I'm trying to check for a palindrome with Python. The code I have is very for-loop intensive.
And it seems to me the biggest mistake people do when going from C to Python is trying to implement C logic using Python, which makes things run slowly, and it's just not making the most of the language.
I see on this website. Search for "C-style for", that Python doesn't have C-style for loops. Might be outdated, but I interpret it to mean Python has its own methods for this.
I've tried looking around, I can't find much up to date (Python 3) advice for this. How can I solve a palindrome challenge in Python, without using the for loop?
I've done this in C in class, but I want to do it in Python, on a personal basis. The problem is from the Euler Project, great site By the way,.
def isPalindrome(n):
lst = [int(n) for n in str(n)]
if l==0 || l==1:
return True
elif len(lst)%2==0:
for k in range (l)
while (k<=((l-1)/2)):
if (list[]):
for i in range (999, 100, -1):
for j in range (999,100, -1):
if isPalindrome(i*j):
I'm missing a lot of code here. The five hashes are just reminders for myself.
Concrete questions:
In C, I would make a for loop comparing index 0 to index max, and then index 0+1 with max-1, until something something. How to best do this in Python?
My for loop (in in range (999, 100, -1), is this a bad way to do it in Python?
Does anybody have any good advice, or good websites, or resources for people in my position? I'm not a programmer, I don't aspire to be one, I just want to learn enough so that when I write my bachelor's degree thesis (electrical engineering), I don't have to simultaneously LEARN an applicable programming language while trying to obtain good results in the project. "How to go from basic C to great application of Python", that sort of thing.
Any specific bits of code to make a great solution to this problem would also be appreciated, I need to learn good algorithms.. I am envisioning 3 situations. If the value is zero or single digit, if it is of odd length, and if it is of even length. I was planning to write for loops...
PS: The problem is: Find the highest value product of two 3 digit integers that is also a palindrome.
A pythonic way to determine if a given value is a palindrome:
str(n) == str(n)[::-1]
We're checking if the string representation of n equals the inverted string representation of n
The [::-1] slice takes care of inverting the string
After that, we compare for equality using ==
An alternative to the rather unintuitive [::-1] syntax is this:
>>> test = "abcba"
>>> test == ''.join(reversed(test))
The reversed function returns a reversed sequence of the characters in test.
''.join() joins those characters together again with nothing in between.
Just for the record, and for the ones looking for a more algorithmic way to validate if a given string is palindrome, two ways to achieve the same (using while and for loops):
def is_palindrome(word):
letters = list(word)
is_palindrome = True
i = 0
while len(letters) > 0 and is_palindrome:
if letters[0] != letters[(len(letters) - 1)]:
is_palindrome = False
if len(letters) > 0:
letters.pop((len(letters) - 1))
return is_palindrome
And....the second one:
def is_palindrome(word):
letters = list(word)
is_palindrome = True
for letter in letters:
if letter == letters[-1]:
is_palindrome = False
return is_palindrome
The awesome part of python is the things you can do with it. You don't have to use indexes for strings.
The following will work (using slices)
def palindrome(n):
return n == n[::-1]
What it does is simply reverses n, and checks if they are equal. n[::-1] reverses n (the -1 means to decrement)
"2) My for loop (in in range (999, 100, -1), is this a bad way to do it in Python?"
Regarding the above, you want to use xrange instead of range (because range will create an actual list, while xrange is a fast generator)
My opinions on question 3
I learned C before Python, and I just read the docs, and played around with it using the console. (and by doing Project Euler problems as well :)
Below the code will print 0 if it is Palindrome else it will print -1
Optimized Code
word = "nepalapen"
is_palindrome = word.find(word[::-1])
print is_palindrome
word = "nepalapend"
is_palindrome = word.find(word[::-1])
print is_palindrome
when searching the string the value that is returned is the value of the location that the string starts at.
So when you do word.find(word[::-1]) it finds nepalapen at location 0 and [::-1] reverses nepalapen and it still is nepalapen at location 0 so 0 is returned.
