Altering traceback of a non-callable module - python

I'm a minor contributor to a package where people are meant to do this (Foo.Bar.Bar is a class):
>>> from Foo.Bar import Bar
>>> s = Bar('a')
Sometimes people do this by mistake (Foo.Bar is a module):
>>> from Foo import Bar
>>> s = Bar('a')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable
This might seems simple, but users still fail to debug it, I would like to make it easier. I can't change the names of Foo or Bar but I would like to add a more informative traceback like:
TypeError("'module' object is not callable, perhaps you meant to call 'Bar.Bar()'")
I read the Callable modules Q&A, and I know that I can't add a __call__ method to a module (and I don't want to wrap the whole module in a class just for this). Anyway, I don't want the module to be callable, I just want a custom traceback. Is there a clean solution for Python 3.x and 2.7+?

Add this to top of (Based on this question)
import sys
this_module = sys.modules[__name__]
class MyModule(sys.modules[__name__].__class__):
def __call__(self, *a, **k): # module callable
raise TypeError("'module' object is not callable, perhaps you meant to call 'Bar.Bar()'")
def __getattribute__(self, name):
return this_module.__getattribute__(name)
sys.modules[__name__] = MyModule(__name__)
# the rest of file
class Bar:
Note: Tested with python3.6 & python2.7.

What you want is to change the error message when is is displayed to the user. One way to do that is to define your own excepthook.
Your own function could:
search the calling frame in the traceback object (which contains informations about the TypeError exception and the function which does that),
search the Bar object in the local variables,
alter the error message if the object is a module instead of a class or function.
In you can install a your excepthook
import inspect
import sys
def _install_foo_excepthook():
_sys_excepthook = sys.excepthook
def _foo_excepthook(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
if exc_type is TypeError:
# -- find the last frame (source of the exception)
tb_frame = exc_traceback
while tb_frame.tb_next is not None:
tb_frame = tb_frame.tb_next
# -- search 'Bar' in the local variable
f_locals = tb_frame.tb_frame.f_locals
if 'Bar' in f_locals:
obj = f_locals['Bar']
if inspect.ismodule(obj):
# -- change the error message
exc_value.args = ("'module' object is not callable, perhaps you meant to call 'Foo.Bar.Bar()'",)
_sys_excepthook(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
sys.excepthook = _foo_excepthook
Of course, you need to enforce this algorithm…
With the following demo:
# coding: utf-8
from Foo import Bar
s = Bar('a')
You get:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/path/to/", line 5, in <module>
s = Bar('a')
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable, perhaps you meant to call 'Foo.Bar.Bar()'

There are a lot of ways you could get a different error message, but they all have weird caveats and side effects.
Replacing the module's __class__ with a types.ModuleType subclass is probably the cleanest option, but it only works on Python 3.5+.
Besides the 3.5+ limitation, the primary weird side effects I've thought of for this option are that the module will be reported callable by the callable function, and that reloading the module will replace its class again unless you're careful to avoid such double-replacement.
Replacing the module object with a different object works on pre-3.5 Python versions, but it's very tricky to get completely right.
Submodules, reloading, global variables, any module functionality besides the custom error message... all of those are likely to break if you miss some subtle aspect of the implementation. Also, the module will be reported callable by callable, just like with the __class__ replacement.
Trying to modify the exception message after the exception is raised, for example in sys.excepthook, is possible, but there isn't a good way to tell that any particular TypeError came from trying to call your module as a function.
Probably the best you could do would be to check for a TypeError with a 'module' object is not callable message in a namespace where it looks plausible that your module would have been called - for example, if the Bar name is bound to the Foo.Bar module in either the frame's locals or globals - but that's still going to have plenty of false negatives and false positives. Also, sys.excepthook replacement isn't compatible with IPython, and whatever mechanism you use would probably conflict with something.
Right now, the problems you have are easy to understand and easy to explain. The problems you would have with any attempt to change the error message are likely to be much harder to understand and harder to explain. It's probably not a worthwhile tradeoff.


