I would like to implement a code which has non colliding pairs with colliding objects. My pairs are 2 balls which are connected to each other. I want those 2 pair ball to collide. However I don't want those 2 balls to collide with other pairs.
How can I implement a mask with this much of categories in pymunk ShapeFilter? Should I use bitwise operators? As you can see in my shape filter I tried to ignore values which is out of their category except their pairwise catergory, BUT it doesnt work for 4 + number of balls?
My code cannot handle those states of balls with each other.
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from pygame.color import *
import pymunk
import pymunk.pygame_util
from pymunk import Vec2d
import sys
#import tensorflow as tf
from time import sleep
import time
import numpy as np
from math import exp
from random import seed
from random import random
import datetime
import operator
class Game:
def __init__(self):
# initialize game window
self.screen_x= 1500
self.screen_y= 200
# Pool Hyper Parameters
self.pool_size = 2
self.pool_time = 15
# NN lists
#Pygame fonts
self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 16)
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.screen_x,self.screen_y+200)) #screen display
self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() ## init clock
self.running = True
# pymunk init
self.space = pymunk.Space()
self.space.gravity = (0.0, -1200.0) #gravity setup
self.draw_options = pymunk.pygame_util.DrawOptions(self.screen)#adds add physics to the screen
def new(self):
# start a new game
## Balls
self.balls = []
## creating walls
self.static_body = self.space.static_body
self.static_lines = [pymunk.Segment(self.static_body, (0.0,50.0), (1500.0, 50.0), 0.0) ## road
,pymunk.Segment(self.static_body, (1499.0, 150.0), (1499.0, 700.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(self.static_body, (1800, 50.0), (1800, 170.0), 0.0)
,pymunk.Segment(self.static_body, (0.0,50.0), (0.0, 700.0), 0.0) ## wall 1
## set walls
for line in self.static_lines:
line.elasticity = 0.95
line.friction = 01.5
#line.filter = pymunk.ShapeFilter(categories=np.uint8(0))
# Go to run
def run(self):
# Game Loop
self.playing = True
self.no_ball = True
while self.running:
if self.no_ball == True:
def update(self):
### Draw stuff
self.balls_to_remove = []
for ball in self.balls:
if ball.body.position.y < 0: self.balls_to_remove.append(ball)
for ball in self.balls_to_remove:
self.space.remove(ball, ball.body)
### Update physics
self.dt = 1.0/60.0
for k in range(1):
### Flip screen
pygame.display.set_caption("fps: " + str(self.clock.get_fps()))
def events(self):
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
self.running = False
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_y: ## Creates a ball
self.running = False
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
(self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y) = pymunk.pygame_util.get_mouse_pos(self.screen)
def unit (self, number_balls=None):
#Mass And Radius units
self.mass = 20
self.radius = 10
#Mass and Radius for joint
self.mass_joint = 2
self.radius_joint = 2
#for n in number_balls
self.objs = list()
for i in range(number_balls):
self.inertia = pymunk.moment_for_circle(self.mass, 0, self.radius, (0,0))
self.inertia_joint = pymunk.moment_for_circle(self.mass_joint , 0, self.radius_joint, (0,0))
self.objs[i], self.objs[i+1] = pymunk.Body(self.mass, self.inertia), pymunk.Body(self.mass, self.inertia)
self.objs[i+2] = pymunk.Body(self.mass_joint, self.inertia_joint)
x = 100
self.objs[i].position = x , 90
self.objs[i+1].position = x+24, 90
self.objs[i+2].position = x+12, 90
self.link_1 = pymunk.PinJoint(self.objs[i], self.objs[i+2], (0, 0), (0, 0))
self.link_2 = pymunk.PinJoint(self.objs[i+1], self.objs[i+2], (0, 0), (0, 0))
# Adding Body links
#First ball shape
self.shape_first = pymunk.Circle(self.objs[i], self.radius, (0,0))
self.shape_first.elasticity = 0.4
self.shape_first.friction = 0.9
self.space.add(self.objs[i], self.shape_first)
#Fsecond ball shape
self.shape_second = pymunk.Circle(self.objs[i+1], self.radius, (0,0))
self.shape_second.elasticity = 0.4
self.shape_second.friction = 0.9
self.space.add(self.objs[i+1], self.shape_second)
#Joint shape
self.shape_joint = pymunk.Circle(self.objs[i+2], self.radius_joint, (0,0))
self.shape_joint.elasticity = 0.4
self.shape_joint.friction = 0.9
#self.shape_joint.sensor == True
self.space.add(self.objs[i+2], self.shape_joint)
body_first_category = (i*3)+1#"{0:b}".format(int(i+1))
body_second_category = (i*3)+2
body_joint_category = (i*3)+3
print (body_first_category )
print(body_second_category )
print(body_joint_category )
self.shape_first.filter = pymunk.ShapeFilter(categories=body_first_category, mask=(body_joint_category and body_second_category) )
self.shape_second.filter = pymunk.ShapeFilter(categories=body_second_category, mask=(body_first_category and body_joint_category) )
self.shape_joint.filter = pymunk.ShapeFilter(categories=body_joint_category, mask=(body_first_category and body_second_category))
self.no_ball = False
g = Game()
while g.running:
Please help :)
P.S: Example Library shape filter class:
You can solve this with collision callbacks, I think begin callback is a good option for you. On each pair of shapes you want to collide you set a common identifier, and then check that in the callback, and return True only when the two objects colliding belong to the same pair.