Now when we search for nepalapend and then reverse nepalapend to dnepalapen it renders a FALSE statement nepalapend was reversed to dnepalapen causing the search to fail to find nepalapend resulting in a value of -1 which indicates string not found.
Another method print true if palindrome else print false
word = "nepalapen"
There is also a functional way:
def is_palindrome(word):
if len(word) == 1: return True
if word[0] != word[-1]: return False
return is_palindrome(word[1:-1])
I know that this question was answered a while ago and i appologize for the intrusion. However,I was working on a way of doing this in python as well and i just thought that i would share the way that i did it in is as follows,
word = 'aibohphobia'
word_rev = reversed(word)
def is_palindrome(word):
if list(word) == list(word_rev):
print'True, it is a palindrome'
print'False, this is''t a plindrome'
There is much easier way I just found. It's only 1 line.
is_palindrome = word.find(word[::-1])
The most pythonic way to do this is indeed using the slicing notation to reverse the string as mentioned already:
def is_palindrome(string: str) -> bool:
return string == string[::-1]
In some other occasions though (like technical interviews), you may have to write a "proper" algorithm to find the palindrome. In this case, the following should do the trick:
def is_palindrome(string: str) -> bool:
start = 0
end = len(string) - 1
while end >= start:
if string[end] != string[start]:
return False
start += 1
end -= 1
return True
Set pointers to the start and end of the string
Iterate while end exceeds start
If the character in end and start indices don't match then this is not a palindrome, otherwise keep comparing
Increase start pointer by 1
Decrease end pointer by 1
Test Cases:
import unittest
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
palindromes = ['a', 'aa', 'aba', '12321']
non_palindromes = ['ab', 'aab', 'cacacc']
def test_is_palindrome(self):
for case in self.palindromes:
for case in self.non_palindromes:
if __name__ == '__main__':
You could use this one-liner that returns a bool value:
This works both for words and numbers thanks to the type casting...
Here a case insensitive function since all those solutions above are case sensitive.
def Palindrome(string):
return (string.upper() == string.upper()[::-1])
This function will return a boolean value.
doing the Watterloo course for python, the same questions is raised as a "Lesseon" find the info here:
being a novice i solved the problem the following way:
def isPalindrome(S):
pali = True
for i in range (0, len(S) // 2):
if S[i] == S[(i * -1) - 1] and pali is True:
pali = True
pali = False
return pali
The function is called isPalindrome(S) and requires a string "S".
The return value is by default TRUE, to have the initial check on the first if statement.
After that, the for loop runs half the string length to check if the character from string "S" at the position "i" is the same at from the front and from the back.
If once this is not the case, the function stops, prints out FALSE and returns false.
If the string has an uppercase or non-alphabetic character then the function converts all characters to lowercase and removes all non-alphabetic characters using regex finally it applies palindrome check recursively:
import re
rules = [
lambda s: any(x.isupper() for x in s),
lambda s: not s.isalpha()
def is_palindrome(s):
if any(rule(s) for rule in rules):
s = re.sub(r'[^\w]', '', s).lower()
if len(s) < 2:
return True
if s[0] != s[-1]:
return False
return is_palindrome(s[1:-1])
string = 'Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era?'
the output is True for the input above.
maybe you can try this one:
list=input('enter a string:')
if (list==list[::-1]):
print ("It is a palindrome")
print("it is not palindrome")
You are asking palindrome in python. palindrome can be performed on strings, numbers and lists. However, I just posted a simple code to check palindrome of a string.
# Palindrome of string
str=raw_input("Enter the string\n")
for i in range(ln/2) :
print "Palindrome"
print "Not Palindrome"
The real easy way to do that it is
word = str(raw_input(""))
is_palindrome = word.find(word[::-1])
if is_palindrome == 0:
print True
print False
And if/else here just for fancy looks. The question about palindrome was on Amazon's interview for QA
Assuming a string 's'
palin = lambda s: s[:(len(s)/2 + (0 if len(s)%2==0 else 1)):1] == s[:len(s)/2-1:-1]
# Test
palin('654456') # True
palin('malma') # False
palin('ab1ba') # True
word = "<insert palindrome/string>"
reverse = word[::-1]
is_palindrome = word.find(reverse)
print is_palindrome
This was a question in Udacity comp 101, chapter 1. Gives a 0 for palindrome gives a -1 for not. Its simple, and does not use loops.
