cx_oracle python iteration - python

I have my python script which reads an excel column row by row and returns all rows str(values).
I want to write another script which will allow put these values to sql db. I've already written connect method:
def db_connect():
adr = 'some_addr'
uid = 'some_uid'
pwd = 'pwd'
port = port
dsn_tns = cx_Oracle.makedsn(adr, port, SID)
db = cx_Oracle.connect('username', 'pass', dsn_tns)
cur = db.cursor()
cur.execute('update TABLE set ROW = 666 where ANOTHER_ROW is null')
This method does an update but it sets 666 for ALL rows. How to do it by kind of iteration in sql? For example, first row of output == 1, second == 23, third == 888.

If I understand correctly what you are trying to do here it should be done in two phases. First select all rows for update (based on chosen condition), then you can iteratively update each of these rows.
It cannot be done in single query (or on only single condition that does not change through a number of queries), because SQL works on sets, that's why each time your query is executed you are updating whole table, and in the end only getting result of the last query.

You can use the "rownum" expression, as in:
cur.execute("update TABLE set ROW = rownum where ANOTHER_ROW is null")
This will start with the value 1 and increment up by one for each row updated.
If you want more control over the value to set, you can also do the following in PL/SQL (untested):
t_NewValue number;
cursor c_Data is
from TABLE
where ANOTHER_ROW is null
for update;
t_NewValue := 1;
for row in c_Data loop
update TABLE set ROW = t_NewValue
where current of c_Data;
t_NewValue := t_NewValue + 1;
end loop;
This gives you the most control. You can use whatever logic you require to control what the new value should be.

Please take a look at another method which is writing to excel:
adr = 'some_addr'
uid = 'some_uid'
pwd = 'pwd'
port = port
dsn_tns = cx_Oracle.makedsn(adr, port, SID)
db = cx_Oracle.connect('username', 'pass', dsn_tns)
cur = db.cursor()
cells = excel.read_from_cell()
indices_and_statuses = []
stat = execute_script(some_js)
for req_id in cells:
indices_and_statuses.append((cells.index(req_id), stat))
cur.execute("""update TABLE set ROW ="""+"'"+req_id+"'"+"""where ANOTHER_ROW is null""")
And in this code when you put print(req_id) in this FOR statement, you will see that req_id is changing. But in DB only the last req_id is saved.


Python and MySQL - fetchall() doesn't show any result

I have a problem getting the query results from my Python-Code. The connection to the database seems to work, but i always get the error:
"InterfaceError: No result set to fetch from."
Can somebody help me with my problem? Thank you!!!
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(
host="" ,
user="root" ,
cursor = cnx.cursor()
query = ("Select * from employee ;")
row = cursor.fetchall()
If your problem is still not solved, you can consider replacing the python mysql driver package and use pymysql.
You can write code like this
import pymysql
db = pymysql.connect(host="localhost", # your host, usually localhost
user="test", # your username
passwd="test", # your password
db="test") # name of the data base
# you must create a Cursor object. It will let
# you execute all the queries you need
cur = db.cursor()
query = ("SELECT * FROM employee")
# Use all the SQL you like
# print all the first cell of all the rows
for row in cur.fetchall():
This should be able to find the result you want
add this to your code
for i in row:
you did not print anything which is why that's not working
this will print each row in separate line
first try to print(row),if it fails try to execute using the for the loop,remove the semicolon in the select query statement
cursor = connection.cursor()
rows = cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM [DBname].[dbo].TableName where update_status is null ').fetchall()
for row in rows:
ds = row[0]
state = row[1]
here row[0] represent the first columnname in the database
& row[1] represent the second columnname in the database & so on

