trying to download an image in python but it doesnt work - python

I am trying to make a script in python that downloads an image from a discord server but it doesnt work
My code
import http.client, json, calendar, os, time, base64
from datetime import datetime
app_token = "token"
channel_id = "id"
web_hk = "api/webhooks/my webhook"
latest_timestamp = ""
def query_server():
global app_token, channel_id, latest_timestamp
response = 'Processing...'
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
headers = {"authorization": "Bot " + app_token }
conn.request("GET", "/api/channels/" + channel_id +"/messages", "", headers)
r1 = conn.getresponse()
status = r1.reason
r =
conversation = json.loads(r.decode('utf-8'))
# print(json.dumps(conversation, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
i = 0
while i < len(conversation) :
comment = conversation[i]
i += 1
timestamp = comment["timestamp"]
if(timestamp <= latest_timestamp) :
if(comment['content'] == 'Go!') :
print('parsing command')
style_comment = conversation[i]
if style_comment['attachments'] == [] :
response = 'Missing style image'
content_comment = conversation[i + 1]
if content_comment['attachments'] == []:
response = 'Missing content image'
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
current_time_int = str(int(time.mktime(datetime.utcnow().timetuple())))
# download style image
url = style_comment['attachments'][0]['url']
img_path = url.split("")[1]
t = url.split("/")
style_img_filename = current_time_int + "-" + t[-1]
conn.request("GET", img_path, "", headers)
r1 = conn.getresponse().read()
style_file = open(style_img_filename, "wb")
os.chmod(style_img_filename, 0o777)
# download content image
url = content_comment['attachments'][0]['url']
img_path = url.split("")[1]
t = url.split("/")
content_img_filename = current_time_int + "-" + t[-1]
conn.request("GET", img_path, "", headers)
r1 = conn.getresponse().read()
content_file = open(content_img_filename, "wb")
os.chmod(content_img_filename, 0o777)
output_img_filename = current_time_int + "-output.jpg"
cmd = "python --content {} --styles {} --output {} --width 500".format(content_img_filename, style_img_filename, output_img_filename)
What I get
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 216, in <module>
File "", line 119, in main
content_image = imread(options.content)
File "", line 201, in imread
img = scipy.misc.imread(path).astype(np.float)
File "C:\Users\Baxter\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\", line 101, in newfunc
return func(*args, **kwds)
File "C:\Users\Baxter\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\site-packages\scipy\misc\", line 164, in imread
im =
File "C:\Users\Baxter\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 2585, in open
% (filename if filename else fp))
OSError: cannot identify image file '1527709726-madelbrot.jpg'
It technicaly downloads somthing, because I see the file name in the folder, but it says it cannot identify it. I cant even open it.


Can't return value from function in Python

I'm trying to return a value called 'html' from a python function:
def loop_accounts(account_name, interactive):
regions = set_regions(account_name)
aws_env_list = os.path.join('..', '..', 'output_files', 'account_names_list', 'aws_kiki_page-' + today + '.csv')
# Set the output file
output_dir = os.path.join('..', '..', 'output_files', 'aws_instance_list', 'csv', '')
if interactive == 1:
output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'aws-instance-list-' + account_name + '-' + today +'.csv')
output_file_name = 'aws-instance-list-' + account_name + '-' + today + '.csv'
output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'aws-instance-master-list-' + today +'.csv')
output_file_name = 'aws-instance-master-list-' + today +'.csv'
htmlfile, htmlfile_name, remove_htmlfile = convert_csv_to_html_table(output_file, today, interactive, account_name)
with open(htmlfile, 'r') as htmlfile:
html =
return html
But python isn't seeing the value html when I try to return it.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\", line 657, in <module>
File ".\", line 631, in main
html, htmlfile, output_file, output_file_name, remove_htmlfile = loop_accounts(aws_env_list, interactive, fieldnames, all_accounts_question)
File ".\", line 594, in loop_accounts
return html, htmlfile, output_file, output_file_name, remove_htmlfile
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'html' referenced before assignment
Why is python not seeing this value called html? How can I return it?
html doesn't exist when interactive==1.
