I am trying to manipulate a CSV file on a certain date in a certain column.
I am using pandas (total noob) for that and was pretty successful until i got to dates.
The CSV looks something like this (with more columns and rows of course).
These are the columns:
Effective Date
These are the values:
I tried dataframe query (which i use for everything else) without success.
I tried dataframe loc (which worked for everything else) without success.
How can i get all rows that are older or newer from a given date? If i have other conditions to filter the dataframe, how do i combine them with the date filter?
Here's my "raw" code:
import pandas as pd
# parse_dates = ['Effective Date']
# dtypes = {'Effective Date': 'str'}
df = pd.read_csv("example.csv", dtype=object)
# , parse_dates=parse_dates, infer_datetime_format=True
# tried lot of suggestions found on SO
cols = df.columns
cols = cols.map(lambda x: x.replace(' ', '_'))
df.columns = cols
status1 = 'Suppressed'
status2 = 'Order Aborted'
pool = '2'
region = 'EU'
date1 = '31-DEC-2017'
filt_df = df.query('Status != #status1 and Status != #status2 and Pool == #pool and Region_A == #region')
filt_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
# this is working pretty well
supp_df = df.query('Status == #status1 and Effective_Date < #date1')
supp_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
# this is what is not working at all
I tried many approaches, but i was not able to put it together. This is just one of many approaches i tried.. so i know it is perhaps completely wrong, as no date parsing is used.
supp.csv will be saved, but the dates present are all over the place, so there's no match with the "logic" in this code.
Thanks for any help!
Make sure you convert your date to datetime and then filter slice on it.
df['Effective Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Effective Date'])
df[df['Effective Date'] < '2017-12-31']
#This returns all the values with dates before 31th of December, 2017.
#You can also use Query
I have a dataset with two datetime columns (let's say Call_Date & Transaction_Date). Call_Date is always populated, as we are only looking for instances where we were able to reach a consumer. Then, if the consumer makes a transaction, we populate Transaction_Date. Therefore, Transaction_date is not always populated.
What I'm trying to get to is when both dates are populated, how many days after the call the consumer made a transaction, without removing the cases where the consumer has not made a transaction.
Any way to do that?
Minimal Example
df = pd.DataFrame({'Customer': ['ABC','XYZ','PQR'],
'Call_Date': ['12/8/2021 2:31:07 PM','20/8/2021 5:27:02 AM','5/8/2021 7:29:40 PM'],
'Transaction_Date': ['16/8/2021 9:21:58 PM', pd.NaT, pd.NaT]})
following working for me. please check the attached image to see output
from dateutil.parser import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'Customer': ['ABC','XYZ','PQR'],
'Call_Date': ['12/8/2021 2:31:07 PM','20/8/2021 5:27:02 AM','5/8/2021 7:29:40 PM'],
'Transaction_Date': ['16/8/2021 9:21:58 PM','','']})
df['DUR'] = df.apply(lambda x : parse(x.Call_Date,fuzzy=True) - parse(x.Transaction_Date,fuzzy=True) if \
len(x.Transaction_Date) != 0 else np.nan, axis=1)
Another approach can be used as following, include a function diff() to implement exception handling so now it would not be a problem for any type Null/String/datetime.
please check library docs: https://dateutil.readthedocs.io/en/stable/parser.html
def diff(datetime_old, datetime_new):
try: return abs(parse(str(datetime_new), fuzzy=True) - parse(str(datetime_old), fuzzy=True))
except: return np.nan
df['DUR'] = df.apply(lambda x : diff(x.Call_Date, x.Transaction_Date) if pd.notnull(x.Transaction_Date) else np.nan, axis=1)
On Pandas 1.3.4 and Python 3.9.
So I'm having issues filtering for a partial piece of the string. The "Date" column is listed in the format of MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS A/PM where the most recent one is on top. If the date is single digit (example: November 3rd), it does not have the 0 such that it is 11/3 instead of 11/03. Basically I'm looking to go look at column named "Date" and have python read parts of the string to filter for only today.