python mysql connector multiple statements

import mysql.connector
connection = mysql.connector.connect(user="REMOVED",
cur = connection.cursor()
# Latitude - remove letter A
cur.execute("UPDATE tau._inm_exportados_test_csv SET latitud = REPLACE (latitud, 'a=','');")
print("Latitude change remove letter A - executed!")
# Longitude - remove letter A
cur.execute("UPDATE tau._inm_exportados_test_csv SET longitud = REPLACE (longitud, 'a=','');")
print("Longitude change remove letter A - executed!")
# Latitude - MODIFY COLUMN
cur.execute("ALTER TABLE tau._inm_exportados_test_csv MODIFY COLUMN latitud DECIMAL(10,6);")
print("Latitude - MODIFY COLUMN - executed!")
# Longitude - MODIFY COLUMN
cur.execute("ALTER TABLE tau._inm_exportados_test_csv MODIFY COLUMN longitud DECIMAL(10,6);")
print("Longitude - MODIFY COLUMN - executed!")
# Post Code data type change
cur.execute("ALTER TABLE tau._inm_exportados_test_csv MODIFY COLUMN codigo_postal varchar(255);)")
print("Post Code data type change to varchar(255) - executed!")
I'm trying to make this simple list of statements work without success. What makes it more confusing is that the first four statements work whereas the final one doesn't work even when I comment out the rest! The final statement gets the following reponse:
mysql.connector.errors.InterfaceError: Use multi=True when executing multiple statements
The datatype for codigo_postal is int(11) unlike latitud and longitud which are varchar.
I have tried creating new connections, new cursors, new connections AND cursors. I have tried adding multi="True" and combining statements into one operation. I have tried adding multi="True" to each cur.execute() as both the second and third parameter. I have run the statement in Workbench to ensure the statement is valid and it works.
No success with it here though...
You can use commit after you executed DML (Data Manipulation Language) commands. Also using multi=True can be more convenient to complete this job, but you need to run the generator which created by execute. doc.
Ordinary method:
cur = connection.cursor()
def alter(state,msg):
except Exception as e:
raise e
alter("ALTER TABLE address MODIFY COLUMN id int(15);","done")
alter("ALTER TABLE address MODIFY COLUMN email varchar(35);","done")
alter("ALTER TABLE address MODIFY COLUMN person_id int(35);","done")
With multi=True:
cur = connection.cursor()
def alter(state,msg):
result = cur.execute(state,multi=True)
alter("ALTER TABLE address MODIFY COLUMN id int(45)","done")
alter("ALTER TABLE address MODIFY COLUMN email varchar(25)","done")
alter("ALTER TABLE address MODIFY COLUMN person_id int(25);","done")
except Exception as e:
raise e
I had the same problem.
I wanted my code to be clean and I wanted to have all my commands in a list and just run them in a sequence.
I found this link and this link and finally was able to write this code:
import mysql.connector as sql
from mysql.connector import Error
commands = [
USE sakila;
SELECT * FROM actor;
USE sakila;
SELECT * FROM actor WHERE actor_id < 10;
connection_config_dict = {
'user': 'username',
'password': 'password',
'host': '',
connection = sql.connect(**connection_config_dict)
if connection.is_connected():
db_Info = connection.get_server_info()
print("Connected to MySQL Server version ", db_Info, '\n')
cursor = connection.cursor()
for command in commands:
for result in cursor.execute(command, multi=True):
if result.with_rows:
print("Rows produced by statement '{}':".format(
print("Number of rows affected by statement '{}': {}".format(
result.statement, result.rowcount), '\n')
record = cursor.fetchall()
except Error as e:
print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e, '\n')
if connection.is_connected():
print("MySQL connection is closed", '\n')

Postgresql: how to copy multiple columns from one table to another?