I wrote this code:
word = input("enter: ")
word = ''.join(word.split())`
for x in range(len(word)):
if list(word)[x] == ((list(word)[len(word)-x-1])):
if x+1 == len(word):
print("its pali")
and it works.
it gets the word, then removes the spaces and turns it into a list
then it tests if the first letter is equal to the last and if the 2nd is equal to 2nd last and so on.
then the 'if x+1 == len(word)' means that since x starts at 0 it becomes 1 and then for every next .. blah blah blah it works so it works.
#compare 1st half with reversed second half
# i.e. 'abba' -> 'ab' == 'ba'[::-1]
def is_palindrome( s ):
return True if len( s ) < 2 else s[ :len( s ) // 2 ] == s[ -( len( s ) // 2 ):][::-1]
You can use Deques in python to check palindrome
def palindrome(a_string):
ch_dequeu = Deque()
for ch in a_string:
still_ok = True
while ch_dequeu.size() > 1 and still_ok:
first = ch_dequeu.remove_front()
last = ch_dequeu.remove_rear()
if first != last:
still_ok = False
return still_ok
class Deque:
def __init__(self):
self.items = []
def is_empty(self):
return self.items == []
def add_rear(self, item):
self.items.insert(0, item)
def add_front(self, item):
def size(self):
return len(self.items)
def remove_front(self):
return self.items.pop()
def remove_rear(self):
return self.items.pop(0)
import string
word = input('Please select a word to test \n')
word = word.lower()
num = len(word)
x = round((len(word)-1)/2)
#defines first half of string
first = word[:x]
#reverse second half of string
def reverse_odd(text):
lst = []
count = 1
for i in range(x+1, len(text)):
count += 1
lst = ''.join(lst)
return lst
#reverse second half of string
def reverse_even(text):
lst = []
count = 1
for i in range(x, len(text)):
count += 1
lst = ''.join(lst)
return lst
if reverse_odd(word) == first or reverse_even(word) == first:
print(string.capwords(word), 'is a palindrome')
print(string.capwords(word), 'is not a palindrome')
the "algorithmic" way:
import math
def isPalindrome(inputString):
if inputString == None:
return False
strLength = len(inputString)
for i in range(math.floor(strLength)):
if inputString[i] != inputString[strLength - 1 - i]:
return False
return True
There is another way by using functions, if you don't want to use reverse
A = 'kayak'
def palin(A):
i = 0
while (i<=(A.__len__()-1)):
if (A[A.__len__()-i-1] == A[i]):
i +=1
return False
if palin(A) == False:
print("Not a Palindrome")
else :
print ("Palindrome")
It looks prettier with recursion!
def isPalindrome(x):
z = numToList(x)
length = math.floor(len(z) / 2)
if length < 2:
if z[0] == z[-1]:
return True
return False
if z[0] == z[-1]:
del z[0]
del z[-1]
return isPalindrome(z)
return False
def is_palindrome(string):
return string == ''.join([letter for letter in reversed(string)])
print ["Not a palindrome","Is a palindrome"][s == ''.join([s[len(s)-i-1] for i in range(len(s))])]
This is the typical way of writing single line code
def pali(str1):
if l1==l:
I tried using this:
def palindrome_numer(num):
num_str = str(num)
str_list = list(num_str)
if str_list[0] == str_list[-1]:
return True
return False
and it worked for a number but I don't know if a string
def isPalin(checkWord):
Hsize = len(lst)/2
seed = 1
while seed<Hsize+1:
#print seed,lst[seed-1], lst [-(seed)]
if(lst[seed-1] != lst [-seed]):
palind = False
seed = seed+1
return palind
lst = 'testset'
print lst, isPalin(lst)
lst = 'testsest'
print lst, isPalin(lst)
testset True
testsest False
While loops are new to me and I'm having trouble getting my code to validate.
