How can I replace age binning feature into numerical data? - python

I have created agebin column from age columns. I have range of ages but how can I convert them into agebin numerical data type because I want to check whether agebin is important feature or not.
I tried following code for age binning:
traindata = data.assign(age_bins = pd.cut(data.age, 4, retbins=False, include_lowest=True))
data['agebin'] = traindata['age_bins']
[[16.954, 28.5], (28.5, 40], (40, 51.5], (51.5, 63]]
Categories (4, object): [[16.954, 28.5] < (28.5, 40] < (40, 51.5] < (51.5, 63]]
What I tried :
data['enc_agebin'] ={[16.954, 28.5]:1,(28.5, 40]:2,(40, 51.5]:3,(51.5, 63]:4})
I tried to map each range and convert it to numerical but I am getting syntax error. Please suggest some good technique for converting agebin which is categorical to numerical data.

I think need parameter labels in cut:
data = pd.DataFrame({'age':[10,20,40,50,44,56,12,34,56]})
data['agebin'] = pd.cut(data.age,bins=4,labels=range(1, 5), retbins=False,include_lowest=True)
print (data)
age agebin
0 10 1
1 20 1
2 40 3
3 50 4
4 44 3
5 56 4
6 12 1
7 34 3
8 56 4
Or use labels=False, then first bin is 0 and last 3 (like range(4)):
data['agebin'] = pd.cut(data.age, bins=4, labels=False, retbins=False, include_lowest=True)
print (data)
age agebin
0 10 0
1 20 0
2 40 2
3 50 3
4 44 2
5 56 3
6 12 0
7 34 2
8 56 3