I am trying to copy some columns from a table called temporarytable to another one called scalingData using psycopg2 in python.
scalingData is a pandas dataframe. The dataframe contains data from cities such as: nameOfCities, population, etc.
scalingData = pd.read_csv('myFile.csv') ## 'myFile.csv' is the datasource
each column of the dataframe has a different kind of data, such as 'int64', 'float64' or 'O'.
Here a screen shot from Jupyter
import psycopg2 as ps
## Populate table scalingData
tmp = scalingData.dtypes
con = None
con = ps.connect(dbname = 'mydb', user='postgres', host='localhost', password='mypd')
con.autocommit = True
cur = con.cursor()
for i in range(0,5):
j = header[i]
stat = """ ALTER TABLE "scalingData" ADD COLUMN "%s" """%j
if tmp[i] == 'int64':
stat = stat+'bigint'
if tmp[i] == 'float64':
stat = stat+'double precision'
if tmp[i] == 'O':
stat = stat+'text'
### Add Column
stat1 = """INSERT INTO "scalingData" ("%s") SELECT "%s" FROM temporarytable"""%(j,j)
### Copy Column
My problem is that if I look at scalingData only the first column is copied while the others are empty.
Here a screenshot of the table from pgAdmin afer the query:
Also if I copy for instance the second column as first column it works, but then it fails with the others as well.
This happens because you add 1 field to your new table, than insert data only with that field set up, and you do it 5 times. So you should actually see 5 copies of your original table with only 1 field set up.
You need to first set up the structure for your scalingData table, then insert all the records with all fields.
Here is the code (not a Python developer):
import psycopg2 as ps
## Populate table scalingData
tmp = scalingData.dtypes
con = None
con = ps.connect(dbname = 'mydb', user='postgres', host='localhost', password='mypd')
con.autocommit = True
cur = con.cursor()
for i in range(0,5):
j = header[i]
stat = """ ALTER TABLE "scalingData" ADD COLUMN "%s" """%j
if tmp[i] == 'int64':
stat = stat+'bigint'
if tmp[i] == 'float64':
stat = stat+'double precision'
if tmp[i] == 'O':
stat = stat+'text'
### Add Column
fieldsStr = '"' + '", "'.join([header]) + '"' ### will return "header1", "header2", ... , "header5"
stat1 = """INSERT INTO "scalingData" (%s) SELECT %s FROM temporarytable"""%(fieldsStr,fieldsStr)
### Copy Table
I'm not familiar with Python, but just a guess as to where the issue might be coming from:
"""INSERT INTO "scalingData" ("%s") SELECT "%s" FROM temporarytable"""
... will transform the "%s" bit into "foo, bar, baz" rather than "foo", "bar", "baz".
Put another way you should remove the unneeded double quotes in your statement and escape the individual column names instead.
Double quotes are used in PG to quote identifiers. You can literally have an table or column called "foo, bar, baz" and PG will work just fine when you do - provided it's always in-between double quotes when you use it in a statement.

Several Queries Within a Python Transaction

I'm migrating a script from another language to Python. I watered this down on the specifics of the database calls etc... but this is what the file looks like. I intentionally made some queries fail as I was testing the transaction and it did not rollback() the queries executed prior to the forced error. I am a little confused as how to the transactions work with Python, the example I followed was this one, it was a loop with several queries nested within transactions so I adapted the code according to what I understood from it.
import MySQLdb
import thread
import os
# Open database connection
# added local_infile=1 to allow the import to work, otherwise you get an error
db = MySQLdb.connect(CONNECTION ARGS...)
# define our function that will be called from our thread
def import_queued_file(conn,distid):
# prepare a cursor object using cursor() method
cursor = conn.cursor()
# total lines imported for all files for a distributor
total_lines_imported = 0
# current lines imported for each file on each iteration
current_lines_imported = 0
# default this to 0, this will have the total lines for our imports on each iteration
previous_lines_imported = 0
# initialize the file exists flag to 0
file_exists = 0
# sql statement to retrieve the file(s) for a specific distributor
sql = """
FROM ...
# execute the sql statement
# if we have records, execute the code below
if (cursor.rowcount > 0):
# set the records to the files variable
files = cursor.fetchall()
# set a variable to count iterations
# we'll use this to determine if we need to drop the table
cnt = 0
# keep track of the total number of lines imported per distributor (may be multiple files)
lines_imported = 0
# loop the recordset
for col in files:
# increment the cnt variable
cnt += 1
# set file_exists to 0 at the beginning of the iteration
file_exists = 0
# set some variables to be used in our sql load data statement
var1 = col[1]
var2 = col[2]
# this is the path of our file that we will be using for MySQL LOAD DATA also
inventoryfile = "/path/to/file/%s" % (filepath)
# check to see if we have a file
if (os.path.exists(inventoryfile)):
# set file exists to true
file_exists = 1
# if cnt > 1, it means we have more than 1 file for this distributor
# only drop the table if this is the first iteration
if (cnt == 1):
# drop table sql statement
sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s" % (temptable)
# execute the sql command
cur = conn.cursor()
# assign the create table statement to the sql variable
sql = """
""" % (temptable)
# execute the sql statement
cur = conn.cursor()
# query the temptable to see if we have any records
sql = "SELECT COUNT(0) AS total FROM %s" % (temptable)
cur = conn.cursor()
# get the count of how many records exist in the database
number_of_line_items = cur.fetchall()
previous_lines_imported = number_of_line_items[0][0]
# load data local infile sql statement
sql = """
# execute the load data infile sql statement
cur = conn.cursor()
# clean up the table by removing...
# rows that don't have a part_number,
# rows that have part_number's less than 3 characters
sql = """
""" % (temptable)
# execute the delete query
cur = conn.cursor()
# query the temptable to see if we have any records after the import
sql = "SELECT COUNT(0) AS total FROM %s" % (temptable)
# execute the count query
cur = conn.cursor()
# get the count of how many records exist in the database after the import
number_of_line_items = cur.fetchall()
# get the current lines imported
current_lines_imported = number_of_line_items[0][0] - previous_lines_imported
# add the current lines imported to the total lines imported
total_lines_imported += current_lines_imported
# update distributor_file_settings table last_updated_on field
sql = """
""" % (file_id,distributor__id)
print sql
# execute the update query
cur = conn.cursor()
# close cursor
# no records exists for this distributor
print "dist doesn't exist"
# prepare a cursor object using cursor() method
cursor = db.cursor()
# select distinct file settings
sql = """
# disconnect from server
After reviewing the code again and again, the issue happened to be the table type. After changing it to INNODB it worked as expected.