In this exercise your function will receive two parameters: a
string(long_word) and a character(char). Use a while loop to go
through all the letters in the string and build a new string made up
from those letters until you find the char. You may assume that each
string will contain the passed in character(char).
This is my code.
def letters_up_to_char(long_word, char):
new = ""
i = 0
while i != char:
for letter in long_word:
new += letter
i += 1
return new
Example output
letters_up_to_char('coderoxthesox', 'x') -> 'codero'
letters_up_to_char('abcdefghijklmnop', 'f') -> 'abcde'
When I go to run my code I get:
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
To get rid of TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'xyz' objects, just
cast the object being concatenated to a string. If your code was
string + num or string += num just cast num to string like so:
BUT, your code won't return the desired output. See why below:
If I'm not mistaken, the code shouldn't compile because when new is defined, you don't close the double quotes. Or if you are using single quotes, change your code and your question to reflect your change.
When I ran your code and executed it, it went in an infinite loop, the beginner's worst enemy! In your code, the
for letter in long_word:
new += letter
Is the same as saying new += long_word, because you are just adding the individual characters instead of the whole string at one go.
Your code can then be rewritten as follows:
def letters_up_to_char(long_word, char):
new = ""
i = 0
while i != char:
new += long_word
i += 1
return new
Now it is clear what your code is doing. It's just adding the whole word to new each time the while loop is executed. And the while loop is executed till i != char. Since i is an int and char is a str, i != char is always true. Infinite loop in the making!
Your function should look like this:
def letters_up_to_char(long_word, char):
new = ""
i = 0
while i < len(long_word) and long_word[i] != char:
new += long_word[i]
i += 1
return new
Go through each character in long_word from the start (this can be more easily accomplished using a for...in loop, but I'm using a while loop as per your request) and till the current character != char, add that character to new.
This code returns the desired output for both your test cases.
You may assume that each string will contain the passed in
not including the char:
def letters_up_to_char(long_word, char):
while long_word[i] != char:
return long_word[:i]
including the char:
def letters_up_to_char(long_word, char):
while long_word[i] != char:
return long_word[:i+1]
Though a more pythonic way is, i.e.:
def letters_up_to_char(long_word, char):
return long_word.partition(char)[0]
Suggest you to use http://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/index.html as a reference, when completing your assignments.
The "i" is int type which cannot be compared with a str type "char".
while i < len(long_word) and long_word[i] != char
There are a couple of ways similar to this to write this code. In your example, the while i != char line is going to result in a very long loop because it will loop until i == int(char), or possibly infinitely. I would write it with either a for or a while, as below:
def letters_while(long_word, char):
new = ""
i = 0
# A second condition is needed to prevent an infinite loop
# in the case that char is not in long_word
while long_word[i] != char and i < len(long_word):
new += letter
i += 1
return new
def letters_for(long_word, char):
new = ""
for letter in long_word:
if letter != char:
new += letter
return new
As a note, these are easy to understand examples, and a better way to do this would be
I am trying to replace every instance of a substring in a string using python. The following is the code that I have done and it is giving me some weird result.
def main():
def rep_str(s,x,y):
if x in s:
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i:i+len(x)] == x:
return result
I am not allowed to use the replace method. In fact, my function is supposed to do what replace function does in python. The following is the output that I am getting.
aa GOIaaG GO
I would appreciate if someone could give me some input about how to change the logic to get the right out put i.e.
aa GOaaG GO.