Depending on what you want to do, you might want to create html before the if else statement

How to Automate a Report from Namely using API

I want to automate a report I created in Namely using python, how can I do this with the Namely API?
Here's a python script I made that should cover it:
import http.client
import json
import os
import time
import smtplib
namelyDomain = "" #change this to your company's namely
csvName = "C:\\Path\\To_Write\\Your_CSV\\Report.csv" #absolute path to write csv
reportID = "0a12bac7-eac4-4bae-b18f-63ea3173gbb4" #report ID (find in URL)
APIkey = "yuIo4fH7f4z4dgabsSqXzxm9IMbW1ixLhjP0eh8jPuIo9vUI1nij9qZmG822al54" #get this from Namely>API>Personal Access Tokens
server = smtplib.SMTP()
line = ""
columnCount = 0
#run report with get request
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(namelyDomain)
payload = "{}"
headers = { 'authorization': "Bearer " + APIkey }
conn.request("GET", "/api/v1/reports/" + reportID + ".json", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
if(res.status != 200):
print("failed to connect")
data = #returns json object
#Delete if it exists (overwrite)
if os.path.exists(csvName):
#make the csv
f = open(csvName,"w")
#get objects to loop from
dataHeader = dataRow = json.loads(data)
#Print headers to CSV
for data in dataHeader['reports'][0]['columns']:
columnCount = columnCount + 1
line = line + str(data['label']) + ","
line = line.rstrip(",")
f.write(line + chr(10))
#Print rows to CSV
for data in dataRow['reports'][0]['content']:
line = '"'
for ndx in range(0,columnCount):
line = line + str(data[ndx]) + '","'
line = line.replace("None","").replace('\u202d','').replace('\u202c','').rstrip('"').rstrip(",")
f.write(line + chr(10))
Just replace:
namelyDomain with your company's namely domain
csvName with the absolute path of where you want to write the csv report
reportID with the id of the report you want to generate
APIkey with the personal access token from namely
Useful Link:

Python 3: urlextract package, PermissionError

I am using Windows 10 x64, with Python 3.6.1 x86.
I have this script from a few months ago which was working fine, but right now it gives me a weird error. The script is a simple one that extract URLs from tweets saved in .csv files.
This is the script:
import datetime
from urlextract import URLExtract
twitter_files_list = ['File1.csv', 'File2.csv', 'File3.csv']
input_path = my_path
# Find domain of URL
def find_domain(url):
return url.split("//")[-1].split("/")[0]
# Clean domain from useless chars
def clean_domain(domain):
domain = domain.replace("[", "")
domain = domain.replace("]", "")
domain = domain.replace("\'", "")
return domain
# Extract URLs from Tweets
def url_extract(filename):
print('\n' + filename + ':')
url_counter = 0
url_file = open('extracted_urls/urls_' + filename, 'a')
# Open file
f = open(input_path + filename, "r", encoding="utf8")
lines = f.readlines()
# Search for contents of column "text"
text = []
for x in lines:
# Close file
extractor = URLExtract()
for i in range(len(text)):
if extractor.find_urls(text[i]): # Check if URL exists
url = extractor.find_urls(text[i])
domain = find_domain(str(url))
if not " " in domain:
url_file.write(str(clean_domain(domain)) + "\n")
url_counter += 1
except 'Not Found':
# Main
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('\nURL Characterization:\n')
# Start timer
start =
# Find the unique usernames for every file
for twitter_file in twitter_files_list:
print('Searching ' + str(twitter_file) + '...')
