How tornado authentication works? - python

How authentication works in tornado with set_secure_cookie method?
where are these cookies get stored for multiple users ?
how can we authenticate each API calls inside the framework ?

Cookies are just HTTP headers. Nothing special. Cookies work like this:
Browser sends a request to server. This can by any request, like a regular page request, or a login form submission. For this example, let's just talk about a login request.
Server will look at the submitted username and password and make sure they are correct. Then server will set a cookie on this browser so that it can later identify the user. To set a cookie, the server will send a header called Set-Cookie along with the response. It will look like this - Set-Cookie: sessionId=username.
When the browser will get the response, it will also notice that there's a SET-COOKIE header on the response. Now the browser will save this value somewhere on your computer, it doesn't matter. What matters is after this, whenever the browser will send the request to your server, it will also send this cookie in the request headers like this - Cookie: sessionId=username.
Next time, server will also notice the Cookie header in the request. And so, it will get the username of the logged in user from there.
And that is how cookies work.
Now to answer your questions:
How authentication works in tornado with set_secure_cookie method?
You might have noticed a big security flaw in the above example. To identify the user we have set the sessionId value in plain text. Anyone can easily send a different username in the cookie and our server will treat them as that user. For example if Alice wants to hack Bob's account, all she has to do is send the session cookie like this - Cookie: sessionId=bob. And our server will treat Alice as Bob.
This is where the set_secure_cookie method comes in. It will set a signed token, instead of a plain username. Tornado will set signed cookies based on your cookie_secret setting value. This is secure because cookies are signed based on the cookie_secret which nobody knows accept you. The cookie will look like this - sessionId=slsafj7987LJflsfslfljk68686sfj. Now, Alice can't impersonate as Bob.
where are these cookies get stored for multiple users ?
Nowhere. Since the cookies are signed, Tornado will decode the value from the signed cookies as the request comes in. For example if a cookie header looks like this - Cookie: sessionId=alksjfl98798yfaslkdjf. Tornado will decode this - alksjfl98798yfaslkdjf value to extract the encoded username. It happens on-the-fly.
how can we authenticate each API calls inside the framework ?
Do the API calls require session, like user authentication so that users can see and edit their account etc? Then all you need is set_secure_cookie method.
If the API calls are independent of each other, then you should let your users use your APIs with an "access key". You will need to store these access keys in a database. Your users will send this access key with every request, in the form of an HTTP header or just a request query parameter:
# as a header
API-Access-Key: <long-random-key>
# OR as a query string<long-random-key>


How to set authorization header (JWT)

I am working on JWT authorization and I'm not able to figure out how to send the JWT as a request header for every request, so that I can use it to check if the user is authorized.
Right now, I am generating the JWT immediately after login, and setting it as a cookie. I want to use header instead of cookie. How can I achieve this?
I am using django 1.6, if it is relevant information.
It really depends on your request library. Could you tell me what library you're using to make requests? BUT: most request libraries out there should let you set the header of the request to include a JWT. Therefore, when the server receives the request, the server will "know" you are authorized because the JWT is in the header.
Take a look at How to add JWT to authorization header? as an example!
As for this:
Right now, I am generating the JWT immediately after login, and setting it as a cookie. I want to use header instead of cookie. How can I achieve this?
It's totally fine to set your JWT as a cookie. What you must do for every request is to get the JWT from the cookie. Look at: for more details!

Understanding the Python requests module

So I'm currently learning the python requests module but I'm a bit confused and was wondering if someone could steer me in the right direction. I've seen some people post headers when they want to log into the website, but where do they get these headers from and when do you need them? I've also seen some people say you need an authentication token, but I've seen some other solutions not even use headers or an authentication token at all. This is supposedly the authentication token but I'm not sure where to go from here after I post my username and password.
<input type="hidden" name="lt" value="LT-970332-9KawhPFuLomjRV3UQOBWs7NMUQAQX7" />
Although your question is a bit vague, I'll try to help you.
A web browser (client) can authenticate on the target server by providing data, usually the pair login/password, which is usually encoded for security reasons.
This data can be passed from client to server using the following parts of HTTP request:
URL parameters (
body (this is where POST parameters from HTML forms usually go)
After successful authentication server generates a unique token and sends it to client. If server wants client to store token as a cookie, it includes Set-Cookie header in its response.
A token usually represents a unique identifier of a user session. In most cases token has an expiration date for security reasons.
Web browsers usually store token as a cookie in internal cookie storage and use them in all subsequent requests to corresponding website. A single website can use multiple tokens and other cookies for a single user.
Every web site has its own authentication format, rules and restrictions, so first thing you need to do is a little research on target website. You need to get information about the client sends auth information to server, what server replies and where session data is being stored (usually you can find it in client request headers).
In order to do that, you may use a proxy (Burp for example) to intercept browser traffic. It can help you to get the data passed from client to server and back.
Try to authenticate and then browse some pages on target site using your web browser with a proxy. After that, using your proxy, examine what parts of HTTP request/response do client and browser use to store information about sessions and authentication.
After that you can finally use python and requests to do what you want.