Something like this:
def only_collide_same(arbiter, space, data):
a, b = arbiter.shapes
return a.pair_index == b.pair_index
h = space.add_collision_handler(1,1)
h.begin = only_collide_same
for i in range(10):
# create shapes and bodies ...
# then for each pair of shapes:
shape1.pair_index = i
shape1.collision_type = 1
shape2.pair_index = i
shape2.collision_type = 1
I was trying to create a function that will load an image and move the image downwards while loading another image and still moving with the same speed as the first. But I don't know how to do it, all I can do for now is to load the next image when the y coordinate of the first is at 500
def aliens():
s = 0
i = "345678"
c = 1
b = int("".join(random.sample(i, c)))
h = 1
while h < 2:
while s <= b:
alien = pygame.image.load("ali.jpg")
alien = pygame.transform.scale(alien, (100, 100))
pos = "0123456789"
l = 3
x = int("".join(random.sample(pos, l)))
y = 0
if x > 500:
h = 3
crash = False
s +=1
while not crash :
scn.blit(alien, (x, y))
y +=2
if y > 500:
crash = True
The core of your problem is the fact that you are trying to do too many things in the same function. Try to follow the SRP (Single Responsability Principle).
Personnally I would use OOP (Object Oriented Programming) here but I don't know if you are familar with the concept, so first let's stick to the basics.
Here is how I would separate things up, if I wasn't allowed to use OOP:
First I would define two constants:
ALIEN_IMG = pg.image.load("green_square.png").convert()
Since you are always using the same values, there is no need to load your image all the time. Loading your image just once will have a very positive impact on game's performances.
(Note that I used a diffrent image since you did not provide the image you use but feel free to put the link to your image back)
Then I would define an alien list:
aliens = []
I don't know how you plan to spawn aliens in your project ? For this example I used a custom event with a timer:
# Custom event
pg.time.set_timer(SPAWN_ALIEN, 2000)
# This function handles all pygame events
def handle_evt():
for evt in pg.event.get():
if evt.type == pg.QUIT:
if evt.type == SPAWN_ALIEN:
# This function spawns an alien
def spawn_alien():
pos = [rd.randint(0, screen.get_width() - ALIEN_SIZE), 0]
To make aliens move, I use a update() function:
# update aliens position and check if they leave the screen
def update():
for alien in aliens:
if out_of_screen(alien):
# This function update alien's y position
def move_alien(alien):
# This function remove the given alien from the aliens list
def kill_alien(alien):
# This function returns True if the given position is outside screen's boundries
def out_of_screen(pos):
x, y = pos
if x < 0 or x > screen.get_width():
return True
elif y < 0 or y > screen.get_height():
return True
return False
Finally to render things :
def draw():
# Clear screen
# Draw aliens
for alien in aliens:
screen.blit(ALIEN_IMG, alien)
Here is the full code, so you can see how everything is interacting :
# General imports
import pygame as pg
import random as rd
import sys
# Init
# Vars & consts
screen = pg.display.set_mode((500, 500))
FPS = 60
clock = pg.time.Clock()
ALIEN_IMG = pg.image.load("green_square.png").convert()
# Custom event
pg.time.set_timer(SPAWN_ALIEN, 2000)
# Main functions
def update():
for alien in aliens:
if out_of_screen(alien):
def draw():
# Clear screen
# Draw aliens
for alien in aliens:
screen.blit(ALIEN_IMG, alien)
def handle_evt():
for evt in pg.event.get():
if evt.type == pg.QUIT:
if evt.type == SPAWN_ALIEN:
def exit():
# Other functions
def spawn_alien():
pos = [rd.randint(0, screen.get_width() - ALIEN_SIZE), 0]
def move_alien(alien):
def kill_alien(alien):
def out_of_screen(pos):
x, y = pos
if x < 0 or x > screen.get_width():
return True
elif y < 0 or y > screen.get_height():
return True
return False
# Main loop
if __name__ == '__main__':
aliens = []
while True:
And just in case, here is an OOP approach :
# General imports
import pygame as pg
import random as rd
import sys
# Init
# Vars
screen = pg.display.set_mode((500, 500))
FPS = 60
clock = pg.time.Clock()
# Class
class Alien():
LIST = []
SIZE = 100
IMG = pg.image.load("green_square.png").convert()
IMG = pg.transform.scale(IMG, (SIZE, SIZE))
def __init__(self, screen_width):
self.img = Alien.IMG
self.pos = (rd.randint(0, screen_width - Alien.SIZE), 0)
# Add alien to the list
def move(self):
x, y = self.pos
self.pos = (x, y+1)
def has_crashed(self, boundries):
x, y = self.pos
if x < 0 or x > boundries[0]:
return True
elif y < 0 or y > boundries[1]:
return True
return False
def kill(self):
# Custom event
pg.time.set_timer(SPAWN_ALIEN, 2000)
# Main functions
def update():
for alien in Alien.LIST:
if alien.has_crashed(screen.get_size()):
def draw():
# Clear screen
# Draw aliens
for alien in Alien.LIST:
screen.blit(alien.img, alien.pos)
