Feature/Variable importance after a PCA analysis - python

I have performed a PCA analysis over my original dataset and from the compressed dataset transformed by the PCA I have also selected the number of PC I want to keep (they explain almost the 94% of the variance). Now I am struggling with the identification of the original features that are important in the reduced dataset.
How do I find out which feature is important and which is not among the remaining Principal Components after the dimension reduction?
Here is my code:
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
pca = PCA(n_components=8)
projection = pca.transform(scaledDataset)
Furthermore, I tried also to perform a clustering algorithm on the reduced dataset but surprisingly for me, the score is lower than on the original dataset. How is it possible?

First of all, I assume that you call features the variables and not the samples/observations. In this case, you could do something like the following by creating a biplot function that shows everything in one plot. In this example, I am using the iris data.
Before the example, please note that the basic idea when using PCA as a tool for feature selection is to select variables according to the magnitude (from largest to smallest in absolute values) of their coefficients (loadings). See my last paragraph after the plot for more details.
PART1: I explain how to check the importance of the features and how to plot a biplot.
PART2: I explain how to check the importance of the features and how to save them into a pandas dataframe using the feature names.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
iris = datasets.load_iris()
X = iris.data
y = iris.target
#In general a good idea is to scale the data
scaler = StandardScaler()
pca = PCA()
x_new = pca.fit_transform(X)
def myplot(score,coeff,labels=None):
xs = score[:,0]
ys = score[:,1]
n = coeff.shape[0]
scalex = 1.0/(xs.max() - xs.min())
scaley = 1.0/(ys.max() - ys.min())
plt.scatter(xs * scalex,ys * scaley, c = y)
for i in range(n):
plt.arrow(0, 0, coeff[i,0], coeff[i,1],color = 'r',alpha = 0.5)
if labels is None:
plt.text(coeff[i,0]* 1.15, coeff[i,1] * 1.15, "Var"+str(i+1), color = 'g', ha = 'center', va = 'center')
plt.text(coeff[i,0]* 1.15, coeff[i,1] * 1.15, labels[i], color = 'g', ha = 'center', va = 'center')
#Call the function. Use only the 2 PCs.
myplot(x_new[:,0:2],np.transpose(pca.components_[0:2, :]))
Visualize what's going on using the biplot
Now, the importance of each feature is reflected by the magnitude of the corresponding values in the eigenvectors (higher magnitude - higher importance)
Let's see first what amount of variance does each PC explain.
[0.72770452, 0.23030523, 0.03683832, 0.00515193]
PC1 explains 72% and PC2 23%. Together, if we keep PC1 and PC2 only, they explain 95%.
Now, let's find the most important features.
print(abs( pca.components_ ))
[[0.52237162 0.26335492 0.58125401 0.56561105]
[0.37231836 0.92555649 0.02109478 0.06541577]
[0.72101681 0.24203288 0.14089226 0.6338014 ]
[0.26199559 0.12413481 0.80115427 0.52354627]]
Here, pca.components_ has shape [n_components, n_features]. Thus, by looking at the PC1 (First Principal Component) which is the first row: [0.52237162 0.26335492 0.58125401 0.56561105]] we can conclude that feature 1, 3 and 4 (or Var 1, 3 and 4 in the biplot) are the most important. This is also clearly visible from the biplot (that's why we often use this plot to summarize the information in a visual way).
To sum up, look at the absolute values of the Eigenvectors' components corresponding to the k largest Eigenvalues. In sklearn the components are sorted by explained_variance_. The larger they are these absolute values, the more a specific feature contributes to that principal component.
The important features are the ones that influence more the components and thus, have a large absolute value/score on the component.
To get the most important features on the PCs with names and save them into a pandas dataframe use this:
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# 10 samples with 5 features
train_features = np.random.rand(10,5)
model = PCA(n_components=2).fit(train_features)
X_pc = model.transform(train_features)
# number of components
n_pcs= model.components_.shape[0]
# get the index of the most important feature on EACH component
most_important = [np.abs(model.components_[i]).argmax() for i in range(n_pcs)]
initial_feature_names = ['a','b','c','d','e']
# get the names
most_important_names = [initial_feature_names[most_important[i]] for i in range(n_pcs)]
dic = {'PC{}'.format(i): most_important_names[i] for i in range(n_pcs)}
# build the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(dic.items())
This prints:
0 1
0 PC0 e
1 PC1 d
So on the PC1 the feature named e is the most important and on PC2 the d.
Nice article as well here: https://towardsdatascience.com/pca-clearly-explained-how-when-why-to-use-it-and-feature-importance-a-guide-in-python-7c274582c37e?source=friends_link&sk=65bf5440e444c24aff192fedf9f8b64f