Pandas Group By With Overlapping Bins

I want to sum up data across overlapping bins. Basically the question here but instead of the bins being (0-8 years old), (9 - 17 years old), (18-26 years old), (27-35 years old), and (26 - 44 years old) I want them to be (0-8 years old), (1 - 9 years old), (2-10 years old), (3-11 years old), and (4 - 12 years old).
Starting with a df like this
I am using the code from this answer to calculate summation across non-overlapping bins.
bins = [9 * i for i in range(0, df['age'].max() // 9 + 2)]
cuts = pd.cut(df['age'], bins, right=False)
0 [18, 27)
1 [18, 27)
2 [54, 63)
3 [27, 36)
4 [45, 54)
Name: age, dtype: category
Categories (7, interval[int64, left]): [[0, 9) < [9, 18) < [18, 27) < [27, 36) < [36, 45) < [45, 54) < [54, 63)]
df_out = (df.groupby(['id', cuts])
.agg(total_awards=('awards', 'sum'))
df_out['age_interval'] = df_out.groupby('id').cumcount()
id total_awards age_interval
0 1 0 0
1 1 0 1
2 1 250 2
3 1 0 3
4 1 0 4
5 1 0 5
6 1 50 6
7 2 0 0
8 2 0 1
9 2 0 2
10 2 193 3
11 2 0 4
12 2 209 5
13 2 0 6
Is it possible to work off the existing code to do this with overlapping bins?
First pivot_table your data to get a row per id and the columns being the ages. then reindex to get all the ages possible, from 0 to at least the max in the column age (here I use the max plus the interval length). Now you can use rolling along the columns. Rename the columns to create meaningful names. Finally stack and reset_index to get a dataframe with the expected shape.
interval = 9 #include both bounds like 0 and 8 for the first interval
res = (
df.pivot_table(index='id', columns='age', values='awards',
aggfunc=sum, fill_value=0)
.reindex(columns=range(0, df['age'].max()+interval), fill_value=0)
.rolling(interval, axis=1, min_periods=interval).sum()
.rename(columns=lambda x: f'{x-interval+1}-{x} y.o.')
and you get with the input data provided in the question
# id age awards
# 0 1 0-8 y.o. 0.0
# 1 1 1-9 y.o. 0.0
# ...
# 15 1 15-23 y.o. 0.0
# 16 1 16-24 y.o. 100.0
# 17 1 17-25 y.o. 100.0
# 18 1 18-26 y.o. 250.0
# 19 1 19-27 y.o. 250.0
# 20 1 20-28 y.o. 250.0
# 21 1 21-29 y.o. 250.0
# 22 1 22-30 y.o. 250.0
# 23 1 23-31 y.o. 250.0
# 24 1 24-32 y.o. 250.0
# 25 1 25-33 y.o. 150.0
# 26 1 26-34 y.o. 150.0
# 27 1 27-35 y.o. 0.0
# ...
# 45 1 45-53 y.o. 0.0
# 46 1 46-54 y.o. 50.0
# 47 1 47-55 y.o. 50.0
# 48 1 48-56 y.o. 50.0
# 49 1 49-57 y.o. 50.0
# ...
I think the best would be to first compute per-age sums, and then a rolling window to get all 9 year intervals. This only works because all your intervals have the same size − otherwise it would be much harder.
>>> totals = df.groupby('age')['awards'].sum()
>>> totals = totals.reindex(np.arange(0, df['age'].max() + 9)).fillna(0, downcast='infer')
>>> totals
0 6
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 4
98 0
99 0
100 0
101 0
102 0
Name: age, Length: 103, dtype: int64
>>> totals.rolling(9).sum().dropna().astype(int).rename(lambda age: f'{age-8}-{age}')
0-8 42
1-9 43
2-10 45
3-11 47
4-12 47
90-98 31
91-99 27
92-100 20
93-101 13
94-102 8
Name: age, Length: 95, dtype: int64
This is slightly complicated by the fact you also want to group by id, but the idea stays the same:
>>> idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([df['id'].unique(), np.arange(0, df['age'].max() + 9)], names=['id', 'age'])
>>> totals = df.groupby(['id', 'age']).sum().reindex(idx).fillna(0, downcast='infer')
>>> totals
1 0 128
1 204
2 136
3 367
4 387
... ...
2 98 0
99 0
100 0
101 0
102 0
[206 rows x 1 columns]
>>> totals.groupby('id').rolling(9).sum().droplevel(0).dropna().astype(int).reset_index('id')
id awards
8 1 3112
9 1 3390
10 1 3431
11 1 3609
12 1 3820
.. .. ...
98 2 1786
99 2 1226
100 2 900
101 2 561
102 2 317
[190 rows x 2 columns]
This is the same as #Ben.T’s answer except we keep the Series shape and his answer pivots it to a dataframe. At any step you could .stack('age') or .unstack('age') to switch between both answer’s formats.
IIUC, you can use pd.IntervalIndex with some list comprehension:
ii = pd.IntervalIndex.from_tuples(
(s, e)
for e, s in pd.Series(np.arange(51)).rolling(9).agg(min).dropna().iteritems()
df_out = pd.concat(
pd.Series(ii.contains(x["age"]) * x["awards"], index=ii)
for i, x in df[["age", "awards"]].iterrows()
0 (0.0, 8.0] 0
(1.0, 9.0] 0
(2.0, 10.0] 0
(3.0, 11.0] 0
(4.0, 12.0] 0
4 (38.0, 46.0] 0
(39.0, 47.0] 0
(40.0, 48.0] 0
(41.0, 49.0] 0
(42.0, 50.0] 209
Length: 215, dtype: int64
A old way without pd.cut using a for loop and some masks.
import pandas as pd
max_age = df["age"].max()
interval_length = 8
values = []
for min_age in range(max_age - interval_length + 1):
max_age = min_age + interval_length
awards = df.query("#min_age <= age <= #max_age").loc[:, "age"].sum()
values.append([min_age, max_age, awards])
df_out = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=["min_age", "max_age", "awards"])
Let me know if this is what you want :)
Let df be a DataFrame:
import pandas as pd
import random
def r(b, e):
return [random.randint(b, e) for _ in range(300)]
df = pd.DataFrame({'id': r(1, 3), 'awards': r(0, 400), 'age': r(1, 99)})
For binning by age, I would advise creating a new column since it is clearer (and faster):
df['bin'] = df['age'].apply(lambda x: x // 9)
The number of awards per id per bin can be obtained using simply:
totals_separate = df.groupby(['id', 'bin'])['awards'].sum()
If I understand correctly, you would like the sum for each window of size 9 rows:
totals_rolling = df.groupby(['id', 'bin'])['awards'].rolling(9, min_periods=1).sum()