def handle_evt():
for evt in pg.event.get():
if evt.type == pg.QUIT:
if evt.type == SPAWN_ALIEN:
def exit():
# Other functions
def spawn_alien():
# Main loop
if __name__ == '__main__':
while True:
I hope all those informations can help you solve your problem. It's hard to know if this, really is the behavior you wanted for your aliens. That's because your variables names are not exactly explicit. One letter variable names are rarely a good idea. But anyway even if you need them to move a little diffrently, you can take inspiration of this code organization.
Have fun !
I' am trying to make a program using pygame. The program involves two tiles that switch colours and turn back into their original color once the two tiles have been clicked and after a 1-second delay. My problem is that whenever I tried to implement the pygame.time.delay , it delays the whole system and also affects the scoring mechanism of the program. I tried solving this problem by writing the codes found in handle_color_change and update methods in the game class
Any suggestions to fix this problem is greatly appreciated
import pygame,time,random
# User-defined functions
def main():
# for initializing all pygame modules
# this creates the pygame display window
surface_width = 500
surface_height = 400
surface = pygame.display.set_mode((surface_width,surface_height))
# this sets the caption of the window to 'Pong'
# creates a game object
game = Game(surface, surface_width, surface_height)
# this starts the game loop by calling the play method found in the game object
# quits pygame and cleans up the pygame window
# User-defined classes
class Game:
# an object in this class represents the complete game
def __init__(self,surface,surface_width,surface_height):
# # Initialize a Game.
# - self is the Game to initialize
# - surface is the display window surface object
# - surface_width is the display width size
# - surface_height is the display height size
# attributes that are needed to run any game
self.surface = surface
self.surface_width = surface_width
self.surface_height = surface_height
self.close_clicked = False
self.surface_color = pygame.Color('black')
# attributes that are needed to run this specific game
self.FPS = 60
self.game_clock = pygame.time.Clock()
self._continue = True
self.score = [0,0]
self.max_mismatch = 5
# Game specific objects
self.default_color = 'white'
self.color_options = ('blue' , 'red', 'yellow', 'green')
self.tile_width = 50
self.tile_height = 150
self.tile_left = Tile( self.default_color, (self.surface_width/3) - self.tile_width, (self.surface_height/2)/ 2 , self.tile_width, self.tile_height , self.surface)
self.tile_right = Tile(self.default_color, self.surface_width/2 + self.tile_width, (self.surface_height/2)/ 2
,self.tile_width, self.tile_height , self.surface)
def play(self):
# this is main game loop
# plays the game until the players has closed the window or the score of a players equals the max score
# - self is the game that should be continued or not
while not self.close_clicked:
def draw(self):
# this draws the circle and the rectangles that are needed for this specific game
# -self is the Game to draw
pygame.display.update() # makes the updated surface appear on the display
def update(self):
events = pygame.event.get()
if self.handle_color_change(events):
def main_handle_events(self):
# handles each user events by changing the game state appropriately
# -self is the Game of whose events are handled
events = pygame.event.get()
for event in events:
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
self.close_clicked = True
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
def display_score_match(self):
text_string = 'Match: ' + str(self.score[0])
text_colour = pygame.Color('white')
text_font = pygame.font.SysFont('Times New Roman',25)
text_image = text_font.render(text_string, True, text_colour)
text_pos = [0,0]
self.surface.blit(text_image, text_pos)
def display_score_mismatch(self, surface_width):
text_string = 'Mismatch: ' + str(self.score[1])
text_colour = pygame.Color('white')
text_font = pygame.font.SysFont('Times New Roman',25)
text_image = text_font.render(text_string, True, text_colour)
text_pos = [(surface_width - text_image.get_width()), 0]
self.surface.blit(text_image, text_pos)
def handle_color_change(self, event):
tile_clicked = 0
change_white = False
if event.button == 1 and self.tile_left.inside_tile(event.pos) == True:
tile_clicked += 1
if event.button == 1 and self.tile_right.inside_tile(event.pos) == True:
tile_clicked +=1
if tile_clicked == 2:
change_white = True
tile_clicked = 0
return change_white
def update_score(self):
if self.tile_left.color_match(self.tile_right) == True:
self.score[0] = self.score[0] + 1
self.score[1] = self.score[1] + 1
class Tile:
def __init__(self, rect_color, rect_left, rect_top, rect_width, rect_height,surface):
