Here is how my dataset looks like:
Name | Country
Alex | USA
Tony | DEU
Alex | GBR
Alex | USA
I am trying to get something like this out, essentially grouping and counting:
Name | Country
Alex | {USA:2,GBR:1}
Tony | {DEU:1}
Works, but slow on LARGE datasets
Here is my code that does work on smaller dfs, but takes forever on bigger dfs (mine is around 14 million rows). I also use the multiprocessing module to speed up, but it doesn't help much:
def countNames(x):
return dict(Counter(x))
def aggregate(df_full,nameList):
df_list = []
for q in nameList:
df = df_full[df_full['Name']==q]
df_list.append(df.groupby('Name')['Country'].apply(lambda x: str(countNames(x))).to_frame().reset_index())
return pd.concat(df_list)
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name':['Alex','Tony','Alex','Alex'],
Is there anything that can speed up the internal logic (except for running with multiprocessing)?
This is essentially a cross tabulation. You said "something like this" which implies that you aren't quite sure what the output should be.
Option 1
Group by and value_counts
Name Country
Alex USA 2
Tony DEU 1
Name: Country, dtype: int64
To get your specified output:
name: pd.value_counts(d).to_dict()
for name, d in df.groupby('Name').Country
Name Country
0 Alex {'USA': 2, 'GBR': 1}
1 Tony {'DEU': 1}
Option 2
However, I'd prefer these representations. Which we can see a number of ways to do this in the answer to question # 9 in this answer
pd.crosstab(df.Name, df.Country)
Alex 0 1 2
Tony 1 0 0
Are you looking for this?
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name':['Alex','Tony','Alex','Alex'],
df = (df.groupby('Name')['Country']
.apply(lambda x: str(x.value_counts().to_dict()))
Name Country
0 Alex {'USA': 2, 'DEU': 1}
1 Tony {'GBR': 1}
For an O(n) complexity solution, use collections.Counter.
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name':['Alex','Tony','Alex','Alex'],
c = Counter(map(tuple, df.values))
# Counter({('Alex', 'DEU'): 1, ('Alex', 'USA'): 2, ('Tony', 'GBR'): 1})
Dictionary result
You can then get a Name -> Country dictionary mapping via collections.defaultdict. I would not put dictionaries in a pandas dataframe, it's not designed for this purpose.
tree = lambda: defaultdict(tree)
d = tree()
for k, v in c.items():
d[k[0]][k[1]] = v
for k, v in d.items():
print(k, v)
# Alex defaultdict(<function <lambda>>, {'USA': 2, 'DEU': 1})
# Tony defaultdict(<function <lambda>>, {'GBR': 1})
Dataframe result
For display purposes, you can build a dataframe directly from the defaultdict:
res_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient='index').fillna(0)
# Alex 2.0 1.0 0.0
# Tony 0.0 0.0 1.0
I have a data frame containing one row:
df_1D = pd.DataFrame({'Day1':[5],
'Destination_B':['New York'],
Day1 Day2 Day3 ID ... Destination_C First_Agent Second_Agent Third_Agent
0 5 6 7 AB12 ... Chicago Jim Ron Cynthia
I'm wondering if there's an easy way, to transform it into a dataframe with three rows as shown here:
Day ID Country Destination Agent
0 5 AB12 US Miami Jim
1 6 AB12 US New York Ron
2 7 AB12 US Chicago Cynthia
Have you tried to pivot it with .pivot function?
One option using reshaping, which only requires to know the final columns:
# define final columns
cols = ['Day', 'ID', 'Destination', 'Country', 'Agent']
# the part below is automatic
# ------
# extract the keywords
pattern = f"({'|'.join(cols)})"
new = df_1D.columns.str.extract(pattern)[0]
# and reshape
out = (df_1D
.set_axis(pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([new, new.groupby(new).cumcount()]), axis=1)
Day ID Destination Country Agent
0 5 AB12 Miami US Jim
1 6 AB12 New York US Ron
2 7 AB12 Chicago US Cynthia
alternative defining idx/cols separately
idx = ['ID', 'Country']
cols = ['Day', 'Destination', 'Agent']
df2 = df_1D.set_index(idx)
pattern = f"({'|'.join(cols)})"
new = df2.columns.str.extract(pattern)[0]
out = (df2
.set_axis(pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([new, new.groupby(new).cumcount().astype(str)],
names=[None, None]),
clomuns_day=[col for col in df_1D if col.startswith('Day')]
clomuns_dest=[col for col in df_1D if col.startswith('Destination')]
clomuns_agent=[col for col in df_1D if 'Agent'in col]
new_df['ID']= list(df_1D['ID'])*len(new_df)
new_df['Country']= list(df_1D['Country'])*len(new_df)
Day ID Country Destination Agent
0 5 AB12 US Miami Jim
1 6 AB12 US New York Ron
2 7 AB12 US Chicago Cynthia
you can use it whatever destination is repeat
One option is with pivot_longer from pyjanitor, where for this case, you pass a list of regexes to names_pattern, and the new column names to names_to:
# pip install pyjanitor
import janitor
import pandas as pd
names_to = ['Day','Destination','Agent'],
ID Country Day Destination Agent
0 AB12 US 5 Miami Jim
1 AB12 US 6 New York Ron
2 AB12 US 7 Chicago Cynthia
I don't think there is a way to treat this fully automated. It requires manual manipulation. This is the shortest code that comes to my mind. Feel free to comment:
d1 = {}
for k in ['Day', 'Destination', 'Agent']:
d1[k] = [d[i][0] for i in d.keys() if k in i]
for k in ['ID', 'Country']:
d1[k] = d[k] * len(d1['Day'])
d1 = pd.DataFrame(d1)
Hope this help.
