Pytorch - handling picutres and .jpeg files (beginner's questions) - python

I am new at Pytorch, and have a couple of questions regarding the way pictures are being handled:
1) In the "training a classifier" tutorial, the pictures are PIL files, and are being handled via the following commands (where "transform" also turns the PIL format into a tensor format):
trainset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root='./data', train=True,
download=True, transform=transform)
trainloader =, batch_size=4,
shuffle=True, num_workers=2)
It seems like trainset[1] (and also for the other indices) consists of a tensor, and a number. I want to define a new variable "image" that will consist of the tensor part of trainset[ 1 ] and then print it - how can I do it?
2) Assume that I have a different dataset that I want to classify. It consists of .jpeg images that are located in the folder "C:/temp/dataset". How can I define the variable "trainset" to consist of these images?
Thanks a lot in advance!

For your first question:
image = trainset[1][0]
For your second question:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import os
def load_image(infilename):
"""This function loads an image into memory when you give it
the path of the image
img =
data = np.asarray(img, dtype="float32")
return data
def create_npy_from_image(images_folder, output_name, num_images, image_dim):
"""Loops through the images in a folder and saves all of them
as a numpy array in output_name
image_matrix = np.empty((num_images, image_dim, image_dim, 3), dtype=np.float32)
for i, filename in enumerate(os.listdir(images_folder)):
if filename.endswith(".jpg"):
data = load_image(images_folder + filename)
image_matrix[i] = data
continue, image_matrix)
So I would write something like this:
create_npy_from_image(path_to_images_folder, "trainset.npy", numer_of_images_in_your_folder, DIM)
DIM is 64 for example if your images are 64x64x3
You can then load the saved array with np.load and then convert it to a pytorch tensor using from_numpy function.
Let me know if this works. Good luck!


Read image labels from a csv file

I have a dataset of medical images (.dcm) which I can read into TensorFlow as a batch. However, the problem that I am facing is that the labels of these images are in a .csv. The .csv file contains two columns - image_path (location of the image) and image_labels (0 for no; 1 for yes). I wanted to know how I can read the labels into a TensorFlow dataset batch wise. I am using the following code to load the images batch wise:-
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_io as tfio
def process_image(filename):
image_bytes =
image = tf.squeeze(
tfio.image.decode_dicom_image(image_bytes, on_error='strict', dtype=tf.uint16),
axis = 0
x = tfio.image.decode_dicom_data(image_bytes, tfio.image.dicom_tags.PhotometricInterpretation)
image = (image - tf.reduce_min(image))/(tf.reduce_max(image) - tf.reduce_min(image))
if(x == "MONOCHROME1"):
image = 1 - image
image = image*255
image = tf.cast(tf.image.resize(image, (512, 512)),tf.uint8)
return image
# train_images is a list containing the locations of .dcm images
dataset =
dataset =, num_parallel_calls=4).batch(50)
Hence, I can load the images into the TensorFlow dataset. But I would like to know how I can load the image labels batch wise.
Something like this instead of the last two lines should work:
#train_labels is a list of labels for each image in the same order as in train_images
dataset =, train_labels))
dataset = x,y : (process_image(x), y), num_parallel_calls=4).batch(50)
now the dataset can be passed to your network's .fit(), .predict() and other methods:, epochs=epochs, callbacks=callbacks)
Alternatively, you can create a second dataset containing the labels and then combine two datasets with It works similarly to the python's native zip.
I prefer the first method since It feels a bit cleaner to me + I can, for example, shuffle the filenames/labels and only then parse the files instead of doing the opposite.

How to convert image from folder into tensors using torch?

I'm trying to convert images in a folder to tensors, save it and load them later, as shown below
transform = transforms.Compose([
dataset = datasets.ImageFolder(
r'imagedata', transform=transform), '')
But I get a value error when trying to load the trained file as below:
train_codes = torch.Tensor(torch.load(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "")))
ValueError: only one element tensors can be converted to Python scalars
Any help or suggestion to fix this will be highly appreciated.
You met this problem because was not saved as a Tensor, since that variable was read the data by ImageFolder which was inherited from DatasetFolder, it should be loaded and used as a Torch Dataset. The example below use DataLoader as documents:
import torch
from torchvision import transforms, datasets
# Saving part
transform = transforms.Compose([
dataset = datasets.ImageFolder(r'imagedata', transform=transform),'')
# Loading part
data = torch.load(torch.load(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "")))
loader =, batch_size = 32)
for image, label in loader:
# Processing....

How can I use a function or loop on this resnet50 code to predict the components of multiple images (within a folder), instead of just one?

