I am trying to create a nested dictionary, whereby the key to each nested dictionary is named from the value from a variable. My end result should look something like this:
data_dict = {
'jane': {'name': 'jane', 'email': 'jane#example.com'},
'jim': {'name': 'jim', 'email': 'jim#example.com'}
Here is what I am trying:
data_dict = {}
s = "jane"
data_dict[s][name] = 'jane'
To my surprise, this does not work. Is this possible?
You want something like:
data_dict = {}
s = "jane"
data_dict[s] = {}
data_dict[s]['name'] = s
That should work, though I would recommend instead of a nested dictionary that you use a dictionary of names to either namedtuples or instances of a class.
Try this:
data_dict = {}
s = ["jane", "jim"]
for name in s:
data_dict[name] = {}
data_dict[name]['name'] = name
data_dict[name]['email'] = name + '#example.com'
as #Milad in the comment mentioned, you first need to initialize s as empty dictionary first
data['Tom']['name'] = 'Tom Marvolo Riddle'
data['Tom']['email'] = 'iamlordvoldermort.com'
For existing dictionaries you can do dict[key] = value although if there is no dict that would raise an error. I think this is the code you want to have:
data_dict = {}
s = "jane"
data_dict[s] = {"name": s, "email": f"{s}#example.com"}
I just realized when I got a notification about this question:
data_dict = defaultdict(dict)
data_dict["jane"]["name"] = "jane"
Would be a better answer I think.
def read_data(service_client):
data = list_data(domain, realm) # This returns a data frame
building_data = []
building_names = {}
all_buildings = {}
for elem in data.iterrows():
building = elem[1]['building_name']
region_id = elem[1]['region_id']
bandwith = elem[1]['bandwith']
building_id = elem[1]['building_id']
return {
'Building': building,
'Region Id': region_id,
'Bandwith': bandwith,
'Building Id': building_id,
Basically I am able to return a single dictionary value upon a iteration here in this example. I have tried printing it as well and others.
I am trying to find a way to store multiple dictionary values on each iteration and return it, instead of just returning one.. Does anyone know any ways to achieve this?
You may replace your for-loop with the following to get all dictionaries in a list.
naming = {
'building_name': 'Building',
'region_id': 'Region Id',
'bandwith': 'Bandwith',
'building_id': 'Building Id',
return [
for idx, row in data.rename(naming, axis=1).iterrows()
I wrote a code that takes 9 keys from API.
The authors, isbn_one, isbn_two, thumbinail, page_count fields may not always be retrievable, and if any of them are missing, I would like it to be None. Unfortunately, if, or even nested, doesn't work. Because that leads to a lot of loops. I also tried try and except KeyError etc. because each key has a different error and it is not known which to assign none to. Here is an example of logic when a photo is missing:
th = result['volumeInfo'].get('imageLinks')
if th is not None:
book_exists_thumbinail = {
'thumbinail': result['volumeInfo']['imageLinks']['thumbnail']
dnew = {**book_data, **book_exists_thumbinail}
book_exists_thumbinail_n = {
'thumbinail': None
dnew_none = {**book_data, **book_exists_thumbinail_n}
When I use logic, you know when one condition is met, e.g. for thumbinail, the rest is not even checked.
When I use try and except, it's similar. There's also an ISBN in the keys, but there's a list in the dictionary over there, and I need to use something like this:
isbn_zer = result['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers']
dic = collections.defaultdict(list)
for d in isbn_zer:
for k, v in d.items():
Output data: [{'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '8320717507'}, {'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9788320717501'}]
I don't know what to use anymore to check each key separately and in the case of its absence or lack of one ISBN (identifier) assign the value None. I have already tried many ideas.
