Multi-output regression - python

I have been looking in to Multi-output regression the last view weeks. I am working with the scikit learn package. My machine learning problem has an a input of 3 features an needs to predict two output variables. Some ML models in the sklearn package support multioutput regression nativly. If the models do not support this, the sklearn multioutput regression algorithm can be used to convert it. The multioutput class fits one regressor per target.
Does the mulioutput regressor class or supported multi-output regression algorithms take the underlying relationship of the input variables in to account?
Instead of a multi-output regression algorithm should I use a Neural network?

1) For your first question, I have divided that into two parts.
First part has the answer written in the documentation you linked and also in this user guide topic, which states explicitly that:
As MultiOutputRegressor fits one regressor per target it can not take
advantage of correlations between targets.
Second part of first question asks about other algorithms which support this. For that you can look at the "inherently multiclass" part in the user-guide. Inherently multi-class means that they don't use One-vs-Rest or One-vs-One strategy to be able to handle multi-class (OvO and OvR uses multiple models to fit multiple classes and so may not use the relationship between targets). Inherently multi-class means that they can structure the multi-class setting into a single model. This lists the following:
sklearn.svm.LinearSVC (setting multi_class=”crammer_singer”)
sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression (setting multi_class=”multinomial”)
Try replacing the 'Classifier' at the end with 'Regressor' and see the documentation of fit() method there. For example let's take
y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_outputs]
The target values (real numbers).
Use dtype=np.float64 and order='C' for maximum efficiency.
You see that it supports a 2-d array for targets (y). So it may be able to use correlation and underlying relationship of targets.
2) Now for your second question about using neural network or not, it depends on personal preference, the type of problem, the amount and type of data you have, the training iterations you want to do. Maybe you can try multiple algorithms and choose what gives best output for your data and problem.


How can you predict a combination of categorical and continuous variables with Scikit learn?

I have a dataset with a large number of predictive variables and I want to use them to predict a number of output variables. However, some of the things I want to predict are categorical, and others are continuous; the things I want to predict are not independent. Is it possible with scikit-learn to, for example, mix a classifier and a regressor so that I can predict and disentangle these variables? (I'm currently looking at gradient boosting classifiers/regressors, but there may be better options.)
You can certainly use One Hot Encoding or Dummy Variable Encoding, to convert labels to numerics. See the link below for all details.
As an aside, Random Forest is a popular machine learning model that is commonly used for classification tasks as can be seen in many academic papers, Kaggle competitions, and blog posts. In addition to classification, Random Forests can also be used for regression tasks. A Random Forest’s nonlinear nature can give it a leg up over linear algorithms, making it a great option. However, it is important to know your data and keep in mind that a Random Forest can’t extrapolate. It can only make a prediction that is an average of previously observed labels. In this sense it is very similar to KNN. In other words, in a regression problem, the range of predictions a Random Forest can make is bound by the highest and lowest labels in the training data. This behavior becomes problematic in situations where the training and prediction inputs differ in their range and/or distributions. This is called covariate shift and it is difficult for most models to handle but especially for Random Forest, because it can’t extrapolate.
In closing, Scikit-learn uses numpy matrices as inputs to its models. As such all features become de facto numerical (if you have categorical feature you’ll need to convert them to numerical).
I don't think there's a builtin way. There are ClassifierChain and RegressorChain that allow you to use earlier predictions as features in later predictions, but as the names indicate they assume either classification or regression. Two options come to mind:
Manually patch those together for what you want to do. For example, use a ClassifierChain to predict each of your categorical targets using just the independent features, then add those predictions to the dataset before training a RegressorChain with the numeric targets.
Use those classes as a base for defining a custom estimator. In that case you'll probably look mostly at their common parent class _BaseChain. Unfortunately that also uses a single estimator attribute, whereas you'd need (at least) two, one classifier and one regressor.

tpot: Use multi-output regressors only

I want to use tpot. The data I have includes multi-output continuous variables only (i.e. output shape is: (n_samples, n_output_variables), where all items are floats).
This could be achievable using sklearn's MultiOutputRegressor class. But because I have over 100 different output variables, I want to avoid to apply tpot for each individual output.
Now, how can I use tpot to only search for multi-output models? Is there a way to tell tpot that only multi-output models (such as DecisionTree) should be used?
About regressors with multiple output:
You have a multioutput regression problem. I suggest that you check this answer: Multi-output regression.
There are regressors which do natively support multiple output on the target, for example KNeighborsRegressor, DecisionTreeRegressor, GradientBoostingRegressor, ExtraTreesRegressor and RandomForestRegressor. Others (like SGDRegressor, ElasticNetCV, etc...) can be used with multiple output if you use MultiOutputRegressor as you already mentioned.
About TPOT and multiple output regression:
Currently TPOT can be used with all the regressors that support multiple output natively but you have to adjust a file for that because it is not implemented yet, take a look at If you want to compare the other regressors (single output) together with MultiOutputRegressor, TPOT will currently let you only choose one at a time. That is you can specify only one of the several algorithms and then search for the best pipeline. Then you could rerun with another algorithm.
Regarding your question about specifying which algorithm you want to search for: first take a look at the official documentation and read the section Customizing TPOT's operators and parameters. If you want to just use some specific algorithms, one way to achieve this is to copy the standard TPOT configuration for regression (, to include it in your code and uncomment (or add) all the algorithms you do not (or do) want to include in your search.