# End timer
end =
# Print results
print("\nProcess finished")
print("Total time: " + str(end - start))
This gives me the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/Aventinus/url_analysis/", line 77, in <module>
File "C:/Users/Aventinus/url_analysis/", line 50, in url_extract
extractor = URLExtract()
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\", line 65, in __init__
if not self._download_tlds_list():
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\", line 114, in _download_tlds_list
with open(self._tld_list_path, 'w') as ftld:
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Python36-32\\lib\\site-packages\\.tlds'
I have no idea how to interpret this.
you can try run the script as administrator

Python FTPLIB error 530 Permission Denied

I've tried the script below:
import os
from ftplib import FTP
ftp = FTP("ftpsite","myuser", "mypass")
listing = []
ftp.retrlines("LIST", listing.append)
words = listing[0].split(None, 8)
filename = words[-1].lstrip()
#download the file
local_filename = os.path.join(r"C:\example", file)
lf = open(local_filename, "wb")
ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename, lf.write, 8*1024)
But everytime I run the script, it says:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\User\Desktop\sample\", line 4, in <module>
ftp = FTP("ftpsite", "myuser", "mypass")
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 119, in __init__
self.login(user, passwd, acct)
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 387, in login
resp = self.sendcmd('USER ' + user)
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 244, in sendcmd
return self.getresp()
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 219, in getresp
raise error_perm, resp
error_perm: 530 Permission denied.
I don't know what 530 Permission Denied means.Can anyone tell me what does that means?
It seems like the ftp server allows anonymous access; You don't need pass username, password.
FTP constructor accept hostname(or IP), not URL.
import sys
import os
from ftplib import FTP
ftp = FTP("")
listing = []
ftp.retrlines("LIST", listing.append)
words = listing[0].split(None, 8)
filesize = int(words[4])
filename = words[-1].lstrip()
class VerboseWriter:
def __init__(self, lf, filesize):
self.progress = 0
self.lf = lf
self.filesize = filesize
def write(self, data):
self.progress += len(data)
sys.stdout.write('\r{}/{} ({:.1%})'.format(self.progress, self.filesize, float(self.progress)/self.filesize))
#download the file
with open(os.path.join(r"c:\example", filename), 'wb') as f:
ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename, VerboseWriter(lf, filesize).write, 8*1024)

Can’t download YouTube video

I’m having trouble retrieving the YouTube video automatically. Here’s the code. The problem is the last part. download = urllib.request.urlopen(download_url).read()
# YouTube video download script
# 10n1z3d[at]w[dot]cn
import urllib.request
import sys
print (" YouTube Video Downloader")
print ("--------------------------\n")
video_url = sys.argv[1]
video_url = input('[+] Enter video URL: ')
print("[+] Connecting...")
video_id = video_url.split('')[1].split('&feature=related')[0]
video_id = video_url.split('')[1].split('&feature=dir')[0]
video_id = video_url.split('')[1].split('&feature=fvst')[0]
video_id = video_url.split('')[1].split('&feature=channel_page')[0]
video_id = video_url.split('')[1]
print("[-] Invalid URL.")
print("[+] Parsing token...")
url = str(urllib.request.urlopen('' + video_id).read())
token_value = url.split('video_id=' + video_id + '&token=')[1].split('&thumbnail_url')[0]
download_url = "" + video_id + "&t=" + token_value + "&fmt=18"
url = str(urllib.request.urlopen('' + video_id))
v_url = str(urllib.request.urlopen('http://' + video_url).read())
video_title = v_url.split('"rv.2.title": "')[1].split('", "rv.4.rating"')[0]
if '"' in video_title:
video_title = video_title.replace('"', '"')
elif '&' in video_title:
video_title = video_title.replace('&', '&')
print("[+] Downloading " + '"' + video_title + '"...')
file = open(video_title + '.mp4', 'wb')
download = urllib.request.urlopen(download_url).read()
for line in download:
print("[-] Error downloading. Quitting.")
