Python/Matplotlib - Colorbar indicating a mean value - python

Is it possible to indicate a mean value on the colorbar?
I have the following plots, showing the surface "temperature" (Radiance) of a sahara section, and now it would be nice to see the mean value on the colorbar indicated by an arrow or something.
The difference between the plots is the band/channel/wavelength the measurement was taken in and there is a slight difference. Especially, when I'm going to compare the data from season to season.

When you add a colorbar to the plot using plt.colorbar(), matplotlib creates a new axis for the colorbar returns the colorbar object. The axis the colorbar is plotted on is scaled from 0 to 1 in both x and y and is referenced as the .ax property of the colorbar object. We can use value min and max from the colorbar to map where on the axis the mean should be drawn.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
data = np.random.normal(1, 4, 450).reshape(-1, 15)
# capture the colorbar object, rescale mean to the axis
cb = plt.colorbar()
mean_loc = (data.mean() - cb.vmin) / (cb.vmax - cb.vmin)
# add a horizontal line to the colorbar axis, 0, 1)


Set log xticks in matplotlib for a linear plot

plt.hist(np.log10(xdata), bins=100)
is there any way to display xticks of the first plot (plt.hist) as in the second plot's yticks? For good reasons I want to histogram the np.log10(xdata) of xdata but I'd like to set minor ticks to display as usual in a log scale (even considering that the exponent is linear...)
In other words, I want the x_axis of this plot:
to be like the y_axis
of the 2nd plot, without changing the spacing between major ticks (e.g., adding log marks between 5.5 and 6.0, without altering these values)
Proper histogram plot with logarithmic x-axis:
Cut off negative values
The randomly generated example data likely contains still some negative values
activate the commented code lines at the beginning to see the effect
logarithmic function isn't defined for values <= 0
while the 2nd plot just deals with y-axis log scaling (negative values are just out of range), the 1st plot doesn't work with negative values in the BINs range
probably real world working data won't be <= 0, otherwise keep that in mind
BINs should be aligned to log scale as well
otherwise the 'BINs widths' distribution looks off
switch # on the plt.hist( statements in the 1st plot section to see the effect)
xdata (not np.log10(xdata)) to be plotted in the histogram
that 'workaround' with plotting np.log10(xdata) probably was the root cause for the misunderstanding in the comments
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
np.random.seed(42) # just to have repeatable results for the answer
# MIN_xdata, MAX_xdata = np.min(xdata), np.max(xdata)
# print(f"{MIN_xdata}, {MAX_xdata}") # note the negative values
# cut off potential negative values (log function isn't defined for <= 0 )
xdata =, 0)
MIN_xdata, MAX_xdata = np.min(xdata), np.max(xdata)
# print(f"{MIN_xdata}, {MAX_xdata}")
# align the bins to fit a log scale
bins = 100
bins_log_aligned = np.logspace(np.log10(MIN_xdata), np.log10(MAX_xdata), bins)
# 1st plot
plt.hist(xdata, bins = bins_log_aligned) # note: xdata (not np.log10(xdata) )
# plt.hist(xdata, bins = 100)
# 2nd plot
Just kept for now for clarification purpose. Will be deleted when the question is revised.
As Lucas M. Uriarte already mentioned that isn't an expected way of changing axis ticks.
x axis ticks and labels don't represent the plotted data
You should at least always provide that information along with such a plot.
The plot
From seeing the result I kinda understand where that special plot idea is coming from - still there should be a preferred way (e.g. conversion of the data in advance) to do such a plot instead of 'faking' the axis.
Explanation how that special axis transfer plot is done:
original x-axis is hidden
a twiny axis is added
note that its y-axis is hidden by default, so that doesn't need handling
twiny x-axis is set to log and the 2nd plot y-axis limits are transferred
subplots used to directly transfer the 2nd plot y-axis limits
use variables if you need to stick with your two plots
twiny x-axis is moved from top (twiny default position) to bottom (where the original x-axis was)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
np.random.seed(42) # just to have repeatable results for the answer
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(7,10), facecolor=(1, 1, 1))
# 1st plot
axs[0].hist(np.log10(xdata), bins=100) # plot the data on the normal x axis
axs[0].axes.xaxis.set_visible(False) # hide the normal x axis
# 2nd plot
# 1st plot - twin axis
axs0_y_twin = axs[0].twiny() # set a twiny axis, note twiny y axis is hidden by default
# transfer the limits from the 2nd plot y axis to the twin axis
# move the twin x axis from top to bottom
axs0_y_twin.tick_params(axis="x", which="both", bottom=True, top=False,
labelbottom=True, labeltop=False)
# Disclaimer
disclaimer_text = "Disclaimer: x axis ticks and labels don't represent the plotted data"
axs[0].text(0.5,-0.09, disclaimer_text, size=12, ha="center", color="red",

