mono-energetic gamma ray mean free path - python

I am writing a code about a mono-energetic gamma beam which the dominated interaction is photoelectric absorption, mu=2 cm-1, and i need to generate 50000 random numbers and sample the interaction depth(which I do not know if i did it or not).
I know that the mean free path=mu-1, but I need to find the mean free path from the simulation and from mu and compare them, is what I did right in the code or not?
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
data = np.random.randn(50000)*10
bins = np.arange(data.min(), data.max()+1e-8, 0.1)
meanfreepath = 1/mu
plt.hist(data, bins=bins)

Well, interaction depth distribution is Exponential one, not a gaussian.
So code would be
lmbda = 2 # cm^-1
beta = 1.0/lmbda
data = np.random.exponential(scale=beta, size=50000)
mfp = np.mean(data)
# build histogram
More details at
Code above produced
which looks like 2-1 to me


Gaussian Mixture Model with discrete data

I have 136 numbers which have an overlapping distribution of 8 Gaussian distributions. I want to find it's means, and variances with each Gaussian distribution! Can you find any mistakes with my code?
file = open("1.txt",'r') #data is in 1.txt like 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,4,4,6,14,25,43,71,93,123,194...
y=[int (i) for i in list((','))] # I want to make list which element is above data
x=list(range(1,len(y)+1)) # it is x values
z=list(zip(x,y)) # z elements consist as (1, 0), (2, 0), ...
Therefore, through the above process, for the 136 points (x,y) on the xy plane having the first given data as y values, a list z using this as an element was obtained.
Now I want to obtain each Gaussian distribution's mean, variance. At this time, the basic assumption is that the given data consists of overlapping 8 Gaussian distributions.
import numpy as np
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
data = np.array(z).reshape(-1,1)
model = GaussianMixture(n_components=8).fit(data)
Actually, I don't know how to make it's code to print 8 means and variances... Anyone can help me?
You can use this, I have made a sample code for your visualizations -
import numpy as np
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
#Sample data
x = [0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,4,4,6,14,25,43,71,93,123,194]
num_components = 2
#Fit a model onto the data
data = np.array(x).reshape(-1,1)
model = GaussianMixture(n_components=num_components).fit(data)
#Get list of means and variances
mu = np.abs(model.means_.flatten())
sd = np.sqrt(np.abs(model.covariances_.flatten()))
extend_window = 50 #this is for zooming into or out of the graph, higher it is , more zoom out
x_values = np.arange(data.min()-extend_window, data.max()+extend_window, 0.1) #For plotting smooth graphs
plt.plot(data, np.zeros(data.shape), linestyle='None', markersize = 10.0, marker='o') #plot the data on x axis
#plot the different distributions (in this case 2 of them)
for i in range(num_components):
y_values = scipy.stats.norm(mu[i], sd[i])
plt.plot(x_values, y_values.pdf(x_values))

QQplot for discrete distribution

I have a set whose samples are discrete values (in particular, the size of a queue over time). Now I'd like to find what distribution they belong to. To achieve this goal I'd act the same way I did for the other quantities, i.e. plotting a qqplot, launching
import statsmodels.api as sm
sm.qqplot(df, dist = 'geom', sparams = (.5,), line ='s', alpha = 0.3, marker ='.')
This works if dist is not a discrete random variables (e.g. 'exp' or 'norm') and indeed I used to get some results, but when the distribution is discrete (say, 'geom'), I get
AttributeError: 'geom_gen' object has no attribute 'fit'
I searched on the Internet how to make a qqplot (or something similar) to spot what distribution my samples belong to but I found nothing
def discreteQQ(x_sample):
p_test = np.array([])
for i in range(0, 1001):
p_test = np.append(p_test, i/1000)
i = i + 1
x_sample = np.sort(x_sample)
x_theor = stats.geom.rvs(.5, size=len(x_sample))
ecdf_sample = np.arange(1, len(x_sample) + 1)/(len(x_sample)+1)
x_theor = stats.geom.ppf(ecdf_sample, p=0.5)
for p in p_test:
plt.scatter(np.quantile(x_theor, p), np.quantile(x_sample, p), c = 'blue')
plt.xlabel('Theoretical quantiles')
plt.ylabel('Sample quantiles')
Generate a theoretical geometric distribution using scipy.stats.geom, convert the sample and theoretical data using statsmodels' ProbPlot and pass these to statsmodels' qqplot_2samples.
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import ProbPlot
from import qqplot_2samples
p_theor = 1/4 # The probability we check for
p_sample = 1/5 # The true probability of the sample distribution
# The experimental data
x_sample = stats.geom.rvs(p_sample, size=50)
# The model data
x_theor = stats.geom.rvs(p_theor, size=100)
qqplot_2samples(ProbPlot(x_sample), ProbPlot(x_theor), line='45')

