I have a python script, which already sends messages from time to time to peer using socket. I want to add a feature, that socket listens asynchronously for inbound messages and then reacts, for ex. processes content and resends a reply. Is it possible to do it using only one socket? I have to use one socket because my peer creates its socket on localhost:30000.
Here is some code of my tries I have done so far.
Run() method from the listening thread:
def run(self):
print("Started listening to messages from peer...")
while True:
def listenToInboundMessages(self):
received = clientsocket.recv(BUFF)
Run() method for the thread which sends messages:
def run(self):
print("Ready to send messages.")
while True:
print("Attempting to acquire lock...")
while not socketFlag.isAvailable():
print("Attempting to send message...")
clientsocket.send("Message for per")
I use socketLock condition variable and socketFlag class to coordinate both threads.
For windows you can use the select class to filter a list of socket connections into 3 lists, sockets that are ready to ready, sockets that are ready to write, and sockets that have errors.
Here is a basic implementation for a p2p socket connection (not class based).
import socket, select, time
s = socket.socket()
s.bind(("", 8080))
connections = [s]
while True:
recv,write,err = select.select(connections,connections,connections)
for socket in recv:
if socket == s:
client,address = socket.accept()
msg = socket.recv(4096).decode("UTF-8")
print("Recieved message from a socket, message was: "+str(msg))
for socket in write:
socket.send(bytes("Hi", "UTF-8"))
for socket in err:
print("Error with a socket")
I have a code which works perfectly for one connection. I have seen two options for multi-client handling but I don't really understand it.
Here is the server socket code:
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as listening_sock:
listening_sock.bind(('', port))
client_soc, client_address = listening_sock.accept()
client_soc.sendall('200#Welcome to my server!'.encode())
print(f'Address {client_soc.getsockname()[0]} connected with port {client_soc.getsockname()[1]}')
while True:
# get message
msg = client_soc.recv(1024).decode()
# receive log print:
print(f'"{msg}" sent from {client_soc.getsockname()[0]}')
if 'Quit' in msg:
client_soc.sendall('200#Thanks for using my server!'.encode())
elif '0' < msg.split('#')[0] <= '9': # one of the valid actions
answer = call_action(msg.split('#')[0], db, msg.split('#')[1]) # the answer for given parameter
client_soc.sendall("200#".encode() + answer.encode())
If I have only one connection it works good and last thing I need to add is option for multiple-client handling. What is the shortest and easiest way to do it?
The code only calls accept once. Instead, call accept in a while loop and create a thread for each client connection so they are handled in parallel. Use the following pattern as an example:
import socket
import threading
# Thread to handle each "client_soc" connection
def handler(client_soc):
with socket.socket() as listening_sock:
listening_sock.bind(('', 8000))
while True:
client_soc, client_address = listening_sock.accept()
# Send each "client_soc" connection as a parameter to a thread.
threading.Thread(target=handler,args=(client_soc,), daemon=True).start()
There is also a built-in socket server that simplifies this process. Here's a tested example echo server that echoes back newline-terminated data:
from socketserver import ThreadingTCPServer,StreamRequestHandler
class echohandler(StreamRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
print(f'Connected: {self.client_address[0]}:{self.client_address[1]}')
while True:
# get message
msg = self.rfile.readline()
if not msg:
print(f'Disconnected: {self.client_address[0]}:{self.client_address[1]}')
break # exits handler, framework closes socket
print(f'Received: {msg}')
server = ThreadingTCPServer(('',8000),echohandler)
Your code blocks itself.
For instance: client_soc, client_address = listening_sock.accept()
Accepts client, then while True: runs forever, so you can work with 1 connection only, because socket.accept() is called once. You should learn some of these to solve your problem: asyncio, threading, multiprocessing. These libraries will help your code to accept and work with clients concurrently. Sockets can use every, but often they are paired with asyncio: https://asyncio.readthedocs.io/
I am writing a UDP server application that serves as a back end to Teltonika FMB630 car mounted devices.
I already took care of the protocol specifics and decoding, the problem I am facing relates to the UDP socket used.
My UDP server has to send an acknowledgement to the client device upon receiving a message (that is the protocol), however, if I send those ACKs, the server socket stops receiving data after a while.
The server's UDP socket object is passed to an concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor that fires a function (send_ack) that sends the ACK, however this is not the issue because I tried calling send_ack in the main thread, after receiving data and the same issue occurs.
I suspect the problem is the remote device somehow breaks the connection or the ISP or MNO doesn't route the reply packet (this is a GPRS device) and then the socket.send() method that is used to send the acknowledge, somehow freezes other socket operations, specifically recvfrom_into called in the main thread loop.
