Quality loss after combining two images with PIL and numpy - python

I'm using PIL and numpy to combine two images while one is a .jpg and the other image is represented by a numpy array, which defines a mask that I want to put on top of the original image (basically just a matrix with one and zero entries and the same size as the .jpg). PIL’s composite function works just fine for that but for some reason, after saving the composite image, the file size shrinks to approximately 1/3 of the original image size. Can someone explain this behavior to me?
Here's a code snippet:
import numpy as np
import PIL
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageColor
rgb = ImageColor.getrgb('black')
# Read image and write into numpy array
image = Image.open('test_image.jpg')
(im_width, im_height) = image.size
# Create empty mask
mask = np.zeros((im_width, im_height))
# Composite image and mask
solid_color = np.expand_dims(np.ones_like(mask), axis=2) *
np.reshape(list(rgb), [1, 1, 3])
pil_solid_color =
pil_mask = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(255.*mask)).convert('L')
image = Image.composite(pil_solid_color, image, pil_mask)
# save image
Code was inspired by tnesorflow's object detection api. Thanks in advance.


When PIL is converting an RBG image in the form of a numpy array to a png it delivers an odd result

I am trying to convert this .tif file to a .png, here is the image (I attached a link because it is 250mb): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nEvG8O5NM1bsKM-fSo66QJF7mZyR_fh-/view?usp=sharing
Here is my current code, it returns an grayscale image with multiple copies of the original .tif in one .png, it is suppose to return an RGB image:
import rasterio
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
dataset = rasterio.open("world.tif")
window = rasterio.windows.Window(0, 0, 21600, 10800)
out = dataset.read(window=window)
out = out.reshape(10800, 21600, 3).astype(np.uint8)
img = Image.fromarray(out, "RGB")
I'm not sure why you are mixing up PIL/Pillow and raster like that. You can just do the following with PIL:
from PIL import Image
# Allow monster large images
# Load image
im = Image.open('world.tif')
# Reduce to manageable size and save as PNG
small = im.resize((2160,1080))

KeyError: ((1, 1, 1280), '|u1') while using PIL's Image.fromarray - PIL

I have this code:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
img = Image.open('img.jpg')
Image.fromarray(np.array([[np.mean(i, axis=1).astype(int).tolist()]*len(i) for i in np.array(img).tolist()]).astype('uint8')).show()
And I am trying to modify the pixels of the image in PIL, however when I run it it gives an error as follows:
KeyError: ((1, 1, 1280), '|u1')
Not just that, it also outputs a second error as follows:
TypeError: Cannot handle this data type
Is there a way to overcome this?
P.S. I searched and the most related question to mine was:
Convert numpy.array object to PIL image object
However I don't get it nor know how to implement it.
For reading specific pixel via any image library such as PIL or OpenCV first channel of image is Height second channel is Width and last one is number of channels and here is 3. When you convert image to gray scale, third channel will be 1.
But this error happen when you want to convert a numpy array to PIL image using Image.fromarray but it shows the following error:
KeyError: ((1, 1, 3062), '|u1')
Here you could see another solution:
Convert numpy.array object to PIL image object
the shape of your data.
Pillow's fromarray function can only do a MxNx3 array (RGB image), or an MxN array (grayscale). To make the grayscale image work, you have to turn you MxNx1 array into a MxN array. You can do this by using the np.reshape() function. This will flatten out the data and then put it into a different array shape.
img = img.reshape(M, N) #let M and N be the dimensions of your image
(add this before the img = Image.fromarray(img))
I am not certain what you are trying to do but if you want the mean:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
img = Image.open('img.jpg')
# Make Numpy array
imgN = np.array(img)
mean = np.mean(imgN,axis=2)
# Revert back to PIL Image from Numpy array
result = Image.fromarray(mean)
Alternatively, if you want a greyscale which is an alternative to the mean
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
img = Image.open('img.jpg').convert('L')