Creating a data frame named after values from another data frame

I have a data frame containing three columns, whereas col_1 and col_2 are containing some arbitrary data:
data = {"Height": range(1, 20, 1), "Col_1": range(2, 40, 2), "Col_2": range(3, 60, 3)}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
Height Col_1 Col_2
0 1 2 3
1 2 4 6
2 3 6 9
3 4 8 12
4 5 10 15
5 6 12 18
6 7 14 21
7 8 16 24
8 9 18 27
9 10 20 30
10 11 22 33
11 12 24 36
12 13 26 39
13 14 28 42
14 15 30 45
15 16 32 48
16 17 34 51
17 18 36 54
18 19 38 57
and another data frame containing height values, that should be used to segment the Height column from the df.
data_segments = {"Section Height" : [1, 10, 20]}
df_segments = pd.DataFrame(data_segments)
Section Height
0 1
1 10
2 20
I want to create two new data frames, df_segment_0 containing all columns of the initial df but only for Height rows within the first two indices in the df_segments. The same approach should be taken for the df_segment_1. They should look like:
Height Col_1 Col_2
0 1 2 3
1 2 4 6
2 3 6 9
3 4 8 12
4 5 10 15
5 6 12 18
6 7 14 21
7 8 16 24
8 9 18 27
Height Col_1 Col_2
9 10 20 30
10 11 22 33
11 12 24 36
12 13 26 39
13 14 28 42
14 15 30 45
15 16 32 48
16 17 34 51
17 18 36 54
18 19 38 57
I tried the following code using the .loc method and added the suggestion of C Hecht to create a list of data frames:
df_segment_list = []
for index in df_segments.index:
df_segment = df[["Height", "Col_1", "Col_2"]].loc[(df["Height"] >= df_segments["Section Height"][index]) & (df["Height"] < df_segments["Section Height"][index + 1])]
except KeyError:
Try-except is used only to ignore the error for the last name entry since there is no height for index=2. The data frames in this list can be accessed as C Hecht:
df_segment_0 = df_segment_list[0]
Height Col_1 Col_2
0 1 2 3
1 2 4 6
2 3 6 9
3 4 8 12
4 5 10 15
5 6 12 18
6 7 14 21
7 8 16 24
8 9 18 27
However, I would like to automate the naming of the final data frames. I tried:
for i in range(0, len(df_segment_list)):
name = "df_segment_" + str(i)
name = df_segment_list[i]
I expect that this code to simply automate the df_segment_0 = df_segment_list[0], instead I receive an error name 'df_segment_0' is not defined.
The reason I need separate data frames is that I will perform many subsequent operations using Col_1 and Col_2, so I need row-wise access to each one of them, for example:
df_segment_0 = df_segment_0 .assign(col_3 = df_segment_0 ["Col_1"] / df_segment_0 ["Col_2"])
How do I achieve this?
EDIT 1: Clarified question with the suggestion from C Hecht.
If you want to get all entries that are smaller than the current segment height in your segmentation data frame, here you go :)
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame({"Height": range(1, 20, 1), "Col_1": range(2, 40, 2), "Col_2": range(3, 60, 3)})
df_segments = pd.DataFrame({"Section Height": [1, 10, 20]})
def segment_data_frame(data_frame: pd.DataFrame, segmentation_plan: pd.DataFrame):
df = data_frame.copy() # making a safety copy because we mutate the df !!!
for sh in segmentation_plan["Section Height"]: # sh is the new maximum "Height"
df_new = df[df["Height"] < sh] # select all entries that match the maximum "Height"
df.drop(df_new.index, inplace=True) # remove them from the original DataFrame
yield df_new
# ATTENTION: segment_data_frame() will calculate each segment at runtime!
# So if you don't want to iterate over it but rather have one list to contain
# them all, you must use list(segment_data_frame(...)) or [x for x in segment_data_frame(...)]
for segment in segment_data_frame(df1, df_segments):
print(list(segment_data_frame(df1, df_segments)))
If you want to execute certain steps on those steps you can just use the defined list like so:
for segment in segment_data_frame(df1, df_segments):
If you want to keep track and name the individual frames, you can use a dictionary
Unfortunately I don't 100% understand what you have in mind, but I hope that the following should help you in finding the answer:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'Section Height': [20, 90, 111, 232, 252, 3383, 3768, 3826, 3947, 4100], 'df_names': [f'df_section_{i}' for i in range(10)]})
df['shifted'] = df['Section Height'].shift(-1)
new_dfs = []
for index, row in df.iterrows():
if np.isnan(row['shifted']):
# Don't know what you want to do here
new_df = pd.DataFrame({'heights': [i for i in range(int(row['Section Height']), int(row['shifted']))]}) = row['df_names']
The content of new_dfs are dataframes that look like this:
0 20
1 21
2 22
3 23
4 24
.. ...
65 85
66 86
67 87
68 88
69 89
[70 rows x 1 columns]
If you clarify your questions given this input, we could help you all the way, but this should hopefully point you in the right direction.
Edit: A small comment on using This is not really stable and if you do stuff like dropping a column, pickling/unpickling, etc. the name will likely be lost. But you can surely find a good solution to maintain the name depending on your needs.