I wrote two scripts to illustrate the situation:
udp_test_echo.py :
#!/usr/env/bin python
import socket
import concurrent.futures
def send_ack(sock, addr, ack):
print("Sending ACK to {}".format(addr))
print("connected to {}".format(addr))
print("ACK sent to {}".format(addr))
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.bind(("", 1337))
data = bytearray([0] * 10)
executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4)
while True:
nbytes, address = s.recvfrom_into(data)
print("Socket Data received {} bytes Address {}".format(nbytes, address))
print("Data received: ", data, " Echoing back to client")
executor.submit(send_ack, s, address, data[:nbytes])
#!/usr/env/bin python
import socket
import time
import random
def get_random_bytes():
return bytearray([random.randint(0,255) for b in range(10)])
ip = ""
port = 1337
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.connect((ip, port))
while True:
stuff_to_send = get_random_bytes()
print("Sending stuff", stuff_to_send)
print("reply: ", s.recvfrom(10))
Running udp_test_echo.py in one terminal and udp_test_client.py in another, we see normal operation but if you Ctrl+C the test client and re run it, you will see that the server doesn't respond until it is restarted.
Is there a way to timeout a specific sending operation from a specific call to socket.send() method without affecting other calls ? (I want my socket.recvfrom_into call to block on the main thread)
If I settimeout on the entire socket object, I am going to have to deal with many exceptions while waiting for data in the main thread and I don't like to have to rely on exceptions for proper program operation.
The culprit was the socket.connect() call in send_ack, when being called on the server's socket object it causes the socket to no longer be bound and listen on the port specified in the start of the program.
Instead the send_ack function was changed to be:
def send_ack(sock, addr, ack):
print("Sending ACK to {}".format(addr))
sock.sendto(ack, addr)
print("ACK sent to {}".format(addr))
socket.sendto(data, address) uses the existing connection instead of starting a new one.
I want to create a multiprocessing echo server. I am currently using telnet as my client to send messages to my echo server.Currently I can handle one telnet request and it echos the response. I initially, thought I should intialize the pid whenever I create a socket. Is that correct?
How do I allow several clients to connect to my server using multiprocessing.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket
import os
from multiprocessing import Process
def create_socket():
# Create socket
sockfd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Port for socket and Host
PORT = 8002
HOST = 'localhost'
# bind the socket to host and port
sockfd.bind((HOST, PORT))
# become a server socket
def start_socket(sockfd):
while True:
# Establish and accept connections woth client
(clientsocket, address) = sockfd.accept()
# Get the process id.
process_id = os.getpid()
print("Process id:", process_id)
print("Got connection from", address)
# Recieve message from the client
message = clientsocket.recv(2024)
print("Server received: " + message.decode('utf-8'))
reply = ("Server output: " + message.decode('utf-8'))
if not message:
print("Client has been disconnected.....")
# Display messags.
# Close the connection with the client
if __name__ == '__main__':
process = Process(target = create_socket)
It's probably a good idea to understand which are blocking system calls and which are not. listen for example is not blocking and accept is blocking one. So basically - you created one process through Process(..), that blocks at the accept and when a connection is made - handles that connection.
Your code should have a structure - something like following (pseudo code)
def handle_connection(accepted_socket):
# do whatever you want with the socket
def server():
# Create socket and listen to it.
sock = socket.socket(....)
sock.bind((HOST, PORT))
while True:
new_client = sock.accept() # blocks here.
# unblocked
client_process = Process(target=handle_connection, args=(new_client))
I must also mention, while this is a good way to just understand how things can be done, it is not a good idea to start a new process for every connection.
The initial part of setting up the server, binding, listening etc (your create_socket) should be in the master process.
Once you accept and get a socket, you should spawn off a separate process to take care of that connection. In other words, your start_socket should be spawned off in a separate process and should loop forever.
I just started programming Python.
My goal is to built a digital Picture Frame with three Screens. Therefore I use 3 Raspis, one for each Monitor.
For the communication of these Raspis I need to program a server and a Client.
For a first test I want to built a server which is able to send and receive messages to/from multiple clients.
So I started with a few socket tutorials an created the following program.
Server Class (TcpServer.py)
class TcpServer:
clients = []
serverIsRunning = 0
port = 0
def __init__(self, port):
self.port = port
self.serverIsRunning = 0
self.serverRunning = 0
def startServer (self):
print("start Server...")
self.server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.server.bind(("", self.port))
self.serverRunning = 1
while self.serverRunning:
read, write, oob = select.select([self.server] + self.clients, [], [])
for sock in read:
if sock is self.server:
client, addr = self.server.accept()
print ("+++ Client ", addr[0], " verbunden")
nachricht = sock.recv(1024)
ip = sock.getpeername()[0]
if nachricht:
print (ip, nachricht)
print ("+++ Verbindung zu ", ip , " beendet")
for c in self.clients:
def send(self, message):
message = message.encode()
Client class (TcpClient.py)
import socket
class TcpClient:
def __init__(self, ip, port):
self.serverAdress = (ip, port)
self.connected = 0
self.connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print ("connectet to ", self.serverAdress)
def send(self, message):
message = message.encode()
import threading
import TcpServer
tcpServer = TcpServer.TcpServer(50000)
threadTcpServer = threading.Thread(target = tcpServer.startServer)
while True:
tcpServer.send(input("Nachricht eingeben: "))
import threading
import TcpClient
tcpClient = TcpClient.TcpClient("", 50000)
while True:
tcpClient.send(input("Nachricht eingeben: "))
I can send messages from the Client to the server, but when I want to send a Message from the server to the client it generates the following error:
BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
I assume it is because the server thread blocks the socket while waiting of a incoming message. But I have no idea how to handle this.
