Iterating over multiple pandas dataframe is slow - python

I'm trying to find the number of similar words for all rows in Dataframe1 for every single row with words in Dataframe 2.
Based on the similarities I want to create a new data frame with where columns = N rows of dataframe2
values = similarity.
My current code is working, but it runs very slow. I'm not sure how to optimize it...
df = pd.DataFrame([])
for x in range(10000):
save = {}
terms_1 = data['text_tokenized'].iloc[x]
save['code'] = data['code'].iloc[x]
for y in range(3000):
terms_2 = data2['terms'].iloc[y]
similar_n = len(list(terms_2.intersection(terms_1)))
save[data2['code'].iloc[y]] = similar_n
df = df.append(pd.DataFrame([save]))
Update: new code (still running slow)
def get_sim(x, terms):
similar_n = len(list(x.intersection(terms)))
return similar_n
for index in icd10_terms.itertuples():
code,terms = index[1],index[2]
data[code] = data['text_tokenized'].apply(get_sim, args=(terms,))


Calculation of the removal percentage for chemical parameters (faster code)

I have to calculate the removal pecentages of chemical/biological parameters (e.g. after an oxidation process) in a waster water treatment plant.
My code code works so far and does exactly what it should do, but it is really slow.
On my laptop the calculation for the original dataset took about 10 sec and on my PC 4 sec for a 15x80 Data Frame. That is too long, especially if I have to deal with more rows.
What the code does:
The formula for the single removal is defined as: 1 - n(i)/n(i-1)
and for the total removal: 1 - n(i)/n(0)
Every measuring point has its own ID. The code searches for the ID's and performs the calculation and saves it in the data frame.
Here is an example (I cant post the original data):
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = {"ID": ["X1_P0001", "X2_P0001", "X3_P0001", "X1_P0002", "X2_P0002", "X3_P0002", "X4_P0002","X5_P0002", "X1_P0003", "X2_P0003", "X3_P0003"],
"Measurement": [100, 80, 60, 120,90,70,50,25, 85,65,35]}
df["S_removal"]= np.nan
df["T_removal"]= np.nan
Data Frame before calculation
this is my function for the calculation:
def removal_TEST(Rem1, Measure, Rem2):
lst = [i.split("_")[1] for i in df["ID"]] #takes relevant ID information
y = np.unique(lst) #stores unique ID values to loop over them
for ID in y:
id_list = []
for i in range(0, len(df["ID"])):
if ID in df["ID"][i]:
else: # this stores only the relevant id in a new list
indexlist = pd.Series(id_list)
first_index = indexlist.first_valid_index() #gets the first and last index of the id list
last_index = indexlist.last_valid_index()
col_indizes = []
for i in range(first_index, last_index+1):
for i in col_indizes:
if i == 0:
continue # for i=0 there is no 0-1 element, so i=0 should be skipped
Rem1[i]= 1-(Measure[i]/Measure[i-1])
Rem1[first_index]= np.nan #first entry of an ID must be NaN value
for i in range(first_index, last_index+1):
for i in range(len(Rem2)):
for i in col_indizes:
Rem2[i]= 1-(Measure[i]/Measure[first_index])
Rem2[first_index]= np.nan
this is the result:
Final Data Frame
I am new to Python and to stackoverflow (so sorry if my code and question are not so good to read). Are there any good libraries to speed up my code, or do you have some suggestions?
Thank you :)
Your use of Pandas seems to be getting in the way of solving the problem. The only relevant state seems to be when the group changes and the first and previous measurement values for each row.
I'd be tempted to solve this just using Python primitives, but you could solve this in other ways if you had lots of data (i.e. millions of rows).
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({
"ID": ["X1_P0001", "X2_P0001", "X3_P0001", "X1_P0002", "X2_P0002", "X3_P0002", "X4_P0002","X5_P0002", "X1_P0003", "X2_P0003", "X3_P0003"],
"Measurement": [100, 80, 60, 120,90,70,50,25, 85,65,35],
"S_removal": float('nan'),
"T_removal": float('nan'),
# somewhere keep track of the last group identifier
last = None
# iterate over rows
for idx, ID, meas in zip(df.index, df['ID'], df['Measurement']):
# what's the current group name
_, grp = ID.split('_', 1)
# see if we're in a new group
if grp != last:
last = grp
# track the group's measurement
grp_meas = meas
# calculate things
df.loc[idx, 'S_removal'] = 1 - meas / last_meas
df.loc[idx, 'T_removal'] = 1 - meas / grp_meas
# keep track of the last measurement
last_meas = meas
I've commented the code in the hopes it makes sense. This takes ~2 seconds for 1000 copies of your example data, so 11000 rows.
Given that OP has said this needs to be done for a wide dataset, here's another version that reduces runtime to ~30ms for 11000 rows and 2 columns:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
data = {
"ID": ["X1_P0001", "X2_P0001", "X3_P0001", "X1_P0002", "X2_P0002", "X3_P0002", "X4_P0002","X5_P0002", "X1_P0003", "X2_P0003", "X3_P0003"],
"M1": [100, 80, 60, 120,90,70,50,25, 85,65,35],
"M2": [100, 80, 60, 120,90,70,50,25, 85,65,35],
# reset_index() because code below assumes they are unique
df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(data)]*1000).reset_index()
# column names
measurement_col_names = ['M1', 'M2']
single_output_names = ['S1', 'S2']
total_output_names = ['T1', 'T2']
# somewhere keep track of the last group identifier
last = None
# somewhere to store intermediate state
vals_idx = []
meas_vals = []
last_vals = []
grp_vals = []
# iterate over rows
for idx, ID, meas in zip(df.index, df['ID'], df.loc[:,measurement_col_names].values):
# what's the current group name
_, grp = ID.split('_', 1)
# we're in a new group
if grp != last:
last = grp
# track the group's measurement
grp_meas = meas
# track values and which rows they apply to
# keep track of the last measurement
last_meas = meas
# convert to numpy array so it vectorises nicely
meas_vals = np.array(meas_vals)
# perform calculation using fast numpy operations
df.loc[vals_idx, single_output_names] = 1 - (meas_vals / last_vals)
df.loc[vals_idx, total_output_names] = 1 - (meas_vals / grp_vals)

