I want to plot some datetimes and would like to specify a time interval in order to bundle them together and make a histogram. So for example, if there happen to be n datetimes in the span of one hour, group them together or parse them as year, month, day, hour. And omit minutes and seconds.
Let's say I have a data frame with some datetime values:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
date_today = datetime.now()
days = pd.date_range(date_today, date_today + timedelta(7), freq='D')
data = np.random.randint(1, high=100, size=len(days))
df = pd.DataFrame({'test': days, 'col2': data})
df = df.set_index('test')
2018-06-19 17:10:32.076646 29
2018-06-20 17:10:32.076646 56
2018-06-21 17:10:32.076646 82
2018-06-22 17:10:32.076646 13
2018-06-23 17:10:32.076646 35
2018-06-24 17:10:32.076646 53
2018-06-25 17:10:32.076646 25
2018-06-26 17:10:32.076646 23
Ideally, I would like to specify a more flexible time interval, such as "6 hours" in order to make some sort of modulo operation on the datetimes. Is this possible?
Allows you to specify regular frequency intervals with which you will group your data. Use groupby to then aggregate your df based on these groups. For instance, if col2 was counts and you wanted to bin together all of the counts over 2 day intervals, you could do:
import pandas as pd
df.groupby(pd.Grouper(level=0, freq='2D')).col2.sum()
2018-06-19 13:49:11.560185 85
2018-06-21 13:49:11.560185 95
2018-06-23 13:49:11.560185 88
2018-06-25 13:49:11.560185 48
Name: col2, dtype: int32
You group by level=0, that is your index labeled 'test' and sum col2 over 2 day bins. The behavior of pd.Grouper can be a little annoying since in this example the bins start and end at 13:49:11..., which likely isn't what you want.
pd.cut + pd.date_range
You have a bit more control over defining your bins if you define them with pd.date_range and then use pd.cut. Here for instance, you can define bins every 2 days beginning on the 19th.
pd.date_range('2018-06-19', '2018-06-27', freq='2D'))).col2.sum()
(2018-06-19, 2018-06-21] 85
(2018-06-21, 2018-06-23] 95
(2018-06-23, 2018-06-25] 88
(2018-06-25, 2018-06-27] 48
Name: col2, dtype: int32
This is nice, because if you instead wanted the bins to begin on even days you can just change the start and end dates in pd.date_range
pd.date_range('2018-06-18', '2018-06-28', freq='2D'))).col2.sum()
(2018-06-18, 2018-06-20] 29
(2018-06-20, 2018-06-22] 138
(2018-06-22, 2018-06-24] 48
(2018-06-24, 2018-06-26] 78
(2018-06-26, 2018-06-28] 23
Name: col2, dtype: int32
If you really wanted to, you could specify 2.6 hour bins beginning on June 19th 2018 at 5 AM:
pd.date_range('2018-06-19 5:00:00', '2018-06-28 5:00:00', freq='2.6H'))).col2.sum()
#(2018-06-19 05:00:00, 2018-06-19 07:36:00] 0
#(2018-06-19 07:36:00, 2018-06-19 10:12:00] 0
#(2018-06-19 10:12:00, 2018-06-19 12:48:00] 0
#(2018-06-19 12:48:00, 2018-06-19 15:24:00] 29
Just use .plot(kind='bar') after you have aggregated the data.
pd.date_range('2018-06-19', '2018-06-28', freq='2D')))
.col2.sum().plot(kind='bar', color='firebrick', rot=30))
I'm trying to calculate the time difference between all the logs of a user and the first log of that same user. There are users with several logs.
The dataframe looks like this:
16 00000021601 2022-08-23 17:12:04
20 00000021601 2022-08-23 17:12:04
21 00000031313 2022-10-22 11:16:57
22 00000031313 2022-10-22 12:16:44
23 00000031313 2022-10-22 14:39:07
24 00000065137 2022-05-06 11:51:33
25 00000065137 2022-05-06 11:51:33
I know that I could do df['DELTA'] = df.groupby('ID')['DATE'].shift(-1) - df['DATE'] to get the difference between consecutive dates for each user, but since something like iat[0] doesn't work in this case I don't know how to get the difference in relation to the first date.
