Debug method of logging package isn't working - python

I have taken input from a form and passed them to this function from the kivy file (on_press property). The form data is fetched properly in the execute function but it won't get logged in myapp.log
Here's the code:
import logging
import selenium
class UIf(GridLayout):
def execute(self, *args):
print("First probe")
logging.basicConfig(filename="myapp.log", level = logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s:%(message)s')
print("Second probe")
for name in args:
print("Third probe")
class MyApp(App):
def build(self):
return UIf()
if __name__ == '__main__':
runapp = MyApp()

Be sure to make your basicConfig call before importing any of kivy code, because it does its own, that could conflict with your parameters (especially output file).
Also, you might need to the debug level to DEBUG in kivy config, or to reset yourself the log level after the kivy import, because it reset it to its value.
I agree it's a bit intrusive and we should probably consider this a bug, though i don't know what the best way to both have good defaults and stay out of the way of people with opinions would be.


How to log different classes into different files?

Let's say I have different classes defined like this
class PS1:
def __init__(self):
def do_sth(self):'PS1 do sth')
class PS2:
def __init__(self):
def do_sth(self):'PS2 do sth')
How can I make PS1 log into PS1.log and PS2 log into PS2.log? I know I can set up loggers and file handlers and do something likes instead of However, my current code base already has hundreds of, do I have to change them all?
When you call logging methods on the module level you are creating logs directly at the root logger, so you no longer can separate them by logger. The only chance left is to separate your logs by Handler with a filter. Since you don't want to update your logging calls to add any information about where the call happens you have to inspect the stack to find the calling class. The code below does this, but I highly recommend not using this solution in production and refactor your code to not send everything to the root logger. Look into logging adapters and/or the extra keyword argument for an alternative solution that modifies the logging calls.
import logging
import inspect
root = logging.getLogger()
ps1_handler = logging.FileHandler('ps1.log')
ps2_handler = logging.FileHandler('ps2.log')
def make_class_filter(class_name):
def filter(record):
for fi in inspect.stack():
if 'self' in fi[0].f_locals and class_name in str(fi[0].f_locals['self']):
return True
return False
return filter
class PS1:
def do_sth(self):
logging.warning('PS1 do sth')
class PS2:
def do_sth(self):
logging.warning('PS2 do sth')

Using Hydra Configuration inside Classes

I am trying to use the hydra tool in my project and would like to use the decorator for class functions
import hydra
from hydra.core.config_store import ConfigStore
from src.config import RecordingConfig
cs = ConfigStore.instance()"recording_config", node=RecordingConfig)
class HydraClassTest:
#hydra.main(config_path="../src/conf/", config_name="conf")
def __init__(self, conf: RecordingConfig):
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
But I get the error
TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'conf'
Is this intended and should I pass the configuration from the outside to the class? (For example by using the decorator on the main function and passing the configuration as a parameter to the initializer, this works)
Or am using the decorator in a wrong way?
If it is intended, is there some design reason why one would not want to do it that way?
I have checked whether I used the decorator correctly by passing the configuration through the main function, that worked.
import hydra
from hydra.core.config_store import ConfigStore
from src.config import RecordingConfig
cs = ConfigStore.instance()"recording_config", node=RecordingConfig)
class HydraClassTest:
def __init__(self, conf: RecordingConfig):
#hydra.main(config_path="../src/conf/", config_name="conf")
def main(conf: RecordingConfig):
if __name__ == "__main__":
This gives me the expected result.
#hydra.main() is not appropriate for this use case. It's designed to be used once in an application and it has many side effects (changing working directory, configuring logging etc).
Use the Compose API instead.

Create a Log Box with tkinter text Widget

I want to create a box were the user is informed of what the application is actually doing.
I created a Text Widget were to show the print statements that I wrote in key points of the applications, so that it could serve as a log box.
To do this, I redirected the stdout to a subclass of the widget itself "upgraded" with a write method as I saw here in another post.
This does indeed work, but I noticed a problem that makes the box almost useless.
If you run the code, you can see that the sentences appear all at once. More puzzling for me is that not only the sentences of the "wait2" functions
appear togheter, but even the print statement of the calling function, "wait1", is shown at the end of the process.
Why this behaviour? what can I do to see the statement shown in the box as they are executed?
from Tkinter import *
import sys
import time
root = Tk()
class addwritemethod(object):
def __init__(self, widget):
self.widget = widget
def write(self, string):
self.widget.insert("end", string)
def wait1():
print "Can you see me?"
def wait2():
for i in range(10):
print "Long time no see!"
t_go = Button(root, text= "Start!", width =12, command = wait1)
t_go.pack(side = LEFT, padx = 20, pady = 20)
tlog = Text(root,wrap = "word")
tlog.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)
sys.stdout = addwritemethod(tlog)
EDIT: I want to say thanks to the people who answered me and an apology: I did not give all the required information.
I put time.sleep() in the test code only to show you the behaviour. In the real application, I trasfer a file via ssh with Paramiko and I don't use sleep().
Maybe I choose the wrong example, but the result is the same, all the print stament are shown at the same moment.
You could also use the built-in logging module to achieve your goal of
creating a box where the user is informed of what the application is actually doing ... a log box.
I had this same need and converged on the recommendations provided here and here.
I have an example below that I created to illustrate the concept of logging to a GUI control using Tkinter. The example below logs to a text control as you ask, but you can send log messages to other GUI components by replacing/copying the class MyHandlerText with other handler classes like MyHandlerLabel, MyHandlerListbox, etc. (choose your own names for the handler classes). Then you'd have a handler for a variety of GUI controls of interest. The big "a-ha" moment for me was the module-level getLogger concept encouraged by
import Tkinter
import logging
import datetime
# this item "module_logger" is visible only in this module,
# (but you can create references to the same logger object from other modules
# by calling getLogger with an argument equal to the name of this module)
# this way, you can share or isolate loggers as desired across modules and across threads
# it is module-level logging and it takes the name of this module (by using __name__)
# recommended per
module_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class simpleapp_tk(Tkinter.Tk):
def __init__(self,parent):
self.parent = parent
self.mybutton = Tkinter.Button(self, text="ClickMe")
self.mybutton.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.button_callback)
self.mytext = Tkinter.Text(self, state="disabled")
self.mytext.grid(column=0, row=1)
def button_callback(self, event):
now =
class MyHandlerText(logging.StreamHandler):
def __init__(self, textctrl):
logging.StreamHandler.__init__(self) # initialize parent
self.textctrl = textctrl
def emit(self, record):
msg = self.format(record)
self.textctrl.insert("end", msg + "\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# create Tk object instance
app = simpleapp_tk(None)
app.title('my application')
# setup logging handlers using the Tk instance created above
# the pattern below can be used in other threads...
# allow other thread to send msgs to the gui
# in this example, we set up two handlers just for demonstration (you could add a fileHandler, etc)
stderrHandler = logging.StreamHandler() # no arguments => stderr
guiHandler = MyHandlerText(app.mytext)
module_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)"from main")
# start Tk
When you call sleep, the application does exactly that: it sleeps. When it's sleeping it can't update the display. As a general rule you should never call sleep in a GUI.
That being said, a quick fix is to make sure you call update after printing something to the log, so that Tkinter has a chance to update the screen. Add self.widget.update_idletasks() at the end of write (redrawing the screen is considered an "idle task").
This isn't a proper fix but it's good enough to illustrate why the data isn't appearing. A proper fix involves not calling sleep. There are many examples on stackoverflow related to this, and almost all of them involve using the after method.