How can I program a server who can send and receive messages? Can you recommend a tutorial? I didn't found a tutorial who describes a solution for my problem.
Now I tried to solve the problem with the socketserver library, but I still can't solve may problem.
here is my new code for the server:
import socketserver
import threading
import time
class MyTCPHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
The RequestHandler class for our server.
It is instantiated once per connection to the server, and must
override the handle() method to implement communication to the
def handle(self):
# self.request is the TCP socket connected to the client
self.data = self.request.recv(1024).strip()
print("{} wrote:".format(self.client_address[0]))
# just send back the same data, but upper-cased
if __name__ == "__main__":
HOST, PORT = "localhost", 9999
# Create the server, binding to localhost on port 9999
server = socketserver.TCPServer((HOST, PORT), MyTCPHandler)
# Activate the server; this will keep running until you
# interrupt the program with Ctrl-C
threadTcpServer = threading.Thread(target = server.serve_forever)
print("server started")
print("sending Data")
server.request.sendall("Server is sending...")
it generates the error:
AttributeError: 'TCPServer' object has no attribute 'request'
My goal is to write a server with a thread who receives Data and still be able to send data from a other thread.
Is this even possible with only one socket?
You should use the provided socketserver rather than writing all the handling of sockets and select etc.
There are multiple problems with your code -
1 - The server is trying to write to the listening socket!! The client communication socket is the one that you get from the accept() call and that is the one you have to use for reading and writing.
2 - The client is sending the data and completing immediately, but it should really wait for getting a response. Otherwise, the python / OS will close the client socket as soon as the program completes and it will mostly be before the server gets a chance to respond.
I believe with the Handler code you are able to receive the data sent by the client on the server and are also able to send some data back from the Handler to the client? You must have understood that the server cannot send any data back unless there is a client connected to it?
Now, to send data to the client (or clients) from "another" thread, you will need a way to make the handler objects or the client sockets (available inside the Handler object as self.request) available to the "another" thread.
One way is to override the def __init__(self, request, client_address, server): method and save this object's reference in a global list. Remember to do the below as the last line of the overridden init -
# BaseRequestHandler __init__ must be the last statement as all request processing happens in this method
socketserver.BaseRequestHandler.__init__(self, request, client_address, server)
Once you have all the client handlers in the global list, you can easily write to all the clients from any thread as per your needs. You must read about synchronization (Locks) and understand that using same object / socket from multiple threads can create some logical / data issues with your application.
Another thing that you have to worry about and code for is cleaning up this global list whenever a client closes the connection.
I am writing python daemon, which waiting for request and return the some data. But, when request the script by client, the daemon stopped it's work.
This is the code
def run(self):
while True:
server_socket = socket.socket() # Create a socket object
host = socket.gethostname() # Get local machine name
port = 12345 # Reserve a port for your service.
server_socket .bind((host, port)) # Bind to the port
server_socket .listen(5)
client_socket, address = server_socket.accept()
# Establish connection with client.
print 'Got connection from', address
#data = client_socket.recv(2048)
data = client_socket.recv(1024)
I am not certain what you really want to be the server functionality, but based on your example, what you have is a server that can accept and process one client at a time. What I would suggest is not rebinding the server every time after every connection. It is not necessary.
Bind the socket once, then go into a loop waiting for clients:
def run(self):
server_socket = socket.socket()
host = socket.gethostname()
port = 12345
server_socket.bind((host, port))
while True:
# this will block until a client tries to connect
client_socket, address = server_socket.accept()
print 'Got connection from', address
# this will block until data is received from client
data = client_socket.recv(1024)
What will happen here is the server will accept a client and then block while waiting for the client to send something. Then it will loop again waiting for a new client. You may even want to close that socket if it is a one-off connection and you are done handling it.
If you want to be able to handle multiple clients at the same time, then you would do the loop in your main thread, and then pass each new connection off to a worker thread to handle the communication. This will free up the main thread to continue looping and waiting for new clients to connect.
This can be achieved by either starting a brand new thread for each client and passing the socket, or, using a Queue shared between a fixed pool of running threads. Each thread would be waiting to pull an item from the queue, and then go into a communication loop on the socket item. When it is done, it goes back to waiting on the queue.
Pseudo-code might look something like this:
socket_queue = Queue()
def main_server_thread():
while True:
# this will block until a client tries to connect
client_socket, address = server_socket.accept()
print 'Got connection from', address
# this will finish right away and loop again
def client_worker_thread():
while True:
sock = socket_queue.get()
while sock is still connected:
data = sock.recv(1024)