I am working on a personal project, and am stuck on extracting the text surrounding month abbreviations.
A sample input text is of the form:
text = "apr25, 2016\nblah blah\npow\nmay22, 2017\nasdf rtys\nqwer\njan9, 2018\npoiu\nlkjhj yertt"
I expect output of the form:
[ ("apr25, 2016\nblah blah\npow\n"), ("may22, 2017\nasdf rtys\nqwer\n"), ("jan9, 2018\npoiu\nlkjhj yertt") ]
I tried a simple regex, but it is incorrect:
import re
# Greedy version
REGEX_MONTHS_TEXT = re.compile(r'(apr[\w\W]*)|(may[\w\W]*)|(jan[\w\W]*)')
# output: [('apr25, 2016\nblah blah\npow\nmay22, 2017\nasdf rtys\nqwer\njan9, 2018\npoiu\nlkjhj yertt', '', '')]
# Non-Greedy version
REGEX_MONTHS_TEXT = re.compile(r'(apr[\w\W]*?)|(may[\w\W]*?)|(jan[\w\W]*?)')
# output: [('apr', '', ''), ('', 'may', ''), ('', '', 'jan')]
Can you help me produce the desired output with python3 regex?
Or do i need to write custom python3 code to produce the desired output?
The problem was in stopping around month abbreviations in my regex, after matching for month abbreviations.
I referred Python RegEx Stop before a Word and used the tempered greedy token solution mentioned there.
import re
REGEX_MONTHS_TEXT = re.compile(r'(apr|may|jan)((?:(?!apr|may|jan)[\w\W])+)')
text = "apr25, 2016\nblah blah\npow\nmay22, 2017\nasdf rtys\nqwer\njan9, 2018\npoiu\nlkjhj yertt"
arr = REGEX_MONTHS_TEXT.findall(text)
# arr = [ ('apr', '25, 2016\nblah blah\npow\n'), ('may', '22, 2017\nasdf rtys\nqwer\n'), ('jan', '9, 2018\npoiu\nlkjhj yertt')]
# The above arr can be combined using list comprehension to form
# list of singleton tuples as expected in the original question
output = [ (x + y,) for (x, y) in arr ]
# output = [('apr25, 2016\nblah blah\npow\n',), ('may22, 2017\nasdf rtys\nqwer\n',), ('jan9, 2018\npoiu\nlkjhj yertt',)]
Additional Resource for Tempered Greedy Token: Tempered Greedy Token - What is different about placing the dot before the negative lookahead
I haven't used regex much and was having issues trying to split out 3 specific pieces of info in a long list of text I need to parse.
note = "**Jane Greiz** `#1`: Should be open here .\n**Thomas Fitzpatrick** `#90`: Anim: Can we start the movement.\n**Anthony Smith** `#91`: Her left shoulder.\nhttps://google.com"
pattern1 = Parse the **Name Text**
pattern2 = Parse the number `#x`
pattern3 = Grab everything else until the next pattern 1
What I have doesn't seem to work well. There are empty elements? They are not grouped together? And I can't figure out how to grab the last pattern text without it affecting the first 2 patterns. I'd also like it if all 3 matches were in a tuple together rather than separated. Here's what I have so far:
all = r"\*\*(.+?)\*\*|\`#(.+?)\`:"
l = re.findall(all, note)
[('Jane Greiz', ''), ('', '1'), ('Thomas Fitzpatrick', ''), ('', '90'), ('Anthony Smith', ''), ('', '91')]
Don't use alternatives. Put the name and number patterns after each other in a single alternative, and add another group for the match up to the next **.
note = "**Jane Greiz** `#1`: Should be open here .\n**Thomas Fitzpatrick** `#90`: Anim: Can we start the movement.\n**Anthony Smith** `#91`: Her left shoulder.\nhttps://google.com"
all = r"\*\*(.+?)\*\*.*?\`#(.+?)\`:(.*)"
print(re.findall(all, note))
Output is:
[('Jane Greiz', '1', ' Should be open here .'), ('Thomas Fitzpatrick', '90', ' Anim: Can we start the movement.'), ('Anthony Smith', '91', ' Her left shoulder.')]