This is what the original csv looks like. This is what I want to do to the file. Basically looking for a specific date but not any time of that date and implement the =RIGHT() formula. However this is what I end up with with the following code.
from datetime import date
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(r'file.csv', dtype=str)
today = date.today()
d1 = today.strftime("%m/%#d/%Y") # to find out what today is
df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=['New Phone', 'Phone number', 'Date'])
df['New Phone'] = df['Phone number'].str[-10:]
df_today = df['Date'].str.contains(f'{d1}',case=False, na=False)
df_today.to_csv(r'file.csv', index=False)
This line is wrong:
df_today = df['Date'].str.contains(f'{d1}',case=False, na=False)
All you're doing there is creating a mask; essentially what that is is just a Pandas series, containg True or False in each row, according to the condition you created the mask in. The spreadsheet get's only FALSE as you showed because non of the items in the Date contain the string that the variable d1 holds...
Instead, try this:
from datetime import date
import pandas as pd
# Load the CSV file, and change around the columns
df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(r'file.csv', dtype=str), columns=['New Phone', 'Phone number', 'Date'])
# Take the last ten chars of each phone number
df['New Phone'] = df['Phone number'].str[-10:]
# Convert each date string to a pd.Timestamp, removing the time
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'].str.split(r'\s+', n=1).str[0])
# Get the phone numbers that are from today
df_today = df[df['Date'] == date.today().strftime('%m/%d/%Y')]
# Write the result to the CSV file
df_today.to_csv(r'file.csv', index=False)
I am trying to compare two different values in a dataframe. The questions/answers I've found I wasn't able to utilize.
import pandas as pd
# from datetime import timedelta
read csv file
clean date column
convert date str to datetime
sort for equity options
replace date str column with datetime column
trade_reader = pd.read_csv('TastyTrades.csv')
trade_reader['Date'] = trade_reader['Date'].replace({'T': ' ', '-0500': ''}, regex=True)
date_converter = pd.to_datetime(trade_reader['Date'], format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
options_frame = trade_reader.loc[(trade_reader['Instrument Type'] == 'Equity Option')]
clean_frame = options_frame.replace(to_replace=['Date'], value='date_converter')
# Separate opening transaction from closing transactions, combine frames
opens = clean_frame[clean_frame['Action'].isin(['BUY_TO_OPEN', 'SELL_TO_OPEN'])]
closes = clean_frame[clean_frame['Action'].isin(['BUY_TO_CLOSE', 'SELL_TO_CLOSE'])]
open_close_set = set(opens['Symbol']) & set(closes['Symbol'])
open_close_frame = clean_frame[clean_frame['Symbol'].isin(open_close_set)]
convert Value to float
sort for trade readability
ocf_float = open_close_frame['Value'].astype(float)
ocf_sorted = open_close_frame.sort_values(by=['Date', 'Call or Put'], ascending=True)
# for readability, revert back to ocf_sorted below
ocf_list = ocf_sorted.drop(
['Type', 'Instrument Type', 'Description', 'Quantity', 'Average Price', 'Commissions', 'Fees', 'Multiplier'], axis=1
ocf_list.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
ocf_list['Strategy'] = ''
# ocf_list.to_csv('Sorted.csv')
# create strategy list
debit_single = []
debit_vertical = []
debit_calendar = []
credit_vertical = []
iron_condor = []
# shift columns
ocf_list['Symbol Shift'] = ocf_list['Underlying Symbol'].shift(1)
ocf_list['Symbol Check'] = ocf_list['Underlying Symbol'] == ocf_list['Symbol Shift']
# compare symbols, append depending on criteria met
for row in ocf_list:
if row['Symbol Shift'] is row['Underlying Symbol']:
print(type(ocf_list['Underlying Symbol']))
# delta = timedelta(seconds=10)
The error I get is:
line 51, in <module>
if row['Symbol Check'][-1] is row['Underlying Symbol'][-1]:
TypeError: string indices must be integers
I am trying to compare the newly created shifted column to the original, and if they are the same, append to a list. Is there a way to compare two string values at all in python? I've tried checking if Symbol Check is true and it still returns an error about str indices must be int. .iterrows() didn't work
Here, you will actually iterate through the columns of your DataFrame, not the rows:
for row in ocf_list:
if row['Symbol Shift'] is row['Underlying Symbol']:
You can use one of the methods iterrows or itertuples to iterate through the rows, but they return rows as lists and tuples respectively, which means you can't index them using the column names, as you did here.
Second, you should use == instead of is since you are probably comparing values, not identities.