# Initialize a rectabgle which is used as a paintbrush.
# - self is the rectangle to initialize
# - rect_color is the pygame.Color of the dot
# - rect_height is the int length of the rectangle in the y axis
# - rect_width is the int width of the rectangle in the x axis
# - rect_left is the int coordinate position of the rectangle in the x axis
# - rect_top is the int coordinate position of the rectangle in the y axis
# - rect_velocity is a list of x and y components and the speed of which the rectangles can move
self.rect_colour = pygame.Color(rect_color)
self.rect_height = rect_height
self.rect_width = rect_width
self.rect_left = rect_left
self.rect_top = rect_top
self.surface = surface
self.rect_parameters = pygame.Rect(rect_left, rect_top, rect_width, rect_height)
def draw(self):
# draws the rectangle on the surface
# - self is the rectangle
pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, self.rect_colour, self.rect_parameters)
def inside_tile(self, position):
inside = False
if self.rect_parameters.collidepoint(position):
inside = True
return inside
def set_color(self, color):
self.rect_colour = pygame.Color(color)
def color_match(self, other_tile):
match = False
if self.rect_colour == other_tile.rect_colour:
match = True
return match
Never use a delay in your application loop. Use the application loop. Compute the point in time when the rectangles have to change color back. Change the color after the current time is greater than the calculated point of time.
In pygame the system time can be obtained by calling pygame.time.get_ticks(), which returns the number of milliseconds since pygame.init() was called. See pygame.time module.
Add 2 attributes self.tile_clicked = 0 and self.turn_white_time = 0 to the class Game:
class Game:
def __init__(self,surface,surface_width,surface_height):
# [...]
self.tile_clicked = []
self.turn_white_time = 0
Compute the the point in time when the rectangles have to change color back after the 2nd rectangle was clicked:
class Game:
# [...]
def handle_color_change(self, event):
if len(self.tile_clicked) < 2:
if 1 not in self.tile_clicked:
if event.button == 1 and self.tile_left.inside_tile(event.pos) == True:
if 2 not in self.tile_clicked:
if event.button == 1 and self.tile_right.inside_tile(event.pos) == True:
if len(self.tile_clicked) == 2:
delay_time = 1000 # 1000 milliseconds == 1 second
self.turn_white_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() + delay_time
get_ticks() returns the current time. A time is just a number. get_ticks() + delay_time is a time in the future. When the program is running, the current time is continuously retrieved and compared with turn_white_time. At some point the current time is greater than turn_white_time and the color of the rectangles is changed.
Change back to the white color after the current time is greater than the calculated point of time in update:
class Game:
# [...]
def update(self):
current_time = pygame.time.get_ticks()
if len(self.tile_clicked) == 2 and current_time > self.turn_white_time:
self.tile_clicked = []
Complete example:
import pygame,time,random
# User-defined functions
def main():
# for initializing all pygame modules
# this creates the pygame display window
surface_width = 500
surface_height = 400
surface = pygame.display.set_mode((surface_width,surface_height))
# this sets the caption of the window to 'Pong'
# creates a game object
game = Game(surface, surface_width, surface_height)
# this starts the game loop by calling the play method found in the game object
# quits pygame and cleans up the pygame window
# User-defined classes
class Game:
# an object in this class represents the complete game
def __init__(self,surface,surface_width,surface_height):