Creation dataframe from several list of lists

I need to build a dataframe from 10 list of list. I did it manually, but it's need a time. What is a better way to do it?
I have tried to do it manually. It works fine (#1)
I tried code (#2) for better perfomance, but it returns only last column.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
print (a1T)
#Output[[7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 15]]
vis1=np.array (a1T)
tmp2=np.array (a2T)
X=np.column_stack([vis_1_1, tmp_2_1])
dataset_all = pd.DataFrame({"Visab1":X[:,0], "Visab2":X[:,1], "Visab3":X[:,2], "Temp1":X[:,3], "Temp2":X[:,4], "Temp3":X[:,5]})
print (dataset_all)
Output: Visab1 Visab2 Visab3 Temp1 Temp2 Temp3
0 7 10 13 1 5 3
1 8 11 14 2 0 4
2 9 12 15 3 2 5
> Actually I have varying number of columns in dataframe (500-1500), thats why I need auto generated column names. Extra index (1, 2, 3) after name Visab_, Temp_ and so on - constant for every case. See code below.
For better perfomance I tried
n=3 # This is varying parameter. The parameter affects the number of columns in the table.
m=2 # This is constant for every case. here is 2, because we have "Visab", "Temp"
mlist=('Visab', 'Temp')
nlist=[range(1, n)]
for j in range (1,n):
for i in range (1,m):
dataset_all=pd.DataFrame({mlist[j]+str(i):X[:, col]})
I expect output like
Visab1 Visab2 Visab3 Temp1 Temp2 Temp3
0 7 10 13 1 5 3
1 8 11 14 2 0 4
2 9 12 15 3 2 5
but there is not any result (only error expected an indented block)
Ok, so the number of columns n is the number of sublists in each list, right? You can measure that with len:
I'll simplify the answer above so you don't need X and add automatic column-names creation:
my_lists = [a1T,a2T]
my_names = ["Visab","Temp"]
for one_list,name in zip(my_lists,my_names):
n_columns = len(one_list)
col_names=[name+"_"+str(n) for n in range(n_columns)]
df = pd.DataFrame(one_list).T
df.columns = col_names
dataset_all = pd.concat(dfs,axis=1)
Visab_0 Visab_1 Visab_2 Temp_0 Temp_1 Temp_2
0 7 10 13 1 5 3
1 8 11 14 2 0 4
2 9 12 15 3 2 5
Now is much clearer. So you have:
X=np.column_stack([vis_1_1, tmp_2_1])
Let's create a list with the names of the columns:
columns_names = ["Visab1","Visab2","Visab3","Temp1","Temp2","Temp3"]
Now you can directly make a dataframe like this:
dataset_all = pd.DataFrame(X,columns=columns_names)
Visab1 Visab2 Visab3 Temp1 Temp2 Temp3
0 7 10 13 1 5 3
1 8 11 14 2 0 4
2 9 12 15 3 2 5

