I wrote a subclass with tkinter widgets. In a for-loop i place few of them in a Frame. This Frame also contains a Label and a Entry.
Now i want to destroy all of my subclass widgets but NOT the Label and the Entry.
I tried it like this:
for child in self.frame.winfo_children():
if child.winfo_class() == "???":
But I wasnt able to figure out what i have to use, so i will use ??? as a placeholder for this.
I place them in a rule with this Code:
db.execute("SELECT * FROM UsedSystems")
rows = db.fetchall()
i = 0
for row in rows:
image_path = activepath+rows[i][0]
name = rows[i][1]
performance = rows[i][2]
project = rows[i][3]
date = rows[i][4]
self.e10 = CustomWidget(self.frame, image_path, name, performance, project, date)
self.e10.grid(row=1+i,column=0, columnspan=2)
Try using the isinstance built-in function to check the class (as shown below):
for child in self.frame.winfo_children():
if not (isinstance (child, Label) or isinstance (child, Entry)):
child.destroy ()
This will destroy any widget if they are not a Label and Entry. However, it cannot distinguish between different Label widgets (for example) and will leave BOTH.
I work on python plugin for QGIS. In this plugin I have created a QTableWidget with 3 columns. These columns are QCheckbox, QTableWidgetItem and QComboBox. I would like to retrieve the values contained in these 3 columns. For the moment I managed to get the values of QComboBox and QTableWidgetItem but I can't seem to get the value of the QCheckBox.
liste = ['Carte 1','Carte 2','Carte 3','Carte 4','Carte 5','Carte 6']
combo_box_options = ["A4 Paysage","A4 Portrait", "A3 Paysage","A3 Portrait"]
self.dlg_format = Dialog_format()
for index in range(len(liste)):
item = QTableWidgetItem(liste[index])
self.dlg_format.tableWidget.setItem(index, 1, item)
self.dlg_format.tableWidget.setColumnWidth(0, 20)
self.dlg_format.tableWidget.setColumnWidth(1, 350)
combo = QComboBox()
for t in combo_box_options:
self.dlg_format.tableWidget.setCellWidget(index, 2, combo)
widget = QWidget()
checkbox = QCheckBox()
playout = QHBoxLayout(widget)
self.dlg_format.tableWidget.setCellWidget(index, 0, widget)
result = self.dlg_format.exec_()
if result:
for index in range(len(liste)):
text = self.dlg_format.tableWidget.item(index, 1).text()
format = self.dlg_format.tableWidget.cellWidget(index, 2).currentText()
check = self.dlg_format.tableWidget.cellWidget(index, 0).checkState() #Does not work
The QWidget is what is set as cell widget, not the checkbox, and that widget obviously has no checkState attribute.
There are various possibilities for this scenario.
Make the checkbox an attribute of the widget:
widget = QWidget()
widget.checkbox = QCheckBox()
# ...
check = self.dlg_format.tableWidget.cellWidget(index, 0).checkbox.checkState()
Make the checkbox's checkState function a reference of the widget (note: no parentheses!) so that you can access it with the existing cellWidget(index, 0).checkState():
checkbox = QCheckBox()
widget.checkState = checkbox.checkState
Since all happens within the same scope (the function), you can totally ignore the cellWidget and use a list of tuples that contains the widgets:
widgets = []
for index in range(len(liste)):
# ...
widgets.append((item, combo, checkbox))
# ...
if result:
for item, combo, checkbox in widgets:
text = item.text()
format = combo.currentText()
check = checkbox.checkState()
Note that:
returns a Qt.CheckState enum, which results in 2 (Qt.Checked) for a checked box; if you need a boolean, use isChecked() instead;
you can use enumerate instead of range, since you are iterating through the list items anyway: for index, text in enumerate(liste):;
if you don't need to add item data and the contents of the combo are always the same, just use combo.addItems(combo_box_options);
setting the column width for every cycle is pointless, just do it once outside the for loop;
if you use QHBoxLayout(widget) there's no need for widget.setLayout(playout), as the widget argument on a layout already sets that layout on the widget;
instance attribute are created in order to make them persistent (it ensures that they are not garbage collected and allows future access); from your code it seems unlikely that you're going to use that dialog instance after that function returns, so making it a member of the instance (self.dlg_format) is unrequired and keeps resources unnecessarily occupied: the dialog would be kept in memory even after it's closed, and would be then deleted and overwritten as soon as it's created again; just make it a local variable (dlg_format = Dialog_format());
I'm working on a small project and I'm having issues retrieving the values stored in combo boxes. The program has a "plus" button that creates additional boxes beneath the existing ones. They are created by calling a "create" function that makes a new instance of the ComboBox class, where the box is created and put onto the screen. A separate "submit" function is then supposed to loop through and retrieve all of the box values and store them in a list. My main flaw is that I used data in the variable names, but I have no clue how else to do this in this scenario. Does anyone have an alternative solution?