creating Dataframe from a lot of lists

I want to create dataframe from my data. What I do is essentially a grid search over different parameters for my algorithm. Do you have any idea how can this be done better, because right now if I need to add two more parameters in my grid, or add more data on which I perform my analysis — I need to manually add a lot of lists, then append to it some values, and then in Dataframe dict add another column. IS there another way? Because right now it looks really ugly.
type_preds = []
type_models = []
type_lens = []
type_smalls = []
lfc1s = []
lfc2s = []
lfc3s = []
lv2s = []
sfp1s = []
len_small_fils = []
ratio_small_fills = []
ratio_big_fils = []
for path_to_config in path_to_results.iterdir():
type_pred, type_model, type_len, type_small, len_small_fil, ratio_big_fil, ratio_small_fill =[:-4].split('__')
path_to_trackings = sorted([str(el) for el in list(path_to_config.iterdir())])[::-1]
sfp1, lv2, lfc3, lfc2, lfc1 = display_metrics(path_to_gts, path_to_trackings)
df = pd.DataFrame({
'type_pred': type_preds,
'type_model': type_models,
'type_len': type_lens,
'type_small': type_smalls,
'len_small_fil': len_small_fils,
'ratio_small_fill': ratio_small_fills,
'ratio_big_fill': ratio_big_fils,
'lfc3': lfc3s,
'lfc2': lfc2s,
'lfc1': lfc1s,
'lv2': lv2s,
'sfp1': sfp1s
Something along these lines might make it easier:
data = []
for path_to_config in path_to_results.iterdir():
row = []
path_to_trackings = sorted([str(el) for el in list(path_to_config.iterdir())])[::-1]
row.extend(display_metrics(path_to_gts, path_to_trackings))
df = pd.DataFrame(
# End of first half
Then every time you add an extra return variable to either the first or second function you just need to add an extra column to the final DataFrame creation.