Python logging in multiple modules

I want to write a logger which I can use in multiple modules. I must be able to enable and disable it from one place. And it must be reusable.
Following is the scenario.
class Brocade(object):
def __init__(self, ip, username, password):
def connect(self):
def disconnect(self):
def switch_show(self):
import switch_module
class Keyword_Mapper(object):
def __init__(self, keyword_to_execute):
self._brocade_object = switch_module.Brocade(ip, username, password)
def map_keyword_to_command(self)
class GUI:
# I can open a file containing keyword for brocade switch
# in this GUI in a tab and tree widget(it uses PyQt which I don't know)
# Each tab is a QThread and there could be multiple tabs
# Each tab is accompanied by an execute button.
# On pressing exeute it will read the string/keywords from the file
# and create an object of keyword_Mapper class and call
# map_key_word_to_command method, execute the command on brocade
# switch and log the results. Current I am logging the result
# only from the Keyword_Mapper class.
Problem I have is how to write a logger which could be enabled and disabled at will
and it must log to one file as well as console from all three modules.
I tried writing global logger in and then importing it in all three modules
and had to give a common name so that they log to the same file, but then
ran into trouble since there is multi-threading and later created logger to
log to a file which has thread-id in its name so that I can have each log
per thread.
What if I am required to log to different file rather than the same file?
I have gone through python logging documentation but am unable to get a clear picture
about writing a proper logging system which could be reused.
I have gone through this link
Is it better to use root logger or named logger in Python
but due to the GUI created by someone other than me using PyQt and multi-threading I am unable to get my head around logging here.
I my project I only use a root logger (I dont have the time to create named loggers, even if it would be nice). So if you don't want to use a named logger, here is a quick solution:
I created a function to set up logger quickly:
import logging
def initLogger(level=logging.DEBUG):
if level == logging.DEBUG:
# Display more stuff when in a debug mode
format='%(levelname)s-%(module)s:%(lineno)d-%(funcName)s: %(message)s',
# Display less stuff for info mode
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=level)
I created a package for it so that I can import it anywhere.
Then, in my top level I have:
import LoggingTools
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Configure logger
Depending if I am debugging or not, I using the corresponding statement.
Then in each other files, I just use the logging:
import logging
class MyClass():
def __init__(self):
logging.debug("Debug message")"Info message")

Python, Circular Dependencies, and Singletons

I've dug myself into quite a hole here.
I'm working on a Python/Kivy app in PyDev.
The app runs off of many systems (about 10), so I shoved them into an engine to handle everything.
For ease of access, I grab the engine via (the worst) singletons
from code import engine
class MyApp(App):
def build(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
from code import system1
from code import system2
gEngineInstance = None
def GetInstance():
global gEngineInstance
if (gEngineInstance == None):
gEngineInstance = Engine()
return gEngineInstance
class Engine():
mSystem1 = None
mSystem2 = None
def Initialize(self):
self.mSystem1 = system1.System1()
self.mSystem2 = system2.System2()
# Omitted
Unfortunatley, this resulted in some nasty circular dependencies.
Main has to create engine, and know about it, which runs engines imports, which runs the system imports.
Problem: Systems imports then import engine, circular reference.
from code import engine
class System1():
def SomeMethod(self):
You get the picture.
I bypassed this for now with this hideous code all over the place:
class System1():
def SomeMethod(self):
from code import engine
This stops the import from happening until that line, which is fine, but it looks wrong, eveyrthing feels like i'm doing things wrong.
I'm tempted to just pass Engine as a reference to every systems constructor, but thats a bit of refactoring, and i'd like to know if there's a more decent way to fix this sort of singleton/circular reference issue for the future.
How about having a "registration" mechanism, where each system module "registers" itself with the Engine class using some module-level code:
class Engine():
def register(cls, type):
from engine import Engine
class System1():
That way, the Engine doesn't directly have to know what gets plugged into it.