The rest of the code:
book_import = []
if request.method == 'POST':
filter_ch = BookFilterForm(request.POST)
if filter_ch.is_valid():
cd = filter_ch.cleaned_data
filter_choice = cd['choose_v']
filter_search = cd['search']
search_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?"
params = {
'q': '{}{}'.format(filter_choice, filter_search),
'key': settings.BOOK_DATA_API_KEY,
'maxResults': 2,
'printType': 'books'
r = requests.get(search_url, params=params)
results = r.json()['items']
for result in results:
book_data = {
'title': result['volumeInfo']['title'],
'authors': result['volumeInfo']['authors'][0],
'publish_date': result['volumeInfo']['publishedDate'],
'isbn_one': result['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers'][0]['identifier'],
'isbn_two': result['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers'][1]['identifier'],
'page_count': result['volumeInfo']['pageCount'],
'thumbnail': result['volumeInfo']['imageLinks']['thumbnail'],
'country': result['saleInfo']['country']
filter_ch = BookFilterForm()
return render(request, "BookApp/book_import.html", {'book_import': book_import,
'filter_ch': filter_ch})```
I have a json config, based on user input, need to filter out the config and get only specific section. I tried running the code mentioned below, it returns the partially expected results.
superset_config = """
[ {
"Fruits": {
"RED": {
"YELLOW": {"key2":["val2"]}
"Fruits": {
"GREEN": { "key3": ["val3"]}
User Input:
inputs = ['Apple'] # input list
import json
derived_config = []
for each_src in json.loads(superset_config):
temp = {}
for src_keys in each_src:
if src_keys=='Fruits':
temp_inner ={}
for key,value in each_src[src_keys].items():
metrics = {key_inner:value_inner for key_inner,value_inner in value.items() if key_inner in inputs}
temp[src_keys] = temp_inner
temp[src_keys] = each_src[src_keys]
what do I get from above code:
derived_config= [
{'Area': 'Texas',
'Fruits': {'RED': {'Apple': 'val1'},
'YELLOW': {}
{'Area': 'Dallas',
'Fruits': {'GREEN': {}
what is needed: I need below results
derived_config= [
{'Area': 'Texas',
'Fruits': {'RED': {'Apple': 'val1'}
can anyone please help? thanks.
Maybe something like this:
import json
inputs = ['Apple'] # input list
derived_config = []
for each_src in json.loads(superset_config):
filtered_fruits = {k: v for k, v in (each_src.get('Fruits') or {}).items()
if any(input_ in v for input_ in inputs)}
if filtered_fruits:
each_src['Fruits'] = filtered_fruits
Edit: Based on the comments, it looks like you might want to filter the inner Fruits map based on the input list of fruits as well. In that case, we don't need to use the any function as above.
There is also an unintentional risk that we might mutate the original source config. For example, if you save the result of json.loads(superset_config) to a variable and then try to filter multiple fruits from it, likely it'll mutate the original config object. If you are directly calling jsons.load each time, then you don't need to worry about mutating the object; however you need to be aware that due to list and dict being mutable types in Python, this can be a concern to us.
The solution below does a good job of eliminating a possibility of mutating the original source object. But again, if you are calling jsons.load each time anyway, then you don't need to worry about this and you are free to modify the original config object.
import json
# Note: If you are using Python 3.9+, you can just use the standard collections
# for `dict` and `list`, as they now support parameterized values.
from typing import Dict, Any, List
# The inferred type of the 'Fruits' key in the superset config.
# This is a mapping of fruit color to a `FruitMap`.
Fruits = Dict[str, 'FruitMap']
FruitMap = Dict[str, Any]
# The inferred type of the superset config.
Config = List[Dict[str, Any]]
def get_fruits_config(src_config: Config, fruit_names: List[str]) -> Config:
Returns the specified fruit section(s) from the superset config.
fruits_config: Config = []
final_src: Dict
for each_src in src_config:
fruits: Fruits = each_src.get('Fruits') or {}
final_fruits: Fruits = {}
for fruit_color, fruit_map in fruits.items():
desired_fruits = {fruit: val for fruit, val in fruit_map.items()
if fruit in fruit_names}
if desired_fruits:
final_fruits[fruit_color] = desired_fruits
if final_fruits:
final_src = each_src.copy()
final_src['Fruits'] = final_fruits
return fruits_config
inputs = ['Apple'] # input list
config = json.loads(superset_config)
derived_config = get_fruits_config(config, inputs)
# prints:
# [{'Area': 'Texas', 'Fruits': {'RED': {'Apple': ['val1']}}}]
This is my json file input.
