I'm trying to build up a deep-learning-based facebook chatbot (using Python). I'm trying to deploy it on Heroku firstly, but as I'm using the command web: gunicorn echoserver:app the terminal says web: command not found. Howevere, I've installed gunicorn already.
This is because you are typing web:, which is not a command line interface (CLI) command.
If you've installed gunicorn, then the command (from the CLI) is gunicorn. Something like, for instance
gunicorn echoserver:app
I suppose it's also possible that you have a Windows machine. gunicorn does not work on Windows, so you would need to use something like waitress. With waitress, you would type web: on a Windows machine, so that it would be something like
web: waitress-serve echoserver:app
Note that the procfile is literally a file you place in your repository. The contents of the procfile should contain the command you want Heroku to run to start your server.
So in the root directory of your repo, you should have a Procfile (named exactly that with no file extension) with the following contents:
web: gunicorn echoserver:app
The first part (web:) is just used to tell Heroku which dyno to run the second part (the command) on. So Heroku will only run the command on web dynos and not on background dynos.
More info here: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/procfile
I am trying to host a Python\Django app on Heroku. I followed the guide on heroku website but when I execute the line "heroku ps:scale web:1" it comes back the following message:
No process types on ⬢ salty-brushlands-45215.
▸ Upload a Procfile to add process types.
▸ https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/procfile
I already tryed to commit a Procfile into my project (searching for a solution) but I don't know if requires any configuration inside it. Help please!
Your Procfile should contain this,
web: gunicorn your_project.wsgi
web defines the type of your application
gunicorn is a wsgi server
1.Create .txt file.
2.add this raw to your file:
worker: python main.py
3.save file and delete file extension (.txt)
4.add Procfile to master folder
I have a REST API exposed with Falcon and Waitress. It works fine in my local environment and want to publish it in Heroku.
To start the API, in my Procfile I have the following:
web: waitress-serve --port=$PORT app:api
And I can't see it correctly in the Free Dynos resources.
But when I deploy in Heroku, I get the following error message:
bash: waitress-serve: command not found
I'm using the following Buildpack:
In my root folder, I have conda-requirements.txt with waitress==1.3.0
Am I missing anything?
My fix for this was that I had not updated my requirements.txt file with my most recent installs. Do that, git push, and it might work.
I'll add also that my Procfile is this:
web: waitress-serve --port=$PORT --call myapp:create_app
I'm trying to deploy a simple python bot on Heroku but I get the error
couldn't find that process type
When I try to scale the dynos. I already made a procfile and it looks like this:
web: gunicorn dep:app, where "dep" is the name of my python code
What could be the reason?
This may happen if your procfile is misspelt, such as "procfile" or "ProcFile" etc. The file name should be "Procfile" (with a capital P).
sometimes changing the file name is not anough, because git wouldn't spot the change. I had to delete the Procfile completely, then commit the change, than add it again with the right name, and then commit that again:
remove your procfile
git commit
add a new procfile with the exact name "Procfile"
commit again
git push heroku master (or main - new heroku projects now uses main)
should work!
Make Sure Procfile should not have any extension like .txt
otherwise this will be the error
remote: -----> Discovering process types
remote: Procfile declares types -> (none)
To create file without extension type following in cmd
notepad Procfile.
Now add web: gunicorn dep:app and save
Now when you will git push heroku master the above lines will be like
remote: -----> Discovering process types
remote: Procfile declares types -> web
And the error is gone when you will run
C:\Users\Super-Singh\PycharmProjects\URLShortener>heroku ps:scale web=1
Scaling dynos... done, now running web at 1:Free
Ensure that the Procfile is in the root directory of your repository.
In my case I had initially kept the Procfile in a subdirectory. Moving it to the root directory solved the problem.
For people who are trying to deploy a django web app, take note that the above step may cause another issue - of heroku unable to reach till the wsgi file residing in the subdirectory.
I solved it by referring to the below thread -
How can I modify Procfile to run Gunicorn process in a non-standard folder on Heroku?
The following worked for me.
As per this Heroku help page:
To fix:
Remove the existing buildpacks with heroku buildpacks:clear.
You will need to add an empty commit and redeploy for the changes to
take effect:
git commit --allow-empty -m "Adjust buildpacks on Heroku"
git push heroku master
You might check your python version. I tried to deploy my Django project so my procfile looks like this web: gunicorn blog.wsgi --log-file - and I also got the same error couldn't find that process type. and I found that Heroku only support python-3.6.4 and python-2.7.14 while I just had python3.5. You can type:
python -V
to see what python version you are using now. if not, you can download python 3.6. I followed this How do I install Python 3.6 using apt-get?
Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04
If you are using Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04, you can use Felix Krull's
deadsnakes PPA at
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.6
Alternatively, you can use J Fernyhough's PPA at
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/python-3.6
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.6
and remember to keep you python 3.5. Don't remove it. and specify your python version in the runtime.txt file: python-3.6.4 and run:
heroku ps:scale web=1 --app [my app's name]
and the problem solved. I hope my answer might help you.
In My case the error was solved by just creating space between web and gunicorn
web:gunicorn --pythonpath app app.wsgi
web: gunicorn --pythonpath app app.wsgi
While it's not Python, in my case, I had heroku/java followed by heroku/pgbouncer. In Heroku's Settings, I switched them so heroku/pgbouncer was on top. This fixed the issue. Perhaps your buildpacks need to be ordered differently if you are using multiple.
I have this ProcFile file following this guidelines for django app deployment on section Build your app and run it locally in order to test it locally you have to run this command.
web: python manage.py runserver$PORT
Then running heroku local or heroku local web got me into this error:
CommandError: "$PORT" is not a valid port number or address:port pair.
You must not use runserver in production. Use gunicorn as the docs and comments suggest.
For local:
If you follow this official heroku tutorial and you are running it on Window platform locally, instead of $PORT, you have to use %PORT% at your Procfile.windows:
web: python manage.py runserver
since window does not interpret $PORT expression which only applicable in Unix shells.
If one using waitress as WSGI and wanna run it locally on Window platform, your Procfile should looks like this:
web: waitress-serve --port=%PORT% wsgi:your_app
For real online deployment:
simply include gunicorn package in requirementx.txt and your Procfile should be in this way:
web: gunicorn wsgi:your_app
If you are using waitress, you need to change back to $PORT, and set it in this way instead of fixed port number since Heroku assigns port to your app dynamically. Also, do make sure the host is set to so your app is available externally.
For a django project in heroku you must have a Procfile like this:
web: gunicorn yourapp.wsgi
The filename must be Procfile, and not ProcFile
If you want to run into development you can either $ python manage.py runserver in your shell (heroku independent) or run $ heroku local with a valid production Procfile
When i'm runing heroku ps:scale web=1, I'm getting below error.
Scaling dynos... failed
No such process type web defined in Procfile.
My Procfile contains below code.
worker: python vot.py
I also did heroku run bash and the Procfile is there and file name is also correct.
How could i solve this ?
Your heroku command has "web=1" but your Procfile has "worker". Try:
heroku ps:scale worker=1
I dont see you define single process type "web" in your procfile.
Follow on this heroku procfile and define python procfile
web: gunicorn gettingstarted.wsgi --log-file -
This declares a single process type, web, and the command needed to run it. The name web is important here. It declares that this process type will be attached to the HTTP routing stack of Heroku, and receive web traffic when deployed.
Procfiles can contain additional process types.
worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work