I have different uint64 numbers which I want to send via CAN-Bus with SocketCAN in Python. I need to divide the large number in 8 bytes, so I can assign the values to the CAN data-bytes. But I'm struggling with the implementation.
I am grateful for any help or suggestion.
Thanks for your help!
When it comes to convert numbers to their byte representation, the struct module is your friend:
i = 65357
bigendian = struct.pack(">Q", i)
littleendian = struct.pack("<Q", i)
output is as expected:
That means that you can easily use the individual bytes (in the order you need) to send them via CAN-bus
Assuming you are using Python 3 you can simply use Python int's to_bytes method like so:
i = 65357
print(i.to_bytes(8, 'big'))
print(i.to_bytes(8, 'little'))
Not sure if you're using the python-can library, but if you are you can pass either bytes, a list of ints or a bytesarray to the can.Message.
I am attempting to decode some data from a Shark 100 Power Meter via TCP modbus. I have successfully pulled down the registers that I need, and am left with two raw values from the registers like so:
[17138, 59381]
From the manual, I know that I need to convert these two numbers into a 32bit IEEE floating-point number. I also know from the manual that "The lower-addressed register is the
high order half (i.e., contains the exponent)." The first number in the list shown above is the lower-addressed register.
Using Python (any library will do if needed), how would I take these two values and make them into a 32 bit IEEE floating point value.
I have tried to use various online converters and calculators to figure out a non-programmatic way to do this, however, anything I have tried gets me a result that is way out of bounds (I am reading volts in this case so the end result should be around 120-122 from the supplied values above).
Update for Python 3.6+ (f-strings).
I am not sure why the fill in #B.Go's answer was only 2. Also, since the byte order was big-endian, I hardcoded it as such.
import struct
a = 17138
b = 59381
struct.unpack('>f', bytes.fromhex(f"{a:0>4x}" + f"{b:0>4x}"))[0]
Output: 121.45304107666016
The following code works:
import struct
struct.unpack('!f', bytes.fromhex('{0:02x}'.format(a) + '{0:02x}'.format(b)))
It gives
Adapted from Convert hex to float and Integer to Hexadecimal Conversion in Python
I read in the comments, and #Sanju had posted this link: https://github.com/riptideio/pymodbus/blob/master/examples/common/modbus_payload.py
For anyone using pymodbus, the BinaryPayloadDecoder is useful as it's built in. It's very easy to pass a result.registers, as shown in the example. Also, it has a logging integrated, so you can help debug why a conversion isn't working (ex: wrong endianness).
As such, I made a working example for this question (using pymodbus==2.3.0):
from pymodbus.constants import Endian
from pymodbus.payload import BinaryPayloadDecoder
a = 17138
b = 59381
registers = [a, b]
decoder = BinaryPayloadDecoder.fromRegisters(registers, byteorder=Endian.Big)
decoder.decode_32bit_float() # type: float
Output: 121.45304107666016
I'm looking for a Python3 lib or an implemented way to process on binary data.
The example will tell you more than words :
first part of the packet:
packet.data1 = '0x0EDD'
I want to separate the beginning from the 2 last bits so i use the arrays methodes:
my_id = int(bin(int(packet.data1,16))[-2:],2)
my_len_of_len = int(bin(int(packet.data1,16))[:-2],2)
Now in the second part if my_len_of_len equals 1 i have to catch the following byte like :
packet.data2 = '0x08'
And then i have to convert it to int to know the number of bytes are following, they are the content of the message:
my_len = int(packet.data2,16)
And now i can catch the message from the data. I'm trying to understand a game protocol but with the methods i know, it's "slow" and hard to find myself with all array indices.
A solution for me ?
Thank you.
I recommend using a library for this. My personal recommendation is the awesome construct library.
Methods such as what you've started with, using bit-wise operators or using struct.unpack are highly error-prone and difficult to maintain.
I am trying to delta compress a list of pixels and store them in a binary file. I have managed to do this however the method I found takes ~4 minutes a frame.
def getByte_List(self):
values = BitArray("")
for I in range(len(self.delta_values)):
temp = Bits(int= self.delta_values[I], length=self.num_bits_pixel)
##start_time = time.time()
bit_stream = pack("uint:16, uint:5, bits", self.intial_value, self.num_bits_pixel, values)
##end_time = time.time()
##print(end_time - start_time)
# Make sure that the list of bits contains a multiple of 8 values
if (len(bit_stream) % 8):
bit_stream.append(Bits(uint=0, length = (8-(len(bit_stream) % 8)))) #####Append? On a pack? (Only work on bitarray? bit_stream = BitArray("")
# Create a list of unsigned integer values to represent each byte in the stream
fmt = (len(bit_stream)/8) * ["uint:8"]
return bit_stream.unpack(fmt)
This is my code. I take the initial value, the number of bits per pixel and the delta values and convert them into bits. I then byte align and take the integer representation of the bytes and use it elsewhere. The problem areas are where I convert each delta value to bits(3min) and where I pack(1min). Is it possible to do what I am doing faster or another way to pack them straight into integers representing bytes.