(there are some off screen variables that are show used here as parameters, but there are definitely not the source of the issue)
class ComboBox:
def __init__(self, master, counter, fields):
self.master = master
self.counter = counter
self.fields = fields
self.field_box = ttk.Combobox(width=20)
self.field_box["values"] = fields
self.field_box.grid(row=counter + 1, column=0, pady=5)
def get_value(self):
value = self.field_box.get()
return value
def create():
global entry_counter
name = "loop"+str(entry_counter-1)
name = ComboBox(window, entry_counter, fields)
entry_counter += 1
def submit():
for i in range(1, entry_counter):
name = "loop" + str(entry_counter-1)
For example, if I created 2 boxes and selected the options "test1" and "test2" I would want the my values list to contain ["test1, "test2"]
Not sure I understand the question right, but I guess you are asking about how to loop throw all instances of ComboBox. You can just create an global array, append new instance into it in create() method:
comboboxes = []
def create():
def submit():
for combobox in comboboxes:
You're on the right track with .get(). I believe your solution is that your get_value function also needs an event parameter:
def get_value(self, event):
value = self.field_box.get()
return value
See the following:
Getting the selected value from combobox in Tkinter
Retrieving and using a tkinter combobox selection
from tkinter import *
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'item': list('abcde'), 'default_vals': [2,6,4,5,1]})
def input_data(df):
box = Tk()
height = str(int(25*(df.shape[0]+2)))
box.geometry("320x" + height)
box.title("my box")
params, checkButtons, intVars = [], [], []
default_vals = list(df.default_vals)
itemList = list(df.item)
for i,label in enumerate(itemList):
Label(box, text = label).grid(row = i, sticky = W)
params[-1].grid(row = i, column = 1)
params[-1].insert(i, default_vals[i])
checkButtons.append(Checkbutton(variable = intVars[-1]))
checkButtons[-1].grid(row = i, column = 3)
def sumbit(event=None):
global fields, checked
fields = [params[i].get() for i in range(len(params))]
checked = [intVars[i].get() for i in range(len(intVars))]
#add submit button
box.bind('<Return>', sumbit)
Button(box, text = "submit",
command = sumbit).grid(row = df.shape[0]+3, sticky = W)
return fields, checked
I am new to tkinter and not sure what I a trying to do is possible.
At present, my script (simplified here to a function rather than a class) builds a box with all the default values entered in the fields:
Instead, I want to start with empty fields which, once the corresponding checkButton is clicked will get the default value (should still be able to manually change it through the field as happens now), and also, once any value is entered in a given field, the corresponding checkButton is selected.
Are these possible?
It is possible, but let me preface my solution with a few cautions on your current code:
It's rarely advisable to do a star import (from tkinter import *) as you don't have any control over what gets imported into your namespace. It's more advisable to explicitly import what you need as a reference:
import tkinter as tk
tk.Label() # same as if you wrote Label()
tk.IntVar() # same as if you called IntVar()
The behaviour you wanted, while possible, might not be necessarily user friendly. What happens when a user has already entered something, and unchecks the checkbox? Or what happens if the checkbox was selected and then the user deleted the information? These might be things you want to think about.
Having said that, the solution is to use add a trace callback function over your variable(s). You'll also need to add a StringVar() for the Entry boxes as you wanted a two way connection:
# add strVars as a list of StringVar() for your Entry box
params, checkButtons, intVars, strVars = [], [], [], []
During your iteration of enumerate(itemList), add these:
# Create new StringVar()
# add a trace callback for tracking changes over the StringVar()
strVars[-1].trace_add('write', lambda var, var_idx, oper, idx=i: trace_strVar(idx))
# update your Entry to set textvariable to the new strVar
params.append(Entry(box, textvariable=strVars[-1]))
# similarly, add a trace for your IntVar
intVars[-1].trace_add('write', lambda var, var_idx, oper, idx=i: trace_intVar(idx))
You'll need to define the two trace callback functions before you iterate through the widget creations:
def trace_intVar(idx):
# if Checkbox is checked and Entry is empty...
if intVars[idx].get() and not params[idx].get():
# prefill Entry with default value
params[idx].insert(0, df.default_vals[idx])
def trace_strVar(idx):
# if Entry has something...
if strVars[idx].get():
# and Checkbox is not checked...
if not intVars[idx].get():
# Set the checkbox to checked.
# but if Entry is empty...
# Set the Checkbox to uncheck.
Remember I mentioned the behaviour - I took a little liberty to clear the Checkbox if Entry is empty. If you however don't wish to do that, you'll need to modify the handling a little.
Note on the way the trace_add is written. The callback function is always passed with three default arguments, namely the Variable Name, The Variable Index (if any) and Operation (see this great answer from Bryan Oakley). Since we don't need any in this case (we can't reverse reference the variable name to the linked index between the variable lists), we'll have to manually wrap the callback with another lambda and ignore the three arguments:
lambda var, # reserve first pos for variable name
var_idx, # reserve second pos for variable index
oper, # reserve third pos for operation
idx=i: # pass in i by reference for indexing point
trace_intVar(idx) # only pass in the idx
You cannot just pass lambda...: trace_intVar(i) as i will be passed by value instead of reference in that case. Trust me, I've made this error before. Therefore we pass another argument idx with its default set to i, which will now be passed by reference.
