Python Execute a Function after timeout - python

i want to start a function after a timeout in a While true loop, but the code dont execute anything and jumps out the loop and i dont know why :/
Here is my Code
import requests
from threading import Timer
def timeout(flag):
print("New Request")
statuscode = requests.get("").status_code
if statuscode == 200 and flag == 0:
print("Service available")
print("Flag: ", flag)
flag = 0
#Poste result to Backend
elif statuscode == 200 and flag == 1:
print("Service is available now")
print("Flag: ", flag)
flag = 0
#Email an User
#Post Request
elif statuscode != 200 and flag == 0:
print("Service is not available")
print("Flag: ", flag)
flag = 1
#Email to User
#Post Request
print("Service is not available")
print("Flag: ", flag)
#Post Request
Timer(10, timeout, flag)
I want that timeout is executed for example every 10 seconds. So every 10 second one condition from the function timeout() will be executed.
But its not working so far, the console output is nothing :/

Your first problem is just that you're not calling main(). And normally, I'd just add a comment to tell you that and close the question as a typo, but you don't want to fix that until you first fix your bigger problem.
Your code tries to create and call a new timeout function over and over, as fast as possible. And the first thing that timeout function does is to create a new Timer object. Which is a new thread.
So you're spawning new threads as fast as Python will let you, which means in a very short time you're going to have more threads than your OS can handle. If you're lucky, that will mean you get an exception and your program quits. If you're unlucky, that will mean your system slows to a crawl as the kernel starts swapping thread stacks out to disk, and, even after you manage to kill the program, it may still take minutes to recover.
And really, there's no reason for the while loop here. Each Timer schedules the next Timer, so it will keep running forever. And there's only ever 2 threads alive at a time that way.
But there's not even a reason for a Timer in the first place. You don't want to do anything while waiting 10 seconds between requests, so why not just sleep?
import time
import requests
def main():
flag = 0
while True:
print("New Request")
statuscode = requests.get("").status_code
if statuscode == 200 and flag == 0:
print("Service available")
# etc.
Your code had another problem: you're defining a local variable named flag in timeout, but then you're trying to use it, in that flag == 0 check, before you ever assign to it. That would raise an UnboundLocalError. The fact that you happen to also have a local variable named flag in main doesn't make a difference. To fix this, you'd have to do one of these:
Pass flag in as an argument for Timer to pass to each timeout call as a parameter. (Probably best.)
Add a nonlocal flag declaration to timeout, so it becomes a closure cell shared by all of the timeout functions you define. (Not bad, but not the most idiomatic solution.)
Add a global flag declaration to both functions, so it becomes a global variable shared by everyone in the universe. (Probably fine a program this simple, but at the very least not a good habit to get into.)
But, once we've gotten rid of the thread, we've also gotten rid of the function, so there's just the one local flag, so the problem doesn't come up in the first place.