I have the following pandas dataframe that has thousands of rows:
import pandas
0 hamburgers cola ... John John
1 pasta lemonade ... John John
2 omelette coffee ... John John
3 hotdogs beer ... Marie Marie
4 pizza wine ... Marie Marie
7 popcorn oj ... Adam Adam
8 sushi sprite ... Adam Adam
I want to create a nested dictionary where people's names are the keys and the dictionary of their food/drink combination is the value.
Something like this:
dict = {John : {hamburgers : cola, pasta : lemonade, omelette : coffee},
Marie : {hotdogs : beer, pizza : wine},
Adam : {popcorn : oj, sushi : sprite}
I solved this problem with the following code:
import pandas as pd
# this line groups user ID with their favorite food and drink
group_dict = {k: f.groupby('FAVORITE_FOOD')['FAVORITE_DRINK'].apply(list).to_dict() for k, f in df.groupby('USER_A')}
# then we use dictionary comprehension to create the desired nested dictionary
nested_dict = {outer_k: {inner_k : {inner_v for inner_v in v if inner_k != inner_v} for inner_k, v in outer_v.items()} for outer_k, outer_v in group_dict.items()}
You can create desired dictionary by
dict1 = {}
for i in range(len(df)):
row = df.iloc[i, :]
dict1.setdefault(row["USER_A"],{}).update({row["FAVORITE_FOOD"] : row["FAVORITE_DRINK"]})
I used setdefault method to initially create empty dictionary and then append other dictionary as a value.
I'm trying to do a 'find and replace' in a dataframe data on a specific column type1 using terms stored in a dictionary. I first make all existing values in the dataframe to be uppercase. I create the dictionary mdata, I make sure they are all uppercase as well. Then through the for syntax I loop through the items in mdata replacing accordingly. This code used to work before I turned it into a function.
Any ideas where I've gone wrong?
def to_fish(data, fish):
data['type1'] = data['type1'].str.upper()
if fish == 'monument':
mdata = {
'natural': 'NATURAL FEATURe',
mdata = {k.upper(): v.upper() for k, v in mdata.items()}
for copa, fish in mdata.items():
data = data.str.rstrip().str.lstrip().replace(copa, fish, regex=True)
Try the map method:
data['type1'] = data['type1'].map(mdata)
You can give this to get the results.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'A':['Hello','Bye','OK','Hi','Bonjour'],
print (df)
lookup_dict = {'High':'California','Middle':'Chicago','Low':'New York'}
df['C'] = df['C'].map(lookup_dict)
print (df)
0 Hello Jack High
1 Bye Jill High
2 OK Bryan Middle
3 Hi Kevin Middle
4 Bonjour Susan Low
0 Hello Jack California
1 Bye Jill California
2 OK Bryan Chicago
3 Hi Kevin Chicago
4 Bonjour Susan New York
If i have dataset like this:
id person_name salary
0 [alexander, william, smith] 45000
1 [smith, robert, gates] 65000
2 [bob, alexander] 56000
3 [robert, william] 80000
4 [alexander, gates] 70000
If we sum that salary column then we will get 316000
I really want to know how much person who named 'alexander, smith, etc' (in distinct) makes in salary if we sum all of the salaries from its splitting name in this dataset (that contains same string value).
group sum_salary
alexander 171000 #sum from id 0 + 2 + 4 (which contain 'alexander')
william 125000 #sum from id 0 + 3
smith 110000 #sum from id 0 + 1
robert 145000 #sum from id 1 + 3
gates 135000 #sum from id 1 + 4
bob 56000 #sum from id 2
as we see the sum of sum_salary columns is not the same as the initial dataset. all because the function requires double counting.
I thought it seems familiar like string count, but what makes me confuse is the way we use aggregation function. I've tried creating a new list of distinct value in person_name columns, then stuck comes.