the pca library contains this functionality.
pip install pca
A demonstration to extract the feature importance is as following:
# Import libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pca import pca
# Lets create a dataset with features that have decreasing variance.
# We want to extract feature f1 as most important, followed by f2 etc
# Combine into dataframe
X = np.c_[f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9]
X = pd.DataFrame(data=X, columns=['f1','f2','f3','f4','f5','f6','f7','f8','f9'])
# Initialize
model = pca()
# Fit transform
out = model.fit_transform(X)
# Print the top features. The results show that f1 is best, followed by f2 etc
# PC feature
# 0 PC1 f1
# 1 PC2 f2
# 2 PC3 f3
# 3 PC4 f4
# 4 PC5 f5
# 5 PC6 f6
# 6 PC7 f7
# 7 PC8 f8
# 8 PC9 f9
Plot the explained variance
Make the biplot. It can be nicely seen that the first feature with most variance (f1), is almost horizontal in the plot, whereas the second most variance (f2) is almost vertical. This is expected because most of the variance is in f1, followed by f2 etc.
ax = model.biplot(n_feat=10, legend=False)
Biplot in 3d. Here we see the nice addition of the expected f3 in the plot in the z-direction.
ax = model.biplot3d(n_feat=10, legend=False)

# original_num_df the original numeric dataframe
# pca is the model
def create_importance_dataframe(pca, original_num_df):
# Change pcs components ndarray to a dataframe
importance_df = pd.DataFrame(pca.components_)
# Assign columns
importance_df.columns = original_num_df.columns
# Change to absolute values
importance_df =importance_df.apply(np.abs)
# Transpose
# Change column names again
## First get number of pcs
num_pcs = importance_df.shape[1]
## Generate the new column names
new_columns = [f'PC{i}' for i in range(1, num_pcs + 1)]
## Now rename
importance_df.columns =new_columns
# Return importance df
return importance_df
# Call function to create importance df
importance_df =create_importance_dataframe(pca, original_num_df)
# Show first few rows
# Sort depending on PC of interest
## PC1 top 10 important features
pc1_top_10_features = importance_df['PC1'].sort_values(ascending = False)[:10]
print(), print(f'PC1 top 10 feautres are \n')
display(pc1_top_10_features )
## PC2 top 10 important features
pc2_top_10_features = importance_df['PC2'].sort_values(ascending = False)[:10]
print(), print(f'PC2 top 10 feautres are \n')
display(pc2_top_10_features )


how can I drop low correlated features

I am making a preprocessing code for my LSTM training. My csv contains more than 30 variables. After applying some EDA techniques, I found that half of the features can be drop and they don't make any effect on training.
Right now I am dropping such features manually by using pandas.
I want to make a code which can drop such features automaticlly.
I wrote a code to visualize heat map and correlation in this way:
#I am making a class so this part is from preprocessing.
# self.data is a Dataframe which contains all csv data
def calculateCorrelationByPearson(self):
columns = self.data.columns
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
sns.heatmap(data=self.data.corr(method='pearson'), annot=True, fmt='.2f',
linewidths=0.5, cmap='Blues')
for column in columns:
corr = stats.spearmanr(self.data['total'], self.data[columns])
print(f'{column} - corr coefficient:{corr[0]}, p-value:{corr[1]}')
This gives me a perfect view of my features and relationship with each other.
Now I want to drop columns which are not important.
Let's say correlation less than 0.4.
How can I apply this logic in to my code?
Here is an approach to remove variables with a correlation coef value below some threshold:
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import spearmanr
data = pd.DataFrame([{"A":1, "B":2, "C":3},{"A":2, "B":3, "C":1},{"A":3, "B":4, "C":0},{"A":4, "B":4, "C":1},{"A":5, "B":6, "C":2}])
targetVar = "A"
corr_threshold = 0.4
corr = spearmanr(data)
corrSeries = pd.Series(corr[0][:,0], index=data.columns) #Series with column names and their correlation coefficients
corrSeries = corrSeries[(corrSeries.index != targetVar) & (corrSeries > corr_threshold)] #apply the threshold
vars_to_keep = list(corrSeries.index.values) #list of variables to keep
vars_to_keep.append(targetVar) #add the target variable back in
data2 = data[vars_to_keep]

PCA - trace back principal component to a dimension

I have very data with MANY dimensions (thousands) and have successfully performed a principal components analysis on it.
The output looks as shown above. My problem is that (as shown on axis X), one principal component accounts for all of the variance. I worry that it is masking all of the other principal components. Therefore, I want to figure out which dimension the principal component corresponds to, and then eliminate it from my data. Is there a way to work out which dimension it corresponds to?
If any code is necessary to aid understanding, it is this:
# scale data
scaled_fdata = preprocessing.scale(fdata.T)
# setting up PCA
pca = PCA()
pca_data = pca.transform(scaled_fdata)
# scree plot to see how many pricipal components are needed to account for most variance
per_var = np.round(pca.explained_variance_ratio_* 100, decimals=1)
labels = ['PC' + str(x) for x in range(1, len(per_var)+1)]
# create scree plot diagram to see how many principal components should be used
plt.bar(x=range(1,len(per_var)+1), height=per_var, tick_label=labels)
plt.ylabel('Percentage of Explained Variance')
plt.xlabel('Principal Component')
plt.title('Scree Plot - Females')
#do the PCA plot
pca_df = pd.DataFrame(pca_data, columns=labels)
plt.scatter(pca_df.PC1, pca_df.PC2)
plt.title('My PCA Graph - Females')
plt.xlabel('PC1 - {0}%'.format(per_var[0]))
plt.ylabel('PC2 - {0}%'.format(per_var[1]))
for sample in pca_df.index:
plt.annotate(sample, (pca_df.PC1.loc[sample], pca_df.PC2.loc[sample]))
I don't think you need to worry about masking all of the other principal components, since it is the very reason to do the principal component. Normally when you do the PCA, the corresponding Eigen Value will be reported, which will be used to rank the importance of the PC's, aka, the PC's are ranked based on how much they can explain the variance, the first one explained the most variance, which "masking" other PC's. Then the second, the third, and so on. All you need to do is plotting the Cumulative Summation of the Explained Variance, and select the cutoff of how many PC's you want to use. For example, of the top 5 PC's can explain 99% of the variance, you only need those 5 PC's.
Read through this: https://towardsdatascience.com/an-approach-to-choosing-the-number-of-components-in-a-principal-component-analysis-pca-3b9f3d6e73fe
The Principle Component Analysis using Varimax Rotation here's the solution
glad if it works for you!!!
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import decomposition
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.preprocessing import scale
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from factor_analyzer import FactorAnalyzer
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
df = pd.read_excel('excel path')
numCOl = df
numCorr = numCOl.corr()
from factor_analyzer.factor_analyzer import calculate_bartlett_sphericity
chi_square_value, p_value
#performing kaiser mayer test (KO test)
from factor_analyzer.factor_analyzer import calculate_kmo
kmo_all,kmo_model = calculate_kmo(df)
fa = FactorAnalyzer()
ev,v = fa.get_eigenvalues()
# ploting the graph
plt.title('Screen Plot')
plt.xlabel('Number of Factors')
fa = FactorAnalyzer(n_factors=4,method='principal',rotation='varimax') here`
data_1 = pd.DataFrame(fa.loadings_,index=df.columns)

Outlier detection with Local Outlier Factor (LOF)

I am working with healthcare insurance claims data and would like to identify fraudulent claims. Have been reading online to try and find a better method. I came across the following code on scikit-learn.org
Does anyone know how to select the outliers? the code plot them in a graph but I would like to select those outliers if possible.
I have tried appending the y_predictions to the x dataframe but that has not worked.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.neighbors import LocalOutlierFactor
# Generate train data
X = 0.3 * np.random.randn(100, 2)
# Generate some abnormal novel observations
X_outliers = np.random.uniform(low=-4, high=4, size=(20, 2))
X = np.r_[X + 2, X - 2, X_outliers]
# fit the model
clf = LocalOutlierFactor(n_neighbors=20)
y_pred = clf.fit_predict(X)
y_pred_outliers = y_pred[200:]
Below is the code i tried.
X['outliers'] = y_pred
The first 200 data are inliers while the last 20 are outliers. When you did fit_predict on X, you will get either outlier (-1) or inlier(1) in y_pred. So to get the predicted outliers, you need to get those y_pred = -1 and get the corresponding value in X. Below script will give you the outliers in X.
X_pred_outliers = [each[1] for each in list(zip(y_pred, X.tolist())) if each[0] == -1]
I combine y_pred and X into an array and check if y=-1, if yes then collect X values.
However, there are eight errors on the predictions (8 out of 220). These errors are -1 values in y_pred[:200] and 1 in y_pred[201:220]. Please be aware of the errors as well.

standard scaling data before when using spectral biclustering in scikit learn?

I have a dataset from different cohorts and I want to bicluster them with the sklearn function Spectral Biclustering.
As you can see in the link above this approach is using a kind of normalization to calculate the SVD.
Is it necessary to normalize the data before biclustering, eg with StandardScaling (zero mean and std of one)? Because the function above still uses a kind of normalization.
Is that enough or do I have to normalise them before, eg when the data is coming from different distributions?
I am getting different results with and without standardscaling and I can not find information in the original paper if it is necessary or not.
You can find the code and an example of my dataset. This is real data so I do not know the truth. I calculated at the end the consensus score to compare the 2 biclusters. Unfortunately the clusters are not the same.
I tried it also with artificial data (see example last link) and here the results are the same, but not with the real data.
So how do I know which approach is the right one?
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.cluster.bicluster import SpectralBiclustering
from sklearn.metrics import consensus_score
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
n_clusters = (4, 4)
data_org = pd.read_csv('raw_data_biclustering.csv', sep=',', index_col=0)
# scale data & transform to dataframe
data_scaled = StandardScaler().fit_transform(data_org)
data_scaled = pd.DataFrame(data_scaled, columns=data_org.columns, index=data_org.index)
# plot original clusters
plt.imshow(data_scaled, aspect='auto', vmin=-3, vmax=5)
plt.title("Original dataset")
data_type = ['none_scaled', 'scaled']
data_all = [data_org, data_scaled]
models_all = []
for name, data in zip(data_type,data_all):
# spectral biclustering on the shuffled dataset
model = SpectralBiclustering(n_clusters=n_clusters, method='bistochastic'
, svd_method='randomized', n_jobs=-1
, random_state=0
newOrder_row = [list(r) for r in zip(model.row_labels_, data.index)]
newOrder_row.sort(key=lambda k: (k[0], k[1]), reverse=False)
order_row = [i[1] for i in newOrder_row]
newOrder_col = [list(c) for c in zip(model.column_labels_, [int(x) for x in data.keys()])]
newOrder_col.sort(key=lambda k: (k[0], k[1]), reverse=False)
order_col = [i[1] for i in newOrder_col]
# reorder the data matrix
X_plot = data_scaled.copy()
X_plot = X_plot.reindex(order_row) # rows
X_plot = X_plot[[str(x) for x in order_col]] # columns
# use clustermap without clustering
cm=sns.clustermap(X_plot, method=None, metric=None, cmap='viridis'
,row_cluster=False, row_colors=None
, col_cluster=False, col_colors=None
, yticklabels=1, xticklabels=1
, standard_scale=None, z_score=None, robust=False
, vmin=-3, vmax=5
ax = cm.ax_heatmap
# set labelsize smaller
cm_ax = plt.gcf().axes[-2]
# plot lines for the different clusters
hor_lines = [sum(item) for item in model.biclusters_[0]]
hor_lines = list(np.cumsum(hor_lines[::n_clusters[1]]))
ver_lines = [sum(item) for item in model.biclusters_[1]]
ver_lines = list(np.cumsum(ver_lines[:n_clusters[0]]))
for pp in range(len(hor_lines)-1):
cm.ax_heatmap.hlines(hor_lines[pp],0,X_plot.shape[1], colors='r')
for pp in range(len(ver_lines)-1):
cm.ax_heatmap.vlines(ver_lines[pp],0,X_plot.shape[0], colors='r')
# title
title = name+' - '+str(n_clusters[1])+'-'+str(n_clusters[0])
# save models
# compare models
score = consensus_score(models_all[0].biclusters_, models_all[1].biclusters_)
print("consensus score between: {:.1f}".format(score))