print("\n[+] Done. The video is saved to the current working directory(cwd).\n")
There’s an error message (thanks Wooble):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Python31/MyLib/DrawingBoard/", line 52, in <module>
download = urllib.request.urlopen(download_url).read()
File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 119, in urlopen
return, data, timeout)
File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 353, in open
response = meth(req, response)
File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 465, in http_response
'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)
File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 385, in error
result = self._call_chain(*args)
File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 325, in _call_chain
result = func(*args)
File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 560, in http_error_302
return, timeout=req.timeout)
File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 353, in open
response = meth(req, response)
File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 465, in http_response
'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)
File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 391, in error
return self._call_chain(*args)
File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 325, in _call_chain
result = func(*args)
File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 473, in http_error_default
raise HTTPError(req.full_url, code, msg, hdrs, fp)
urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
The code on the original question relies on several assumptions about the content of YouTube pages and URLs (expressed in constructs such as "url.split('something=')[1]") which may not always be true. I tested it and it might depend even on which related videos show on the page. You might have tripped on any of those specificities.
Here's a cleaner version, which uses urllib to parse URLs and query strings, and which successfully downloads a video. I've removed some of the try/except which didn't do much but exit, for clarity. Incidentally, it deals with Unicode video titles by removing non-ASCII characters from the filename to which the video is saved. It also takes any numbers of YouTube URLs and downloads them all. Finally, it masks its user-agent as Chrome for Mac (which is what I currently use).
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import urllib.request
from urllib.request import urlopen, FancyURLopener
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs, unquote
class UndercoverURLopener(FancyURLopener):
version = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.342.9 Safari/533.2"
urllib.request._urlopener = UndercoverURLopener()
def youtube_download(video_url):
video_id = parse_qs(urlparse(video_url).query)['v'][0]
url_data = urlopen('' + video_id).read()
url_info = parse_qs(unquote(url_data.decode('utf-8')))
token_value = url_info['token'][0]
download_url = "{0}&t={1}&fmt=18".format(
video_id, token_value)
video_title = url_info['title'][0] if 'title' in url_info else ''
# Unicode filenames are more trouble than they're worth
filename = video_title.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii').replace("/", "-") + '.mp4'
print("\t Downloading '{}' to '{}'...".format(video_title, filename))
download = urlopen(download_url).read()
f = open(filename, 'wb')
except Exception as e:
print("\t Download failed! {}".format(str(e)))
print("\t Skipping...")
print("\t Done.")
def main():
print (" YouTube Video Downloader")
print ("--------------------------\n")
video_urls = sys.argv[1:]
video_urls = input('Enter (space-separated) video URLs: ')
for u in video_urls:
print("\n Done.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
I'm going to shamelessly plug my script which automates checking for valid formats, automatically choosing the best quality format for a video, and works on both the Flash and HTML5 variants of YouTube pages (as well as Vimeo).
If you wrote that script then please look at my source code for inspiration and feel free to steal some code. I challenge you to please write something better. Open source thrives on competition!
However, if you copied that script and are just trying to get it working, may I suggest you give my script a try and see if it fares better for you. You can access it both from the command line as a script or even as a module in another Python file.
You may also check youtube-dl which is written in Python and check how it's written.
It looks like YouTube guys have changed algorithms for accessing video files. Instead of "token" they now use "signature" variable, and "signature" seems to be dependent on either cookie-stored data or IP address of the client (in case of cookies-disabled browser like urllib in Python 2). Here's a hack I've come up with (URLs are IP address-locked):
import re
from urlparse import *
from urllib import *
def yt_url(video_url):
video_id = parse_qs(urlparse(video_url).query)['v'][0]
get_vars = parse_qs(unquote(urlopen(""+video_id).read()))
url = get_vars["id"][0].split(",")[1].split("|")[1]
elements = dict()
elements["itag"] = get_vars["itag"][0]
elements["sver"] = get_vars["sver"][0]
elements["expire"] = get_vars["expire"][0]
elements["signature"] = get_vars["signature"][0]
elements["factor"] = get_vars["factor"][0]
elements["id"] = get_vars["id"][0].split(",")[0]
elements["key"] = get_vars["key"][0]
elements["burst"] = get_vars["burst"][0]
elements["sparams"] = get_vars["sparams"][0]
elements["algorithm"] = get_vars["algorithm"][0]
elements["ipbits"] = "8"
for get_var in elements:
url += "&" + get_var + "=" + elements[get_var]
return (get_vars["title"][0], url)
if __name__ == '__main__':
(title, url) = yt_url("")
print "Title: %s" % (title,)
print "Video: %s" % (url,)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import urllib2, urllib
import re
import os
import sys
import time
linkurl =raw_input('Enter URL:')
linkurl1 = urllib.urlopen(linkurl).read()
file1 = open("index.html", "w")
fname = 'index.html'
## Giving new matrix value to find
find = ("yt.playerConfig =", '"title":')
## File reading programme
with open(fname) as infile:
for line_no, line in enumerate(infile, 1):
lline = line.lower()
if any(word.lower() in lline for word in find):
y = line.rstrip()
fileurl = y
y1 = y.replace("%3A%2F%2F", "://")
y2 = y1.replace("%2F", "/")
y3 = y2.replace("%3F", "?")