How can I do this for multiple images (within a folder) and put them into a Dataframe?
This is the code for analysing one image:
import numpy as np
from keras.preprocessing import image
from keras.applications import resnet50
import warnings
# Load Keras' ResNet50 model that was pre-trained against the ImageNet database
model = resnet50.ResNet50()
# Load the image file, resizing it to 224x224 pixels (required by this model)
img = image.load_img("rgotunechair10.jpg", target_size=(224, 224))
# Convert the image to a numpy array
x = image.img_to_array(img)
# Add a forth dimension since Keras expects a list of images
x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0)
# Scale the input image to the range used in the trained network
x = resnet50.preprocess_input(x)
# Run the image through the deep neural network to make a prediction
predictions = model.predict(x)
# Look up the names of the predicted classes. Index zero is the results for the first image.
predicted_classes = resnet50.decode_predictions(predictions, top=9)
image_components = []
for x,y,z in predicted_classes[0]:
This is the output:
['desktop_computer', 'desk', 'monitor', 'space_bar', 'computer_keyboard', 'typewriter_keyboard', 'screen', 'notebook', 'television']
How can I do this for multiple images (within a folder) and put them into a Dataframe?
First of all, move the code for analyzing the image to a function. Instead of printing the result, you will return it there:
import numpy as np
from keras.preprocessing import image
from keras.applications import resnet50
import warnings
def run_resnet50(image_name):
# Load Keras' ResNet50 model that was pre-trained against the ImageNet database
model = resnet50.ResNet50()
# Load the image file, resizing it to 224x224 pixels (required by this model)
img = image.load_img(image_name, target_size=(224, 224))
# Convert the image to a numpy array
x = image.img_to_array(img)
# Add a forth dimension since Keras expects a list of images
x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0)
# Scale the input image to the range used in the trained network
x = resnet50.preprocess_input(x)
# Run the image through the deep neural network to make a prediction
predictions = model.predict(x)
# Look up the names of the predicted classes. Index zero is the results for the first image.
predicted_classes = resnet50.decode_predictions(predictions, top=9)
image_components = []
for x,y,z in predicted_classes[0]:
Then, get all images inside the desired folder (for instance, the current directory):
images_path = '.'
images = [f for f in os.listdir(images_path) if f.endswith('.jpg')]
Run the function on all images, get the result:
result = [run_resnet50(img_name) for img_name in images]
This result will be a list of lists. Then you could just move it to a DataFrame. If you want to keep the image name for each result, use a dictionary instead.

how to include files with

I am training Face-recognition model, So for Triplet Loss, I have to generate the batch such that it contains fixed amount of images from each label. For eg. I am saying that take 8 images from 3 random labels each time it generates batch for training, As suggested in this Github Issue.
In my dataset folder I have subfolder which is renamed as a label and contains the images of that folder.
In the given issue, solution is presented,
import numpy as np
import cv2
num_labels = len(path_list)
num_classes_per_batch = 3
num_images_per_class = 8
image_dirs = ["/content/drive/My Drive/smalld_processed/train/{:d}".format(i) for i in
## Create the list of datasets creating filenames
#datasets = ["{image_dir}/*.jpg" for image_dir in image_dirs)]
datasets = ["{image_dir}/*.jpg") for image_dir in image_dirs]
adk = ["{}/*.jpg".format(image_dir) for image_dir in image_dirs]
def generator():
while True:
# Sample the labels that will compose the batch
labels = np.random.choice(range(num_labels),
for label in labels:
for _ in range(num_images_per_class):
yield label
choice_dataset =, tf.int64)
dataset =, choice_dataset)
## Now you read the image content
def load_image(filename):
image = cv2.imread(filename,1)
image =,
image = image[...,::-1]
label = int(os.path.split(os.path.dirname(filename))[1])
return image, label
dataset =,
batch_size = num_classes_per_batch * num_images_per_class
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
dataset = dataset.prefetch(None)
With this I am not able to load the images and it's showing me this error.
SystemError: <built-in function imread> returned NULL without setting an error
Could you help me to fix the error or any other suggestion on how to load images.
Thanks in advance!!
I think that in this case your cv2.imread is acting up. I would first build a simple program that does not do the reading "on the fly", but instead pre-loads images to train on a small dataset.
It also feels like you are misusing the function. I would recommend this tutorial on the function:, and maybe this one on augmentation so you can see how you should use the map function properly:
Good luck!

python keras: Image reading and loading

I want to read images from multiple directories. I used Keras Image datagenerator for this. After applying a preprocessing function, now I want to load entire data in a single list. I tried doing the following code.
def preProcess(X):
X = X.astype('float32')
X = (X - 127.5) / 127.5
return X
path = "/content/drive/My Drive/new_net/mini_unet_data/labeled/"
test_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(preprocessing_function=preProcess)
test_gen = test_datagen.flow_from_directory(directory=path,target_size=(256,256),batch_size=32,color_mode="rgb",class_mode="sparse",shuffle=True,seed=42)
for i in range(int(test_gen.n/batch_sz)):
tmp1, tmp2 =
test_images = np.asarray(test_images)
test_labels = np.asarray(test_labels)
test_images = np.reshape(test_images,(test_images.shape[0]*test_images.shape[1],test_images.shape[2],test_images.shape[3],test_images.shape[4]))
test_labels = np.squeeze(np.reshape(test_labels,(test_labels.shape[1]*test_labels.shape[0])))
The above code works without error. But it takes time to load around 1500 images (more than 10 minutes). So is there better way to achieve this faster? I tried using glob and open cv commands. That is too slow as well.
Thank You.
You can try two things to speed up your process each time you run the evaluation code.
Convert the images to .npy format. Read it using cv2 and then change it from BGR to RGB and save it.
You can generate the npy array of whole test set and then use predict/evaluate generator.
(Can't comment)