Does scikit-learn's DecisionTreeRegressor do true multi-output regression?

I have run in to a ML problem that requires us to use a multi-dimensional Y. Right now we are training independent models on each dimension of this output, which does not take advantage of additional information from the fact outputs are correlated.
I have been reading this to learn more about the few ML algorithms which have been truly extended to handle multidimensional outputs. Decision Trees are one of them.
Does scikit-learn use "Multi-target regression trees" in the event fit(X,Y) is given a multidimensional Y, or does it fit a separate tree for each dimension? I spent some time looking at the code but didn't figure it out.
After more digging, the only difference between a tree given points labeled with a single-dimensional Y versus one given points with multi-dimensional labels is in the Criterion object it uses to decide splits. A Criterion can handle multi-dimensional labels, so the result of fitting a DecisionTreeRegressor will be a single regression tree regardless of the dimension of Y.
This implies that, yes, scikit-learn does use true multi-target regression trees, which can leverage correlated outputs to positive effect.

how to predict binary outcome with categorical and continuous features using scikit-learn?

I need advice choosing a model and machine learning algorithm for a classification problem.
I'm trying to predict a binary outcome for a subject. I have 500,000 records in my data set and 20 continuous and categorical features. Each subject has 10--20 records. The data is labeled with its outcome.
So far I'm thinking logistic regression model and kernel approximation, based on the cheat-sheet here.
I am unsure where to start when implementing this in either R or Python.
Choosing an algorithm and optimizing the parameter is a difficult task in any data mining project. Because it must customized for your data and problem. Try different algorithm like SVM,Random Forest, Logistic Regression, KNN and... and test Cross Validation for each of them and then compare them.
You can use GridSearch in sickit learn to try different parameters and optimize the parameters for each algorithm. also try this project
witch test a range of parameters with genetic algorithm
If your categorical features don't have too many possible different values, you might want to have a look at sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder.
Model choice
The choice of "the best" model depends mainly on the amount of available training data and the simplicity of the decision boundary you expect to get.
You can try dimensionality reduction to 2 or 3 dimensions. Then you can visualize your data and see if there is a nice decision boundary.
With 500,000 training examples you can think about using a neural network. I can recommend Keras for beginners and TensorFlow for people who know how neural networks work.
You should also know that there are Ensemble methods.
A nice cheat sheet what to use is on in the sklearn tutorial you already found:
Just try it, compare different results. Without more information it is not possible to give you better advice.

How can the output of a model be displayed?

I am performing a machine learning task wherein I am using logistic regression for topic classification.
If this is my code:
model= LogisticRegression()
model=, label_tmp)
y_train_pred = model.predict(mat_tmp_test)
print(metrics.accuracy_score(label_tmp_test, y_train_pred))
Is there a way I can output what exactly is happening inside the model. Like probably a working example of what my model is doing? Like maybe displaying 2-3 documents and how they are being classified?
In order to be fully aware of what is happening in your model, you must first take some time to study the logistic regression algorithm (eg. from lecture notes or Wikipedia). As with other supervised techniques, logistic regression has hyper-parameters and parameters. Hyper-parameters basically specify how your algorithm runs, which you must provide at initialisation (ie. before it sees any data). For example, you could have prior information about the distribution of classes, which then would be a hyper-parameter. Parameters are "learnt" from your data.
Once you understand the algorithm, the interesting question will be what the parameters of your model are (recall that these are retrieved from the data). By visiting the documentation, you find in the attributes section, that this classifier has 3 parameters, which you can access by their field names.
If you are not interested in such details, but only want to assess the accuracy of your classifier, a useful technique is cross-validation. You split your labeled data into k equal sized subsets, and train your classifier using k-1 of them. Then you evaluate the trained classifier on the remaining 1 subset and calculate the accuracy (ie. what proportion of the data could be predicted properly). This method has its drawbacks, but proves to be very useful in general.