y4 = y3.replace("%3D", "=")
y5 = y4.replace("%26", "&")
y6 = y5.replace("%252", "%2")
y7 = y6.replace("sig", "&signature")
# Display video resolution information
print ""
print "Video resolution: "
print "[46=1080(.webm)]--[37=1080(.mp4)]--[35=480(.flv)]--[36=180(.3gpp)]"
print "[45=720(.webm) ]--[22=720(.mp4) ]--[34=360(.flv)]--[17=144(.3gpp)]"
print "[44=480(.webm) ]--[18=360(.mp4) ]--[5=240(.flv) ]"
print "[43=360(.webm) ]"
print ""
# Programme to get all itag list file
itag = re.findall('itag=(\d+)', y)
print `"itag list= "` + `itag`
resol = raw_input("Type itag number: ")
# Programme to get filename file
fname = 'index.html'
find = (' <title>', '</title>')
with open(fname) as infile:
for line_no, line in enumerate(infile, 1):
lline = line.lower()
if any(word.lower() in lline for word in find):
y = line.rstrip()
fileurl1 = y.split(">")[-2]
filename2 = fileurl1.split('"')[-2]
if resol == '46':
# Programme to get WebM file in 1080 HD
y1080_webm = re.findall(r'itag=46(.*?)\u0026quality=hd1080', y7)
url_1080_webm1 = re.findall(r'\\u0026url=(.*?)\\u0026type', `y1080_webm`)
signature = re.findall(r'signature=(.*?)\\', `y1080_webm`)
url_1080_webm2 = `url_1080_webm1`.split("\\")[0]
url_1080_webm = url_1080_webm2.split("'")[1] + "&signature=" + `signature`.split("'")[1] + "&ptk=machinima"
url = url_1080_webm
#print url_1080_webm
ext = ".webm"
elif resol == '37':
# Programme to get MP4 file in 1080 HD
y1080_mp4 = re.findall(r'itag=37(.*?)\u0026quality=hd1080', y7)
url_1080_mp41 = re.findall(r'\\u0026url=(.*?)\\u0026type', `y1080_mp4`)
signature = re.findall(r'signature=(.*?)\\', `y1080_mp4`)
url_1080_mp42 = `url_1080_mp41`.split("\\")[0]
url_1080_mp4 = url_1080_mp42.split("'")[1] + "&signature=" + `signature`.split("'")[1] + "&ptk=machinima"
url = url_1080_mp4
#print url_1080_mp4
ext = ".mp4"
elif resol == '45':
# Programme to get WebM file in 720 HD
y720_webm = re.findall(r'itag=45(.*?)\u0026quality=hd720', y7)
url_720_webm1 = re.findall(r'\\u0026url=(.*?)\\u0026type', `y720_webm`)
signature = re.findall(r'signature=(.*?)\\', `y720_webm`)
url_720_webm2 = `url_720_webm1`.split("\\")[0]
url_720_webm = url_720_webm2.split("'")[1] + "&signature=" + `signature`.split("'")[1] + "&ptk=machinima"
url = url_720_webm
#print url_720_webm
ext = ".webm"
elif resol == '22':
# Programme to get MP4 file in 720 HD
y720_mp4 = re.findall(r'itag=22(.*?)\u0026quality=hd720', y7)
url_720_mp41 = re.findall(r'\\u0026url=(.*?)\\u0026type', `y720_mp4`)
signature = re.findall(r'signature=(.*?)\\', `y720_mp4`)
url_720_mp42 = `url_720_mp41`.split("\\")[0]
url_720_mp4 = url_720_mp42.split("'")[1] + "&signature=" + `signature`.split("'")[1] + "&ptk=machinima"