In Pandas, how to operate between columns in max perfornace

I have the following df:
usersidid clienthostid LoginDaysSumLastMonth LoginDaysSumLast7Days LoginDaysSum
0 9 1 50 7 1728
1 3 1 43 3 1331
2 6 1 98 9 216
3 4 1 10 6 64
4 9 2 64 32 343
5 12 3 45 43 1000
6 8 3 87 76 512
7 9 3 16 3 1200
What I'm trying to do is:
For every 'clienthostid' look for the 'usersidid' with the highest 'LoginDaysSum', I check if there is a usersidid which is the highest LoginDaysSum in two different clienthostid (for instance, usersidid = 9 ia the highest LoginDaysSum in both clienthostid 1, 2 and 3 in rows 0, 4 and 7 accordingly).
In this case, I want to choose the higher LoginDaysSum (in the example it would be the row with 1728), lets call it maxRT.
I want to calculate the ratio of LoginDaysSumLast7Days between maxRT and each of the other rows (in example, it would be rows index 7 and 4).
If the ratio is below 0.8 than I want to drop the row:
index 4- LoginDaysSumLast7Days_ratio = 7/32 < 0.8 //row will drop!
index 7- LoginDaysSumLast7Days_ratio = 7/3 > 0.8 //row will stay!
The same condition also will be applied of LoginDaysSumLastMonth.
So for the example the result will be:
usersidid clienthostid LoginDaysSumLastMonth LoginDaysSumLast7Days LoginDaysSum
0 9 1 50 7 1728
1 3 1 43 3 1331
2 6 1 98 9 216
3 4 1 10 6 64
5 12 3 45 43 1000
6 8 3 87 76 512
7 9 3 16 3 1200
Now here's the snag- performance is critical.
I tried to implement it using .apply but not only i couldn't make it to work right, it also ran way too slow :(
My code so far (forgive me of it's written terribly wrong, I only started working for the first time with SQL, Pandas and Python last week and everything I learned is from examples I found here ^_^):
df_client_Logindayssum_pairs = df.merge(df.groupby(['clienthostid'], as_index=False, sort=False)['LoginDaysSum'].max(),df, how='inner', on=['clienthostid', 'LoginDaysSum'])
UsersWithMoreThan1client = df_client_Logindayssum_pairs.groupby(['usersidid'], as_index=False, sort=False)['LoginDaysSum'].count().rename(columns={'LoginDaysSum': 'NumOfClientsPerUesr'})
UsersWithMoreThan1client = UsersWithMoreThan1client[UsersWithMoreThan1client.NumOfClientsPerUesr >= 2]
UsersWithMoreThan1client = df_client_Logindayssum_pairs[df_client_Logindayssum_pairs.usersidid.isin(UsersWithMoreThan1Device.loc[:, 'usersidid'])].reset_index(drop=True)
UsersWithMoreThan1client = UsersWithMoreThan1client.sort_values(['clienthostid', 'LoginDaysSum'], ascending=[True, False], inplace=True)
UsersWithMoreThan1client = ttm.groupby(['clienthostid'], sort=False)['LoginDaysSumLast7Days'].apply(lambda x: x.iloc[0] / x.iloc[1]).reset_index(name='ratio')
UsersWithMoreThan1client = UsersWithMoreThan1client[UsersWithMoreThan1client.ratio > 0.8]
UsersWithMoreThan1client = ttm.groupby(['clienthostid'], sort=False)['LoginDaysSumLastMonth'].apply(lambda x: x.iloc[0] / x.iloc[1]).reset_index(name='ratio2')
UsersWithMoreThan1client = UsersWithMoreThan1client[UsersWithMoreThan1client.ratio2 > 0.8]
Would very much appreciate any suggestions on how to do it
Thank you
I believe this is what you need:
# Put the index as a regular column
data = data.reset_index()
# Find greates LoginDaysSum for each clienthostid
agg1 = data.sort_values(by='LoginDaysSum', ascending=False).groupby(['clienthostid']).first()
# Collect greates LoginDaysSum for each usersidid
agg2 = agg1.sort_values(by='LoginDaysSum', ascending=False).groupby('usersidid').first()
# Join both previous aggregations
joined = agg1.set_index('usersidid').join(agg2, rsuffix='_max')
# Compute ratios
joined['LoginDaysSumLast7Days_ratio'] = joined['LoginDaysSumLast7Days_max'] / joined['LoginDaysSumLast7Days']
joined['LoginDaysSumLastMonth_ratio'] = joined['LoginDaysSumLastMonth_max'] / joined['LoginDaysSumLastMonth']
# Select index values that do not meet the required criteria
rem_idx = joined[(joined['LoginDaysSumLast7Days_ratio'] < 0.8) | (joined['LoginDaysSumLastMonth_ratio'] < 0.8)]['index']
# Restore index and remove the selected rows
data = data.set_index('index').drop(rem_idx)
The result in data is:
usersidid clienthostid LoginDaysSumLastMonth LoginDaysSumLast7Days LoginDaysSum
0 9 1 50 7 1728
1 3 1 43 3 1331
2 6 1 98 9 216
3 4 1 10 6 64
5 12 3 45 43 1000
6 8 3 87 76 512
7 9 3 16 3 1200