Is it possible to use Jira cookie based auth with separate connections?

I'm trying to create a command line client for Jira, but I don't really want to store the username/password, and I don't want to have to put in my password with every single request.
Jira says they have a cookie based API, but it doesn't look like it works the way that I think it works.
Specifically, when using Python's requests library I can only re-use the cookie if I have a Session object that I think keeps a connection to Jira.
But if I try to say, make a request and requests.get requests to the REST URL, it fails with a 401 and tells me that I'm not authenticated. OTOH, if I create a Session, I can do
And I'll get the 200 that I expect.
I do notice that there's another cookie in the requests response headers:
but I didn't see anything about that in the documentation.
Is it possible to do this, or do I have to store the username/password if I want to break the connection in between requests?
You are correct, the session is required. From the documentation:
The client creates a new session for the user, via the JIRA REST API.
JIRA returns a session object, which has information about the session including the session cookie. The client stores this session object.
The client can now set the cookie in the header for all subsequent requests to the JIRA REST API.
In other words, the session is integral to the request, receipt and use of the cookie-based authentication token.
Also, the atlassian.xsrf.token would have been injected by atlassian to prevent cross-site forgery and hijacking of the session/cookie.
The way I see it, here are your simple-but-secure options:
For every invocation of your script, use the session to request-receive-retain the cookie (and then, once all API calls are complete, let everything get discarded)
Base64 encode your username and password, store it in a separate file (encrypted if you so choose), and have your script collect (and decrypt) it then place it in an authorization header. See Hiding a password in a python script (insecure obfuscation only).
If you follow the goal not to authorize every time you send a request to the API, you should send (POST) your authentication requests using the cookie-based authentication /rest/auth/1/session, not Basic Auth, to get the token. You will then use that obtained token subsequently in your further requests (in the Cookie header) to the API without a need to authorize every single request.
Watch out for the important missing piece in the API documentation: you should sent the username, NOT email, to authorize in a cookie-based manner. Even though both variants work for the Basic Auth, only user works for the cookie-based authentication.

How to pass cookies between subdomains? Change cookie domain?

Okay so this is my current situation.
I am trying to send an ajax request to from Everything is working fine but cookies are not being sent.
Based on couple hours of research, it seems like I need to change the domain of cookie.
In my case, cookie domain is, and cookie domain should be if I want to include cookie in ajax requests.
So my question do I change the cookie domain? Or are there any other ways to do it?
My current stack is
nginx for reverse proxy |
node.js(express.js) for front end server |
python(flask) and mysql for api server |
redis for session saving
They are all running in a same box.
It depends on how you are setting cookies. One way to this is While setting a cookie, use domain attribute to set a cookie wrt
Attributes of HTTP cookie

How cookies and tokens work

I'm designing a web application and now I'm working on the authentication function. I read that there are two approaches: cookies and tokens. I do not really understanding how these two work.
I'm planing to use django-rest-framework-jwt if I chose tokens. Here's where I am at :
The user sends his data (login and password). The application verifies that the data are correct and calculates a token and then send it back to the user. When the user make a request he includes the token in the request. The application decodes the request and we get the information about the user.
My question :
- How do we get the token? Is it like calculating a hash code?
- How do we get the user information after we decode the token?
- How is it determined that the token is dead?
- Can a web application that uses tokens be used through a browser
Same as tokens but cookie are sent using the HTTP header not in request body. Cookies must stored in the server side.
My question :
- In articles I read they say that tokens have the advantage that they have life time. But cookies have that too. So what's the difference between the life time of a cookie and a token?
- How we identify the user who made the request? Do we store a dictionary (cookie, user id)?
I believe "Tokens" as you call it are identical to "Sessions" as on
Similar to what you stated, Sessions calculate a hash code/id to be sent back to the user to be identified as an authenticated user etc.
To answer your questions directly:
Sessions and Cookies work together. Once Django generates a SessionId it is stored on user's computer through the use of a cookie while it is also recorded in django backend. Therefore, I am not sure if your question is valid. Try reading up at
The link above also answers this questions for you. To summarize, the SessionId sent back to the user includes an ID to identify that user as authenticated or any other property etc.
Basically the difference between Cookie-based authentication (by storing sessionIds in cookies on the client) and token authentication is that an authentication token is sent in the http-header 'authentication' field. This is more flexible, since there are REST clients (native clients on phones etc.) that don't support the concept of a cookie at all.
Session Authentication is built-in in Django, session authentication is provided by Django-rest-framework.
Django-rest-framework has a built-in method of passing the token to the client, but you're welcome to implement your own devices.
Tokens are valid until they are deleted from the database. Again, you can roll your own auto-invalidation solution here.
The django-rest-framework documentation is pretty detailed about the different authentication mechanisms it supports. See