url = url_720_mp4
#print url_720_mp4
ext = ".mp4"
elif resol == '44':
# Programme to get WebM file in 480 large
y480_webm = re.findall(r'itag=44(.*?)\u0026quality=large', y7)
url_480_webm1 = re.findall(r'\\u0026url=(.*?)\\u0026type', `y480_webm`)
signature = re.findall(r'signature=(.*?)\\', `y480_webm`)
url_480_webm2 = `url_480_webm1`.split("\\")[0]
url_480_webm = url_480_webm2.split("'")[1] + "&signature=" + `signature`.split("'")[1] + "&ptk=machinima"
url = url_480_webm
#print url_480_webm
ext = ".webm"
elif resol == '35':
# Programme to get a FLV file in 480 large
y480_flv = re.findall(r'itag=35(.*?)\u0026quality=large', y7)
url_480_flv1 = re.findall(r'\\u0026url=(.*?)\\', `y480_flv`)
signature = re.findall(r'signature=(.*?)\\', `y480_flv`)
url_480_flv2 = `url_480_flv1`.split("\\")[0]
url_480_flv = url_480_flv2.split("'")[1] + "&signature=" + `signature`.split("'")[1] + "&ptk=machinima"
url = url_480_flv
#print url_480_flv
ext = ".flv"
elif resol == '43':
# Programme to get WebM file in 360 medium
y360_webm = re.findall(r'itag=43(.*?)\u0026quality=medium', y7)
url_360_webm1 = re.findall(r'\\u0026url=(.*?)\\', `y360_webm`)
signature = re.findall(r'signature=(.*?)\\', `y360_webm`)
url_360_webm2 = `url_360_webm1`.split("\\")[0]
url_360_webm = url_360_webm2.split("'")[1] + "&signature=" + `signature`.split("'")[1] + "&ptk=machinima"
url = url_360_webm
#print url_360_webm
ext = ".webm"
elif resol == '34':
# Programme to get FLV file in 360 medium
y360_flv = re.findall(r'itag=34(.*?)\u0026quality=medium', y7)
url_360_flv1 = re.findall(r'\\u0026url=(.*?)\\', `y360_flv`)
signature = re.findall(r'signature=(.*?)\\', `y360_flv`)
url_360_flv2 = `url_360_flv1`.split("\\")[0]
url_360_flv = url_360_flv2.split("'")[1] + "&signature=" + `signature`.split("'")[1] + "&ptk=machinima"
url = url_360_flv
#print url_360_flv
ext = ".flv"
elif resol == '18':
# Programme to get MP4 file in 360 medium
y360_mp4 = re.findall(r'itag=18(.*?)\u0026quality=medium', y7)
url_360_mp41 = re.findall(r'\\u0026url=(.*?)\\', `y360_mp4`)
signature = re.findall(r'signature=(.*?)\\', `y360_mp4`)
url_360_mp42 = `url_360_mp41`.split("\\")[0]
url_360_mp4 = url_360_mp42.split("'")[1] + "&signature=" + `signature`.split("'")[1] + "&ptk=machinima"
url = url_360_mp4
#print url_360_mp4
ext = ".mp4"
elif resol == '5':
# Programme to get FLV file in 240 small
y240_flv = re.findall(r'itag=5(.*?)\u0026quality=small', y7)
url_240_flv1 = re.findall(r'\\u0026url=(.*?)\\', `y240_flv`)
signature = re.findall(r'signature=(.*?)\\', `y240_flv`)
url_240_flv2 = `url_240_flv1`.split("\\")[0]
