Add multiple class objects from another class - python

I want to generate multiple country objects with the similar language object without going through the admin UI.
from django.db import models
class World(models.Model):
country = models.CharField(max_length=200)
Language = models.CharField(max_length=200)
class add_countries(models.Model):
sub_part1 = ['USA','ENGLAND','AUSTRALIA','CANADA']
for sub in sub_part1:
sub =
World.Language = "English"

for country in ['USA','ENGLAND','AUSTRALIA','CANADA']:
World.objects.get_or_create(country=country, language='English')
You can put above code inside a method and call that.

If you're looking to have a few database entries that are always there, you should probably consider using data migrations. This would result in these database rows being created when you migrate your database. The basic idea would be something like this:
from django.db import migrations
def add_languages(apps, schema_editor):
# We can't import the Person model directly as it may be a newer
# version than this migration expects. We use the historical version.
World = apps.get_model('yourappname', 'World')
languages = {'English': ['USA','ENGLAND','AUSTRALIA','CANADA']}
for language, countries in languages.items():
for country in countries:
World.objects.get_or_create(country=country, Language=language)
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('yourappname', '0001_initial'),
operations = [
The migration file would be in your app's migrations directory (something like project_root/yourappname/migrations/ in this case). Consult the documentation for more information.


Store Subtitles in a Database

I'm working on a project that uses AI to recognise the speech of an audio file. The output of this AI is a huge JSON object with tons of values. I'll remove some keys, and the final structure will look as follows.
text: "<recognised text>",
language: "<detected language>"
segments: [
{startTimestamp: "00:00:00", endTimestamp: "00:00:10", text: "<some text>"},
{startTimestamp: "00:00:10", endTimestamp: "00:00:17", text: "<some text>"},
{startTimestamp: "00:00:17", endTimestamp: "00:00:26", text: "<some text>"},
{ ... },
{ ... }
Now, I wish to store this new trimmed object in a SQL database because I wish to be able to edit it manually. I'll create a React application to edit segments, delete segments, etc. Additionally, I want to add this feature to the React application, where the information will be saved every 5 seconds using an AJAX call.
Now, I don't understand how I should store this object in the SQL database. Initially, I thought I would store the whole object as a string in a database. Whenever some change is made to the object, I'll send a JSON object from the React application, the backend will sanitize it and then replace the old stringified object in the database with the new sanitised string object. This way updating and deletion will happen with ease but there can be issues in case of searching. But I'm wondering if there are any better approaches to do this.
Could someone guide me on this?
Tech Stack
Frontend - React
Backend - Django 3.2.15
Database - PostgreSQL
Thank you
Now, I don't understand how I should store this object in the SQL database. Initially, I thought I would store the whole object as a string in a database.
If the data has a clear structure, you should not store it as a JSON blob in a relational database. While relational databases have some support for JSON nowadays, it is still not very effective, and normally it means you can not effectively filter, aggregate, and manipulate data, nor can you check referential integrity.
You can work with two models that look like:
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import F, Q
class Subtitle(models.Model):
text = models.CharField(max_length=128)
language = models.CharField(max_length=128)
class Segment(models.Model):
startTimestamp = models.DurationField()
endTimestamp = models.DurationField()
subtitle = models.ForeignKey(
Subtitle, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='segments'
text = models.CharField(max_length=512)
class Meta:
ordering = ('subtitle', 'startTimestamp', 'endTimestamp')
constraints = [
This will also guarantee that the startTimestamp is before the endTimestamp for example, that these fields store durations (and not "foo" for example).
You can convert from and to JSON with serializers [drf-doc]:
from rest_framework import serializers
class SegmentSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Segment
fields = ['startTimestamp', 'endTimestamp', 'text']
class SubtitleSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
segments = SegmentSerializer(many=True)
class Meta:
model = Subtitle
fields = ['text', 'language', 'segments']

View new column conditioned on other columns in Django

With Django 1.11, I am trying to add a new column that is conditioned on other columns (as shown in the below image) and view it at front-end. This link is the closest example but I would like to implement it in Django. How can we do this?
I suggest implement this action on the migration file:
After you changed model, execute ./ makemigrations
Open new migration file in editor, content of this file maybe is similar as below:
from django.db import migrations, models
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [('migrations', '0001_initial')]
operations = [
migrations.AddField('MyModel', 'A_islargerthan_B', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
Now you must inject your updater code by using migrations.RunPython :
from django.db import migrations, models
def update_A_islargerthan_B(apps, schema_editor):
MyModel = apps.get_model('my_app', 'MyModel')
for obj in MyModel.objects.all():
obj.A_islargerthan_B = obj.column_A > obj.column_B
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [('migrations', '0001_initial')]
operations = [
migrations.AddField('MyModel', 'A_islargerthan_B', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
Run ./ migrate
Read more about Django migrations

How can I add a new field in model when I already have a datamigration in Django?

I have a migrations come from the work of another person, and I'm in on a code base controlled by the version too. I created a migration file after adding a new field but the problem is in the data migration ( is created before through the function get_or_create () is executed in the head of the list while my migration file data in the end I should not change a migration already developed.
This is my list of migrations
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.db import migrations
from ..models import MyModel
def create_initial_mymodel(apps, schema_editor):
current_product_type, created = MyModel.objects.get_or_create()
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('myapp', '0002_datamigration_initial_users_list'),
operations = [
Rhe error is no such column named new_field
How can I fix the problem without editing any data migrations?
You should use apps.get_model to get the MyModel model, instead of importing it directly.
def create_initial_mymodel_forward(apps, schema_editor):
MyModel = apps.get_model('myapp', 'MyModel')
current_product_type, created = MyModel.objects.get_or_create()
Using apps.get_model will load a historical version of the model with the correct fields.

Django : Migration of polymorphic models back to a single base class

Let's suppose I have a polymorphic model and I want to get rid of it.
class AnswerBase(models.Model):
question = models.ForeignKey(Question, related_name="answers")
response = models.ForeignKey(Response, related_name="answers")
class AnswerText(AnswerBase):
body = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
class AnswerInteger(AnswerBase):
body = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
When I want to get all the answers I can never access "body" or I need to try to get the instance of a sub-class by trial and error.
# Query set of answerBase, no access to body
question = Question.objects.get(pk=1)
# Query set of answerBase, no access to body (even with django-polymorphic)
I don't want to use django-polymorphic because of performances, because it does not seem to work for foreignKey relation, and because I don't want my model to be too complicated. So I want this polymorphic architecture to become this simplified one :
class Answer(models.Model):
question = models.ForeignKey(Question, related_name="answers")
response = models.ForeignKey(Response, related_name="answers")
body = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
The migrations cannot be created automatically, it would delete all older answers in the database. I've read the Schema Editor documentation but it does not seem there is a buildin to migrate a model to something that already exists. So I want to create my own operation to save the AnswerText and AnswerInteger as an Answer then delete AnswerText and AnswerInteger. I'm hoping I won't have to write SQL directly, but maybe that's the only solution ? My migration file looks like this. I created an Operation called MigrateAnswer :
from myapp.migrations import MigrateAnswer
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
operations = [
migrations.RenameModel("AnswerBase", "Answer"),
field=models.TextField(blank=True, null=True),
So what I want to do in MigrateAnswer is to migrate the value for an old model (AnswerInteger and AnswerText) to the base class (now named Answer, previousely AnswerBase). Here's my operation class :
from django.db.migrations.operations.base import Operation
class MigrateAnswer(Operation):
reversible = False
def __init__(self, model_name):
self.old_name = model_name
def database_forwards(self, app_label, schema_editor, from_state,
new_model = to_state.apps.get_model(app_label, "Answer")
old_model = from_state.apps.get_model(app_label, self.old_name)
for field in old_model._meta.local_fields:
# loop on "question", "reponse" and "body"
# schema_editor.alter_field() Alter a field on a single model
# schema_editor.add_field() + remove_field() Does not permit
# to migrate the value from the old field to the new one
So my question is : Is it possible to do this wihout using "execute" (ie : without writing SQL). If so what should I do in the for loop of my Operation ?
Thanks in advance !
There is no need to write an Operations class; data migrations can be done simply with a RunPython call, as the docs show.
Within that function you can use perfectly normal model instance methods; since you know the fields you want to move the data for, there is no need to get them via meta lookups.
However you will need to temporarily call the new body field a different name, so it doesn't conflict with the old fields on the subclasses; you can rename it back at the end and delete the child classes because the value will be in the base class.
def migrate_answers(apps, schema_editor):
classes = []
classes_str = ['AnswerText', 'AnswerInteger']
for class_name in classes_str:
classes.append(apps.get_model('survey', class_name))
for class_ in classes:
for answer in class_.objects.all():
answer.new_body = answer.body
operations = [
field=models.TextField(blank=True, null=True),
migrations.RenameField('AnswerBase', 'new_body', 'body'),
migrations.RenameModel("AnswerBase", "Answer"),
You could create an empty migration for the app you want to do these modifications and use the migrations.RunPython Class to execute custom python functions.
Inside these functions you can have access to your models
The Django ORM that you can do data manipulation.
Pure python, no raw SQL.