String representation of Python modules [duplicate]

Can a python module have a __repr__? The idea would be to do something like:
import mymodule
print mymodule
EDIT: precision: I mean a user-defined repr!
Short answer: basically the answer is no.
But can't you find the functionality you are looking for using docstrings?
""" my module test does x and y
class myclass(object):
import testmodule
print testmodule.__doc__
Long answer:
You can define your own __repr__ on a module level (just provide def __repr__(...) but then you'd have to do:
import mymodule
print mymodule.__repr__()
to get the functionality you want.
Have a look at the following python shell session:
>>> import sys # we import the module
>>> sys.__repr__() # works as usual
"<module 'sys' (built-in)>"
>>> sys.__dict__['__repr__'] # but it's not in the modules __dict__ ?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: '__repr__'
>>> sys.__class__.__dict__['__repr__'] # __repr__ is provided on the module type as a slot wrapper
<slot wrapper '__repr__' of 'module' objects>
>>> sys.__class__.__dict__['__repr__'](sys) # which we should feed an instance of the module type
"<module 'sys' (built-in)>"
So I believe the problem lies within these slot wrapper objects which (from what can be read at the link) have the result of bypassing the usual 'python' way of looking up item attributes.
For these class methods CPython returns C pointers to the corresponding methods on these objects (which then get wrapped in the slot wrapper objects to be callable from the python-side).
You can achieve this effect--if you're willing to turn to the Dark Side of the Force.
Add this to
import sys
class MyReprModule(mymodule.__class__):
def __init__(self, other):
for attr in dir(other):
setattr(self, attr, getattr(other, attr))
def __repr__(self):
sys.modules[__name__] = MyReprModule(sys.modules[__name__])
Lo and behold:
>>> import mymodule
>>> print mymodule
I dimly remember, in previous attempts at similarly evil hacks, having trouble setting special attributes like __class__. I didn't have that trouble when testing this. If you run into that problem, just catch the exception and skip that attribute.
Modules can have a __repr__ function, but it isn't invoked when getting the representation of a module.
So no, you can't do what you want.
As a matter of fact, many modules do [have a __repr__]!
>>> import sys
>>> print(sys)
<module 'sys' (built-in)> #read edit, however, this info didn't come from __repr__ !
also try dir(sys) to see __repr__ is there along with __name__ etc..
__repr__ seems to be found in modules, in Python 3.0 and up.
As indicated by Ned Batchelder, this methods is not used by Python when it print out the a module. (A quick experiment, where the repr property was re-assigned showed that...)
No, because __repr__ is a special method (I call it a capability), and it is only ever looked up on the class. Your module is just another instance of the module type, so however you would manage to define a __repr__, it would not be called!

Import modules that don't exist (yet)

