I want to know How can i Find an image in Massive data (there are a lot of images in a Folder) and i want to Find image which is Exactly the same as input image (Given an input image from another folder not in the data folder ) and Compare the input image with all of the massive data , if it found Exactly The Same Image ,then show its name as output(the name of the Same Image in Folder,Not input name) (for example: dafs.jpg)
using python
I am thinking about comparing the exact value of RGB pixels and Subtract the pixel of input image from each of the images in the folder
but i don't know how to do that in python
Comparing RGB Pixel Values
You could use the pillow module to get access to the pixel data of a particular image. Keep in mind that pillow supports these image formats.
If we make a few assumptions about what it means for 2 images to be identical, based on your description, both images must:
Have the same dimensions (height and width)
Have the same RGB pixel values (the RGB values of pixel [x, y] in the input image must be the same as the RGB values of pixel [x, y] in the output image)
Be of the same orientation (related to the previous assumption, an image is considered to be not identical compared to the same image rotated by 90 degrees)
then if we have 2 images using the pillow module
from PIL import Image
original = Image.open("input.jpg")
possible_duplicate = Image.open("output.jpg")
the following code would be able to compare the 2 images to see if they were identical
def compare_images(input_image, output_image):
# compare image dimensions (assumption 1)
if input_image.size != output_image.size:
return False
rows, cols = input_image.size
# compare image pixels (assumption 2 and 3)
for row in range(rows):
for col in range(cols):
input_pixel = input_image.getpixel((row, col))
output_pixel = output_image.getpixel((row, col))
if input_pixel != output_pixel:
return False
return True
by calling
compare_images(original, possible_duplicate)
Using this function, we could go through a set of images
from PIL import Image
def find_duplicate_image(input_image, output_images):
# only open the input image once
input_image = Image.open(input_image)
for image in output_images:
if compare_images(input_image, Image.open(image)):
return image
Putting it all together, we could simply call
original = "input.jpg"
possible_duplicates = ["output.jpg", "output2.jpg", ...]
duplicate = find_duplicate_image(original, possible_duplicates)
Note that the above implementation will only find the first duplicate, and return that. If no duplicate is found, None will be returned.
One thing to keep in mind is that performing a comparison on every pixel like this can be costly. I used this image and ran compare_images using this as the input and the output 100 times using the timeit module, and took the average of all those runs
num_trials = 100
trials = timeit.repeat(
stmt="compare_images(Image.open('input.jpg'), Image.open('input.jpg'))",
setup="from __main__ import compare_images; from PIL import Image"
avg = sum(trials) / num_trials
print("Average time taken per comparison was:", avg, "seconds")
# Average time taken per comparison was 1.3337286046380177 seconds
Note that this was done on an image that was only 600 by 600 pixels. If you did this with a "massive" set of possible duplicate images, where I will take "massive" to mean at least 1M images of similar dimensions, this could possibly take ~15 days (1,000,000 * 1.28s / 60 seconds / 60 minutes / 24 hours) to go through and compare each output image to the input, which is not ideal.
Also keep in mind that these metrics will vary based on the machine and operating system you are using. The numbers I provided are more for illustrative purposes.
Alternative Implementation
While I haven't fully explored this implementation myself, one method you could try would be to precompute a hash value of the pixel data of each of your images in your collection using a hash function. If you stored these in a database, with each hash containing a link to the original image or image name, then all you would have to do is calculate the hash of the input image using the same hashing function and compare the hashes instead. This would same lots of computation time, and would make a much more efficient algorithm.
This blog post describes one implementation for doing this.
Update - 2018-08-06
As per the request of the OP, if you were given the directory of the possible duplicate images and not the explicit image paths themselves, then you could use the os and ntpath modules like so
import ntpath
import os
def get_all_images(directory):
image_paths = []
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
# to be as careful as possible, you might check to make sure that
# the file is in fact an image, for instance using
# filename.endswith(".jpg") to check for .jpg files for instance
image_paths.append("{}/{}".format(directory, filename))
return image_paths
def get_filename(path):
return ntpath.basename(path)
Using these functions, the updated program might look like
possible_duplicates = get_all_images("/path/to/images")
duplicate_path = find_duplicate_image("/path/to/input.jpg", possible_duplicates)
if duplicate_path:
The above will only print the name of the duplicate image if there was a duplicate, otherwise, it will print nothing.