Set up a column based on another column and outside list in a Pandas Dataframe

I am trying to create a new column in a Pandas dataframe which takes only one array from a list of 5 arrays (the list is titled cluster_centre) and puts that array into the dataframe. It would take the array at the index that matches the value in the 'labels' column of the same dataframe (which has values of 0,1,2,3 or 4). So for instance, if the sentence in that row was given a label of 2 i.e. the 'labels' column value for that row would be 2, then the value of the 'cluster_centres' column in the df at that row would be cluster_centre[2]. How can I do this? The code I have attempted is pasted below:
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import pandas as pd
with open('JWN_Nordstrom_MDNA_overview_2017.txt', 'r') as file:
initial_corpus =
corpus = initial_corpus.split('. ')
# Extract sentence embeddings
embedder = SentenceTransformer('bert-base-wikipedia-sections-mean-tokens')
corpus_embeddings = embedder.encode(corpus)
# Perform KMeans clustering
num_clusters = 5
clustering_model = KMeans(n_clusters=num_clusters)
cluster_assignment = clustering_model.labels_
cluster_centre = clustering_model.cluster_centers_
# Create dataframe
All_data_df = pd.DataFrame()
All_data_df['sentences'] = corpus
All_data_df['embeddings'] = corpus_embeddings
All_data_df['labels'] = cluster_assignment
# The line below creates a ValueError
All_data_df['cluster_centres'] = cluster_centre[All_data_df['labels']]
I get this error: ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 768, placement implies 1
UPDATE: I did some new stuff and tried this:
All_data_df = pd.DataFrame()
All_data_df['sentences'] = corpus
All_data_df['embeddings'] = corpus_embeddings
All_data_df['labels'] = cluster_assignment
#All_data_df['cluster_centres'] = 0
for index, row in All_data_df.iterrows():
iforval = cluster_centre[row['labels']][index, 'cluster_centres'] = iforval
But get a new error: ValueError: Must have equal len keys and value when setting with an iterable. I printed iforval inside the loop and it does indeed return 29 correct arrays from the cluster_centre list, which matches the 29 rows present in the dataframe. Now I just need to put them into the new column of the dataframe, but .at[] didn't work, not sure if I am using it correctly.
EDIT/UPDATE: Ok I found a sort of solution, don't know why I didn't realise this before, I just created a list beforehand and made that into the new column, ended up being much simpler.
cluster_centres_list = [cluster_centres[label] for label in cluster_assignment]
all_data_df = pd.DataFrame()
all_data_df['sentences'] = corpus
all_data_df['embeddings'] = corpus_embeddings
all_data_df['labels'] = cluster_assignment
all_data_df['cluster_centres'] = cluster_centres_list

How to create a new dataframe by sorted data

I would like to find out the row which meets the condition RSI < 25.
However, the result is generated with one data frame. Is it possible to create separate dataframes for any single row?
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pandas_datareader import data as wb
ck_df = wb.DataReader(stock,data_source='yahoo',start='2015-01-01')
rsi_period = 14
chg = ck_df['Close'].diff(1)
gain = chg.mask(chg<0,0)
ck_df['Gain'] = gain
loss = chg.mask(chg>0,0)
ck_df['Loss'] = loss
avg_gain = gain.ewm(com = rsi_period-1,min_periods=rsi_period).mean()
avg_loss = loss.ewm(com = rsi_period-1,min_periods=rsi_period).mean()
ck_df['Avg Gain'] = avg_gain
ck_df['Avg Loss'] = avg_loss
rs = abs(avg_gain/avg_loss)
rsi = 100-(100/(1+rs))
ck_df['RSI'] = rsi
RSIFactor = ck_df['RSI'] <25
If you want to know at what index the RSI < 25 then just use:
ck_df[ck_df['RSI'] <25].index
The result will also be a dataframe. If you insist on making a new one then:
new_df = ck_df[ck_df['RSI'] <25].copy()
To split the rows found by #Omkar's solution into separate dataframes you might use this function taken from here: Pandas: split dataframe into multiple dataframes by number of rows;
def split_dataframe_to_chunks(df, n):
df_len = len(df)
count = 0
dfs = []
while True:
if count > df_len-1:
start = count
count += n
dfs.append(df.iloc[start : count])
return dfs
With this you get a list of dataframes.

Slow Data analysis using pandas

I am using a mixture of both lists and pandas dataframes to accomplish a clean and merge of csv data. The following is a snippet from my code that runs disgustingly slow... Generates a csv with about 3MM lines of data.
UniqueAPI = Uniquify(API)
dummydata = []
#bridge the gaps in the data with zeros
for i in range(0,len(UniqueAPI)):
DateList = []
DaysList = []
PDaysList = []
OperatorList = []
OGOnumList = []
CountyList = []
MunicipalityList = []
LatitudeList = []
LongitudeList = []
UnconventionalList = []
ConfigurationList = []
HomeUseList = []
ReportingPeriodList = []
RecordSourceList = []
for j in range(0,len(API)):
if UniqueAPI[i] == API[j]:
DaysList = Days[j]
OperatorList = Operator[j]
OGOnumList = OGOnum[j]
CountyList = County[j]
MunicipalityList = Municipality[j]
LatitudeList = Latitude[j]
LongitudeList = Longitude[j]
UnconventionalList = Unconventional[j]
ConfigurationList = Configuration[j]
HomeUseList = HomeUse[j]
ReportingPeriodList = ReportingPeriod[j]
RecordSourceList = RecordSource[j]
df = pd.DataFrame(DateList, columns = ['Date'])
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
minDate = df.min()
maxDate = df.max()
Years = int((maxDate - minDate)/np.timedelta64(1,'Y'))
Months = int(round((maxDate - minDate)/np.timedelta64(1,'M')))
finalMonths = Months - Years*12 + 1
Y,x = str(minDate).split("-",1)
x,Y = str(Y).split(" ",1)
for k in range(0,Years + 1):
if k == Years:
ender = int(finalMonths + 1)
ender = int(13)
full_df = pd.DataFrame()
if k > 0:
del full_df
full_df = pd.DataFrame()
full_df['API'] = UniqueAPI[i]
full_df['Production Month'] = [pd.to_datetime(str(x)+'/1/'+str(int(Y)+k)) for x in range(1,ender)]
full_df['Days'] = DaysList
full_df['Operator'] = OperatorList
full_df['OGO_NUM'] = OGOnumList
full_df['County'] = CountyList
full_df['Municipality'] = MunicipalityList
full_df['Latitude'] = LatitudeList
full_df['Longitude'] = LongitudeList
full_df['Unconventional'] = UnconventionalList
full_df['Well_Configuration'] = ConfigurationList
full_df['Home_Use'] = HomeUseList
full_df['Reporting_Period'] = ReportingPeriodList
full_df['Record_Source'] = RecordSourceList
full_df = pd.concat(dummydata)
result = full_df.merge(dataClean,how='left').fillna(0)
result.to_csv(ResultPath, index_label=False, index=False)
This snippet of code has been running for hours the output should have ~3MM lines there has to be a faster way using pandas to accomplish the goal of which I will describe:
for each unique API i find all occurrences in the main list of apis
using that information i build a list of dates
I find a min and max date for each list corresponding to an api
I then build an empty pandas DataFrame that has every month between the two dates for the associated api
I then append this data frame to a list "dummydata" and loop to the next api
taking this dummy data list I then concatenate it into a DataFrame
this DataFrame is then merged with another dataframe with cleaned data
end result is a csv that has 0 value for dates that did not exist but should between the max and min dates for each corresponding API in the original unclean list
This all takes way longer than I would expect I would have thought that finding the min max date for each unique item and interpolating monthly between them filling in months that dont have data with 0 would be like a three line thing in Pandas. Any options that you guys think I should explore or any snippets of code that could help me out is much appreciated!
You could start by cleaning up the code a bit. These lines don't seem to have any effect or functional purpose since full_df was just created and is already an empty dataframe:
if k > 0:
del full_df
full_df = pd.DataFrame()
Then when you actually build up your full_df it's better to do it all at once rather than one column at a time. So try something like this:
full_df = pd.concat([UniqueAPI[i],
[pd.to_datetime(str(x)+'/1/'+str(int(Y)+k)) for x in range(1,ender)],
Then you would need to add the column labels which you could also do all at once (in the same order as your lists in the concat() call).
full_df.columns = ['API', 'Production Month', 'Days', etc.]

