I am a beginner python learner, tkinter in particular.
I want to make a 'loading screen' of a simple python script and closes after the script ends.
But making a window requires a mainloop function which means that it will loops infinitely or wait for a user interaction(or so i think) and it will eliminate the idea of a 'loading' screen.
I tried something but ends up with (Put Loading Screen) -> (Loading screen still have mainloop) -> (Can't Run Script because of waiting)
What i wanted in detail was (Put Loading Script) -> (Run Script) -> (Script ends) -> (Loading Screen destroy)
I got a lot of experience in other languages especially Java but java can just declare a frame -> run other things afterwards -> call a frame.dispose() and that's just it. Any tips or suggestions for a learner?
EDIT: The script actually is a image processing algorithm that connects to a database and I can't just put a timed wait or sleep since the database can be expanded and it might be take longer than the allocated time.
Something along these lines might work for you. This creates the window root, and defines a function task which destroys root as the last thing it does. In this example, task just sleeps for two seconds, but you'd replace that sleep call with whatever code you want to run.
You put the task function into the main loop event queue with root.after(200, task). This means the code will first create the root window, wait 200 milliseconds, then call task(), which sleeps for two seconds and destroys the window. At least for this example you need the 200 millisecond delay so that the main loop has enough time to draw the window before the sleep call halts everything (the number might be different for you; increase it if the window doesn't draw properly).
import tkinter as tk
from time import sleep
def task():
# The window will stay open until this function call ends.
sleep(2) # Replace this with the code you want to run
root = tk.Tk()
label = tk.Label(root, text="Waiting for task to finish.")
root.after(200, task)
print("Main loop is now over and we can do other stuff.")
Edit: Added a comment to the code.
I have a simple python GUI that fills in a grid based on the values in an array, and I want this simple GUI to sit on screen while other functions run. The time for these other functions is indeterminate, so I can't simply call them at some regular interval using after(time, function)
def go(self):
Start the main GUI loop
The mainloop starts in the go function, and I want to know if it is possible to either break out of mainloop without closing the window or to draw the GUI without calling mainloop at all?
I know I can do
after(time, function)
but I'm at a loss as to what to call to kill the mainloop while keeping the GUI on-screen.
Use the threading module to run your function alongside the mainloop:
from threading import Thread
def go(self):
t = Thread(target=function)
t.start() # start the thread in the background
Simply put: you can't, or at least it's not what you want to do. I would recommend restructuring you code to put it in the main loop (like making tkinter a class and calling the functions in your init function). If you post your whole code I can help you with it.
The mainloop starts in the go function, and I want to know if it is possible to either break out of mainloop without closing the window or to draw the GUI without calling mainloop at all?
It sounds like you have a very unique need. To give you a literal answer, yes, it's possible to break out of mainloop without closing the window. You can call quit on the root window to cause mainloop to exit. You can restart mainloop, or call the update method on the root window to process events.
This is not typically how a GUI should work, but if you're absolutely certain that you don't need the window to update while the program is running, you can certainly do that if you wish.
I have been trying to use tkinter to make a gui to select some excel files and sheets from those files.
I have a lot of experience in python, but I'd probably say a novice at tkinter.
The code I have written to select the files is shown below (typos are likely because I cannot access the internet on the machine these files are on, so I am typing it up here).
My question is about mainloop(), the update functions, and after(). I had mainloop() at the end of my code, but my program wouldn't terminate (i.e. the terminal would remain) after it did what it does. So I removed the mainloop() and now it functions perfectly without any mainloop(), update(), or after() calls.
I don't really understand this and would really like to. I get that mainloop() stops the code from progressing until the root closes, but I thought nothing would show up without mainloop(), and this code does wait for the user to close the windows before continuing.
I was also wondering if I do not have mainloop (or the like), the code still closes fine whether or not I have root.destroy() at the end of the App class (commented in the code). I don't get that either.
This information would help me make better and correct code in the future and hopefully improve this one. FYI, I have searched for the answer to this everywhere and could not find one, at least one I could understand. Thanks a bunch.
This is as minimal as I can think of for this code.