You can try this code
import pandas as pd
dates = ['2022-08-23 17:12:04',
'2022-08-23 17:12:04',
'2022-10-22 11:16:57',
'2022-10-22 12:16:44',
'2022-10-22 14:39:07',
'2022-05-06 11:51:33',
'2022-05-06 11:51:33',]
ids = [1,1,1,2,2,2,2]
df = pd.DataFrame({'id':ids, 'dates':dates})
df['dates'] = pd.to_datetime(df['dates'])
df.groupby('id').apply(lambda x: x['dates'] - x.iloc[0, 0])
1 0 0 days 00:00:00
1 0 days 00:00:00
2 59 days 18:04:53
2 3 0 days 00:00:00
4 0 days 02:22:23
5 -170 days +23:34:49
6 -170 days +23:34:49
Name: dates, dtype: timedelta64[ns]
If you dataframe is large and apply took a long time you can try use parallel-pandas. It's very simple
import pandas as pd
from parallel_pandas import ParallelPandas
dates = ['2022-08-23 17:12:04',
'2022-08-23 17:12:04',
'2022-10-22 11:16:57',
'2022-10-22 12:16:44',
'2022-10-22 14:39:07',
'2022-05-06 11:51:33',
'2022-05-06 11:51:33',]
ids = [1,1,1,2,2,2,2]
df = pd.DataFrame({'id':ids, 'dates':dates})
df['dates'] = pd.to_datetime(df['dates'])
#p_apply is parallel analogue of apply method
df.groupby('id').p_apply(lambda x: x['dates'] - x.iloc[0, 0])
It will be 5-10 time faster
I have a dataframe with a '%Y/%U' date column:
Value Count YW Date
0 2 2017/19 2017-05-13
1 2 2017/20 2017-05-19
2 24 2017/22 2017-06-03
3 35 2017/23 2017-06-10
4 41 2017/24 2017-06-17
.. ... ... ...
126 51 2020/05 2020-02-06
127 26 2020/06 2020-02-15
128 30 2020/07 2020-02-22
129 26 2020/08 2020-02-29
130 18 2020/09 2020-03-04
I'm trying to add the missing weeks, like 2017/21 with 0 Count values, so I created this index:
idx = pdh.pd.date_range(df['Date'].min(), df['Date'].max(), freq='W').floor('d')
Which yields:
DatetimeIndex(['2017-05-14', '2017-05-21', '2017-05-28', '2017-06-04',
'2017-06-11', '2017-06-18', '2017-06-25', '2017-07-02',
'2017-07-09', '2017-07-16',
'2019-12-29', '2020-01-05', '2020-01-12', '2020-01-19',
'2020-01-26', '2020-02-02', '2020-02-09', '2020-02-16',
'2020-02-23', '2020-03-01'],
dtype='datetime64[ns]', length=147, freq=None)
Almost there, converting to '%Y/%U' again:
idx = idx.strftime('%Y/%U')
But this yields:
Index(['2017/20', '2017/21', '2017/22', '2017/23', '2017/24', '2017/25',
'2017/26', '2017/27', '2017/28', '2017/29',
'2019/52', '2020/01', '2020/02', '2020/03', '2020/04', '2020/05',
'2020/06', '2020/07', '2020/08', '2020/09'],
dtype='object', length=147)
I'm not sure yet whether it is a problem with reindexing but I've noticed that the firts year/week pair is now 2017/20 instead of 2017/19. This is because the freq='W' offset converts every date to the correspondent week starting day as the default is the same as 'W-SUN' anchored offset. Indeed, 2017-05-14 is a Sunday.
The problem is that the converted date now returns the next week number because of this, 2017-05-13 was converted to 2017-05-14. Using the %U strftime code does start the weeks on Sunday as well, however it is counted from the previous Sunday. Using 'W-SAT' (as 2017-05-13 was a Saturday) solves it at the start but the end will be wrong this case.
Is there any dynamic solution so date_range would start and end with the proper weeks?
I am trying to resample my data to get sums. This resampling needs to be based solely on time. I want to group the times in 6 hours, so regardless of the date I will get 4 sums.
My df looks like this:
2013-04-04 08:32:25 58
2013-04-04 18:43:11 1
2013-30-04 12:39:15 52
2013-14-05 06:51:33 99
2013-01-06 23:59:17 1
2013-03-06 19:37:25 42
2013-27-06 04:12:01 38
With this example data, I expect the get the following results:
00:00:00 38
06:00:00 157
12:00:00 52
18:00:00 43
To get around the date issue, I tried to keep only the time values:
df['time'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['date_time']).time
new_df = df[['time', 'booking_bool']].set_index('time').resample('360min').sum()
Unfortunately, this was to no avail. How do I go about getting my required results? Is resample() even suitable for this task?