# # Initialize a Game.
# - self is the Game to initialize
# - surface is the display window surface object
# - surface_width is the display width size
# - surface_height is the display height size
# attributes that are needed to run any game
self.surface = surface
self.surface_width = surface_width
self.surface_height = surface_height
self.close_clicked = False
self.surface_color = pygame.Color('black')
# attributes that are needed to run this specific game
self.FPS = 60
self.game_clock = pygame.time.Clock()
self._continue = True
self.score = [0,0]
self.max_mismatch = 5
# Game specific objects
self.default_color = 'white'
self.color_options = ('blue' , 'red', 'yellow', 'green')
self.tile_width = 50
self.tile_height = 150
self.tile_left = Tile( self.default_color, (self.surface_width/3) - self.tile_width, (self.surface_height/2)/ 2 , self.tile_width, self.tile_height , self.surface)
self.tile_right = Tile(self.default_color, self.surface_width/2 + self.tile_width, (self.surface_height/2)/ 2
,self.tile_width, self.tile_height , self.surface)
self.tile_clicked = []
self.turn_white_time = 0
def play(self):
# this is main game loop
# plays the game until the players has closed the window or the score of a players equals the max score
# - self is the game that should be continued or not
while not self.close_clicked:
def draw(self):
# this draws the circle and the rectangles that are needed for this specific game
# -self is the Game to draw
pygame.display.update() # makes the updated surface appear on the display
def update(self):
current_time = pygame.time.get_ticks()
if len(self.tile_clicked) == 2 and current_time > self.turn_white_time:
self.tile_clicked = []
def main_handle_events(self):
# handles each user events by changing the game state appropriately
# -self is the Game of whose events are handled
events = pygame.event.get()
for event in events:
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
self.close_clicked = True
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
def display_score_match(self):
text_string = 'Match: ' + str(self.score[0])
text_colour = pygame.Color('white')
text_font = pygame.font.SysFont('Times New Roman',25)
text_image = text_font.render(text_string, True, text_colour)
text_pos = [0,0]
self.surface.blit(text_image, text_pos)
def display_score_mismatch(self, surface_width):
text_string = 'Mismatch: ' + str(self.score[1])
text_colour = pygame.Color('white')
text_font = pygame.font.SysFont('Times New Roman',25)
text_image = text_font.render(text_string, True, text_colour)
text_pos = [(surface_width - text_image.get_width()), 0]
self.surface.blit(text_image, text_pos)
def handle_color_change(self, event):
if len(self.tile_clicked) < 2:
if 1 not in self.tile_clicked:
if event.button == 1 and self.tile_left.inside_tile(event.pos) == True:
if 2 not in self.tile_clicked:
if event.button == 1 and self.tile_right.inside_tile(event.pos) == True:
if len(self.tile_clicked) == 2:
delay_time = 1000 # 1000 milliseconds == 1 second
self.turn_white_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() + delay_time
def update_score(self):
if self.tile_left.color_match(self.tile_right) == True:
self.score[0] = self.score[0] + 1
self.score[1] = self.score[1] + 1
class Tile:
def __init__(self, rect_color, rect_left, rect_top, rect_width, rect_height,surface):
# Initialize a rectabgle which is used as a paintbrush.
# - self is the rectangle to initialize
# - rect_color is the pygame.Color of the dot
# - rect_height is the int length of the rectangle in the y axis
# - rect_width is the int width of the rectangle in the x axis
# - rect_left is the int coordinate position of the rectangle in the x axis
# - rect_top is the int coordinate position of the rectangle in the y axis
# - rect_velocity is a list of x and y components and the speed of which the rectangles can move
self.rect_colour = pygame.Color(rect_color)
self.rect_height = rect_height
self.rect_width = rect_width
self.rect_left = rect_left
self.rect_top = rect_top
self.surface = surface
self.rect_parameters = pygame.Rect(rect_left, rect_top, rect_width, rect_height)
def draw(self):
# draws the rectangle on the surface
# - self is the rectangle
pygame.draw.rect(self.surface, self.rect_colour, self.rect_parameters)
def inside_tile(self, position):
inside = False
if self.rect_parameters.collidepoint(position):
inside = True
return inside
def set_color(self, color):
self.rect_colour = pygame.Color(color)
def color_match(self, other_tile):
match = False
if self.rect_colour == other_tile.rect_colour:
match = True
return match
In my game I would like to create non-colliding balls. This is the code which creates blue and red balls with right and left click with mouse.. However as you can see balls collide even though I categorized them and mask them as I commented.
import sys
import pygame as pg
from pygame.color import THECOLORS
import pymunk as pm
def to_pygame(p):
"""Small hack to convert pymunk to pygame coordinates"""
return int(p[0]), int(-p[1]+600)
screen = pg.display.set_mode((600, 600))
clock = pg.time.Clock()
space = pm.Space()
space.gravity = (0.0, -900.0)
# Walls
static_body = space.static_body
static_lines = [
pm.Segment(static_body, (111.0, 280.0), (407.0, 246.0), 0.0),
pm.Segment(static_body, (407.0, 246.0), (407.0, 343.0), 0.0),
pm.Segment(static_body, (111.0, 420.0), (407.0, 386.0), 0.0),
pm.Segment(static_body, (407.0, 386.0), (407.0, 493.0), 0.0),
for idx, line in enumerate(static_lines):
line.elasticity = 0.95
if idx < 2: # Lower lines.
