I have a folder for image data set , and I wanna load this folder to be a training data set using python this image of my folder and it`s images
If there's only one directory then you can use os.listdir() or if you want to lookup recursively then look up os.walk().
Say I have a folder named people. Inside that folder there are subfolders person_1, person_2, person_3, etc. Each person_# subfolder contains an image of a smiling face (person_1_happy.png) and frowning face (person_1_sad.png).
Is there a succinct way to use python to iteratively run through each folder and grab only the person_#_face images?
I am just a beginner in Python. So help me learn and write the code for a small but complex problem. I've tried many things but I am lost where to start with and go:
I have a folder and its subfolders with heaps of different product images(let's say in .jpeg and .png). I want to compile a single pdf of all these photos with links/location of these photos in the pdf. This list and photos could be in the form of a table or a very simple format.
I am doing it because sometimes I forget the product name so I have to look at its image by going into each folder and sub-folder. This will give me an opportunity to look at all the photos in these folders and sub-folder without opening them one-by-one.
Your issue breaks down into 3 steps.
1-Search the directories for files (which you can use the os module's walk()).
here is a great tutorial:
2-add the found files into a list of tuples having path of the image and the name of it.
3- Add these images into a single pdf file. You can use python module fpdf to do this. And this has been addressed already here:
Create PDF from a list of images
I just want to know the syntax. How do I load an image using pygame.image.load() ?
Let's take an example, I want to load an image called cat.png - and type this
Then, where should the image cat.png be saved?
By default, Python only searches in your current directory for files, however, if you wish to load images from a separate directory, you may find this useful:
Importing images from a directory (Python)
For the syntax, I reccomend you refer to the documentation, here:
load new image from a file
load(filename) -> Surface
load(fileobj, namehint="") -> Surface
Load an image from a file source. You can pass either a filename or a Python file-like object.
Any images loaded directly with
pygame.image.load('Image Name')
should be saved in the same folder as the python script that is using the image
I want to do the following thing:
Get all the images in a directory (include the images in subdirectory), do something with them (for example: resize), then export these images to another directory with the same hierarchy.
For example:
I want to get images from input/flower/rose, resize it and export to output, ask python to automatically create the hierarchy flower/rose inside output.
How can I do that?
os.makedirs will recreate the directory hierarchy if you use e.g.
The django-filer documentation makes no mention of how to correctly create folder and save the images savely inside.
My scenario:
I have different users that can upload images through the frontend. Right now every FilerImage I create gets saved in the unspecified folder. How do I create a folder for every user programmatically?
And how do I move the uploaded FilerImage instance in code without violating the private/public settings of the file?
Here is a solution I found out through fiddling around. It is very possible, that this is not the prgmatic way to handle this!
#Import Folder model
from filer.models.foldermodels import Folder
#Create Folder:
folder = Folder(owner=someuser, name="myname") #owner is required
#Create Subfolder
subfolder = Folder(owner=someuser, name="subfolder", parent=folder)
More onfo can be gained by looking inside the Source-Code of the Folder Model, here.