Add time delay between every statement of python code

Is there an easy way to execute time delay (like time.sleep(3)) between every statement of Python code without having to explicitly write between every statement?
Like in the below Python Script which performs certain action on SAP GUI window. Sometimes, the script continues to the next statement before the previous statement is complete. So, I had to add a time delay between every statement so that it executes correctly. It is working with time delay, but I end up adding time.sleep(3) between every line. Just wondering if there is a better way?
import win32com.client
import time
sapgui = win32com.client.GetObject("SAPGUI").GetScriptingEngine
session = sapgui.FindById("ses[0]")
def add_record(employee_num, start_date, comp_code):
session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").text = "/npa40"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtRP50G-PERNR").text = employee_num
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtRP50G-EINDA").text = start_date
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMP50ATC_MENU_EVENT/ctxtRP50G-WERKS[1,0]").text = comp_code
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMP50ATC_MENU_EVENT/ctxtRP50G-PERSG[2,0]").text = "1"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMP50ATC_MENU_EVENT/ctxtRP50G-PERSK[3,0]").text = "U1"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMP50ATC_MENU_EVENT").getAbsoluteRow(0).selected = True
return "Pass"
return "failed"
The right way to do what you asked for is almost certainly to use the debugger, pdb.
The right way to do what you want is probably something completely different: find some signal that tells you that the step is done, and wait for that signal. With problems like this, almost any time you pick will be way, way too long 99% of the time, but still too short 1% of the time. That signal may be joining a thread, or waiting on a (threading or multiprocessing) Condition, or getting from a queue, or awaiting a coroutine or future, or setting the sync flag on an AppleEvent, or… It really depends on what you're doing.
But if you really want to do this, you can use settrace:
def sleeper(frame, event, arg):
if event == 'line':
return sleeper
One small problem is that the notion of line used by the interpreter may well not be what you want. Briefly, a 'line' trace event is triggered whenever the ceval loop jumps to a different lnotab entry (see lnotab_notes.txt in the source to understand what that means—and you'll probably need at least a passing understanding of how bytecode is interpreted, at least from reading over the dis docs, to understand that). So, for example, a multiline expression is a single line; the line of a with statement may appear twice, etc.1
And there's probably an even bigger problem.
Sometimes, the script continues to next step before the previous step is fully complete.
I don't know what those steps are, but if you put the whole thread to sleep for 2 seconds, there's a good chance the step you're waiting for won't make any progress, because the thread is asleep. (For example, you're not looping through any async or GUI event loops, because you're doing nothing at all.) If so, then after 2 seconds, it'll still be just as incomplete as it was before, and you'll have wasted 2 seconds for nothing.
1. If your notion of "line" is closer to what's described in the reference docs on lexing and parsing Python, you could create an import hook that walks the AST and adds an expression statement with a Call to time.sleep(2) after each list element in each body with a module, definition, or compound statement (and then compiles and execs the result as usual).
Anything you want to happen in a program has to be explicitly stated - this is the nature of programming. This is like asking if you can print hello world without calling print("hello world").
I think the best advice to give you here is: don't think in terms of "lines", but think in term of functions.
use debugging mode and watch each and every line executing line by line.

Methods to restart died process

There's a little app named logivew that I'm writing a script to monitor, along with some other tasks. In the main while loop (which will exit when the app I'm most concerned about closes), I check to see if logview needs restarting. The code I have presently is roughly as follows:
#a good old global
logview = "/usr/bin/logview"
#a function that starts logview:
port = 100
log_file = "/foo/bar"
logview_process = subprocess.Popen([logview, log_file, port],
stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL,
stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
#a separate function that monitors in the background:
while True:
logview_status = 0
logview_status = psutil.Process(
except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
if(logview_status == psutil.STATUS_STOPPED or
logview_status == psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE or
logview_status == psutil.STATUS_DEAD or
logview_status == 0):
print("Logview died; restarting")
logview_cli_list = [logview]
logview_process = subprocess.Popen(logview_cli_list,
stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL,
stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
if(some_other_condition): break
However, if I test-kill logview, the condition triggers and I do see the printed message, but then I see it again, and again, and again. It seems that the condition triggers every single iteration of the loop if logview does die. And, it never does get restarted properly.
So clearly... I'm doing something wrong. =)
Any help (or better methods!) would be greatly appreciated.
I don't know your logview program but the problem is here:
logview_cli_list = [logview]
When you're creating the argument list, you're putting logview twice in your command, because logview_process.args also contains the name of the launched command, so the program probably fails immediately because of bad args, and is run again and again...
The fix is then obvious:
logview_cli_list = logview_process.args
a better fix would be to create the process in the loop if a given flag is set and set the flag at the start.
When process dies, set the flag to trigger the process creation again. Would have avoided this copy/almost paste mistake.