I want to search 3 Words in a String and put them in a List
something like:
sentence = "Tom once got a bike which he had left outside in the rain so it got rusty"
pattern = ['had', 'which', 'got' ]
and the answer should look like:
['got', 'which','had','got']
I haven't found a way to use re.finditer in such a way. Sadly im required to use finditer
rather that findall
You can build the pattern from your list of searched words, then build your output list with a list comprehension from the matches returned by finditer:
import re
sentence = "Tom once got a bike which he had left outside in the rain so it got rusty"
pattern = ['had', 'which', 'got' ]
regex = re.compile(r'\b(' + '|'.join(pattern) + r')\b')
# the regex will be r'\b(had|which|got)\b'
out = [m.group() for m in regex.finditer(sentence)]
# ['got', 'which', 'had', 'got']
The idea is to combine the entries of the pattern list to form a regular expression with ors.
Then, you can use the following code fragment:
import re
sentence = 'Tom once got a bike which he had left outside in the rain so it got rusty. ' \
'Luckily, Margot and Chad saved money for him to buy a new one.'
pattern = ['had', 'which', 'got']
regex = re.compile(r'\b({})\b'.format('|'.join(pattern)))
# regex = re.compile(r'\b(had|which|got)\b')
results = [match.group(1) for match in regex.finditer(sentence)]
The result is ['got', 'which', 'had', 'got'].
I want to parse and extract key, values from a given sentence which follow the following format:
I want to get [samsung](brand) within [1 week](duration) to be happy.
I want to convert it into a split list like below:
['I want to get ', 'samsung:brand', ' within ', '1 week:duration', ' to be happy.']
I have tried to split it using [ or ) :
which is giving output:
['I want to get ',
' within ',
'1 week',
' to be happy.']
is giving below output :
['I want to get ',
'samsung](brand) within ',
'1 week](duration) to be happy.']
Any help is appreciated.
Note: This is similar to stackoverflow inline links as well where if we type : go to [this link](http://google.com) it parse it as link.
As first step we split the string, and in second step we modify the string:
s = 'I want to get [samsung](brand) within [1 week](duration) to be happy.'
import re
s = re.split('(\[[^]]*\]\([^)]*\))', s)
s = [re.sub('\[([^]]*)\]\(([^)]*)\)', r'\1:\2', i) for i in s]
['I want to get ', 'samsung:brand', ' within ', '1 week:duration', ' to be happy.']
You may use a two step approach: process the [...](...) first to format as needed and protect these using some rare/unused chars, and then split with that pattern.
s = "I want to get [samsung](brand) within [1 week](duration) to be happy.";
print(re.split(r'⦅([^⦅⦆]+)⦆', re.sub(r'\[([^][]*)]\(([^()]*)\)', r'⦅\1:\2⦆', s)))
See the Python demo
The \[([^\][]*)]\(([^()]*)\) pattern matches
\[ - a [ char
([^\][]*) - Group 1 ($1): any 0+ chars other than [ and ]
]\( - ]( substring
([^()]*) - Group 2 ($2): any 0+ chars other than ( and )
\) - a ) char.
The ⦅([^⦅⦆]+)⦆ pattern just matches any ⦅...⦆ substring but keeps what is in between as it is captured.
You could replace the ]( pattern first, then split on [) characters
re.replace('\)\[', ':').split('\[|\)',s)
One approach, using re.split with a lambda function:
sentence = "I want to get [samsung](brand) within [1 week](duration) to be happy."
parts = re.split(r'(?<=[\])])\s+|\s+(?=[\[(])', sentence)
processTerms = lambda x: re.sub('\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^)]+)\)', '\\1:\\2', x)
parts = list(map(processTerms, parts))
['I want to get', 'samsung:brand', 'within', '1 week:duration', 'to be happy.']
Given a string dialogue such as below, I need to find the sentence that corresponds to each user.
text = 'CHRIS: Hello, how are you...
PETER: Great, you? PAM: He is resting.
CHRIS: Are you ok?'
For the above dialogue, I would like to return tuples with three elements with:
The name of the person
The sentence in lower case and
The sentences within Brackets
Something like this:
('CHRIS', 'Hello, how are you...', None)
('PETER', 'Great, you?', None)
('CHRIS', 'Are you ok?', None)
I am trying to use regex to achieve the above. So far I was able to get the names of the users with the below code. I am struggling to identify the sentence between two users.
actors = re.findall(r'\w+(?=\s*:[^/])',text)
You can do this with re.findall:
>>> re.findall(r'\b(\S+):([^:\[\]]+?)\n?(\[[^:]+?\]\n?)?(?=\b\S+:|$)', text)
[('CHRIS', ' Hello, how are you...', ''),
('PETER', ' Great, you? ', ''),
' He is resting.',
('CHRIS', ' Are you ok?', '')]
You will have to figure out how to remove the square braces yourself, that cannot be done with regex while still attempting to match everything.