I have an image that is the output of a semantic segmentation algorithm, for example this one
I looked online and tried many pieces of code but none worked for me so far.
It is clear to the human eye that there are 5 different colors in this image: blue, black, red, and white.
I am trying to write a script in python to analyze the image and return the number of colors present in the image but so far it is not working. There are many pixels in the image which contain values that are a mixture of the colors above.
The code I am using is the following but I would like to understand if there is an easier way in your opinion to achieve this goal.
I think that I need to implement some sort of thresholding that has the following logic:
Is there a similar color to this one? if yes, do not increase the count of colors
Is this color present for more than N pixels? If not, do not increase the count of colors.
from PIL import Image
imgPath = "image.jpg"
img = Image.open(imgPath)
uniqueColors = set()
w, h = img.size
for x in range(w):
for y in range(h):
pixel = img.getpixel((x, y))
totalUniqueColors = len(uniqueColors)
Thanks in advance!
I solved my issue and I am now able to count colors in images coming from a semantic segmentation dataset (the images must be in .png since it is a lossless format).
Below I try to explain what I have found in the process for a solution and the code I used which should be ready to use (you need to just change the path to the images you want to analyze).
I had two main problems.
The first problem of the color counting was the format of the image. I was using (for some of the tests) .jpeg images that compress the image.
Therefore from something like this
If I would zoom in the top left corner of the glass (marked in green) I was seeing something like this
Which obviously is not good since it will introduce many more colors than the ones "visible to the human eye"
Instead, for my annotated images I had something like the following
If I zoom in the saddle of the bike (marked in green) I had something like this
The second problem was that I did not convert my image into an RGB image.
This is taken care in the code from the line:
img = Image.open(filename).convert('RGB')
The code is below. For sure it is not the most efficient but for me it does the job. Any suggestion to improve its performance is appreciated
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import argparse
import os
debug = False
def main(data_dir):
print("This small script allows you to count the number of different colors in an image")
print("This code has been written to count the number of classes in images from a semantic segmentation dataset")
print("Therefore, it is highly recommended to run this code on lossless images (such as .png ones)")
print("Images are being loaded from: {}".format(data_dir))
directory = os.fsencode(data_dir)
interesting_image_format = ".png"
# I will put in the variable filenames all the paths to the images to be analyzed
filenames = []
for file in os.listdir(directory):
filename = os.fsdecode(file)
if filename.endswith(interesting_image_format):
if debug:
print(os.path.join(directory, filename))
print("Analyzing image: {}".format(filename))
filenames.append(os.path.join(data_dir, filename))
if debug:
print("I am not doing much here...")
# Sort the filenames in an alphabetical order
# Analyze the images (i.e., count the different number of colors in the images)
number_of_colors_in_images = []
for filename in filenames:
img = Image.open(filename).convert('RGB')
if debug:
data_img = np.asarray(img)
if debug:
uniques = np.unique(data_img.reshape(-1, data_img.shape[-1]), axis=0)
# uncomment the following line if you want information for each analyzed image
print("The number of different colors in image ({}) {} is: {}".format(interesting_image_format, filename, len(uniques)))
# print("uniques.shape[0] for image {} is: {}".format(filename, uniques.shape[0]))
# Put the number of colors of each image into an array
# Print the maximum number of colors (classes) of all the analyzed images
# Print the average number of colors (classes) of all the analyzed images
def args_preprocess():
# Command line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
"--data_dir", default="default_path_to_images", type=str, help='Specify the directory path from where to take the images of which we want to count the classes')
args = parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':
The thing mentioned above about the lossy compression in .jpeg images and lossless compression in .png seems to be a nice thing to point out. But you can use the following piece of code to get the number of classes from a mask.
This is only applicable on .png images. Not tested on .jpeg images.
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
img_path = r'C:\Users\Bhavya\Downloads\img.png'
img = cv.imread(img_path)
img = np.array(img, dtype='int32')
pixels = []
for i in range(img.shape[0]):
for j in range(img.shape[1]):
r, g, b = list(img[i, j, :])
pixels.append((r, g, b))
pixels = list(set(pixels))
In this solution what I have done is appended pair of pixel values(RGB) in the input image to a list and converted the list to set and then back to list. The first conversion of list to set removes all the duplicate elements(here pixel values) and gives unique pixel values and the next conversion from set to list is optional and just to apply some future list operations on the pixels.