I am writing python program to convert the input into the below format in my dictionary.
I am new to python.
Expected output:
out: {"id": "101", "type": "typeA", "rptid": "r001", "subrpt_subid": "74", "subrpt_subname": "name1", "subrpt_subval":"113","Relid":"8","Rel_subname":"name8","Rel_Subval":"65","Relid":"5","Rel_subname":"name5","Rel_Subval":"40","fldA":"30","fldB":"23"
I used the following logic to convert the output till subrpt.
Current output:
out: {'id': '101', 'type': 'typeA', 'rptid': 'r001', 'subrpt_subid': '74', 'subrpt_subname': 'name1', 'subrpt_subval': '113'}
But I am struggling to get the logic of RelsubList(it looks like it has both list and dictionary[{}] ).
please help me to get the logic for the same.
import json
list1 = []
dict1 = {}
dict2 = {}
data_file = "samp1.json"
file = open(data_file)
for line in file:
json_line = json.loads(line)
json_line = json_line["Report"]
dict1["type"] = str(json_line["type"])
json_line = json_line["Replist"]
dict1["rptid"]= str(json_line[0]["rptid"])
dict1["subrpt_subid"] = str(json_line[0]["subrpt"]["subid"])
dict1["subrpt_subname"] = str(json_line[0]["subrpt"]["subname"])
dict1["subrpt_subval"] = str(json_line[0]["subrpt"]["subval"])
print("out:", dict1)
Some of your logic is confusing to me, i.e. why are you doing json.loads(line) in every loop?
Anyway, the following should get you the logic for RealsubList:
import json
f = open("data.json")
data = json.load(f)
for line in data:
relsublist = data["Report"]["Replist"][0]["RelsubList"]
Results in:
[{'Relid': 8, 'Relsubdetails': {'Rel_subname': 'name8', 'Rel_Subval': 65}}, {'Relid': 5, 'Relsubdetails': {'Rel_subname': 'name5', 'Rel_Subval': 40}}]
The reason for the [0] index after ["Replist"] is Replist contains an array of nested dictionaries, so you need to call it out by index. In this case its only a single array, so it would be 0
Given the following data received from a web form:
for key in request.form.keys():
print key, request.form.getlist(key)
group_name [u'myGroup']
category [u'social group']
creation_date [u'03/07/2013']
notes [u'Here are some notes about the group']
members[0][name] [u'Adam']
members[0][location] [u'London']
members[0][dob] [u'01/01/1981']
members[1][name] [u'Bruce']
members[1][location] [u'Cardiff']
members[1][dob] [u'02/02/1982']
How can I turn it into a dictionary like this? It's eventually going to be used as JSON but as JSON and dictionaries are easily interchanged my goal is just to get to the following structure.