apply sklearn PCA on movielens dataset

I have movielens dataset which I want to apply PCA on it, but sklearn PCA function dose not seems to do it correctly.
I have 718*8913 matrix which rows indicate the users and columns indicate movies
here is my python code :
Load movie names and movie ratings
movies = pd.read_csv('movies.csv')
ratings = pd.read_csv('ratings.csv')
ratings.drop(['timestamp'], axis=1, inplace=True)
def replace_name(x):
return movies[movies['movieId']==x].title.values[0]
ratings.movieId = ratings.movieId.map(replace_name)
M = ratings.pivot_table(index=['userId'], columns=['movieId'], values='rating')
df1 = M.replace(np.nan, 0, regex=True)
X_std = StandardScaler().fit_transform(df1)
Apply PCA
pca = PCA()
result = pca.fit_transform(X_std)
print result.shape
plt.xlabel('number of components')
plt.ylabel('cumulative explained variance')
I did't set any component number so I expect that PCA return 718*8913 matrix in new dimension but pca result size is 718*718 and pca.explained_variance_ratio_ size is 718, and sum of all members of it is 1, but how this is possible!!!
I have 8913 features and it return only 718 and sum of variance of them is equal to 1 can any one explain what is wrong here ?
my plot picture result:
As you can see in the above picture it just contain 718 component and sum of it is 1 but I have 8913 features where they gone?
Test with smaller example
I even try with scikit learn PCA example which can be found in documentation page of pca Here is the Link I change the example and just increase the number of features
import numpy as np
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import pandas as pd
X = np.array([[-1, -1,3,4,-1, -1,3,4], [-2, -1,5,-1, -1,3,4,2], [-3, -2,1,-1, -1,3,4,1],
[1, 1,4,-1, -1,3,4,2], [2, 1,0,-1, -1,3,4,2], [3, 2,10,-1, -1,3,4,10]])
ipca = PCA(n_components = 7)
print (X.shape)
result = ipca.transform(X)
print (result.shape);
and in this example we have 6 sample and 8 feauters I set the n_components to 7 but the result size is 6*6.
I think when the number of features is bigger than number of samples the maximum number of components scikit learn pca will return is equal to number of samples
See the documentation on PCA.
Because you did not pass an n_components parameter to PCA(), sklearn uses min(n_samples, n_features) as the value of n_components, which is why you get a reduced feature set equal to n_samples.
I believe your variance is equal to 1 because you didn't set the n_components, from the documentation:
If n_components is not set then all components are stored and the sum
of explained variances is equal to 1.0.