From a quick Google of the classes you're instantiating, it looks like you're using the bitstring module. This is written in pure Python, so it's not a big surprise that it's pretty slow. You might look at one or more of the following:
struct - a module that comes with Python that will let you pack and unpack C structures into constituent values
bytearray - a built-in type that lets you accumulate, well, an array of bytes, and has both list-like and string-like operations
bin(x), int(x, 2) - conversion of numbers to a binary representation as a string, and back - string manipulations can sometimes be a reasonably efficient way to do this
bitarray - native (C) module for bit manipulation, looks like it has similar functionality to bitstring but should be much faster. Available here in form suitable for compiling on Linux or here pre-compiled for Windows.
numpy - fast manipulation of arrays of various types including single bytes. Kind of the go-to module for this sort of thing, frankly. http://www.numpy.org/
I have to read a binary file in python. This is first written by a Fortran 90 program in this way:
if (if_species_abundances) write(10)table%n_spec
I can easily read this binary file with the following IDL code:
mu =dblarr(n1,n2)
n =dblarr(n1)
T =dblarr(n2)
Teq =dblarr(n1)
What I want to do is reading this binary file with Python. But there are some problems.
First of all, here is my attempt to read the file:
import numpy
from numpy import *
import struct
with open(file,mode='rb') as lines:
I try to read the first two variables:
dummy, n1, n2, dummy = struct.unpack('iiii',c[:16])
But as you can see I had to add to dummy variables because, somehow, the fortran programs add the integer 8 in those positions.
The problem is now when trying to read the other bytes. I don't get the same result of the IDL program.
Here is my attempt to read the array n
double = 8
end = 16+n1*double
nH = struct.unpack('d'*n1,c[16:end])
However, when I print this array I get non sense value. I mean, I can read the file with the above IDL code, so I know what to expect. So my question is: how can I read this file when I don't know exactly the structure? Why with IDL it is so simple to read it? I need to read this data set with Python.
What you're looking for is the struct module.
This module allows you to unpack data from strings, treating it like binary data.
You supply a format string, and your file string, and it will consume the data returning you binary objects.
For example, using your variables:
import struct
content = f.read() #I'm not sure why in a binary file you were using "readlines",
#but if this is too much data, you can supply a size to read()
n, T, Teq, cool = struct.unpack("dddd",content[:32])
This will make n, T, Teq, and cool hold the first four doubles in your binary file. Of course, this is just a demonstration. Your example looks like it wants lists of doubles - conveniently struct.unpack returns a tuple, which I take for your case will still work fine (if not, you can listify them). Keep in mind that struct.unpack needs to consume the whole string passed into it - otherwise you'll get a struct.error. So, either slice your input string, or only read the number of characters you'll use, like I said above in my comment.
For example,
n_content = f.read(8*number_of_ns) #8, because doubles are 8 bytes
n = struct.unpack("d"*number_of_ns,n_content)
Did you give scipy.io.readsav a try?
Simply read you file like this:
mydict = scipy.io.readsav('name_of_file')
It looks like you are trying to read the cooling_0000x.out file generated by RAMSES.
Note that the first two integers (n1, n2) provide the dimensions of the two dimentional tables (arrays) that follow in the body of the file... So you need to first process those two integers before you know how much real*8 data is in the rest of the file.
scipy should be of help -- it lets you read arbitrary dimensioned binary data:
If you already have this python code, please let me know as I was going to write it today (17Sep2014).
I'm reading in a binary file into a list and parsing the binary data. I'm using unpack() to extract certain parts of the data as primitive data types, and I want to edit that data and insert it back into the original list of bytes. Using pack_into() would make it easy, except that I'm using Python 2.4, and pack_into() wasn't introduced until 2.5
Does anyone know of a good way to go about serializing the data this way so that I can accomplish essentially the same functionality as pack_into()?
Have you looked at the bitstring module? It's designed to make the construction, parsing and modification of binary data easier than using the struct and array modules directly.
It's especially made for working at the bit level, but will work with bytes just as well. It will also work with Python 2.4.
from bitstring import BitString
s = BitString(filename='somefile')
# replace byte range with new values
# The step of '8' signifies byte rather than bit indicies.
s[10:15:8] = '0x001122'
# Search and replace byte value with two bytes
s.replace('0xcc', '0xddee', bytealigned=True)
# Different interpretations of the data are available through properties
if s[5:7:8].int > 1000:
s[5:7:8] = 1000
# Use the bytes property to get back to a Python string
open('newfile', 'wb').write(s.bytes)
The underlying data stored in the BitString is just an array object, but with a comprehensive set of functions and special methods to make it simple to modify and interpret.
Do you mean editing data in a buffer object? Documentation on manipulating those at all from Python directly is fairly scarce.
If you just want to edit bytes in a string, it's simple enough, though; struct.pack_into is new to 2.5, but struct.pack isn't:
import struct
s = open("file").read()
ofs = 1024
fmt = "Ih"
size = struct.calcsize(fmt)
before, data, after = s[0:ofs], s[ofs:ofs+size], s[ofs+size:]
values = list(struct.unpack(fmt, data))
values[0] += 5
values[1] /= 2
data = struct.pack(fmt, *values)
s = "".join([before, data, after])