event = {
group_name : 'myGroup',
notes : 'Here are some notes about the group,
category : 'social group',
creation_date : '03/07/2013',
members : [
name : 'Adam',
location : 'London',
dob : '01/01/1981'
name : 'Bruce',
location : 'Cardiff',
dob : '02/02/1982'
Here's what I have managed so far. Using the following list comprehension I can easily make sense of the ordinary fields:
event = [ (key, request.form.getlist(key)[0]) for key in request.form.keys() if key[0:7] != "catches" ]
but I'm struggling with the members list. There can be any number of members. I think I need to separately create a list for them and add that to a dictionary with the non-iterative records. I can get the member data like this:
tmp_members = [(key, request.form.getlist(key)) for key in request.form.keys() if key[0:7]=="members"]
Then I can pull out the list index and field name:
member_arr = []
members_orig = [ (key, request.form.getlist(key)[0]) for key in request.form.keys() if key[0:7] ==
"members" ]
for i in members_orig:
p1 = i[0].index('[')
p2 = i[0].index(']')
members_index = i[0][p1+1:p2]
p1 = i[0].rfind('[')
members_field = i[0][p1+1:-1]
But how do I add this to my data structure. The following won't work because I could be trying to process members[1][name] before members[0][name].
members_arr[int(members_index)] = {members_field : i[1]}
This seems very convoluted. Is there a simper way of doing this, and if not how can I get this working?
You could store the data in a dictionary and then use the json library.
import json
json_data = json.dumps(dict)
This will print a json string.
Check out the json library here
Yes, convert it to a dictionary, then use json.dumps(), with some optional parameters, to print out the JSON in the format you need:
eventdict = {
'group_name': 'myGroup',
'notes': 'Here are some notes about the group',
'category': 'social group',
'creation_date': '03/07/2013',
'members': [
{'name': 'Adam',
'location': 'London',
'dob': '01/01/1981'},
{'name': 'Bruce',
'location': 'Cardiff',
'dob': '02/02/1982'}
import json
print json.dumps(eventdict, indent=4)
The order of the key:value pairs is not always consistent, but if you're just looking for pretty-looking JSON that can be parsed by a script, while remaining human-readable, this should work. You can also sort the keys alphabetically, using:
print json.dumps(eventdict, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
The following python functions can be used to create a nested dictionary from the flat dictionary. Just pass in the html form output to decode().
def get_key_name(str):
first_pos = str.find('[')
return str[:first_pos]
def get_subkey_name(str):
'''Used with lists of dictionaries only'''
first_pos = str.rfind('[')
last_pos = str.rfind(']')
return str[first_pos:last_pos+1]
def get_key_index(str):
first_pos = str.find('[')
last_pos = str.find(']')
return str[first_pos:last_pos+1]
def decode(idic):
odic = {} # Initialise an empty dictionary
# Scan all the top level keys
for key in idic:
# Nested entries have [] in their key
if '[' in key and ']' in key:
if key.rfind('[') == key.find('[') and key.rfind(']') == key.find(']'):
print key, 'is a nested list'
key_name = get_key_name(key)
key_index = int(get_key_index(key).replace('[','',1).replace(']','',1))
# Append can't be used because we may not get the list in the correct order.
odic[key_name][key_index] = idic[key][0]
except KeyError: # List doesn't yet exist
odic[key_name] = [None] * (key_index + 1)
odic[key_name][key_index] = idic[key][0]
except IndexError: # List is too short
odic[key_name] = odic[key_name] + ([None] * (key_index - len(odic[key_name]) + 1 ))
# TO DO: This could be a function
odic[key_name][key_index] = idic[key][0]
key_name = get_key_name(key)
key_index = int(get_key_index(key).replace('[','',1).replace(']','',1))
subkey_name = get_subkey_name(key).replace('[','',1).replace(']','',1)
odic[key_name][key_index][subkey_name] = idic[key][0]
except KeyError: # Dictionary doesn't yet exist
print "KeyError"
# The dictionaries must not be bound to the same object
odic[key_name] = [{} for _ in range(key_index+1)]
odic[key_name][key_index][subkey_name] = idic[key][0]
except IndexError: # List is too short
# The dictionaries must not be bound to the same object
odic[key_name] = odic[key_name] + [{} for _ in range(key_index - len(odic[key_name]) + 1)]
odic[key_name][key_index][subkey_name] = idic[key][0]
# This can be added to the output dictionary directly
print key, 'is a simple key value pair'
odic[key] = idic[key][0]
return odic