url_240_flv = url_240_flv2.split("'")[1] + "&signature=" + `signature`.split("'")[1] + "&ptk=machinima"
url = url_240_flv
#print url_240_flv
ext = ".flv"
elif resol == '36':
# Programme to get 3gpp file in 180 small
y180_3gpp = re.findall(r'itag=36(.*?)\u0026quality=small', y7)
url_180_3gpp1 = re.findall(r'\\u0026url=(.*?)\\', `y180_3gpp`)
signature = re.findall(r'signature=(.*?)\\', `y180_3gpp`)
url_180_3gpp2 = `url_180_3gpp1`.split("\\")[0]
url_180_3gpp = url_180_3gpp2.split("'")[1] + "&signature=" + `signature`.split("'")[1] + "&ptk=machinima"
url = url_180_3gpp
#print url_180_3gpp
ext = ".3gpp"
elif resol == '17':
# Programme to get 3gpp file in 144 small
y144_3gpp = re.findall(r'itag=17(.*?)\u0026quality=small', y7)
url_144_3gpp1 = re.findall(r'\\u0026url=(.*?)\\', `y144_3gpp`)
signature = re.findall(r'signature=(.*?)\\', `y144_3gpp`)
url_144_3gpp2 = `url_144_3gpp1`.split("\\")[0]
url_144_3gpp = url_144_3gpp2.split("'")[1] + "&signature=" + `signature`.split("'")[1] + "&ptk=machinima"
url = url_144_3gpp
#print url_144_3gpp
ext = ".3gpp"
#newindex = open("index1.txt", 'w')
print url
filename = filename2 + ext
print filename
req = urllib2.Request(url, headers={'Range': "bytes=0-838860800"})
data = urllib2.urlopen(req)
print "connected to ""http://"+url.split("/")[2] + "/"
f = open(filename,'wb')
meta_data =
file_size = int(meta_data.getheaders("Content-Length")[0])
print "filesize= " + `file_size/1048576` + " MB"
bytes_received = 0
chunk_size = 10240
while True:
start_time = time.time()
buffer =
if not buffer:
bytes_received += len(buffer)
Td = time.time() - start_time
speed1 = round(len(buffer)/1024.0, 1)
speed = round(speed1/Td, 1)
speed_MB = round(speed/1024.0, 1)
speed_GB = round(speed_MB/1024.0, 1)
bytes_received_MB = round(bytes_received/1048576.0, 3)
percent = bytes_received * 100. / file_size
if speed < 1:
speed_byte = round(len(buffer)/Td, 1)
Tr = (file_size-bytes_received)/(60*speed_byte)
status = r"[Downloaded=%.3f MB] [%3.2f%%] [speed= %.1f B/s] [eta %1d min] " % (bytes_received_MB, percent, speed_byte, Tr)
elif speed < 1024:
Tr = (file_size-bytes_received)/(60*1024*speed)
status = r"[Downloaded=%.3f MB] [%3.2f%%] [speed= %.1f KB/s] [eta %1d min] " % (bytes_received_MB, percent, speed, Tr)
elif speed < 1048576:
Tr = (file_size-bytes_received)/(60*1024*1024*speed_MB)
status = r"[Downloaded=%.3f MB] [%3.2f%%] [speed= %.1f MB/s] [eta %1d min] " % (bytes_received_MB, percent, speed_MB, Tr)
Tr = (file_size-bytes_received)/(60*1024*1024*1024*speed_GB)
status = r"[Downloaded=%.3f MB] [%3.2f%%] [speed= %.1f GB/s] [eta %1d min] " % (bytes_received_MB, percent, speed_GB, Tr)
status = status + chr(8) * (len(status) + 1)
print status,