Regex Breakdown
\b # Word boundary
(\S+) # First capture group, string of characters not having a space
: # Colon
( # Second capture group
[^ # Match anything that is not...
: # a colon
\[\] # or square braces
]+? # Non-greedy match
\n? # Optional newline
( # Third capture group
\[ # Literal opening brace
[^:]+? # Similar to above - exclude colon from match
\n? # Optional newlines
)? # Third capture group is optional
(?= # Lookahead for...
\b # a word boundary, followed by
\S+ # one or more non-space chars, and
: # a colon
| # Or,
$ # EOL
Regex is one way to approach this problem, but you can also think about it as iterating through each token in your text and applying some logic to form groups.
For example, we could first find groups of names and text:
from itertools import groupby
def isName(word):
# Names end with ':'
return word.endswith(":")
text_split = [
" ".join(list(g)).rstrip(":")
for i, g in groupby(text.replace("]", "] ").split(), isName)
# 'Hello, how are you...',
# 'PETER',
# 'Great, you?',
# 'PAM',
# 'CHRIS',
# 'Are you ok?']
Next you can collect pairs of consecutive elements in text_split into tuples:
print([(text_split[i*2], text_split[i*2+1]) for i in range(len(text_split)//2)])
#[('CHRIS', 'Hello, how are you...'),
# ('PETER', 'Great, you?'),
# ('CHRIS', 'Are you ok?')]
We're almost at the desired output. We just need to deal with the text in the square brackets. You can write a simple function for that. (Regular expressions is admittedly an option here, but I'm purposely avoiding that in this answer.)
Here's something quick that I came up with:
def isClosingBracket(word):
return word.endswith("]")
def processWords(words):
if "[" not in words:
return [words, None]
return [
" ".join(g).replace("]", ".")
for i, g in groupby(map(str.strip, words.split("[")), isClosingBracket)
[(text_split[i*2], *processWords(text_split[i*2+1])) for i in range(len(text_split)//2)]
#[('CHRIS', 'Hello, how are you...', None),
# ('PETER', 'Great, you?', None),
# ('CHRIS', 'Are you ok?', None)]
Note that using the * to unpack the result of processWords into the tuple is strictly a python 3 feature.
Short question:
I have a string:
title="Announcing Elasticsearch.js For Node.js And The Browser"
I want to find all pairs of words where each word is properly capitalized.
So, expected output should be:
['Announcing Elasticsearch.js', 'Elasticsearch.js For', 'For Node.js', 'Node.js And', 'And The', 'The Browser']
What I have right now is this:
This gives me the output:
['Announcing Elasticsearch.js', 'For Node.js', 'And The']
How can I change my regex to give desired output?
You can use this:
import re
title="Announcing Elasticsearch.js For Node.js And The Browser TEst"
pattern = r'(?=((?<![A-Za-z.])[A-Z][a-z.]*[\s-][A-Z][a-z.]*))'
print re.findall(pattern, title)
A "normal" pattern can't match overlapping substrings, all characters are founded once for all. However, a lookahead (?=..) (i.e. "followed by") is only a check and match nothing. It can parse the string several times. Thus if you put a capturing group inside the lookahead, you can obtain overlapping substrings.
There's probably a more efficient way to do this, but you could use a regex like this:
Then iterate through the capture groups like so testing with this regex: (^[A-Z][a-z.-]+$) to ensure the matched group(current) matches the matched group(next).
Working example:
import re
title = "Announcing Elasticsearch.js For Node.js And The Browser"
matchlist = []
m = re.findall(r"(\b[A-Z][a-z.-]+\b)", title)
i = 1
if m:
for i in range(len(m)):
if re.match(r"(^[A-Z][a-z.-]+$)", m[i - 1]) and re.match(r"(^[A-Z][a-z.-]+$)", m[i]):
matchlist.append([m[i - 1], m[i]])
print matchlist
['Browser', 'Announcing'],
['Announcing', 'Elasticsearch.js'],
['Elasticsearch.js', 'For'],
['For', 'Node.js'],
['Node.js', 'And'],
['And', 'The'],
['The', 'Browser']
If your Python code at the moment is this
title="Announcing Elasticsearch.js For Node.js And The Browser"
results = re.findall("[A-Z][a-z]+[\s-][A-Z][a-z.]*", title)
then your program is skipping odd numbered pairs. An easy solution would be to research the pattern after skipping the first word like this:
m = re.match("[A-Z][a-z]+[\s-]", title)
title_without_first_word = title[m.end():]
results2 = re.findall("[A-Z][a-z]+[\s-][A-Z][a-z.]*", title_without_first_word)
Now just combine results and result2 together.