# The lower lines are in category 2, in binary 0b10.
line.filter = pm.ShapeFilter(categories=2)
else: # Upper lines.
# The upper lines are in category 1, in binary 0b1.
line.filter = pm.ShapeFilter(categories=1)
balls = []
running = True
while running:
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
running = False
elif event.type == pg.KEYDOWN and event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE:
running = False
if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
radius = 15 if event.button == 1 else 30
mass = 10
inertia = pm.moment_for_circle(mass, 0, radius, (0,0))
body = pm.Body(mass, inertia)
body.position = to_pygame(event.pos)
shape = pm.Circle(body, radius, (0,0))
shape.elasticity = 0.95
if shape.radius > 25:
# bin(pm.ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS ^ 1) is '0b11111111111111111111111111111110'
# That means all categories are checked for collisions except
# bit 1 (the upper lines) which are ignored.
shape.filter = pm.ShapeFilter(categories=0x1)
shape.filter = pm.ShapeFilter(mask=pm.ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS ^ 1)
# Ignores category bin(2), '0b11111111111111111111111111111101'
# All categories are checked for collisions except bit 2 (the lower lines).
shape.filter = pm.ShapeFilter(categories=0x2)
shape.filter = pm.ShapeFilter(mask=pm.ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS ^ 2)
space.add(body, shape)
balls_to_remove = []
for ball in balls:
if ball.body.position.y < 100:
p = to_pygame(ball.body.position)
if ball.radius > 25:
color = THECOLORS["red"]
color = THECOLORS["blue"]
pg.draw.circle(screen, color, p, int(ball.radius), 2)
for ball in balls_to_remove:
space.remove(ball, ball.body)
for line in static_lines:
body = line.body
pv1 = body.position + line.a.rotated(body.angle)
pv2 = body.position + line.b.rotated(body.angle)
p1 = to_pygame(pv1)
p2 = to_pygame(pv2)
pg.draw.lines(screen, THECOLORS["gray29"], False, [p1, p2])
# Update physics.
dt = 1.0/60.0
for x in range(1):
Balls DONT Collide with walls but themselves. I want non-colliding balls only!
P.S: Example Library shape filter class:
You need to put the balls into their own category and then adjust the masks, so that they don't collide with this category. For example to turn off the collision for the big red balls, you can put them into category 0b100:
shape.filter = pm.ShapeFilter(categories=0b100, mask=pm.ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS ^ 0b100)
The mask=pm.ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS ^ 0b100 argument means objects in this category should be ignored.
Why is the physics wrong in the following Pymunk example?
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from math import pi
import pygame
from pygame.locals import USEREVENT, QUIT, KEYDOWN, KEYUP, K_s, K_r, K_q, K_ESCAPE, K_UP, K_DOWN, K_LEFT, K_RIGHT
from pygame.color import THECOLORS
import pymunk
from pymunk import Vec2d
import pymunk.pygame_util
class Simulator(object):
def __init__(self):
self.display_flags = 0
self.display_size = (600, 600)
self.space = pymunk.Space()
self.space.gravity = (0.0, -1900.0)
self.space.damping = 0.999 # to prevent it from blowing up.
# Pymunk physics coordinates start from the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
self.ground_y = 100
ground = pymunk.Segment(self.space.static_body, (5, self.ground_y), (595, self.ground_y), 1.0)
ground.friction = 1.0
self.screen = None
self.draw_options = None
def reset_bodies(self):
for body in self.space.bodies:
if not hasattr(body, 'start_position'):
body.position = Vec2d(body.start_position)
body.force = 0, 0
body.torque = 0
body.velocity = 0, 0
body.angular_velocity = 0
body.angle = body.start_angle
def draw(self):
### Clear the screen
### Draw space
### All done, lets flip the display
def main(self):
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.display_size, self.display_flags)
width, height = self.screen.get_size()
self.draw_options = pymunk.pygame_util.DrawOptions(self.screen)
def to_pygame(p):
"""Small hack to convert pymunk to pygame coordinates"""
return int(p.x), int(-p.y+height)
def from_pygame(p):
return to_pygame(p)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
running = True
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 16)
# Create the torso box.
box_width = 50
box_height = 100
# leg_length = 100
leg_length = 125
leg_thickness = 2
leg_shape_filter = pymunk.ShapeFilter(group=LEG_GROUP)
# Create torso.
mass = 200
points = [(-box_width/2, -box_height/2), (-box_width/2, box_height/2), (box_width/2, box_height/2), (box_width/2, -box_height/2)]
moment = pymunk.moment_for_poly(mass, points)
body1 = pymunk.Body(mass, moment)
body1.position = (self.display_size[0]/2, self.ground_y+box_height/2+leg_length)
body1.start_position = Vec2d(body1.position)
body1.start_angle = body1.angle
shape1 = pymunk.Poly(body1, points)
shape1.filter = leg_shape_filter
shape1.friction = 0.8
shape1.elasticity = 0.0
self.space.add(body1, shape1)
