Concatenating two tensors with different dimensions in Pytorch - python

Is it possible to concatenate two tensors with different dimensions without using for loop.
e.g. Tensor 1 has dimensions (15, 200, 2048) and Tensor 2 has dimensions (1, 200, 2048). Is it possible to concatenate 2nd tensor with 1st tensor along all the 15 indices of 1st dimension in 1st Tensor (Broadcast 2nd tensor along 1st dimension of Tensor 1 while concatenating along 3rd dimension of 1st tensor)? The resulting tensor should have dimensions (15, 200, 4096).
Is it possible to accomplish this without for loop ?

You could do the broadcasting manually (using Tensor.expand()) before the concatenation (using
import torch
a = torch.randn(15, 200, 2048)
b = torch.randn(1, 200, 2048)
repeat_vals = [a.shape[0] // b.shape[0]] + [-1] * (len(b.shape) - 1)
# or directly repeat_vals = (15, -1, -1) or (15, 200, 2048) if shapes are known and fixed...
res =, b.expand(*repeat_vals)), dim=-1)
# torch.Size([15, 200, 4096])


How to concatenate a list of tensors on a specific axis?

I have a list (my_list) of tensors all with the same shape. I want to concatenate them on the channel axis.
Helping code
for i in my_list:
print(i.shape) #[1, 3, 128, 128] => [batch, channel, width, height]
I would like to get a new tensor i.e. new_tensor = [1, 3*len(my_list), width, height]
I don't want to use torch.stack() to add a new dimension. And i am unable to figure out how can I use to do this?
Given a example list containing 10 tensors shaped (1, 3, 128, 128):
>>> my_list = [torch.rand(1, 3, 128, 128) for _ in range(10)]
You are looking to concatenate your tensors on axis=1 because the 2nd dimension is where the tensor to concatenate together. You can do so using
>>> res =, axis=1)
>>> res.shape
torch.Size([1, 30, 128, 128])
This is actually equivalent to stacking your tensor in my_list vertically, i.e. by using torch.vstack:
>>> res = torch.vstack(my_list)

TensorFlow vs PyTorch convolution confusion

I am confused on how to replicate Keras (TensorFlow) convolutions in PyTorch.
In Keras, I can do something like this. (the input size is (256, 237, 1, 21) and the output size is (256, 237, 1, 1024).
import tensorflow as tf
x = tf.random.normal((256,237,1,21))
y = tf.keras.layers.Conv1D(filters=1024, kernel_size=5,padding="same")(x)
(256, 237, 1, 1024)
However, in PyTorch, when I try to do the same thing I get a different output size:
import torch.nn as nn
x = torch.randn(256,237,1,21)
m = nn.Conv1d(in_channels=237, out_channels=1024, kernel_size=(1,5))
y = m(x)
torch.Size([256, 1024, 1, 17])
I want PyTorch to give me the same output size that Keras does:
This previous question seems to imply that Keras filters are PyTorch's out_channels but thats what I have. I tried to add the padding in PyTorch of padding=(0,503) but that gives me torch.Size([256, 1024, 1, 1023]) but that still not correct. This also takes so much longer than keras does so I feel that I have incorrectly assigned a parameter.
How can I replicate what Keras did with convolution in PyTorch?
In TensorFlow, tf.keras.layers.Conv1D takes in a tensor of shape (batch_shape + (steps, input_dim)). Which means that what is commonly known as channels appears on the last axis. For instance in 2D convolution you would have (batch, height, width, channels). This is different from PyTorch where the channel dimension is right after the batch axis: torch.nn.Conv1d takes in shapes of (batch, channel, length). So you will need to permute two axes.
For torch.nn.Conv1d:
in_channels is the number of channels in the input tensor
out_channels is the number of filters, i.e. the number of channels the output will have
stride the step size of the convolution
padding the zero-padding added to both sides
In PyTorch there is no option for padding='same', you will need to choose padding correctly. Here stride=1, so padding must equal to kernel_size//2 (i.e. padding=2) in order to maintain the length of the tensor.
In your example, since x has a shape of (256, 237, 1, 21), in TensorFlow's terminology it will be considered as an input with:
a batch shape of (256, 237),
steps=1, so the length of your 1D input is 1,
21 input channels.
Whereas in PyTorch, x of shape (256, 237, 1, 21) would be:
batch shape of (256, 237),
1 input channel
a length of 21.
Have kept the input in both examples below (TensorFlow vs. PyTorch) as x.shape=(256, 237, 21) assuming 256 is the batch size, 237 is the length of the input sequence, and 21 is the number of channels (i.e. the input dimension, what I see as the dimension on each timestep).
In TensorFlow:
>>> x = tf.random.normal((256, 237, 21))
>>> m = tf.keras.layers.Conv1D(filters=1024, kernel_size=5, padding="same")
>>> y = m(x)
>>> y.shape
TensorShape([256, 237, 1024])
In PyTorch:
>>> x = torch.randn(256, 237, 21)
>>> m = nn.Conv1d(in_channels=21, out_channels=1024, kernel_size=5, padding=2)
>>> y = m(x.permute(0, 2, 1))
>>> y.permute(0, 2, 1).shape
torch.Size([256, 237, 1024])
So in the latter, you would simply work with x = torch.randn(256, 21, 237)...
PyTorch now has out of the box same convolution operation you can take a look at this link [Same convolution][1]
class InceptionNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels, in_1x1, in_3x3reduce, in_3x3, in_5x5reduce, in_5x5, in_1x1pool):
super(InceptionNet, self).__init__()
self.incep_1 = ConvBlock(in_channels, in_1x1, kernel_size=1, padding='same')
Note a same convolution only supports the default stride value which is 1 anything other won't work.