I wish to create my own variation of amoffat'ssh module, where it can import pretty much any command from user's UNIX path, such as:
from sh import hg
However, I am having a hard time finding a way to intercept / override python's own import [...] and from [...] import [...]. At this point I simply need a way to at least get [the name of] the object of the from import, at which point I can simply setattr() and partial() my way from there, I hope. I'm at a complete loss of how to do this at the moment, however, and hence, have no code to show for it.
The gist of what I'm going for:
from test import t # Even though "t" doesn't exist in the module (yet)
Any help with the full code would be greatly appreciated!
Final Answer, consolidated:
def __getattr__(name):
if name == '__path__': raise AttributeError
There is actually a straightforward way if you are on Python 3.7+, PEP-562, which allows you to define __getattr__ at the module level:
def __getattr__(name):
if name == "t":
return "magic"
raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}")
There is also a function __dir__ that you can define to declare what the builtin dir() will say about names in your module.
What sh does is more sophisticated, as they want to support versions below 3.7: Modifying sys.modules and replacing the module with a special object that pretends to be a module.
As #L3viathan pointed out, this is easy starting with Python 3.7: just define a __getattr__ function in your special module. So, for example, you could create an "echo" module (just returns the name of the object you requested) like this: (Python >=3.7)
def __getattr__(name):
return name
Then you could use it like this:
from echo import x
# 'x'
On earlier versions of Python, you have to subclass the module, as hinted in PEP-562. This also works in Python 3.7. (Python >=2)
import sys, types
class EchoModule(types.ModuleType):
def __getattr__(self, name):
return name
sys.modules[__name__] = EchoModule(__name__)
You would use this the same way as the 3.7 version: from echo import something.
For some reason Python tries to retrieve the attribute twice for each from echo import <x> call. It also calls __getattr__('__path__') when the module is loaded. You can avoid side effects in these cases with the following code: (only define attributes once)
import sys, types
class EchoModule(types.ModuleType):
def __getattr__(self, name):
# don't define __path__ attribute
if name == '__path__':
raise AttributeError
print("importing {}".format(name))
# create the attribute in case it's required again
setattr(self, name, name)
# return the new attribute
return getattr(self, name)
sys.modules[__name__] = EchoModule(__name__)
This code creates an attribute in the echo module each time a previously unused attribute is imported (sort of like collections.defaultdict). Then, if Python tries to import that same attribute again later, it will pull it directly from the module instead of calling __getattr__ (this is normal behavior for object attributes).
There is also some code here to avoid setting a spurious __path__ attribute; this also avoids running your code when __path__ is requested. Note that this may actually be the most important part; when I tested, just raising AttributeError for __path__ was enough to prevent the double-access to the named attribute.

Lazy loading python sub-modules, importlib fails first time

I'm experimenting with the idea of lazy-loading of symbols in a package's by subclassing ModuleType and defining properties for each of the submodules. Accessing the symbol in the package namespace would trigger the import. I've got it working, but for some reason, my call to import_module fails on the first attempt and I don't understand why.
I have a minimal example. Assume a package like this:
this is the
import sys
import importlib
from types import ModuleType
class MyModule(ModuleType):
def m1(self):
_m1 = importlib.import_module('.m1', __package__)
except AttributeError:
print('second try ...')
_m1 = importlib.import_module('.m1', __package__)
return _m1
old = sys.modules[__name__]
new = MyModule(__name__)
new.__path__ = old.__path__
for k, v in list(old.__dict__.items()):
new.__dict__[k] = v
sys.modules[__name__] = new
The import_module call always fails with an AttributeError: module 'my_package' has no attribute 'm1'. However, the second call always succeeds. In other words, when I do my_package.m1 I always get m1, but it always prints 'second try ...'.
Note, the behavior is dependent on python version. The call to import_lib works fine the first time on python2.7.
Here is the difference between python2 vs python3.
In python3, the importlib.import_module call ultimately ends up
which is a call to setattr. Since you didn't define a .setter for
your property, you get the AttributeError.
In python2, the importlib.import_module call ends up
which is a call to the builtin __import__ which presumably operates
directly on the module __dict__.
The only question is how in the world it ever works in python3. I
would have thought it would always resulted in a AttributeError.
Your code works fine as long as you make a .setter:
def m1(self, mod):
self.__dict__['m1'] = mod
It actually turns out that the .setter can do anything at all,
including pass since you are unconditionally making the call to
I would consider using the .setattr above and changing the getter to:
def m1(self):
if not self.__dict__.get('m1'):
self.__dict__['m1'] = importlib.import_module('.m1', __package__)
return self.__dict__['m1']