# Create leg extending from the right to the origin.
mass = 10
points = [
(leg_thickness/2, -leg_length/2),
(-leg_thickness/2, -leg_length/2),
(-leg_thickness/2, leg_length/2),
(leg_thickness/2, leg_length/2)
moment = pymunk.moment_for_poly(mass, points)
body2 = pymunk.Body(mass, moment)
body2.position = (self.display_size[0]/2-box_width/2+leg_thickness/2, self.ground_y+leg_length/2)
body2.start_position = Vec2d(body2.position)
body2.start_angle = body2.angle
shape2 = pymunk.Poly(body2, points)
shape2.filter = leg_shape_filter
shape2.friction = 0.8
shape2.elasticity = 0.0
self.space.add(body2, shape2)
# Link bars together at end.
pj = pymunk.PivotJoint(body1, body2, (self.display_size[0]/2-box_width/2, self.ground_y+leg_length))
# Attach the foot to the ground in a fixed position.
# We raise it above by the thickness of the leg to simulate a ball-foot. Otherwise, the default box foot creates discontinuities.
pj = pymunk.PivotJoint(self.space.static_body, body2, (self.display_size[0]/2-box_width/2, self.ground_y+leg_thickness))
# Actuate the bars via a motor.
motor_joint = pymunk.SimpleMotor(body1, body2, 0)
motor_joint.max_force = 1e10 # mimicks default infinity
# motor_joint.max_force = 1e9
# motor_joint.max_force = 1e7 # too weak, almost no movement
# Add hard stops to leg pivot so the leg can't rotate through the torso.
hip_limit_joint = pymunk.RotaryLimitJoint(body1, body2, -pi/4., pi/4.) # -45deg:+45deg
last_body1_pos = None
last_body1_vel = None
simulate = False
while running:
# print('angles:', body1.angle, body2.angle)
# print('torso force:', body1.force)
print('body1.position: %.02f %.02f' % (body1.position.x, body1.position.y))
current_body1_vel = None
if last_body1_pos:
current_body1_vel = body1.position - last_body1_pos
print('current_body1_vel: %.02f %.02f' % (current_body1_vel.x, current_body1_vel.y))
current_body1_accel = None
if last_body1_vel:
current_body1_accel = current_body1_vel - last_body1_vel
print('current_body1_accel: %.02f %.02f' % (current_body1_accel.x, current_body1_accel.y))
servo_angle = (body1.angle - body2.angle) * 180/pi # 0 degrees means leg is angled straight down
servo_cw_enabled = servo_angle > -45
servo_ccw_enabled = servo_angle < 45
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key in (K_q, K_ESCAPE)):
elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_s:
# Start/stop simulation.
simulate = not simulate
last_body1_pos = Vec2d(body1.position)
if current_body1_vel:
last_body1_vel = Vec2d(current_body1_vel)
### Update physics
fps = 50
iterations = 25
dt = 1.0/float(fps)/float(iterations)
if simulate:
for x in range(iterations): # 10 iterations to get a more stable simulation
if __name__ == '__main__':
sim = Simulator()
This renders a box placed on top of a thin leg. The leg is connected to the box by a pivot joint, and to the ground via another pivot joint. However, the leg is attached to the box off-center to the left, so the center-of-gravity is unbalanced. In the real world, this setup would cause the box to toppled to the right. However, when you run this code (and press "s" to start), it shows the box toppling to the left. Why is this?
I've tried adjusting the mass (high mass for the box, low mass for the leg), the center of gravity for the box, and tweaking the attachment points for the joints, but nothing seems to change the outcome. What am I doing wrong?
I want to use this for simulating a real-world phenomena, but until I can get it to reproduce the real-world phenomena, I'm stuck.
It seems to be because the leg shape collides with the bottom ground shape.
The easiest way to make them not collide is to move them apart a little bit. For example make the leg a little shorter so that it doesnt touch the ground.
Another solution is to do as you did in your other question, ignore collisions between the leg and the ground. To do that you can setup a shape filter, but since you probably want to keep the box from colliding with the leg, and at the same time count collisions between the box and ground I think you need to use the categories/masks of the shape filter as documented here: http://www.pymunk.org/en/latest/pymunk.html#pymunk.ShapeFilter
How do you implement a "servo" joint in Pymunk?
I'm trying to create a simple model where a box is balanced on a single thin "leg" below it. I've been able create a box and join it to the ground using a PinJoint, but there doesn't seem to be any way to control the angle where the join attaches to the box. I want to be able to specify the angle of attachment. None of the other joints seem to support this. They all seem to be passive joints, with the exception of the SimpleMotor joint, but even that is only a constant spinning joint that you can't control.