Python Threaded Timer Returning Random Errors

I have a python thread that runs every 20 seconds. The code is:
import threading
def work():
#code here
except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
except Exception, e:
logger.error('error somewhere',exc_info=True)
threading.Timer(20, work).start ();
It usually runs completely fine. Once in a while, it'll return an error that doesnt make much sense. The errors are the same two errors. The first one might be legitimate, but the errors after that definitely aren't. Then after that, it returns that same error every time it runs the thread. If I kill the process and start over, then it runs cleanly. I have absolutely no idea what going on here. Help please.
As currently defined in your question, you are most likely exceeding your maximum recursion depth. I can't be certain because you have omitted any opportunities for flow control that may be evident in your try block. Furthermore, everytime your code fails to execute, the general catch for exceptions will log the exception and then bump you into a new timer with a new logger (assume you are declaring that in the try block). I think you probably meant to do the following:
import threading
import time
def work():
#code here
except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
except Exception, e:
logger.error('error somewhere',exc_info=True)
t = threading.Timer(20, work)
i = 0
while True:
if i >1000:
If this is in fact the case, the reason your code was not working is that when you call your work function the first time, it processes and then right at the end, starts another work function in a new timer. This happens add infinitum until the stack fills up, python coughs, and gets angry that you have recursed (called a function from within itself) too many times.
My code fix pulls the timer outside of the function so we create a single timer, which calls the work function once every 20 seconds.
Because threading.timers run in separate threads, we also need to wait around in the main thread. To do this, I added a simple while loop that will run for 1000 seconds and then close the timer and exit. If we didn't wait around in the main loop, it would call your timer and then close out immediately causing python to clean up the timer before it executed even once.

Thread-Switching in PyDbg

I've tried posting this in the reverse-engineering stack-exchange, but I thought I'd cross-post it here for more visibility.
I'm having trouble switching from debugging one thread to another in pydbg. I don't have much experience with multithreading, so I'm hoping that I'm just missing something obvious.
Basically, I want to suspend all threads, then start single stepping in one thread. In my case, there are two threads.
First, I suspend all threads. Then, I set a breakpoint on the location where EIP will be when thread 2 is resumed. (This location is confirmed by using IDA). Then, I enable single-stepping as I would in any other context, and resume Thread 2.
However, pydbg doesn't seem to catch the breakpoint exception! Thread 2 seems to resume and even though it MUST hit that address, there is no indication that pydbg is catching the breakpoint exception. I included a "print "HIT BREAKPOINT" inside pydbg's internal breakpoint handler, and that never seems to be called after resuming Thread 2.
I'm not too sure about where to go next, so any suggestions are appreciated!
print dbg.enumerate_threads()[0]
oldcontext = dbg.get_thread_context(thread_id=dbg.enumerate_threads()[0])
if (dbg.disasm(oldcontext.Eip) == "ret"):
print disasm_at(dbg,oldcontext.Eip)
print "Thread EIP at a ret"
addrstr = int("0x"+( + 4,4))[::-1].encode("hex"),16)
print hex(addrstr)
dbg.bp_set(oldcontext.Eip + dbg.instruction.length,handler=Thread_Start_bp_Handler)
dbg.context = oldcontext
Sorry about the "magic numbers", but they are correct as far as I can tell.
One of your problems is that you try to single step through Thread2 and you only refer to Thread1 in your code:
dbg.enumerate_threads()[0] # <--- Return handle to the first thread.
In addition, the code the you posted is not reflective of the complete structure of your script, which makes it hard to judge wether you have other errors or not. You also try to set breakpoint within the sub-brach that disassembles your instructions, which does not make a lot of sense to me logically. Let me try to explain what I know, and lay it out in an organized manner. That way you might look back at your code, re-think it and correct it.
Let's start with basic framework of debugging an application with pydbg:
Create debugger instance
Attache to the process
Set breakpoints
Run it
Breakpoint gets hit - handle it.
This is how it could look like:
from pydbg import *
from pydbg.defines import *
# This is maximum number of instructions we will log
# Address of the breakpoint
func_address = "0x7C90D21A"
# Create debugger instance
dbg = pydbg()
# PID to attach to
pid = int(raw_input("Enter PID: "))
# Attach to the process with debugger instance created earlier.
# Attaching the debugger will pause the process.
# Let's set the breakpoint and handler as thread_step_setter,
# which we will define a little later...
dbg.bp_set(func_address, handler=thread_step_setter)
# Let's set our "personalized" handler for Single Step Exception
# It will get triggered if execution of a thread goes into single step mode.
dbg.set_callback(EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP, single_step_handler)
# Setup is done. Let's run it...
Now having the basic structure, let's define our personalized handlers for breakpoint and single stepping. The code snippet below defines our "custom" handlers. What will happen is when breakpoint hits we will iterate through threads and set them to single step mode. It will in turn trigger single step exception, which we will handle and disassemble MAX_INSTRUCTIONS amount of instructions:
def thread_step_setter(dbg):
for thread_id in dbg.enumerate_threads():
print "Single step for thread: 0x%08x" % thread_id
h_thread = dbg.open_thread(thread_id)
dbg.single_step(True, h_thread)
# Resume execution, which will pass control to step handler
def single_step_handler(dbg):
global total_instructions
if instructions == MAX_INSTRUCTION:
# Disassemble the instruction
current_instruction = dbg.disasm(dbg.context,Eip)
print "#%d\t0x%08x : %s" % (total_instructions, dbg.context.Eip, current_instruction)
total_instructions += 1
Discloser: I do not guarantee that the code above will work if copied and pasted. I typed it out and haven't tested it. However, if basic understanding is acquired, the small syntactical error could be easily fixed. I apologize in advanced if I have any. I don't currently have means or time to test it.
I really hope it helps you out.