Code (Edited from original post):
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
class App:
def __init__(self, parent):
self.root = parent
tl = tk.Toplevel(parent)
b = ttk.Button(tl, text="Test widget")
# This line does not change how the code functions at all
def run(self):
# Whether or not this is a function in the class or called globally doesn't matter.
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
app = App(root)
# This is the mainloop() call. If I include it, the program does not close after
# running the code in App.__init__. Without it, it runs perfectly.
# app.run()
mainloop enters an event listening loop for your tk.Tk() application.
You should create only one object with Tk() in every tkinter application.
Now this loop will "globally" listen for GUI events and will call your registered callbacks (event handlers). Code before the mainloop call will run but nothing will be shown or updated in the screen until you call it. No event (user input, mouse movement, keyboard and others) will be queued and responded to before that. But the widgets are created and configured, just not shown yet. If you call root.update() without ever entering the mainloop you will eventually see the window flash and disappear because everything is running, and you force window refresh, but then suddenly the program ends.
So configure your GUI and in the end always run root.mainloop()
Now when you call wait_window, you are creating a local event loop (and blocking the mainloop if it was running). For a perfect explanation of wait_window by Brian see here
What happened to you is that your app is happily running with your local event loop, but without mainloop. That would be a strange thing to do. Even if you are making as Brian explains, a modal window, you want to "return" to the mainloop after the window closes.
As for the after method it just registers a callback function to run after your choosen time, or after the mainloop becames idle, with after_idle (nothing more to refresh, no events in the queue..., also think as soon as possible). And if you want to re-run that function again in the same way it should re-register with after or after_idle before returning.
So always use your mainloop() ending call - or should I say event loop starting call :)
Also, don't do things in your code that are slow, or that may block the loops, such as calling sleep or any other blocking function. That will freeze the GUI, until the block ends.
I'm trying to display a message saying "Hi"
after a couple seconds, i want that message to go away and open a different file
so if its true I want it to place the label, wait two seconds, and then destroy it, but the Tkinter window is waiting two seconds to start, and then starting without any label
any ideas
In your code, the label is placed, and after 2 seconds it is destroyed. It is never actually shown in your window however as it is not updated.
This is as when entering Tk's mainloop, it updates the window in a loop, checking if changes have been made. In your case, you are preventing this check by using time.sleep.
With Tkinter, when wanting to have timings you should always use the after method, to arrange everything in terms of Tkinter's mainloop (This uses milliseconds).
To fix your code, you could add root.update() after placing your label. The time.sleep would still freeze up the mainloop whilst it is waiting however, so a better solution would be to remove the call to sleep, and instead call destroy on your label after 2 seconds.
This would look like root.after(2000, letsgolabel.destroy).
*Note that I have been referring to root as your access to tk.Tk(), as this is normally used.
I have a program that I'm just adding graphics to, but I'm having trouble running my main code along with the graphics. Basically I have something like this:
def mainFunction():
while True:
run code in here
root = Tk()
board = Canvas(root, height=710, width=1000)
board_image = PhotoImage(file="/path/example.jpg")
photo = board.create_image(0,0, anchor=NW, image=board_image)
I can only run either the mainFunction or the graphics because whichever one I make run first in the code is the only that runs. It doesn't stop to allow the next code to run. There has to be a simple way to get graphics and code to run together side by side. Thanks!
Use Tk.after_idle() to register a function that will do a piece of the work required. Keep doing piece after piece until all the work is done.
Generally speaking, you cannot put an infinite loop inside a Tkinter application. Why? It's already running an infinite loop: the event loop. Your code is the equivalent of this:
while <there are more events to service>:
while True:
<run code in here>
<get the next event>
<service the event>
See the problem? You're preventing the code from ever servicing events, and events are the life blood of a GUI.
Instead, you need to take advantage of the already-running infinite loop by adding code to be run inside the loop. You do this with after (and after_idle). This will put one even on the queue. If, during the processing of that event you again call after_idle, you've effectively set up an infinite loop that works within the event loop.
For example:
def do_one_iteration(self):
<run code in here>
self.after(100, self.do_one_iteration)
Then, somewhere in your main logic, or in response to a button, you call do_one_iteration. It will do one iteration of your previously-infinite-loop. When it is done it instructs Tkinter to call itself again 100 milliseconds later. When that time period elapses your code is run, it schedules another iteration in 100 milliseconds, etc. etc. You can change the interval to whatever you want; the smaller the interval the faster your code runs, but the greater the chance that you starve the GUI for events.