How code an integration formula using Python

I have an integration equations to calculate key rate and need to convert it into Python.
The equation to calculate key rate is given by:
where R(n) is:
and p(n)dn is:
The key rate should be plotted like this:
I have sucessfully plotted the static model of the graph using following equation:
import numpy as np
import math
from math import pi,e,log
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n1=np.arange(10, 55, 1)
print (Rsp)
plt.xlabel('Loss (dB)')
However, I failed to plot the R^ratewise model. This is my code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def h2(x):
return -x*np.log2(x)-(1-x)*np.log2(1-x)
for (i,eta) in enumerate(nt):
Hopefully that anyone can help me to code the key rate with integration p(n)dn as stated above. This is the paper for referrence:
key rate
Thank you.
I copied & ran your second code block as-is, and it generated a plot. Is that what you wanted?
Using y as the p(n) in the equation, and the Rsp as the R(n), you should be able to use
NumPy's trapz function
to approximate the integral from the sampled p(n) and R(n):
n = np.linspace(0, 1, no_of_samples)
# ...generate y & Rst from n...
R_rate = np.trapz(y * Rst, n)
However, you'll have to change your code to sample y & Rst using the same n, spanning from 0 to 1`.
P.S. there's no need for the loop in your second code block; it can be condensed by removing the i's, swapping eta for nt, and using NumPy's minimum and maximum functions, like so:

Analyzing seasonality of Google trend time series using FFT

I am trying to evaluate the amplitude spectrum of the Google trends time series using a fast Fourier transformation. If you look at the data for 'diet' in the data provided here it shows a very strong seasonal pattern:
I thought I could analyze this pattern using a FFT, which presumably should have a strong peak for a period of 1 year.
However when I apply a FFT like this (a_gtrend_ham being the time series multiplied with a Hamming window):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft, fftshift
import pandas as pd
gtrend = pd.read_csv('multiTimeline.csv',index_col=0)
gtrend.index = pd.to_datetime(gtrend.index, format='%Y-%m')
# Sampling rate
fs = 12 #Points per year
a_gtrend_orig = gtrend['diet: (Worldwide)']
N_gtrend_orig = len(a_gtrend_orig)
length_gtrend_orig = N_gtrend_orig / fs
t_gtrend_orig = np.linspace(0, length_gtrend_orig, num = N_gtrend_orig, endpoint = False)
a_gtrend_sel = a_gtrend_orig.loc['2005-01-01 00:00:00':'2017-12-01 00:00:00']
N_gtrend = len(a_gtrend_sel)
length_gtrend = N_gtrend / fs
t_gtrend = np.linspace(0, length_gtrend, num = N_gtrend, endpoint = False)
a_gtrend_zero_mean = a_gtrend_sel - np.mean(a_gtrend_sel)
ham = np.hamming(len(a_gtrend_zero_mean))
a_gtrend_ham = a_gtrend_zero_mean * ham
N_gtrend = len(a_gtrend_ham)
ampl_gtrend = 1/N_gtrend * abs(fft(a_gtrend_ham))
mag_gtrend = fftshift(ampl_gtrend)
freq_gtrend = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, len(ampl_gtrend))
response_gtrend = 20 * np.log10(mag_gtrend)
response_gtrend = np.clip(response_gtrend, -100, 100)
My resulting amplitude spectrum does not show any dominant peak:
Where is my misunderstanding of how to use the FFT to get the spectrum of the data series?
Here is a clean implementation of what I think you are trying to accomplish. I include graphical output and a brief discussion of what it likely means.
First, we use the rfft() because the data is real valued. This saves time and effort (and reduces the bug rate) that otherwise follows from generating the redundant negative frequencies. And we use rfftfreq() to generate the frequency list (again, it is unnecessary to hand code it, and using the api reduces the bug rate).
For your data, the Tukey window is more appropriate than the Hamming and similar cos or sin based window functions. Notice also that we subtract the median before multiplying by the window function. The median() is a fairly robust estimate of the baseline, certainly more so than the mean().
In the graph you can see that the data falls quickly from its intitial value and then ends low. The Hamming and similar windows, sample the middle too narrowly for this and needlessly attenuate a lot of useful data.
For the FT graphs, we skip the zero frequency bin (the first point) since this only contains the baseline and omitting it provides a more convenient scaling for the y-axes.
You will notice some high frequency components in the graph of the FT output.
I include a sample code below that illustrates a possible origin of those high frequency components.
Okay here is the code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import rfft, rfftfreq
from scipy.signal import tukey
from numpy.fft import fft, fftshift
import pandas as pd
gtrend = pd.read_csv('multiTimeline.csv',index_col=0,skiprows=2)
gtrend.index = pd.to_datetime(gtrend.index, format='%Y-%m')
a_gtrend_orig = gtrend['diet: (Worldwide)']
t_gtrend_orig = np.linspace( 0, len(a_gtrend_orig)/12, len(a_gtrend_orig), endpoint=False )
a_gtrend_windowed = (a_gtrend_orig-np.median( a_gtrend_orig ))*tukey( len(a_gtrend_orig) )
plt.subplot( 2, 1, 1 )
plt.plot( t_gtrend_orig, a_gtrend_orig, label='raw data' )
plt.plot( t_gtrend_orig, a_gtrend_windowed, label='windowed data' )
plt.xlabel( 'years' )
a_gtrend_psd = abs(rfft( a_gtrend_orig ))
a_gtrend_psdtukey = abs(rfft( a_gtrend_windowed ) )
# Notice that we assert the delta-time here,
# It would be better to get it from the data.
a_gtrend_freqs = rfftfreq( len(a_gtrend_orig), d = 1./12. )
# For the PSD graph, we skip the first two points, this brings us more into a useful scale
# those points represent the baseline (or mean), and are usually not relevant to the analysis
plt.subplot( 2, 1, 2 )
plt.plot( a_gtrend_freqs[1:], a_gtrend_psd[1:], label='psd raw data' )
plt.plot( a_gtrend_freqs[1:], a_gtrend_psdtukey[1:], label='windowed psd' )
plt.xlabel( 'frequency ($yr^{-1}$)' )
And here is the output displayed graphically. There are strong signals at 1/year and at 0.14 (which happens to be 1/2 of 1/14 yrs), and there is a set of higher frequency signals that at first perusal might seem quite mysterious.
We see that the windowing function is actually quite effective in bringing the data to baseline and you see that the relative signal strengths in the FT are not altered very much by applying the window function.
If you look at the data closely, there seems to be some repeated variations within the year. If those occur with some regularity, they can be expected to appear as signals in the FT, and indeed the presence or absence of signals in the FT is often used to distinguish between signal and noise. But as will be shown, there is a better explanation for the high frequency signals.
Okay, now here is a sample code that illustrates one way those high frequency components can be produced. In this code, we create a single tone, and then we create a set of spikes at the same frequency as the tone. Then we Fourier transform the two signals and finally, graph the raw and FT data.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import rfft, rfftfreq
t = np.linspace( 0, 1, 1000. )
y = np.cos( 50*3.14*t )
y2 = [ 1. if 1.-v < 0.01 else 0. for v in y ]
plt.subplot( 2, 1, 1 )
plt.plot( t, y, label='tone' )
plt.plot( t, y2, label='spikes' )
plt.subplot( 2, 1, 2 )
plt.plot( rfftfreq(len(y),d=1/100.), abs( rfft(y) ), label='tone' )
plt.plot( rfftfreq(len(y2),d=1/100.), abs( rfft(y2) ), label='spikes' )
Okay, here are the graphs of the tone, and the spikes, and then their Fourier transforms. Notice that the spikes produce high frequency components that are very similar to those in our data.
In other words, the origin of the high frequency components is very likely in the short time scales associated with the spikey character of signals in the raw data.