Something has gone wrong - your image has 1277 unique colours, rather than the 5 you suggest.
Have you maybe saved/shared a lossy JPEG rather than the lossless PNG you should prefer for classified images?
A fast method of counting the unique colours with Numpy is as follows:
def withNumpy(img):
# Ignore A channel
px = np.asarray(img)[...,:3]
# Merge RGB888 into single 24-bit integer
px24 = np.dot(np.array(px, np.uint32),[1,256,65536])
# Return number of unique colours
return len(np.unique(px24))
I have written some code to read the RGB values for each pixel of ~150 images (1000px by 720px, cropped and sized).
import os
from PIL import Image
images=os.listdir() #list all images present in directory
print("GETTING IMAGES...")
print("GETTING PIXEL INFORMATION...") #runs reasonably fast
for image in images: #loop through each image to extract RGB channels as separate lists
with Image.open(image) as img:
if image==images[0]:
print("AVERAGING IN CHANNEL RED.") #average for each pixel in each channel
avgR=[round(sum(x)/len(channelR)) for x in zip(*channelR)] #unzip the each pixel from all ~250 images, average it, store in tuple, starts to slow
avgG=[round(sum(x)/len(channelG)) for x in zip(*channelG)] #slower
avgB=[round(sum(x)/len(channelB)) for x in zip(*channelB)] #progressively slower
mergedData=[(x) for x in zip(avgR, avgG, avgB)] #merge averaged colour channels pixel by pixel, doesn't seem to end, takes eternity
stacked=Image.new('RGB', (imgSize)) #create image
stacked.putdata(mergedData) #generate image
stacked.save('stacked.tif', 'TIFF') #save file
Running it on my modestly equipped computer (Core2Duo, 4GB RAM, Linux Mint OS) took close to an hour for the averaging across the three channels to complete and a further one hour to merge the individual averaged pixels (did not complete, and I aborted the process). I have read that list comprehensions are slow and zip() function takes up too much memory, but tinkering with those resulted in further bugs. I have even read that partitioning the program into functions might speed it up.
For comparable performances, I would kindly request the person answering the question to run the code on the images from https://github.com/rlvaugh/Impractical_Python_Projects/tree/master/Chapter_15/video_frames.
Any help on speeding-up the program would be gratefully accepted. Does it hold any chance of improving its speed drastically on shifting to more powerful systems?
Thank you in advance for any help.
Appending to lists is slow. As is having multiple list comprehensions for something you could do in a single loop. You could also use numpy arrays to speed it up using SIMD operations instead of iterating over list.
Here's some sample code for a few images. You can extend it as per your requirements.
import os
import numpy as np
import PIL
imgfiles = ['MVI_6450 001.jpg', 'MVI_6450 002.jpg', 'MVI_6450 003.jpg', 'MVI_6450 004.jpg']
allimgs = None
for imgnum, imgfile in enumerate(imgfiles):
img = PIL.Image.open(imgfile)
imgdata = np.array(img.getdata()) # Nx3 array. columns: R, G, B channels
if allimgs is None:
allshape = list(imgdata.shape) # Size of one image
allshape.append(len(imgfiles)) # Append number of images
# allshape is now [num_pixels, num_channels, num_images]
# so making an array of this shape will allow us to store all images
# Axis 0: pixels. Axis 1: channels. Axis 2: images
allimgs = np.zeros(allshape)
allimgs[:, :, imgnum] = imgdata # Set the imgnum'th image data
# Get the mean along the last axis
# average same pixel across all images for each channel
imgavg = np.mean(allimgs, axis=-1)
# normalize so that max value is 255
# Also convert to uint8
imgavg = np.uint8(imgavg / np.max(imgavg) * 255)
imgavg_tuple = tuple(map(tuple, imgavg))
stacked = PIL.Image.new("RGB", img.size)
Note: We create a numpy array to hold all images at the start instead of appending as we load more images because it's a bad, bad idea to append to numpy arrays as Jacob mentions in a comment below. This is because numpy array append actually creates a new array and then copies the contents of both arrays, so it's an O(n^2) operation.