Any help is appreciated, Thank you very much
Solutions working with lists in column person_name:
#if necessary
#df['person_name'] = df['person_name'].str.strip('[]').str.split(', ')
print (type(df.loc[0, 'person_name']))
<class 'list'>
First idea is use defaultdict for store sumed values in loop:
from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(int)
for p, s in zip(df['person_name'], df['salary']):
for x in p:
d[x] += int(s)
print (d)
defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'alexander': 171000,
'william': 125000,
'smith': 110000,
'robert': 145000,
'gates': 135000,
'bob': 56000})
And then:
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'group':list(d.keys()),
print (df1)
group sum_salary
0 alexander 171000
1 william 125000
2 smith 110000
3 robert 145000
4 gates 135000
5 bob 56000
Another solution with repeating values by length of lists and aggregate sum:
from itertools import chain
df1 = pd.DataFrame({
'group' : list(chain.from_iterable(df['person_name'].tolist())),
'sum_salary' : df['salary'].values.repeat(df['person_name'].str.len())
df2 = df1.groupby('group', as_index=False, sort=False)['sum_salary'].sum()
print (df2)
group sum_salary
0 alexander 171000
1 william 125000
2 smith 110000
3 robert 145000
4 gates 135000
5 bob 56000
Another sol:
person_name salary
0 alexander 171000
1 bob 56000
2 gates 135000
3 robert 145000
4 smith 110000
5 william 125000
Can be done concisely with dummies though performance will suffer due to all of the .str methods:
df.person_name.str.join('*').str.get_dummies('*').multiply(df.salary, 0).sum()
#alexander 171000
#bob 56000
#gates 135000
#robert 145000
#smith 110000
#william 125000
#dtype: int64
I parsed this as strings of lists, by copying OP's data and using pandas.read_clipboard(). In case this was indeed the case (a series of strings of lists), this solution would work:
df = df.merge(df.person_name.str.split(',', expand=True), left_index=True, right_index=True)
df = df[[0, 1, 2, 'salary']].melt(id_vars = 'salary').drop(columns='variable')
# Some cleaning up, then a simple groupby
df.value = df.value.str.replace('[', '')
df.value = df.value.str.replace(']', '')
df.value = df.value.str.replace(' ', '')
alexander 171000
bob 56000
gates 135000
robert 145000
smith 110000
william 125000
Another way you can do this is with iterrows(). This will not be as fast jezraels solution. But it works:
ids = []
names = []
salarys = []
# Iterate over the rows and extract the names from the lists in person_name column
for ix, row in df.iterrows():
for name in row['person_name']:
# Create a new 'unnested' dataframe
df_new = pd.DataFrame({'id':ids,
# Groupby on person_name and get the sum
names salary
0 alexander 171000
1 bob 56000
2 gates 135000
3 robert 145000
4 smith 110000
5 william 125000
Given dataset 1
st. peter,1,2
big university portland,3,4
and dataset 2
saint peter3,4
uni portland,5,6
The goal is to merge on
d1.merge(d2, on="name", how="left")
There are no exact matches on name though. So I'm looking to do a kind of fuzzy matching. The technique does not matter in this case, more how to incorporate it efficiently into pandas.
For example, st. peter might match saint peter in the other, but big university portland might be too much of a deviation that we wouldn't match it with uni portland.
One way to think of it is to allow joining with the lowest Levenshtein distance, but only if it is below 5 edits (st. --> saint is 4).
The resulting dataframe should only contain the row st. peter, and contain both "name" variations, and both x and y variables.
Is there a way to do this kind of merging using pandas?
Did you look at fuzzywuzzy?
You might do something like:
import pandas as pd
import fuzzywuzzy.process as fwp
choices = list(
def fmatch(row):
minscore=95 #or whatever score works for you
choice,score = fwp.extractOne(,choices)
return choice if score > minscore else None
df1['df2_name'] = df1.apply(fmatch,axis=1)
merged = pd.merge(df1,
how = 'outer') # assuming you want to keep unmatched records
Caveat Emptor: I haven't tried to run this.
Let's say you have that function which returns the best match if any, None otherwise:
def best_match(s, candidates):
''' Return the item in candidates that best matches s.
Will return None if a good enough match is not found.
# Some code here.
Then you can join on the values returned by it, but you can do it in different ways that would lead to different output (so I think, I did not look much at this issue):
(df1.assign(name=df1['name'].apply(lambda x: best_match(x, df2['name'])))
.merge(df2, on='name', how='left'))
(df1.merge(df2.assign(name=df2['name'].apply(lambda x: best_match(x, df1['name'])))),
on='name', how='left'))
The simplest idea I can get now is to create special dataframe with distances between all names:
>>> from Levenshtein import distance
>>> df1['dummy'] = 1
>>> df2['dummy'] = 1
>>> merger = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=['dummy'], suffixes=['1','2'])[['name1','name2', 'x2', 'y2']]
>>> merger
name1 name2 x2 y2
0 st. peter saint peter 3 4
1 st. peter uni portland 5 6
2 big university portland saint peter 3 4
3 big university portland uni portland 5 6
>>> merger['res'] = merger.apply(lambda x: distance(x['name1'], x['name2']), axis=1)
>>> merger
name1 name2 x2 y2 res
0 st. peter saint peter 3 4 4
1 st. peter uni portland 5 6 9
2 big university portland saint peter 3 4 18
3 big university portland uni portland 5 6 11
>>> merger = merger[merger['res'] <= 5]
>>> merger
name1 name2 x2 y2 res
0 st. peter saint peter 3 4 4
>>> del df1['dummy']
>>> del merger['res']
>>> pd.merge(df1, merger, how='left', left_on='name', right_on='name1')
name x y name1 name2 x2 y2
0 st. peter 1 2 st. peter saint peter 3 4
1 big university portland 3 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN