I have several classes:
import uuid
from app import db, create_app
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID, ARRAY, JSONB
class Ticket(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'tickets'
id = db.Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
time = db.Column(db.DateTime, server_default=func.now(), index=True)
proposed_names = db.Column(ARRAY(db.String))
measurements = db.relationship('TempMeasurement', back_populates='ticket')
class BaseMeasurement(object):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
def type_id(self):
return db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('optical_data_types.id'))
def type(self):
return db.relationship('OpticalDataType')
def operator_id(self):
return db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('operators.id'))
def operator(self):
return db.relationship('Operator')
def item_id(self):
return db.Column(db.String, db.ForeignKey('items.serial'))
def item(self):
return db.relationship('Item')
time = db.Column(db.DateTime, index=True)
instrument = db.Column(db.String)
instrument_sn = db.Column(db.String)
data = db.Column(JSONB)
class TempMeasurement(db.Model, BaseMeasurement):
__tablename__ = 'ticket_data'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
ticket_id = db.Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), db.ForeignKey('tickets.id'), index=True)
ticket = db.relationship('Ticket', back_populates='measurements')
original_paths = db.Column(ARRAY(db.String))
What I want/expect is that I can create a Ticket with several child TempMeasurements and commit this to the database. Something like:
app = create_app()
with app.app_context():
ticket = Ticket()
ticket.measurements = [TempMeasurement(...)]
db.session.add(ticket) # <-- error on this line
However, I get an obscure error deep in SQLAlchemy:
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '_sa_instance_state'
with a full trace here.
I thought that it might be because the UUID ticket_id column has as_uuid, so I made it simply UUID (implicitly a str), but this did not solve my issue.
The error is too deep in SQLAlchemy for me to understand -- can anyone help?
I am new using FastAPI python and I am right now just trying to GET all the appointments in the database. The models.py is autogenerated with sqlacodegen. So it is one-to-one with the database and we have connection to the database.
But the problem is that when I try to go to it gives this data:
{"detail":[{"loc":["query","self"],"msg":"field required","type":"value_error.missing"}]}
and the server gives this "GET /appointments HTTP/1.1" 422 Unprocessable Entity"
but I don't know what is wrong..
in the database the data looks like this: (dummy data)
i have uploaded all my code under here:
# coding: utf-8
from sqlalchemy import Column, DateTime, ForeignKey, String, Table
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import INTEGER
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from .database import Base
Base = declarative_base()
metadata = Base.metadata
class Customer(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Customer'
CPR = Column(INTEGER(11), primary_key=True)
Name = Column(String(45))
Email = Column(String(45))
PhoneNumber = Column(INTEGER(11))
class Producer(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Producer'
CVR = Column(INTEGER(11), primary_key=True)
Name = Column(String(45))
PhoneNumber = Column(INTEGER(11))
Adress = Column(String(45))
Supplier = relationship('Supplier', secondary='Producer_has_Supplier')
class Statistic(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Statistics'
idStatistics = Column(INTEGER(11), primary_key=True)
CustomerCount = Column(INTEGER(11))
ArtistCustomerCount = Column(INTEGER(11))
SessionCount = Column(INTEGER(11))
AppliedInkColorCount = Column(INTEGER(11))
class Supplier(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Supplier'
CVR = Column(INTEGER(11), primary_key=True)
Name = Column(String(45))
PhoneNumber = Column(String(45))
Adress = Column(String(45))
class Ink(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Ink'
BatchNumber = Column(INTEGER(11), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
Brand = Column(String(45))
ColorCode = Column(String(15))
ExperationDate = Column(DateTime)
Price = Column(INTEGER(11))
Producer_CVR = Column(ForeignKey('Producer.CVR'), primary_key=True, nullable=False, index=True)
Producer = relationship('Producer')
Tattoo = relationship('Tattoo', secondary='Tattoo_has_Ink')
t_Producer_has_Supplier = Table(
'Producer_has_Supplier', metadata,
Column('Producer_CVR', ForeignKey('Producer.CVR'), primary_key=True, nullable=False, index=True),
Column('Supplier_CVR', ForeignKey('Supplier.CVR'), primary_key=True, nullable=False, index=True)
class Tattooparlor(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Tattooparlor'
CVR = Column(INTEGER(11), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
Name = Column(String(75))
Adress = Column(String(45))
PhoneNumber = Column(INTEGER(11))
Email = Column(String(45))
Statistics_idStatistics = Column(ForeignKey('Statistics.idStatistics'), primary_key=True, nullable=False, index=True)
Supplier_CVR = Column(ForeignKey('Supplier.CVR'), primary_key=True, nullable=False, index=True)
Statistic = relationship('Statistic')
Supplier = relationship('Supplier')
class Artist(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Artist'
CPR = Column(INTEGER(11), primary_key=True)
Name = Column(String(45))
PhoneNumber = Column(INTEGER(11))
Email = Column(String(45))
Price = Column(INTEGER(11))
Tattooparlor_CVR = Column(ForeignKey('Tattooparlor.CVR'), nullable=False, index=True)
Tattooparlor = relationship('Tattooparlor')
t_Parlor_has_Ink = Table(
'Parlor_has_Ink', metadata,
Column('Ink_batchnumber', ForeignKey('Ink.BatchNumber'), index=True),
Column('Parlor_storageID', ForeignKey('Tattooparlor.CVR'), index=True),
Column('Quantity', INTEGER(11))
class Appointment(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Appointment'
id = Column(INTEGER(11), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
DateTime = Column(DateTime)
SessionLenght = Column(INTEGER(11))
Customer_CPR = Column(ForeignKey('Customer.CPR'), primary_key=True, nullable=False, index=True)
Tattooparlor_CVR = Column(ForeignKey('Tattooparlor.CVR'), primary_key=True, nullable=False, index=True)
Artist_CPR = Column(ForeignKey('Artist.CPR'), nullable=False, index=True)
Artist = relationship('Artist')
Customer = relationship('Customer')
Tattooparlor = relationship('Tattooparlor')
class Tattoo(Base):
__tablename__ = 'Tattoo'
idTattoo = Column(INTEGER(11), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
Description = Column(String(200))
PlacementOnBody = Column(String(45))
Appointment_idAppointment = Column(ForeignKey('Appointment.idAppointment'), primary_key=True, nullable=False, index=True)
Appointment = relationship('Appointment')
t_Tattoo_has_Ink = Table(
'Tattoo_has_Ink', metadata,
Column('Tattoo_idTattoo', ForeignKey('Tattoo.idTattoo'), primary_key=True, nullable=False, index=True),
Column('Ink_BatchNumber', ForeignKey('Ink.BatchNumber'), primary_key=True, nullable=False, index=True)
from typing import List
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from .models import Appointment
from .schemas import AppointmentBase
# Function to get list of car info
def get_all_apointments(session: Session) -> List[Appointment]:
return session.query(Appointment).all()
from typing import List, Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel
import datetime
# TO support creation and update APIs
class AppointmentBase(BaseModel):
DateTime = str(datetime)
SessionLenght = int
# TO support list and get APIs
class Appointment(AppointmentBase):
Appointment_id = int
Customer_CPR = int
Tattooparlor_CVR =int
Artist_CPR = int
class Config:
orm_mode = True
arbitrary_types_allowed = True
# To support list API
class PaginatedAppointmentInfo(BaseModel):
data: List[Appointment] = []
class Config:
orm_mode = True
arbitrary_types_allowed = True
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from pydantic import BaseModel
import uvicorn
from . import models
from .database import SessionLocal, engine
from .schemas import Appointment, AppointmentBase, PaginatedAppointmentInfo
from .crud import get_all_apointments
# Initialize the app
app = FastAPI()
app = FastAPI()
# Dependency
def get_db():
db = SessionLocal()
yield db
# API to get the list of car info
#app.get("/appointments", response_model=PaginatedAppointmentInfo)
def list_apointments(self):
apointments_list = get_all_apointments(self.session)
response = {"data": apointments_list}
return response
# GET operation at route '/'
def root_api():
return {"message": "Welcome to Balasundar's Technical Blog"}
The error message is telling you that you have defined a required query argument named self that isn't being submitted:
{"detail":[{"loc":["query","self"],"msg":"field required"
^ ^
type name
If you look at the function you're calling, you'll see that you have a definition that mentions that specific name:
# API to get the list of car info
#app.get("/appointments", response_model=PaginatedAppointmentInfo)
def list_apointments(self):
Since there is no implicit first argument for regular functions (only for methods inside a class), FastAPI expects a self argument to be supplied to the function. Since you're not including that - I'm guessing you have extracted this from a class, since you're also using self.session further down - FastAPI gives an error.
As you have defined a get_db dependency to get the session, you should probably use that instead (since self outside of a class context doesn't have any particular meaning):
# API to get the list of car info
#app.get("/appointments", response_model=PaginatedAppointmentInfo)
def list_apointments(session = Depends(get_db)):
apointments_list = get_all_apointments(session)
response = {"data": apointments_list}
return response
There is no longer any required arguments for the function - the session gets retrieved from get_db and there are no other arguments to the function.
I am creating a server application that will utilize a remote database created by a Flask GUI. To keep things simple (and since it's primarily threaded calculations), I want to build my server application without utilizing a Flask framework. I will have a redis message server to keep the two processes in sync.
My challenge is that I want to use persistent storage wherever possible. So as part of this, my server application will need to import the Flask-SQLAlchemy database files to retrieve the parameters. The difficulty I am having is to write the import statement that will pull the SQLAlchemy files into pandas. Here is what I have so far:
import os
class Config:
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI_REMOTE = os.environ.get('RDQ_LOGIN') # remote docker database
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI_LOCAL = os.environ.get('RDU_LOGIN') # local file database
REDIS_IP = os.environ.get('REDIS_IP')
from src_code.config import Config
import redis
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy import orm
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
import sqlalchemy as sa
engine_remote = create_engine(Config.SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI_REMOTE, echo=True)
Base_remote = declarative_base()
Session_remote = sessionmaker(bind=engine_remote)
session_remote = Session_remote()
engine_local = create_engine(Config.SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI_LOCAL, echo=True)
Base_local = declarative_base()
Session_local = sessionmaker(bind=engine_local)
session_local = Session_local()
redisChannel = redis.StrictRedis(host=Config.REDIS_IP, port=6379, password=Config.REDIS_PASSWORD,
import pandas as pd
from src_code import session_local, session_remote
def start():
table_df = pd.read_sql(
'SELECT * from game',
if __name__ == "__main__":
Unfortunately I am getting an error:
AttributeError: 'Session' object has no attribute 'cursor'
I don't need to be able to write back to the table (so read-only is sufficient). So I am using a simple example that would give me the ability to extract what I need from the panda (I am more confident to use pandas than SQL).
I do have the model statements that I could replicate in the server code if this would somehow facilitate the process:
from datetime import datetime
from itsdangerous import TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer as Serializer
from flask import current_app
from src_code import db, login_manager
from flask_login import UserMixin
def load_user(user_id):
return User.query.get(int(user_id))
class User(db.Model, UserMixin):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
username = db.Column(db.String(20), unique=True, nullable=False)
email = db.Column(db.String(120), unique=True, nullable=False)
agent = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=False, nullable=False)
image_file = db.Column(db.String(20), unique=False, nullable=False,default='default.jpg')
password = db.Column(db.String(60), nullable=False)
posts = db.relationship('Post', backref='author', lazy=True)
games_started = db.relationship('Game', backref='captained', lazy=True)
games_played = db.relationship('Player', backref='games', lazy=True)
def get_reset_token(self, expires_sec=1800):
s = Serializer(current_app.config['SECRET_KEY'], expires_sec)
return s.dumps({'user_id': self.id}).decode('utf-8')
def verify_reset_token(token):
s = Serializer(current_app.config['SECRET_KEY'])
user_id = s.loads(token)['user_id']
return None
return User.query.get(user_id)
def __repr__(self):
return f"User('{self.username}', '{self.email}', '{self.agent}', '{self.image_file}')"
class Post(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
title = db.Column(db.String(100), nullable=False)
date_posted = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False,default=datetime.utcnow)
content = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False)
user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('user.id'), nullable=False)
def __repr__(self):
return f"Post('{self.title}', '{self.date_posted}')"
class Game(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
title = db.Column(db.String(60), nullable=False)
date_posted = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)
company_count = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)
starting_year = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)
time_limit = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)
agent_decisions_visible = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False)
client_count = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)
pre_game_yrs = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)
time_index = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)
game_active = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False)
player_capt = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('user.id'), nullable=False)
games_msgs = db.relationship('Messages', backref='messages', lazy=True)
def __repr__(self):
return f"Game('{self.title}', '{self.date_posted}')"
class GameRequests(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
date_requested = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)
game_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('game.id'), nullable=False)
user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('user.id'), nullable=False)
def __repr__(self):
return f"GameRequest('{self.game_id}', '{self.user_id}', '{self.date_requested}'"
class GameDecisions(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
date_requested = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)
game_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('game.id'), nullable=False)
user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('user.id'), nullable=False)
time_index = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)
def __repr__(self):
return f"GameDecisions('{self.game_id}', '{self.user_id}', '{self.time_index}'"
class Player(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
date_posted = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)
game_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('game.id'), nullable=False)
user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('user.id'), nullable=False)
def __repr__(self):
return f"Player('{self.game_id}', '{self.user_id}', '{self.date_posted}'"
class Messages(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
date_posted = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False,default=datetime.utcnow)
type = db.Column(db.String(10), nullable=False)
msg_from = db.Column(db.String(20), nullable=False)
msg_to = db.Column(db.String(20), nullable=False)
message = db.Column(db.String(60), nullable=False)
game_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('game.id'), nullable=False)
def __repr__(self):
return f"Messages('{self.game_id}', '{self.id}', '{self.message}', '{self.date_posted}')"
Thanks for any help you can offer!
Similar to your conclusion, here's how I read databases into pandas:
# Create your query.
# This can be as complex or simple as you'd like
query = session_remote.query(Game)
df = pd.read_sql(query.statement, session_remote.bind)
The key difference here is the utilization of the ORM to perform (or rather, write) the query itself.
Masking SQL behind an ORM has many advantages -- I strongly recommend against utilizing raw SQL in production backends.
It seems I was closer than I realized. The following code did what I needed:
SQLAlchemy ORM conversion to pandas DataFrame
table_df = pd.read_sql(
'SELECT * from game',
I am trying to add an user to the database file but i get the following error when trying to create an User object:
sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: One or more mappers failed to initialize - can't proceed with initialization of other mappers. Triggering mapper: 'mapped class Patient->patient'. Original exception was: Could not determine join condition between parent/child tables on relationship Patient.documents - there are no foreign keys linking these tables. Ensure that referencing columns are associated with a ForeignKey or ForeignKeyConstraint, or specify a 'primaryjoin' expression.
from flask import Flask, render_template, flash
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from forms import LoginForm
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'SECRETKEY'
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///storage.db'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
class User(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String)
username = db.Column(db.String, unique=True, nullable=False)
password = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
mail = db.Column(db.String, default='test#mail')
role = db.Column(db.Integer)
def __repr__(self):
return f"User('{self.username}', '{self.name}')"
class Patient(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
prename = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
mail = db.Column(db.String, default='test#mail')
birthdate = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
documents = db.relationship('Doc', backref='patient', lazy=True)
def __repr__(self):
return f"Patient('{self.prename}', '{self.name}')"
class Doc(db.Model):
from datetime import datetime
pdfid = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
path = db.Column(db.String)
created = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow)
deletetime = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)
patientid = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('user.id'), nullable=False)
def __repr__(self):
return f"Docs('{self.path}', '{self.created}')"
My Steps in a python Terminal (the file is called index):
from index import db
from index import User, Doc, Patient
user1 = User(name='Test User', username='test', password='testtest', role=1)
When I try step 4 I get the above described error.
I don't see any problem in my code so I would appreciate any help :)
Below I have a Flask-SQLAlchemy model for the table User.
class User(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'user'
user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(30), nullable=False)
created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, server_default=db.text("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"))
updated_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, server_default=db.text("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"))
def __init__(self):
#self.name = name
self.name = None
def add_user(self, name):
self.name = name
Here add_user is a custom method. So if I call the add_user method it should add the name to the User table.
Likewise how do I write custom methods for CRUD operations in that model itself?
You'll probably want to use a classmethod to accomplish this.
class User(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'user'
user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(30), nullable=False)
created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, server_default=db.text("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"))
updated_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, server_default=db.text("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"))
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def create(cls, **kw):
obj = cls(**kw)
This way you can use User.create(name="kumaran") to create a new user that will be committed to the database.
Better yet, it is a great idea to create a mixin for this method and others like it so that the functionality can be easily reused in your other models:
class BaseMixin(object):
def create(cls, **kw):
obj = cls(**kw)
You can then reuse this functionality in your models by using multiple inheritance, like so:
class User(BaseMixin, db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'user'
user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(30), nullable=False)
created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, server_default=db.text("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"))
updated_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, server_default=db.text("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"))
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
Not sure this is relevant to Flask-SQLAlchemy, but basic SQLAlchemy has examples of creating Mixin classes or augmenting the Base class.
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
class MyMixin(object):
def __tablename__(cls):
return cls.__name__.lower()
__table_args__ = {'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB'}
__mapper_args__= {'always_refresh': True}
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
class MyModel(MyMixin, Base):
name = Column(String(1000))
I would accomplish what you're after like this:
class User(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'user'
user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(30), nullable=False)
created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, server_default=db.text("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"))
updated_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, server_default=db.text("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"))
def __init__(self):
#self.name = name
self.name = None
def add_user(cls, session, name):
user = User(name)
return User
Then in whatever context you're using it in, create a session, call your method, and commit it.
from .user import User
session = Session()
# or if using Flask SQLAlchemy
# session = db.session
User.add_user(session, 'Foo')
From the sqlalchemy docs:
Keep the lifecycle of the session (and usually the transaction) separate and external.
In contrast to one of the other answers, which assumes you are using this model in a Flask app with FlaskSQLAlchemy's global db.session object, parametrizing the session object like this keeps your model code separate from your session management code. This allows it to be used flexibly in many different contexts.
I have a Artist-hasMany-Suggestion relation in my Flask application (implemented with Flask-SQLAlchemy).
My Artist class looks like:
class Artist(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'artists'
suggestions = db.relationship('Suggestion', backref='artist')
And my Suggestion class looks like:
class Suggestion(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'suggestions'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
artist_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('artists.id'))
def __repr__(self):
return '<Suggestion %r>' % (self.artist.name,)
The problem is, apparently, that there is no self.artist defined for the Suggestion model. What can I do to achieve this?
Actualy the problem is that Suggestion is not necessarily has associated Artist. And it's breaking everything. So either check self.artist for None or impose that it couldn't be NULL.
My test code:
class Artist(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'artists'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(80))
suggestions = db.relationship('Suggestion', backref='artist')
class Suggestion(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'suggestions'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
artist_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('artists.id'))
def __repr__(self):
return '<Suggestion %r>' % (self.artist.name,)
And IPython session:
In [1]: from sqlalch import db, Artist, Suggestion
In [2]: Artist.query.all()
Out[2]: [<sqlalch.Artist at 0x3559490>]
In [3]: Suggestion.query.all()
Out[3]: [<Suggestion u'Hey You!'>]
In [4]: Suggestion.query.all()[0].artist
Out[4]: <sqlalch.Artist at 0x3559490>