Using dicom Images with OpenCV in Python

I am trying to use a dicom image and manipulate it using OpenCV in a Python environment. So far I have used the pydicom library to read the dicom(.dcm) image data and using the pixel array attribute to display the picture using OpenCV imshow method. But the output is just a blank window. Here is the snippet of code I am using at this moment.
import numpy as np
import cv2
import pydicom as dicom
cv2.imshow('sample image dicom',ds.pixel_array)
If i print out the array which is used here, the output is different from what i would get with a normal numpy array. I have tried using matplotlib imshow method as well and it was able to display the image with some colour distortions. Is there a way to convert the array into a legible format for OpenCV?
Faced a similar issue. Used exposure.equalize_adapthist() (source). The resulting image isn't a hundred percent to that you would see using a DICOM Viewer but it's the best I was able to get.
import numpy as np
import cv2
import pydicom as dicom
from skimage import exposure
cv2.imshow('sample image dicom',dcm_sample)
I have figured out a way to get the image to show. As Dan mentioned in the comments, the value of the matrix was scaled down and due to the imshow function, the output was too dark for the human eye to differentiate. So, in the end the only thing i needed to do was multiply the entire mat data with 128. The image is showing perfectly now. multiplying the matrix by 255 over exposes the picture and causes certain features to blow. Here is the revised code.
import numpy as np
import cv2
import pydicom as dicom
cv2.imshow('sample image dicom',dcm_sample)
I don't think that is a correct answer. It works for that particular image because most of your pixel values are in the lower range. Check this OpenCV: How to visualize a depth image. It is for c++ but easily adapted to Python.
This is the best way(in my opinion) to open image in opencv as a numpy array while perserving the image quality:
import numpy as np
import pydicom, os, cv2
def dicom_to_numpy(ds):
DCM_Img = ds
rows = DCM_Img.get(0x00280010).value #Get number of rows from tag (0028, 0010)
cols = DCM_Img.get(0x00280011).value #Get number of cols from tag (0028, 0011)
Instance_Number = int(DCM_Img.get(0x00200013).value) #Get actual slice instance number from tag (0020, 0013)
Window_Center = int(DCM_Img.get(0x00281050).value) #Get window center from tag (0028, 1050)
Window_Width = int(DCM_Img.get(0x00281051).value) #Get window width from tag (0028, 1051)
Window_Max = int(Window_Center + Window_Width / 2)
Window_Min = int(Window_Center - Window_Width / 2)
if (DCM_Img.get(0x00281052) is None):
Rescale_Intercept = 0
Rescale_Intercept = int(DCM_Img.get(0x00281052).value)
if (DCM_Img.get(0x00281053) is None):
Rescale_Slope = 1
Rescale_Slope = int(DCM_Img.get(0x00281053).value)
New_Img = np.zeros((rows, cols), np.uint8)
Pixels = DCM_Img.pixel_array
for i in range(0, rows):
for j in range(0, cols):
Pix_Val = Pixels[i][j]
Rescale_Pix_Val = Pix_Val * Rescale_Slope + Rescale_Intercept
if (Rescale_Pix_Val > Window_Max): #if intensity is greater than max window
New_Img[i][j] = 255
elif (Rescale_Pix_Val < Window_Min): #if intensity is less than min window
New_Img[i][j] = 0
New_Img[i][j] = int(((Rescale_Pix_Val - Window_Min) / (Window_Max - Window_Min)) * 255) #Normalize the intensities
return New_Img
file_path = "C:/example.dcm"
image = pydicom.read_file(file_path)
image = dicom_to_numpy(image)
#show image
cv2.imshow('sample image dicom',image)

Why 16bit to 8bit conversion produces striped image?

I am testing a segmentation algorithm on several VHSR satellite images, which originally comes in 16bit format, but when I convert them to 8bit images, the produced images are showing striped appearance.
I've been trying different python libraries (skimage, cv2, scipy) getting similar results.
1) The original 16-bit image it is a 4 band image (NIR,B,G,R), so you need to choose the right bands to create a true color image, RGB image (4,3,2 bands). thanks in advance. It can be downloaded from this link:
16bit image
2) I use this code to convert each pixel value, from a 16-bit integer now fitting within 8-bit range:
from scipy.misc import bytescale
SS = io.imread('Imag16bit.tif')
SS = bytescale(SS)
SS = np.asarray(SS)
This is my result of above code:
bytescale works for me. I think the asarray step messes up something.
import cv2
from skimage import io
from scipy.misc import bytescale
image = io.imread('SkySat_16bit.tif')
cv2.imshow('Original', image)
image = bytescale(image)
cv2.imshow('Converted', image)
I think this is a way to do it:
from PIL import Image
from tifffile import imsave, imread
# Load image
im = imread('SkySat_16bit.tif')
# Extract Red, Green and Blue bands into separate 8-bit arrays
R = (im[:,:,3]/256).astype(np.uint8)
G = (im[:,:,2]/256).astype(np.uint8)
B = (im[:,:,1]/256).astype(np.uint8)
# Combine bands into RGB array
RGB = np.dstack((R,G,B))
# Save to disk
You may want to adjust the contrast a bit, and check I selected the correct bands.

Trouble with Canny Edge Detector - Returning black image

I'm trying to run the canny edge detector on this image:
With this code:
def edges(img):
from skimage import feature
img = Image.open(img)
array = np.array(img)
out = feature.canny(array, sigma=1, )
return Image.fromarray(out,'L')
But I'm just getting a black image back. Any ideas what I could be doing wrong? I tried sigma of 1 and of 3.
I have the same situation and this helps for me. Before use the Canny filter, just convert your elements of image array to float32 type:
array = np.array(img)
array = array.astype('float32')
out = feature.canny(array, sigma=1, )
Your images need to be in the correct range for the relevant dtype, as discussed in the user manual here: http://scikit-image.org/docs/stable/user_guide/data_types.html
This should be automatically handled if you use the scikit-image image I/O functions:
from skimage import io
img = io.imread('Q_3.jpg')
So the issue was with the canny function returning and array of type boolean.
Oddly, setting the Image.fromarray mode to '1' didn't help. Instead this was the only way I could get it working; converting the output array to grayscale:
def edges(img):
from skimage import feature
img = Image.open(img)
array = np.array(img)
out = np.uint8(feature.canny(array, sigma=1, ) * 255)
return Image.fromarray(out,mode='L')
The problem happens when the image is loaded as float (i.e. in the range 0-1). The loader does that for some types of images. You can check the type of the loaded image by:
If the output is something like float64 (i.e. not uint8), then your image is in the range 0-1.
Canny expects an image in the range 0-255. Therefore, the solution is as easy as:
from skimage import img_as_ubyte
img = io.imread("an_image.jpg")
img = img_as_ubyte(img)
Hope this helps,
The problem happens when the image is saved. You can save image with other library like matplotlib:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import feature
from skimage import io
def edges(img):
img = io.imread(img)
array = np.array(img)
out = feature.canny(array, sigma=1, )
return out
plt.imsave("canny.jpg", edges("input.jpg"), cmap="Greys")