I don't think resample() is a good method to do this because you need to groupby based on hours independently of the day. Maybe you can try using cut using a custom bins parameter, and then a usual groupby
bins = np.arange(start=0, stop=24+6, step=6)
group = df.groupby(pd.cut(
bins, right=False,
labels=pd.date_range('00:00:00', '18:00:00', freq='6H').time)
# booking_count
# 00:00:00 38
# 06:00:00 157
# 12:00:00 52
# 18:00:00 44
My df is:
ordinal id latitude longitude timestamp epoch day_of_week
1.0 38 44.9484 7.7728 2016-06-01 08:18:46.000 1.464769 Wednesday
2.0 38 44.9503 7.7748 2016-06-01 08:28:05.000 1.464770 Wednesday
3.0 38 44.9503 7.7748 2016-06-01 08:38:09.000 1.464770 Wednesday
I want to create a new df1, df2, df3 based on hours range:
Ex: from 2016-06-01 08:00:00.000 to 2016-06-01 09:00:00.000 (from 8 o clock to 9 o clock) I want to have
1.0 38 44.9484 7.7728 2016-06-01 08:18:46.000 1.464769 Wednesday
2.0 38 44.9503 7.7748 2016-06-01 08:28:05.000 1.464770 Wednesday
I want to do it for all 24 hours. If it is possible I want to do it by code which can be applied to the whole column or I can do it one by one
You don't describe why you want to generate hour-specific slices of the raw data. In general, this would be considered bad practice or not pythonic.
I suggest to group your data based on the hour using groupby which allows you to loop through these slices, here the data frames group.
Here's a minimal working example:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
iN = 100
data_char = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=100)
timestamp = pd.date_range(start='2018-04-24', end='2018-04-25', periods=100)
data = {'data_char': data_char, 'timestamp': timestamp}
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data)
for hour, group in df.groupby(df['timestamp'].dt.hour):
I was answering another question here with something about pandas I thought to know, time series resampling, when I noticed this odd binning.
Let's say I have a dataframe with a daily date range index and a column I want to resample and sum on.
index = pd.date_range(start="1/1/2018", end="31/12/2018")
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(100, size=len(index)),
columns=["sales"], index=index)
>>> df.head()
2018-01-01 66
2018-01-02 18
2018-01-03 45
2018-01-04 92
2018-01-05 76
Now I resample by one month, everything looks fine:
2018-01-31 1507
2018-02-28 1186
2018-03-31 1382
2018-11-30 1342
2018-12-31 1337
If I try to resample by more months though binning starts to look off. This is particularly evident with 6M
2018-01-31 1507
2018-07-31 8393
2019-01-31 7283
First bin spans just over one month, last bin goes one month to the future. Maybe I have to set closed="left" to get the proper limits:
df.resample("6M", closed="left").sum()
2018-06-30 8090
2018-12-31 9054
2019-06-30 39
Now I have an extra bin in 2019 with data from 2018-12-31...
Is this working properly? am I missing any option I should set?
EDIT: here's the output I would expect resampling one year in six month intervals, first interval spanning from Jan 1st to Jun 30, second interval spanning from Jul 1st to Dec 31.
df.resample("6M", closed="left").sum()
2018-06-30 8090
2018-12-31 9093 # 9054 + 39
Note that there's also some doubt here about what it's happening with June 30 data, does it go in the first bin like I would expect or the second? I mean with the last bin it's evident but the same is probably happening in all the bins.
The M time offset alias implies month end frequency.
What you need is 6MS which is an alias for month start frequency:
resulting in
2018-01-01 8130
2018-07-01 9563
2019-01-01 0
Also df.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='6MS')).sum() can be used interchangeably.
For extra clarity you can compare ranges directly:
>>> pd.date_range('2018-01-01', '2018-12-31', freq='6M')
DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-31', '2018-07-31'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='6M')
>>> pd.date_range('2018-01-01', '2018-12-31', freq='6MS')
DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01', '2018-07-01'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='6MS')
Adding np.random.seed(365) to check both our outputs.
print(df.resample("6M", kind='period').sum())
2018-01 8794
2018-07 9033
would this work for you?