Nested inlines in the Django admin?

Alright, I have a fairly simple design.
class Update(models.Model):
pub_date = models.DateField()
title = models.CharField(max_length=512)
class Post(models.Model):
update = models.ForeignKey(Update)
body = models.TextField()
order = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True)
class Media(models.Model):
post = models.ForeignKey(Post)
thumb = models.ImageField(upload_to='frontpage')
fullImagePath = models.ImageField(upload_to='frontpage')
Is there an easy-ish way to allow a user to create an update all on one page?
What I want is for a user to be able to go to the admin interface, add a new Update, and then while editing an Update add one or more Posts, with each Post having one or more Media items. In addition, I want the user to be able to reorder Posts within an update.
My current attempt has the following in
class MediaInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = Media
class PostAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [MediaInline,]
This let's the user add a new Post item, select the relevant Update, add the Media items to it, and hit save - which is fine. But there's no way to see all the Posts that belong to a given Update in a single place, which in turn means you can't roderder Posts within an update. It's really quite confusing for the end user.
As of now there is no "built-in" way to have nested inlines (inline inside inline) in django.contrib.admin. Pulling something like this off is possible by having your own ModelAdmin and InlineModelAdmin subclasses that would enable this kind of functionality. See the patches on this ticket for ideas on how to implement this. You'd also need to provide your own templates that would have nested iteration over both the top level inline and it's child inline.
There is now this egg available, which is a collation of the relevant patches mentioned in the other answer:
I have done this using, for the following Data structure:
My admin.pyfile:
from django.contrib import admin
import nested_admin
from .models import Contest, Contestant, Judge, Song, Singer
class SongInline(nested_admin.NestedTabularInline):
model = Song
extra = 0
class SingerInline(nested_admin.NestedTabularInline):
model = Singer
extra = 0
class ContestantInline(nested_admin.NestedTabularInline):
model = Contestant
inlines = [SongInline, SingerInline]
extra = 0
class JudgeInline(nested_admin.NestedTabularInline):
model = Judge
extra = 0
class ContestAdmin(nested_admin.NestedModelAdmin):
model = Contest
inlines = [ContestantInline, JudgeInline]
extra = 0, ContestAdmin) appears to be much more actively maintained than the other apps already mentioned ( and
I have just ran into this issue as well... Seems this thread which contains the request for the nested inlines feature ( has been updated with further information.
A custom made app called "django-super-inline" has been released. More details here:
Installation and usage instructions below.
Hope this is useful for whomever comes across this.
I ran into a similar issue to this. My approach was to make an UpdateAdmin that held inlines for both Media and Post... it basically just makes it so you have a list of all of the media entries followed by all of the posts in an update.
class MediaInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = Media
class PostInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = Post
class PostAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [MediaInline,]
class UpdateAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [MediaInline,PostInline]
It isn't an ideal solution but it works for a quick and dirty work around.
Use django-nested-admin which is the best package to do nested inlines.
First, install "django-nested-admin":
pip install django-nested-admin
Then, add "nested_admin" to "INSTALLED_APPS" in "":
# ""
# ...
"nested_admin", # Here
Then, add "path('_nested_ad..." to "urlpatterns" in "":
# ""
from django.urls import include, path
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('_nested_admin/', include('nested_admin.urls')), # Here
Finally, extend "NestedTabularInline" with "MediaInline()" and "PostInline()" classes and extend "NestedModelAdmin" with "UpdateAdmin()" class in "" as shown below:
# ""
from .models import Media, Post, Update
from nested_admin import NestedTabularInline, NestedModelAdmin
class MediaInline(NestedTabularInline):
model = Media
class PostInline(NestedTabularInline):
model = Post
inlines = [MediaInline]
class UpdateAdmin(NestedModelAdmin):
inlines = [PostInline]