Lastly, I would skip iterating over the rows entirely, as pandas is made for selecting rows based on a condition. You should be able to replace the aforementioned code with this:
debit_vertical = ocf_list[ocf_list['Symbol Shift'] == ocf_list['Underlying Symbol']].values.tolist()
I am fairly new to python and coding in general.
I have a big data file that provides daily data for the period 2011-2018 for a number of stock tickers (300~).
The data is a .csv file with circa 150k rows and looks as follows (short example):
I have a function that allows me to filter for a specific symbol and get 10 observations before and after a specified date (could be any date between 2011 and 2018).
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import urllib
import datetime
def get_data(issue_date, stock_ticker):
df = pd.read_csv (r'D:\Project\Data\Short_Interest\exampledata.csv')
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], format="%Y%m%d")
d = df
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
short = df.loc[df.Symbol.eq(stock_ticker)]
# get the index of the row of interest
ix = short[short.Date.eq(issue_date)].index[0]
# get the item row for that row's index
iloc_ix = short.index.get_loc(ix)
# get the +/-1 iloc rows (+2 because that is how slices work), basically +1 and -1 trading days
short_data = short.iloc[iloc_ix-10: iloc_ix+11]
return [short_data]
I want to create a script that iterates a list of 'issue_dates' and 'stock_tickers'. The list (a .csv) looks as following:
To break down my problem and question I would like to know how to do the following:
First, how do I load the inputs?
Second, how do I call the function on each input?
And last, how do I accumulate all the function returns in one dataframe?
To load the inputs and call the function for each row; iterate over the csv file and pass each row's values to the function and accumulate the resulting Seriesin a list.
I modified your function a bit: removed the DataFrame creation so it is only done once and added a try/except block to account for missing dates or tickers (your example data didn't match up too well). The dates in the second csv look like they are day/month/year so I converted them for that format.
import pandas as pd
import datetime, csv
def get_data(df, issue_date, stock_ticker):
'''Return a Series for the ticker centered on the issue date.
short = df.loc[df.Symbol.eq(stock_ticker)]
# get the index of the row of interest
ix = short[short.Date.eq(issue_date)].index[0]
# get the item row for that row's index
iloc_ix = short.index.get_loc(ix)
# get the +/-1 iloc rows (+2 because that is how slices work), basically +1 and -1 trading days
short_data = short.iloc[iloc_ix-10: iloc_ix+11]
except IndexError:
msg = f'no data for {stock_ticker} on {issue_date}'
short_data = None
return short_data
df = pd.read_csv (datafile)
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], format="%Y%m%d")
results = []
with open('issues.csv') as issues:
for ticker,date in csv.reader(issues):
day,month,year = map(int,date.split('/'))
# dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, r'%d/%m/%Y')
date = datetime.date(year,month,day)
s = get_data(df,date,ticker)
# print(s)
Creating a single DataFrame or table for all that info may be problematic especially since the date ranges are all different. Probably should ask a separate question regarding that. Its mcve should probably just include a few minimal Pandas Series with a couple of different date ranges and tickers.
So I am doing some merged using Pandas using a name-map because the two files I want don't have exact name names to merge on easily. But My Pdata sheet has lists of dates from 2014 to 2016, but I want to filter the sheet down to only contain dates from 1/1/2015 - 31/12/2016.
Below is the code that I currently have and I am not sure how to/if I can filter on date before the merge.
import pandas as pd
path= 'C:/Users/Rukgo/Desktop/Match thing/'
name_map = pd.read_excel(path+'name_map.xls',sheetname=0)
Tdata = pd.read_excel(path+'2015_TXNs.xls',sheetname=0)
pdata = pd.read_excel(path+'Pipeline.xls', sheetname=0)
#pdata = pdata[(1/1/2015 <=pdata.date)&(pdata.date <=31/12/2015)]
merged = pd.merge(Tdata, name_map, how="left", on="Local Customer")
mdata = pd.read_excel(path +'results.xls',sheetname=0)
final_merge = pd.merge(mdata, pdata, how='right', on='Client')
final_merge = final_merge[final_merge.Amount_USD !=0]
final_merge.to_excel(path+"Final Results.xls")
So I had a commented out section that ended up being quite close to the actual code that I needed.
pdata = pdata[(pdata['date']>='20150101')&(pdata['date']<='20151231')]
That ended up working perfectly, though hard codes the dates