multithread

I have python script with only one socket object that is connect to a java server.
I started a thread for sending heart beat message to server per 5 secs.
And another thread for receiving message from server.
BTW, all the data send/recv is in protobuffer format.
# socket_client.py
def recv_handler():
global client_socket
while True:
# read 4 bytes first
pack_len = client_socket.recv(4)
pack_len = struct.unpack('!i', pack_len)[0]
# read the rest
recv_data = client_socket.recv(pack_len)
# decode
decompressed_data = data_util.decompressMessage(recv_data)
sc_pb_message = data_util.decodePBMessage(decompressed_data)
sc_head = data_util.parseHead(sc_pb_message)
print 'error'
def heart_handler():
global client_socket
while True:
if client_socket:
message = data_util.makeMessage('MSG_HEART_BEAT')
compressed_data = data_util.compressMessage(message)
send_data = data_util.makeSendData(compressed_data)
print 'except'
def connect(address, port):
global client_socket
client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
client_socket.connect((address, port))
# thread sending heart beat message
th = threading.Thread(target = heart_handler)
# thread recving message
tr = threading.Thread(target = recv_handler)
The code above works just fine. The script will send a heart beat message per 5 secs and receive the message from server and the message can be decoded successfully.
And here comes the trigger part than I do not know how to implement.
My python script need to receive input from the browser at the same time, so I started a BaseHTTPServer, to handle the POST request from the browser.
When a request come, I would like to call the client_socket.send method to send a specific message to the server and of course I need to return the data from server back to the browser.
# http_server.py
def do_POST(self):
# ...
result = socket_client.request(message)
And here is what I tried to do in request:
def request(message):
global client_socket
pack_len = client_socket.recv(4)
pack_len = struct.unpack('!i', pack_len)[0]
recv_data = client_socket.recv(pack_len)
return recv_data
The problem I am having is the data I received in the request method after calling the send method seems to be disturbed by the data of heart beat in the thread.
If I comment out the heart beat thread and the receive thread, than the request method will work just fine. The data from server can decoded with no error and it can be sent back to the browser successfully.
My solution now might be wrong and I really do not know how to get this work.
Any advice will be appreciated, thanks :)
socket object in Python is not thread-safe, you need to access the shared resources (in this case the client_socket object) with the help of some synchronization primitives, such as threading.Lock in Python 2. Check here for a similar problem: Python: Socket and threads?

Python sockets; sending from client receiving on server

I am trying to send messages on TCP/IP all on host machine. This is working, although for some reason the socket needs to be re-instantiated for every new message on the client side only. For example here is a basic client that sends three separate messages:
import socket
host = ''
class Client:
def __init__(self):
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
def connect(self):
def send(self,message):
def close(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
message1 = "I am message 1"
message2 = "I am message 2"
message3 = "I am message 3"
#exp = Client()
for i in range(0,3):
exp = Client()
if i == 0:
txt = message1
elif i == 1:
txt = message2
elif i == 2:
txt = message3
print i
and the server that receives:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket
class communication:
def __init__(self):
host = ''
self.Server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print "setup finished"
def recieve(self):
(connection, client_address) = self.Server.accept()
data = connection.recv(128)
return data
def close(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
exp = communication()
while True:
(connection,client_address) = exp.Server.accept()
message = connection.recv(128)
print message
if message == "I am message 3":
You see how I re-call the Client class in each iteration of the for loop. This seems to be necessary for sending messages 2 and 3. If the socket is instantiated only once at the start of the main code along with the connect() function, then the server hangs on the recv() after the first message has been sent.
I can't understand why this is happening and the socket only needs to be setup once on the server side. I am doing something wrong, or is this normal?
It's even worse than you think. Take a look at your server code. exp.Server.accept() accepts a connection from the client, but connection.receive() ignores that connection completely and does a second self.Server.accept(). You ignore half of your connections!
Next, your server only does a single receive.... Even if you tried to send more messages on the connection, the server would ignore them.
But you can't just add a recv loop. Your client and server need some way to mark message boundaries so the server knows how to pull them out. Some text based systems use a new line. Others send a message size or fixed size header that the server can read. HTTP for example uses a combination of new lines and data count.
If you want to learn sockets from the ground up just know that they are complicated and you'll need to study. There are lots of ways to build a server and you'll need to understand the trade-offs. Otherwise, there are many frameworks from XMLRPC to zeromq that do some of the heavy lifting for you.

How do I clear the buffer upon start/exit in ZMQ socket? (to prevent server from connecting with dead clients)

I am using a REQ/REP type socket for ZMQ communication in python. There are multiple clients that attempt to connect to one server. Timeouts have been added in the client script to prevent indefinite wait.
The problem is that when the server is not running, and a client attempts to establish connection, it's message gets added to the queue buffer, which should not even exist at this moment ideally. When the script starts running and a new client connects, the previous client's data is taken in first by the server. This should not happen.
When the server starts, it assumes a client is connected to it since it had tried to connect previously, and could not exit cleanly (since the server was down).
In the code below, when the client tries the first time, it gets ERR 03: Server down which is correct, followed by Error disconnecting. When server is up, I get ERR 02: Server Busy for the first client which connects. This should not occur. The client should be able to seamlessly connect with the server now that it's up and running.
Server Code:
import zmq
def server_fn():
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)
while one == 1:
message = socket.recv()
#start process if valid new connection
if message == 'hello':
socket.send(message) #ACK
#keep session alive until application ends it.
while one == 1:
message = socket.recv()
print("Received request: ", message)
#exit connection
if message == 'bye':
#don't allow any client to connect if already busy
if message == 'hello':
socket.send ('ERR 00')
#do all data communication here
socket.send('ERR 01: Connection Error')
Client Code:
import zmq
class client:
def clientInit(self):
#zmq connection
self.context = zmq.Context()
print("Connecting to hello world server...")
self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ)
#RCVTIMEO to prevent forever block
self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 5000)
#SNDTIME0 is needed since script may not up up yet
self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.SNDTIMEO, 5000)
print "Sending hello failed."
echo = self.socket.recv()
if hello == echo:
#connection established.
commStatus = 'SUCCESS'
elif echo == 'ERR 00':
#connection busy
commStatus = "ERR 00. Server busy."
#connection failed
commStatus="ERR 02"
commStatus = "ERR 03. Server down."
return commStatus
def clientQuit(self):
print "Error disconnecting."
cObj = client()
print commStatus
PS - I have a feeling the solution may lie in the correct usage of socket.bind and socket.connect.
Answering my own question-
The problem is that the first client sends a message which the server accepts when it starts running, regardless of the status of the client.
To prevent this, 2 things have to be done. The most important thing is to use socket.close() to close the client connection. Secondly, the LINGER parameter can be set to a low value or zero. This clears the buffer after the timeout value from the time the socket is closed.
class client:
def clientInit(self):
self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 100)
def clientQuit(self):
print "Error disconnecting."