As I mentioned in comments, the mistake is that you are not skipping len(x) characters after match. Also in keyword is quite high-level routine (it does not less than search part of search & replace), so here is fixed version without in:
def rep_str(string, search, replacement):
result = ''
i = 0
while i < len(string):
if string[i : i + len(search)] == search:
result += replacement
i += len(search)
result += string[i]
i += 1
return result
If you just want to have the result try with:
import re
re.sub(r'IN','aa','IN GOING GO')
but if you need some logic then you should compare for blocks of same length as the pattern, not char by char
#Zag asnwer is better, because can compare longer patterns and has return when it does not match nothing but if you want to get your code running you need to skip for when you have a match like this :
def rep_str(s,x,y):
skip = False
if x in s:
for i in range(len(s)):
if skip:
skip = False
if s[i:i+2] == x:
skip = True
return result
return s
but your code won't work when you will call the function with rep_str("A example test","test", "function") for example.
If you are allow to use the index() function, you can try this:
def main():
def rep_str(s,x,y):
while x in s:
s = s[:s.index(x)] + y + s[s.index(x) + len(x):]
return s
I'm doing some python online tutorials, and I got stuck at an exercise:A palindrome is a word which is spelled the same forwards as backwards. For example, the word
is a palindrome: the first and last letters are the same (r), the second and second-last letters are the same (a), etc. Write a function isPalindrome(S) which takes a string S as input, and returns True if the string is a palindrome, and False otherwise.
These is the code I wrote :
def isPalindrome(S):
if S[0] == S[-1]
return print("True")
elif S[0] == S[-1] and S[1] == S[-2] :
return print("True")
return print("False")
But, if the word is for example ,,sarcas,, , the output is incorect. So I need a fix to my code so it works for any word.
A one line solution but O(n) and memory expensive is :
def isPalindrome(word) : return word == word[::-1]
A O(n/2) solution that uses the same amount of memory is:
def palindrome(word):
for i in range(len(word)//2):
if word[i] != word[-1-i]:
return False
return True
This is the trick #LennartRegebro mentioned
def is_palindrome(text):
text = text.replace(' ', '')
text = text.casefold()
if list(text) == list(reversed(text)):
return True
return False
Try this
The best way to check a word is palindrome or not in Python is as below:
var[::] == var[::-1]
But, it is very important to understand that Python creates a new copy of string when you do var[::-1]
Python internally don't know if the reverse will result in same string or not. So, it's coded in a way where it creates a new copy of it.
So, when you try var[::1] is var[::-1] you will get FALSE.
Here is my solution.
S = input("Input a word: ")
def isPalindrome(S):
for i in range(0, len(S)):
if S[0 + i] == S[len(S) - 1]:
return "True"
return "False"
Here's my solution:
def isPalindrome(S):
l = len(S)-1
for i in range(0,l):
if S[i]!=S[l-i]:
return False
return True
Another way of doing it using recursion is:
def isPalindrome(word):
if len(word) <= 1: return True
return (word[0] == word[-1]) and isPalindrome(word[1:-1])
this is my solution
S = input("Input a word: ")
def isPalindrome(S):
for i in range(0, len(S)):
if S[0 + i] == S[len(S) - 1]:
return "True"
return "False"
This is beaten to death, but I have some ideas if Python is implemented in C. If ...
The code word[::-1] iterates to string end to make a copy which discounts the word == word[::-1] code speed and memory efficiency factors
Iteration to the word middle is better then comparing a full word as characters were already tested - for odd words the middle letter is not to be tested
Additions and subtractions need to be used sparingly
Recursion is cool (and fun), but uses a lot of stack (unless optimized with tail recursion ... which likely becomes a for loop in the underlying code but less likely able to be flexible enough to impose code optimizations).
Bit shifts are traditionally faster than divides
The following is the code:
def isPalindrome(S):
last = len(S)
middle = last >> 1
for i in range(middle):
last -= 1
if(S[i] != S[last]):
return False
print("\n".join([str((word, isPalindrome(word))) for word in ["abcdcba", "abcdBba", "abccba", "abcBba", "a", ""]]))
which yields:
('abcdcba', True)
('abcdBba', False)
('abccba', True)
('abcBba', False)
('a', True)
('', True)