If trace_add doesn't work, use trace('w', ...) instead.
For prosperity, here's the complete implemented solution to your question:
from tkinter import *
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'item': list('abcde'), 'default_vals': [2,6,4,5,1]})
def input_data(df):
box = Tk()
height = str(int(25*(df.shape[0]+2)))
box.geometry("320x" + height)
box.title("my box")
params, checkButtons, intVars, strVars = [], [], [], []
default_vals = list(df.default_vals)
itemList = list(df.item)
def trace_intVar(idx):
if intVars[idx].get() and not params[idx].get():
params[idx].insert(0, df.default_vals[idx])
def trace_strVar(idx):
if strVars[idx].get():
if not intVars[idx].get():
for i,label in enumerate(itemList):
Label(box, text = label).grid(row = i, sticky = W)
strVars[-1].trace_add('write', lambda var, var_idx, oper, idx=i: trace_strVar(idx))
params.append(Entry(box, textvariable=strVars[-1]))
params[-1].grid(row = i, column = 1)
#params[-1].insert(i, default_vals[i]) # <-- You don't need this any more
intVars[-1].trace_add('write', lambda var, var_idx, oper, idx=i: trace_intVar(idx))
checkButtons.append(Checkbutton(variable = intVars[-1]))
checkButtons[-1].grid(row = i, column = 3)
def sumbit(event=None):
global fields, checked
fields = [params[i].get() for i in range(len(params))]
checked = [intVars[i].get() for i in range(len(intVars))]
#add submit button
box.bind('<Return>', sumbit)
Button(box, text = "submit",
command = sumbit).grid(row = df.shape[0]+3, sticky = W)
return fields, checked
I want to get a list of all options from an OptionMenu widget in tkinter like so:
import tkinter
root = tkinter.Tk()
var = tkinter.StringVar(root)
optionMenu = tkinter.OptionMenu(root, var, 'foo1', 'foo2')
listOfAllOptions = optionMenu.getOptions()
# listOfAllOptions == ['foo1', 'foo2']
Is there a function that achieve that ?
If not what is the workaround?
You can get the menu associated with the optionmenu (eg: optionMenu["menu"]), and with that you can use menu methods to get the items. It takes several lines of code. But honestly, the easiest thing to do is put the values in a list that you attach to the widget (eg: optionMenu.items = the_list_of_values)
If you want to pull the data from the actual widget, you would do something like this:
menu = optionMenu["menu"]
last = menu.index("end")
items = []
for index in range(last+1):
items.append(menu.entrycget(index, "label"))
print "items:", items
I am new to PySide. In my program, I encountered a problem that when I click one button, it triggers other button later added. Thanks!
self.addContentButton = QtGui.QPushButton('Add')
def addContent(self):
slot to add a row that include a lineedit, combobox, two buttons
self.contentTabHBoxWdgt = QtGui.QWidget()
self.contentName = QtGui.QLineEdit('line edit')
self.conetentTypeBox = QtGui.QComboBox()
self.contentSave = QtGui.QPushButton('save',parent = self.contentTabHBoxWdgt)
self.contentDelete = QtGui.QPushButton('delete',parent=self.contentTabHBoxWdgt)
self.contentTabHBox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
def contntDel(self):
slot to delete a row
msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning, '', 'Be sure to delete')
okBttn = msgBox.addButton('Yes', QtGui.QMessageBox.AcceptRole)
noBttn = msgBox.addButton('Cancel', QtGui.QMessageBox.RejectRole)
ret = msgBox.exec_()
if msgBox.clickedButton() == okBttn:
When I Add one row and click its delete button, it does not work as expected.While I add two or three row , I click one delete button , it remove one row that is not the clicked delete button belong to. How could I achieve this function. Ths!
Your problem is because you aren't really taking advantage of object oriented programming properly.
All rows in your example call the same instance of the method contntDel. This method uses self.contentDelete which always contains a reference to the last row added.
What you need to do is separate out everything related to a row to a new class. When you add a row, create a new instance of this class and pass in the contentTabVBox. That way each row (or instance of the new class you will write) will have it's own delete method.
Without a complete code example, I can't provide a complete solution, but this should give you a rough idea:
class MyRow(object):
def __init__(self,contentTabVBox, rows):
self.contentTabVBox = contentTabVBox
self.my_list_of_rows = rows
def addContent(self):
# The code for your existing addContent method here
def contntDel(self):
# code from your existing contntDel function here
# also add (if Ok button clicked):
class MyExistingClass(??whatever you have here normally??):
def __init__(....):
self.addContentButton = QtGui.QPushButton('Add')
self.my_list_of_rows = []
def addContent(self):
my_new_row = MyRow(self.contentTabVBox,self.my_list_of_rows)
# You mustsave a reference to my_new_row in a list or else it will get garbage collected.
Hope that helps!