Note that this only works if <run code in here> runs relatively fast. While it is running your GUI will freeze. If it can complete one iteration in a couple hundred milliseconds then the user will never know. If it takes a second or more it will be noticeable.
Note: this example assumes your main application is an object that inherits from a Tkinter widget. If that's not the case it will still work, you just have to remove the self parameter. An even better solution is to refactor your GUI to use objects -- it's a much more flexible way of implementing GUIs.
Every tkinter tutorial I have seen claims that tkinter.mainloop must be called for windows to be drawn and events to be processed, and they always call this function, even in hello world programs. However, when I try these out in the interactive shell, windows are drawn correctly without having to call mainloop. This example of embedding matplotlib graphics in tkinter produces a relatively complex application, with buttons for panning, zooming and resizing a plot within a tkinter window, and again, this all works if you remove the call to mainloop and run the code in the interactive shell. Of course, if I run the script (with mainloop removed) outside the interactive shell, the program ends too quickly to see what happens, but if I add a call to input to hold the program open everything works correctly (I'm running python 3.2.2 on linux).
So what exactly does mainloop do, and when is it necessary to call it?
To clarify, if I open up the GNOME terminal and type
>>> import tkinter
>>> root = tkinter.Tk()
a window immediately appears without having to call mainloop, and more complex tkinter functionality seems to work as well (for example, adding buttons to the window). In IDLE, a call to mainloop is necessary. It was my understanding that nothing should be drawn, and no events should be processed, until mainloop is called.
The answer to your main question is, you must call mainloop once and only once, when you are ready for your application to run.
mainloop is not much more than an infinite loop that looks roughly like this (those aren't the actual names of the methods, the names merely serve to illustrate the point):
while True:
if main_window_has_been_destroyed():
In this context, "event" means both the user interactions (mouse clicks, key presses, etc) and requests from the toolkit or the OS/window manager to draw or redraw a widget. If that loop isn't running, the events don't get processed. If the events don't get processed, nothing will appear on the screen and your program will likely exit unless you have your own infinite loop running.
So, why don't you need to call this interactively? That's just a convenience, because otherwise it would be impossible to enter any commands once you call mainloop since mainloop runs until the main window is destroyed.
Compare a program with an interactive GUI to a program that calculates the hundredth Fibonacci number. All the latter program has to go through a series of steps in order, top to bottom. The set of steps and their sequencing can be known in advance, and it'll remain constant no matter how many times you run the program.
But the GUI program is different: at any given moment, it has to be able to handle all sorts of different kinds of events and interactions. This requirement is often implemented using a programming construct called an event loop. An event loop is the central control structure of a program. It waits for an event to happen, and then dispatches the appropriate handler.
You didn't mention which interactive shell you're using, but I'm guessing it's IDLE. IDLE itself is a Tkinter program, and it already has an event loop going. So possibly the Tkinter code you are typing into the shell is getting bound to IDLE's event loop.
When you execute your code, the tkinter window will refuse to open without there being a mainloop function.
For example this will not work:
from tkinter import*
This, however, will work:
from tkinter import*
If you’re using python interective shell, you don’t need to call the root.mainloop() function. But if you are coding in a file, suppose one in IDLE, you need to call out the mainloop() function in order for your program to work as follows:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
# Elements in the GUI must go here eg:
lbl = Label(root, text=“Text”)
# At the end of the program, do this:
As follows:
from tkinter import *
tk = Tk()
canvas = Canvas(tk, width=500, height=500)
canvas.create_line(0, 0, 500, 500)
I've decided that, instead of sticking a call directly to mainloop anywhere in my script, I'll just add it as part of atexit - that is, when the Python interpreter decides it's time to start closing down, it's going to enter Tk's mainloop. This then prevents it from finishing the shut down sequence until the user actually tells Tk to quit (IE, with command-Q on a Mac, or by clicking on the red X in Windows.)
from Tkinter import Tk
root = Tk()
import atexit
There seems to be no need to call mainloop from a system command line. The Python interpreter will continue running without it, because it's waiting for further input from you (until you run exit()).