python and Cocoa: about statusbar script

I am creating a little script which check the number of mail in my gmail account and print them in the
status bar. The function gmail() returns the number of new emails. I have few questions, but first this is the code I wrote so far (clearly I am a novice):
class MyApplicationAppDelegate(NSObject):
var = 1
def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, sender):
NSLog("Application did finish launching.")
global ngmail
self.statusItem = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar().statusItemWithLength_(NSVariableStatusItemLength)
while var == 1 :
ngmail2 = gmail();
if ngmail2 !=ngmail:
ngmail = ngmail2
1) Why do I need the line "self.statusItem.setTitle_("loading")" ? without that line it wouldn't update itself. I really do not know why.
2) it runs as it should, but whenever I get close to the number in the status bar, the spinning wheel appear.
I guess the reason is because I am using while, and instead I should be using something like nsrunloop or something like that. Can anyone advice on this?
3) If I put my mac to sleep and I wake it up, the script stops working. Any solution? maybe this is related to question 2) above.
All of your problems come from the fact that you're blocking the main thread.
In Cocoa, or almost any other GUI framework, the main thread runs a loop that waits for the next event, calls an event handler, and repeats until quit.
Your event handler, applicationDidFinishLaunching_, never returns. This means Cocoa can never handle the next event. Eventually, the OS will notice that you're not responding and put up the beachball.
With Cocoa, sometimes it sneaks in some other events each time you give it a chance, like on the setTitle_ calls, and there are some things the OS can fake even if you're not responding, like keeping the window redrawing, so it isn't always obvious that your app is not responsive. But that doesn't mean you don't need to solve the problem.
There are a number ways to do this, but is the easiest is probably to use a background thread. Then, applicationDidFinishLaunching_ can kick off the background thread and then return immediately, allowing the main thread to get back to its job handling events.
The only tricky bit is that code running on background threads can't make calls to UI objects. So, what do you do about that?
That's what performSelectorOnMainThread_withObject_waitUntilDone_ is for.
Here's an example:
class MyApplicationAppDelegate(NSObject):
var = 1
def background_work(self):
global ngmail
while var == 1 :
ngmail2 = gmail();
if ngmail2 !=ngmail:
self.statusItem.performSelectorOnMainThread_withObject_waitUntilDone_('setTitle:', ngmail2, False)
def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, sender):
NSLog("Application did finish launching.")
self.statusItem = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar().statusItemWithLength_(NSVariableStatusItemLength)
self.background_worker = threading.Thread(target=self.background_work)
The only tricky bit is that you have to use the ObjC name for the selector (setTitle:), not the Python name (setTitle_).
However, your code has another subtle bug: var isn't actually synchronized, so it's possible for you to change its value in the main thread, without the background thread ever noticing.
On top of that, doing a sleep(6) means that it will take up to 6 seconds to quit your app, because the background thread won't get to the code that checks var until it finishes sleeping.
You can fix both of these by using a Condition.
class MyApplicationAppDelegate(NSObject):
var = 1
condition = threading.Condition()
def background_work(self):
global ngmail
with condition:
while var == 1:
ngmail2 = gmail();
if ngmail2 != ngmail:
self.statusItem.performSelectorOnMainThread_withObject_waitUntilDone_('setTitle:', ngmail2, False)
def shutdown_background_threads(cls):
with condition:
var = 0
(I assume you used a class attribute for var instead of an instance attribute on purpose, so I likewise made the condition a class attribute and the shutdown method a class method.)