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

I need to process mysql data one row at a time and i have selected all rows put them in a tuple but i get the error above.
what does this mean and how do I go about it?
Provide some code.
You probably call some function that should update database, but the function does not return any data (like cursor.execute()). And code:
data = cursor.execute()
Makes data a None object (of NoneType). But without code it's hard to point you to the exact cause of your error.
It means that the object you are trying to iterate is actually None; maybe the query produced no results?
Could you please post a code sample?
The function you used to select all rows returned None. This "probably" (because you did not provide code, I am only assuming) means that the SQL query did not return any values.
Try using the cursor.rowcount variable after you call cursor.execute(). (this code will not work because I don't know what module you are using).
db = mysqlmodule.connect("a connection string")
curs = dbo.cursor()
curs.execute("select top 10 * from tablename where fieldA > 100")
for i in range(curs.rowcount):
row = curs.fetchone()
print row
Alternatively, you can do this (if you know you want ever result returned):
db = mysqlmodule.connect("a connection string")
curs = dbo.cursor()
curs.execute("select top 10 * from tablename where fieldA > 100")
results = curs.fetchall()
if results:
for r in results:
print r
This error means that you are attempting to loop over a None object. This is like trying to loop over a Null array in C/C++. As Abgan, orsogufo, Dan mentioned, this is probably because the query did not return anything. I suggest that you check your query/databse connection.
A simple code fragment to reproduce this error is:
x = None
for each i in x:
#Do Something
This may occur when I try to let 'usrsor.fetchone' execute twice. Like this:
import sqlite3
db_filename = 'test.db'
with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn:
cursor = conn.cursor()
insert into test_table (id, username, password)
values ('user_id', 'myname', 'passwd')
select username, password from test_table where id = 'user_id'
if cursor.fetchone() is not None:
username, password = cursor.fetchone()
print username, password
I don't know much about the reason. But I modified it with try and except, like this:
import sqlite3
db_filename = 'test.db'
with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn:
cursor = conn.cursor()
insert into test_table (id, username, password)
values ('user_id', 'myname', 'passwd')
select username, password from test_table where id = 'user_id'
username, password = cursor.fetchone()
print username, password
I guess the cursor.fetchone() can't execute twice, because the cursor will be None when execute it first time.
I know it's an old question but I thought I'd add one more possibility. I was getting this error when calling a stored procedure, and adding SET NOCOUNT ON at the top of the stored procedure solved it. The issue is that earlier selects that are not the final select for the procedure make it look like you've got empty row sets.
Try to append you query result to a list, and than you can access it. Something like this:
cursor = con.cursor()
getDataQuery = 'SELECT * FROM everything'
result = cursor.fetchall()
except Exception as e:
print "There was an error while getting the values: %s" % e
resultList = []
for r in result:
Now you have a list that is iterable.