Increase the size of a np.array

I ran a conv1D on a X matrix of shape (2000, 20, 28) for batch size of 2000, 20 time steps and 28 features.
I would like to move forward to a conv2D CNN and increase the dimensionality of my matrix to (2000, 20, 28, 10) having 10 elements for which I can build a (2000, 20, 28) X matrix. Similarly, I want to get a y array of size (2000, 10) i.e. 5 times the y array of size (2000, ) that I used to get for LSTM and Conv1D networks.
The code I used to create the 20 time-steps from input dataX, dataY, was
def LSTM_create_dataset(dataX, dataY, seq_length, step):
Xs, ys = [], []
for i in range(0, len(dataX) - seq_length, step):
v = dataX.iloc[i:(i + seq_length)].values
ys.append(dataY.iloc[i + seq_length])
return np.array(Xs), np.array(ys)
I use this function within the loop I prepared to create the data of my conv2D NN :
for ric in rics:
dataX, dataY = get_model_data(dbInput, dbList, ric, horiz, drop_rows, triggerUp1, triggerLoss, triggerUp2 = 0)
dataX = get_model_cleanXset(dataX, trigger) # Clean X matrix for insufficient data
Xs, ys = LSTM_create_dataset(dataX, dataY, seq_length, step) # slide over seq_length for a 3D matrix
I obtain a (10, 2000, 20, 28) Xconv matrix instead of the (2000, 20, 28, 10) targeted output matrix X and a (10, 2000) matrix y instead of the targeted (2000, 10).
I know that I can easily reshape yconv with yconv = np.reshape(yconv, (2000, 5)). But the reshape function for Xconv Xconv = np.reshape(Xconv, (2000, 20, 28, 10)) seems hazardous as I cannot vizualize output and even erroneous.
How could I do it safely (or could you confirm my first attempt ?
Thanks a lot in advance.
If your matrix for y has shape (10, 2000) then you will not be able to shape it to your desired (2000,5). I've demonstrated this below.
# create array of same shape as your original y
arr_1 = np.arange(0,2000*10).reshape(10,2000)
print(arr_1.shape) # returns (10,2000)
arr_1 = arr_1.reshape(2000,5)
This returns the following error message as it is critical that the dimensions of the before and after shapes must match.
ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 20000 into shape (2000,5)
I do not fully understand the statement that you cannot visualise the output - you could manually check that the reshape function had done so correctly if you wished, for your dataset (or a small part of it to confirm that the function is working effectively) using print statements, as below - by comparing the output to your original data and what you expect the data to look like afterwards.
import numpy as np
arr = np.arange(0,2000)
arr = arr.reshape(20,10,10,1) # reshape array to shape (20, 10, 10, 1)
# these statements let you examine the array contents at varying depths

Keras Lambda layer: multiply a tensor with a matrix of constant

I'm writing a Lambda layer in Keras to compute the multiplication of a tensor and a matrix of constant. But the size went wrong in the output.
In the code, jdes is a tensor with dimension TensorShape([Dimension(None), Dimension(100)]). Further, six_title_embedding is the matrix of constants and it has shape (6, 100).
def cosine_distance(input):
jd = K.l2_normalize(input, axis=-1)
jt_six = K.l2_normalize(six_title_embedding, axis=-1)
return jd * jt_six
distance = Lambda(cosine_distance, output_shape=(None, 6,100))(jdes)
result = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(distance)
In the output, I was expecting result to have shape (None, 6, 1) but now it's (6, 1) so the number of batch_size is lost during the computation of the lambda layer. The shape of distance is now TensorShape([Dimension(6), Dimension(100)]). Should this be (None, 6, 100) so that result can have (None, 6, 1)?
You need to create an additional axis for jdes so that when multiplying it with constant tensor, they could be broadcasted to the same shape:
def cosine_distance(input):
jd = K.l2_normalize(input, axis=-1)
jt_six = K.l2_normalize(six_title_embedding, axis=-1)
jd = K.expand_dims(jd, axis=1) # now it would have a shape of (None, 1, 100)
return jd * jt_six # the result would be (None, 6, 100)

Reshaping Pytorch tensor

I have a tensor of size (24, 2, 224, 224) in Pytorch.
24 = batch size
2 = matrixes representing foreground and
224 = image height dimension
224 = image width
This is the output of a CNN that performs binary segmentation. In each cell of the 2 matrixes is stored the probability for that pixel to be foreground or background: [n][0][h][w] + [n][1][h][w] = 1 for every coordinate
I want to reshape it into a tensor of size (24, 1, 224, 224). The values in the new layer should be 0 or 1 according to the matrix in which the probability was higher.
How can I do that? Which function should I use?
Using torch.argmax() (for PyTorch +0.4):
prediction = torch.argmax(tensor, dim=1) # with 'dim' the considered dimension
prediction = prediction.unsqueeze(1) # to reshape from (24, 224, 224) to (24, 1, 224, 224)
If the PyTorch version is below 0.4.0, one can use tensor.max() which returns both the max values and their indices (but which isn't differentiable over the index values):
_, prediction = tensor.max(dim=1)
prediction = prediction.unsqueeze(1) # to reshape from (24, 224, 224) to (24, 1, 224, 224)