I have created a program in python using pyscreenshot which periodically takes a screenshot of a specific area of screen which will contain one of several pre-defined images. I am looking to load each of these images from file into a list and compare them with the screenshot to see which is currently displayed. Initially the files were created by screenshotting the images as they were on screen:
while True:
filenm = str(i) + ".png"
im=ImageGrab.grab(bbox=(680,640,735,690)) #accross, down
i = i + 1
Then when I attempt to compare them it always reports false:
image2 = Image.open("04.png")
im=ImageGrab.grab(bbox=(680,640,735,690)) #accross, down
if im == image2:
print "TRUE"
print "FALSE"
However comparing two of the images saved to files works:
image = Image.open("03.png")
image2 = Image.open("04.png")
if image == image2:
print "TRUE"
print "FALSE"
So my question is how do the images differ once loaded from file and how can I compare the 'live' screenshot with an image loaded from file?
It looks like when I use ImageGrab.grab(), a PIL.Image.Image object is created, where as Image.open() creates a PIL.pngImagePlugin.PngImageFile object. You don't want to be calling == on the actual objects, since there's no special semantics implemented for PIL images across comparing these two object types, and thus it just checks if they are the same objects in memory. Code I would use to compare the two images proper (using numpy) would look something like
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
def image_compare(image_1, image_2):
arr1 = np.array(image_1)
arr2 = np.array(image_2)
if arr1.shape != arr2.shape:
return False
maxdiff = np.max(np.abs(arr1 - arr2))
return maxdiff == 0
def image_compare_file(filename_1, filename_2):
im1 = Image.load(filename_1)
im2 = Image.load(filename_2)
return image_compare(im1, im2)
Here I take advantage of PIL images auto-casting to numpy ndarrays with np.array(). I then check that the dimensions match, and compute the max of the absolute error if they do. If this max is zero, the images are identical. Now you could just call
if image_compare_file('file1.png','file2.png'):
pass # images in file are identical
pass # images differ
if image_compare(image1,image2):
pass # images are identical
pass # images differ
You might be interested in using a perceptual diff tool which will let you quickly identify differences in the screenshots. imgdiff is a library that wraps a tool for this in Python. A simple version can probably be implemented with PIL's ImageChop, as in this answer:
import Image
import ImageChops
im1 = Image.open("splash.png")
im2 = Image.open("splash2.png")
diff = ImageChops.difference(im2, im1)
For more on perceptual diffing, check out Bret Slatkin's talk about using it for safe continuous deployment.
For example, I have 100 pictures whose resolution is the same, and I want to merge them into one picture. For the final picture, the RGB value of each pixel is the average of the 100 pictures' at that position. I know the getdata function can work in this situation, but is there a simpler and faster way to do this in PIL(Python Image Library)?
Let's assume that your images are all .png files and they are all stored in the current working directory. The python code below will do what you want. As Ignacio suggests, using numpy along with PIL is the key here. You just need to be a little bit careful about switching between integer and float arrays when building your average pixel intensities.
import os, numpy, PIL
from PIL import Image
# Access all PNG files in directory
imlist=[filename for filename in allfiles if filename[-4:] in [".png",".PNG"]]
# Assuming all images are the same size, get dimensions of first image
# Create a numpy array of floats to store the average (assume RGB images)
# Build up average pixel intensities, casting each image as an array of floats
for im in imlist:
# Round values in array and cast as 8-bit integer
# Generate, save and preview final image
The image below was generated from a sequence of HD video frames using the code above.
I find it difficult to imagine a situation where memory is an issue here, but in the (unlikely) event that you absolutely cannot afford to create the array of floats required for my original answer, you could use PIL's blend function, as suggested by #mHurley as follows:
# Alternative method using PIL blend function
for i in xrange(1,N):
You could derive the correct sequence of alpha values, starting with the definition from PIL's blend function:
out = image1 * (1.0 - alpha) + image2 * alpha
Think about applying that function recursively to a vector of numbers (rather than images) to get the mean of the vector. For a vector of length N, you would need N-1 blending operations, with N-1 different values of alpha.
However, it's probably easier to think intuitively about the operations. At each step you want the avg image to contain equal proportions of the source images from earlier steps. When blending the first and second source images, alpha should be 1/2 to ensure equal proportions. When blending the third with the the average of the first two, you would like the new image to be made up of 1/3 of the third image, with the remainder made up of the average of the previous images (current value of avg), and so on.
In principle this new answer, based on blending, should be fine. However I don't know exactly how the blend function works. This makes me worry about how the pixel values are rounded after each iteration.