Python: Check for write only attr of a Class

I'm using a Class provided by a client (I have no access to the object code), and I'm trying to check if a object has a attribute. The attribute itself is write only, so the hasattr fails:
>>> driver.console.con.input = 'm'
>>> hasattr(driver.console.con, 'input')
>>> simics> #driver.console.con.input
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
Attribute: Failed converting 'input' attribute in object
'driver.console.con' to Python: input attribute in driver.console.con
object: not readable.
Is there a different way to check if an attribute exists?
You appear to have some kind of native code proxy that bridges Python to an extension, and it is rather breaking normal Python conventions
There are two possibilities:
The driver.console.con object has a namespace that implements attributes as descriptors, and the input descriptor only has a __set__ method (and possibly a __delete__ method). In that case, look for the descriptor:
if 'input' in vars(type(driver.console.con)):
# there is an `input` name in the namespace
attr = vars(type(driver.console.con))['input']
if hasattr(attr, '__set__'):
# can be set
Here the vars() function retrieves the namespace for the class used for driver.console.con.
The proxy uses __getattr__ (or even __getattribute__) and __setattr__ hooks to handle arbitrary attributes. You are out of luck here, you can't detect what attributes either method will support outside of hasattr() and trying to set the attribute directly. Use try...except guarding:
driver.console.con.input = 'something'
except Attribute: # exactly what exception object does this throw?
# can't be set, not a writable attribute
You may have to use a debugger or print() statement to figure out exactly what exception is being thrown (use a try...except Exception as ex: block to capture all exceptions then inspect ex); in the traceback in your question the exception message at the end looks decidedly non-standard. That project really should raise an AttributeError at that point.
Given the rather custom exception being thrown, my money is on option 2 (but option 1 is still a possibility if the __get__ method on the descriptor throws the exception).

Add __getitem__ to module [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Python: subscript a module
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
So it's quite a simple question. how do I add __getitem__ to a Python module. I mostly just want it as an ease of use, however it's confusing why it wouldn't let me 'just set it'. Below is a simple example of __getitem__ semi-working, however I wish for the other['test'] to work.
Here's the full output:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 4, in <module>
print other['test']
TypeError: 'module' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
import other
print other.get('test')
print other.__getitem__('test')
print other['test']
test = 'hello'
def __getitem__(name):
return globals()[name]
get = __getitem__
I've tried to set __getitem__ using globals() aswell, globals()['__getitem__'] = __getitem__. It didn't work. And I tried to set it in So I'm confused as to why it's so adamant in not allowing me to use other['test'].
If it's impossible, then a short reason would be good.
Special methods are looked up on the type, not on an instance. Python looks for type(other).__getitem__() and that isn't available. You'd have to add the __getitem__ method to the module type; you can't in Python.
You'd have to replace the whole module instance in sys.modules with an instance of your own class to achieve what you want:
class MyModule(object):
def __init__(self, namespace):
def __getitem__(name):
return self.__dict__[name]
import other
import sys
sys.modules[other.__name__] = MyModule(other.__dict__)
This limitation doesn't just apply for modules, it applies for anything such that the type is not object or some subclass of object, or something with a metaclass that never bottoms out with object in the mro.
For example, you can also see this happening with type type:
In [32]: class Foo(type):
....: pass
In [33]: type(Foo)
Out[33]: type
In [34]: Foo.__getitem__ = lambda x, y: x.__dict__.get(y)
In [35]: = "hello"
In [36]: Foo['foo']
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-38-e354ca231ddc> in <module>()
----> 1 Foo['foo']
TypeError: 'type' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
In [37]: Foo.__dict__.get('foo')
Out[37]: 'hello'
The reason is that at the C-API level, both module and type are particular instances of PyTypeObject which don't implement the required protocol for inducing the same search mechanism that the PyTypeObject implementation of object and friends does implement.
To change this aspect of the language itself, rather than hacking a replacement of sys.modules, you would need to change the C source definitions for PyModule_Type and PyType_Type such that there were C functions created for __getitem__ and added to the appropriate location in the C-API big PyTypeObject struct-o-magic-functions (a lot of which is expanded by the macro PyObject_HEAD) instead of 0 (which is the sentinel for does not exist), and recompile Python itself with these modified implementations of module and type.