Fill multiple nulls for categorical data

I'm wondering if there is a pythonic way to fill nulls for categorical data by randomly choosing from the distribution of unique values. Basically proportionally / randomly filling categorical nulls based on the existing distribution of the values in the column...
-- below is an example of what I'm already doing
--I'm using numbers as categories to save time, I'm not sure how to randomly input letters
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(10, 2, 20).round().astype(object))
df.rename(columns = {0 : 'category'}, inplace = True)
df.loc[::5] = np.nan
print df
0 NaN
1 12
2 4
3 9
4 12
5 NaN
6 10
7 12
8 13
9 9
10 NaN
11 9
12 10
13 11
14 9
15 NaN
16 10
17 4
18 9
19 9
This is how I'm currently inputting the values
9 6
12 3
10 3
4 2
13 1
11 1
9 0.3750
12 0.1875
10 0.1875
4 0.1250
13 0.0625
11 0.0625
# to fill categorical info based on percentage
category_fill = np.random.choice((9, 12, 10, 4, 13, 11), size = 4, p = (.375, .1875, .1875, .1250, .0625, .0625))
df.loc[df.category.isnull(), "category"] = category_fill
Final output works, just takes a while to write
9 9
12 4
10 3
4 2
13 1
11 1
Is there a faster way to do this or a function that would serve this purpose?
Thanks for any and all help!
You could use stats.rv_discrete:
from scipy import stats
counts = df.category.value_counts()
dist = stats.rv_discrete(values=(counts.index, counts/counts.sum()))
fill_values = dist.rvs(size=df.shape[0] - df.category.count())
df.loc[df.category.isnull(), "category"] = fill_values
EDIT: For general data(not restricted to integers) you can do:
dist = stats.rv_discrete(values=(np.arange(counts.shape[0]),
fill_idxs = dist.rvs(size=df.shape[0] - df.category.count())
df.loc[df.category.isnull(), "category"] = counts.iloc[fill_idxs].index.values