The image below was generated from 288 source images using the code from my original answer:
On the other hand, this image was generated by repeatedly applying PIL's blend function to the same 288 images:
I hope you can see that the outputs from the two algorithms are noticeably different. I expect this is because of accumulation of small rounding errors during repeated application of Image.blend
I strongly recommend my original answer over this alternative.
One can also use numpy mean function for averaging. The code looks better and works faster.
Here the comparison of timing and results for 700 noisy grayscale images of faces:
def average_img_1(imlist):
# Assuming all images are the same size, get dimensions of first image
# Create a numpy array of floats to store the average (assume RGB images)
# Build up average pixel intensities, casting each image as an array of floats
for im in imlist:
out = Image.fromarray(arr)
return out
def average_img_2(imlist):
# Alternative method using PIL blend function
N = len(imlist)
for i in xrange(1,N):
return avg
def average_img_3(imlist):
# Alternative method using numpy mean function
images = np.array([np.array(Image.open(fname)) for fname in imlist])
arr = np.array(np.mean(images, axis=(0)), dtype=np.uint8)
out = Image.fromarray(arr)
return out
100 loops, best of 3: 362 ms per loop
100 loops, best of 3: 340 ms per loop
100 loops, best of 3: 311 ms per loop
BTW, the results of averaging are quite different. I think the first method lose information during averaging. And the second one has some artifacts.
in case anybody is interested in a blueprint numpy solution (I was actually looking for it), here's the code:
mean_frame = np.mean(([frame for frame in frames]), axis=0)
I would consider creating an array of x by y integers all starting at (0, 0, 0) and then for each pixel in each file add the RGB value in, divide all the values by the number of images and then create the image from that - you will probably find that numpy can help.
I ran into MemoryErrors when trying the method in the accepted answer. I found a way to optimize that seems to produce the same result. Basically, you blend one image at a time, instead of adding them all up and dividing.
avg = Image.open(images_to_blend[0])
for im in images_to_blend: #assuming your list is filenames, not images
img = Image.open(im)
avg = Image.blend(avg, img, 1/N)
This does two things, you don't have to have two very dense copies of the image while you're turning the image into an array, and you don't have to use 64-bit floats at all. You get similarly high precision, with smaller numbers. The results APPEAR to be the same, though I'd appreciate if someone checked my math.
Let's assume the image is stored as a png file and I need to drop every odd line and resize the result horizontally to 50% in order to keep the aspect ratio.
The result must have 50% of the resolution of the original image.
It will not be enough to recommend an existing image library, like PIL, I would like to see some working code.
UPDATE - Even if the question received a correct answer, I want to warn others that PIL is not in a great shape, the project website was not updated in months, there is no link to a bug traker and the list activity is quite low. I was surprised to discover that a simple BMP file saved with Paint was not loaded by PIL.
Is it essential to keep every even line (in fact, define "even" - are you counting from 1 or 0 as the first row of the image?)
If you don't mind which rows are dropped, use PIL:
from PIL import Image
size[0] /= 2
size[1] /= 2
downsized=img.resize(size, Image.NEAREST) # NEAREST drops the lines
I recently wanted to deinterlace some stereo images, extracting the images for the left and right eye. For that I wrote:
from PIL import Image
def deinterlace_file(input_file, output_format_str, row_names=('Left', 'Right')):
print("Deinterlacing {}".format(input_file))
source = Image.open(input_file)
dim = source.size
scaled_size1 = (math.floor(dim[0]), math.floor(dim[1]/2) + 1)
scaled_size2 = (math.floor(dim[0]/2), math.floor(dim[1]/2) + 1)
top = Image.new(source.mode, scaled_size1)
top_pixels = top.load()
other = Image.new(source.mode, scaled_size1)
other_pixels = other.load()
for row in range(dim[1]):
for col in range(dim[0]):
pixel = source.getpixel((col, row))
row_int = math.floor(row / 2)
if row % 2:
top_pixels[col, row_int] = pixel
other_pixels[col, row_int] = pixel
top_final = top.resize(scaled_size2, Image.NEAREST) # Downsize to maintain aspect ratio
other_final = other.resize(scaled_size2, Image.NEAREST) # Downsize to maintain aspect ratio
output_format_str should be something like: "filename-{}.png" where the {} will be replaced with the row name.
Note that it ends up with the image being half of it's original size. If you don't want this you can twiddle the last scaling step
It's not the fastest operation as it goes through pixel by pixel, but I could not see an easy way to extract rows from an image.