Single Component Metropolis-Hastings

So, let's say I have the following 2-dimensional target distribution that I would like to sample from (a mixture of bivariate normal distributions) -
import numba
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
def targ_dist(x):
target = (stats.multivariate_normal.pdf(x,[0,0],[[1,0],[0,1]])+stats.multivariate_normal.pdf(x,[-6,-6],[[1,0.9],[0.9,1]])+stats.multivariate_normal.pdf(x,[4,4],[[1,-0.9],[-0.9,1]]))/3
return target
and the following proposal distribution (a bivariate random walk) -
def T(x,y,sigma):
return stats.multivariate_normal.pdf(y,x,[[sigma**2,0],[0,sigma**2]])
The following is the Metropolis Hastings code for updating the "entire" state in every iteration -
n_iter = 30000
# tuning parameter i.e. variance of proposal distribution
sigma = 2
# initial state
X = stats.uniform.rvs(loc=-5, scale=10, size=2, random_state=None)
# count number of acceptances
accept = 0
# store the samples
MHsamples = np.zeros((n_iter,2))
# MH sampler
for t in range(n_iter):
# proposals
Y = X+stats.norm.rvs(0,sigma,2)
# accept or reject
u = stats.uniform.rvs(loc=0, scale=1, size=1)
# acceptance probability
r = (targ_dist(Y)*T(Y,X,sigma))/(targ_dist(X)*T(X,Y,sigma))
if u < r:
X = Y
accept += 1
MHsamples[t] = X
However, I would like to update "per component" (i.e. component-wise updating) in every iteration. Is there a simple way of doing this?
Thank you for your help!
From the tone of your question I assume you are looking performance improvements.
MonteCarlo algorithms are quite compute intensive. You will get better results, if you perform in algorithms on a lower level than in an interpreted language like python, e.g. writing a c-extension.
There are also implementations available for python (PyStan, PyMC3).