I've managed to cobble something together, by using a PinJoint to attach two thin boxes together at their ends, as well as a SimpleMotor, to make them rotate relative to each other in response to the user pressing the "up" and "down" arrow keys. Below is the code:
import sys
import pygame
from pygame.locals import USEREVENT, QUIT, KEYDOWN, KEYUP, K_s, K_r, K_q, K_ESCAPE, K_UP, K_DOWN
from pygame.color import THECOLORS
import pymunk
from pymunk import Vec2d
import pymunk.pygame_util
class Simulator(object):
def __init__(self):
self.display_flags = 0
self.display_size = (600, 600)
self.space = pymunk.Space()
self.space.gravity = (0.0, -1900.0)
self.space.damping = 0.999 # to prevent it from blowing up.
# Pymunk physics coordinates start from the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
self.ground_y = 100
ground = pymunk.Segment(self.space.static_body, (5, self.ground_y), (595, self.ground_y), 1.0)
ground.friction = 1.0
self.screen = None
self.draw_options = None
def reset_bodies(self):
for body in self.space.bodies:
if not hasattr(body, 'start_position'):
body.position = Vec2d(body.start_position)
body.force = 0, 0
body.torque = 0
body.velocity = 0, 0
body.angular_velocity = 0
body.angle = body.start_angle
def draw(self):
### Clear the screen
### Draw space
### All done, lets flip the display
def main(self):
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.display_size, self.display_flags)
width, height = self.screen.get_size()
self.draw_options = pymunk.pygame_util.DrawOptions(self.screen)
def to_pygame(p):
"""Small hack to convert pymunk to pygame coordinates"""
return int(p.x), int(-p.y+height)
def from_pygame(p):
return to_pygame(p)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
running = True
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 16)
# Create the torso box.
box_width = 50
box_height = 100
leg_length = 100
mass = 1
points = [(-100, -1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (-100, 1)]
moment = pymunk.moment_for_poly(mass, points)
body1 = pymunk.Body(mass, moment)
# body1.position = (0, 0)
body1.position = (self.display_size[0]/2, self.ground_y+100)
body1.start_position = Vec2d(body1.position)
body1.start_angle = body1.angle
shape1 = pymunk.Poly(body1, points)
shape1.friction = 0.8
self.space.add(body1, shape1)
# Create bar 2 extending from the right to the origin.
mass = 1
points = [(100, -1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (100, 1)]
moment = pymunk.moment_for_poly(mass, points)
body2 = pymunk.Body(mass, moment)
# body2.position = (0, 0)
body2.position = (self.display_size[0]/2, self.ground_y+100)
body2.start_position = Vec2d(body2.position)
body2.start_angle = body2.angle
shape2 = pymunk.Poly(body2, points)
shape2.friction = 0.8
self.space.add(body2, shape2)
# Link bars together at end.
pj = pymunk.PinJoint(body1, body2, (0, 0), (0, 0))
motor_joint = pymunk.SimpleMotor(body1, body2, 0)
pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT+1, 70000) # apply force
pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT+2, 120000) # reset
simulate = False
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key in (K_q, K_ESCAPE)):
#running = False
elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_s:
# Start/stop simulation.
simulate = not simulate
elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_r:
# Reset.
# simulate = False
elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_UP:
motor_joint.rate = 1
elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_DOWN:
motor_joint.rate = -1
elif event.type == KEYUP:
motor_joint.rate = 0
### Update physics
fps = 50
iterations = 25
dt = 1.0/float(fps)/float(iterations)
if simulate:
for x in range(iterations): # 10 iterations to get a more stable simulation
if __name__ == '__main__':
sim = Simulator()
However, the behavior is somewhat strange. When you press up/down, that dynamically sets the rate on the SimpleMotor joint, causing the two boxes to pivot at their common "servo joint", like:
except over time the two bars will flip onto one end, and otherwise defy gravity and look like:
Why is this? I'm still fairly new to the Pymunk/Chipmunk physics simulator, so I'm not sure I'm using these joints correctly.
A couple of things that can cause problems:
Ignore collisions between the two shapes. Since the motor and pin joint force them together, but collision resolution pushes them apart strange things might happen. You can do this by setting the two shapes to the same group:
shape_filter = pymunk.ShapeFilter(group=1)
shape1.filter = shape_filter
shape2.filter = shape_filter
The center of gravity for the two shapes are at their ends, not in the center. Try to move it to center ([(-50, -1), (50, -1), (50, 1), (-50, 1)]).
(In this case I think 1 is enough to fix the problem, but I added 2 in case you notice other strange things)