Customized colormaps in Python Matplotlib

I am trying to plot rectangles inside a circle and color each rectangle based on their value. Each rectangle depicts the failure rate at that position. Initially I have divided the range of values into 5 intervals of 20 limits each and assigned a fixed color as below example.
{'0-20':'Yellow', '21-40':'Orange', '41-60':'Coral', '61-80':'Red', '81-100':'Black'}
Later, I scrapped the idea and went with the 'plasma' cmap from matplotlib.colors.cmaps. It ideally colored the rectangle in the shades of yellow to purple. However, it misses the small data point values to show on the plot. I am looking for the flexibility of changing the range of intervals.
from matplotlib import cm
plasma = cm.get_cmap('plasma', 30)
Ideally I want something as below. If the max value of a rectangle is 92 and min value is 0. I want to divide the range into 6 intervals and plot them based on the interval . Attached is the color bar I am looking for.
Is there a way to achieve this in matplotlib? Kindly help.
Adding few more details.
I am not looking for the fixed color , rather I am looking for gradient which intensifies from lower limit to upper limit of the range in each interval.For example in the attached picture all value between 0 to 15.33 have the color intensifying from yellow to red.
I agree with ImportanceOfBeingErnest's comment that single colors in a legend or a regular colorbar might be helpful. Here is an example of how the former could be created using colorbar tick labelling:
# import modules
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# select colormap
cmap ='plasma')
# define bins
bins = [0, 15.333, 30.666, 46, 61.333, 76.666, 92]
# create dummy array for heatmap
imag = np.reshape(np.linspace(0, 92, 50), (10, -1))
# prepare tick positions
pairs = list(zip(bins[:-1], bins[1:]))
labs = ['']*len(bins) + ['%05.2f ≤ x < %05.2f' % pair for pair in pairs]
bins = bins + [0.5*sum(pair) for pair in pairs]
plt.imshow(imag, cmap=cmap, aspect='auto', origin='lower')
# plot colorbar
cbar = plt.colorbar(ticks=bins)

Place legend above the ax at a consistent distance

I'm trying to place a legend just above the ax in matplotlib using ax.legend(loc=(0, 1.1)); however, if I change the figure size from (5,5) to (5,10) the legend shows up at a different distance from the top edge of the plot.
Is there any way to reference the top edge of the plot and offset it a set distance from it?
There is a constant distance between the legend bounding box and the axes by default. This is set via the borderaxespad parameter. This defaults to the rc value of rcParams["legend.borderaxespad"], which is usually set to 0.5 (in units of the fontsize).
So essentially you get the behaviour you're asking for for free. Mind however that you should specify the loc to the corner of the legend from which that padding is to be taken. I.e.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for figsize in [(5,4), (5,9)]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
ax.plot([1,2,3], label="label")
ax.legend(loc="lower left", bbox_to_anchor=(0,1))
For more detailed explanations on how to position legend outside the axes, see How to put the legend out of the plot. Also relevant: How to specify legend position in matplotlib in graph coordinates

Plot a (polar) color wheel based on a colormap using Python/Matplotlib

I am trying to create a color wheel in Python, preferably using Matplotlib. The following works OK:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xval = np.arange(0, 2*pi, 0.01)
yval = np.ones_like(xval)
colormap = plt.get_cmap('hsv')
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(0.0, 2*np.pi)
ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1, polar=True)
ax.scatter(xval, yval, c=xval, s=300, cmap=colormap, norm=norm, linewidths=0)
However, this attempt has two serious drawbacks.
First, when saving the resulting figure as a vector (figure_1.svg), the color wheel consists (as expected) of 621 different shapes, corresponding to the different (x,y) values being plotted. Although the result looks like a circle, it isn't really. I would greatly prefer to use an actual circle, defined by a few path points and Bezier curves between them, as in e.g. matplotlib.patches.Circle. This seems to me the 'proper' way of doing it, and the result would look nicer (no banding, better gradient, better anti-aliasing).
Second (relatedly), the final plotted markers (the last few before 2*pi) overlap the first few. It's very hard to see in the pixel rendering, but if you zoom in on the vector-based rendering you can clearly see the last disc overlap the first few.
I tried using different markers (. or |), but none of them go around the second issue.
Bottom line: can I draw a circle in Python/Matplotlib which is defined in the proper vector/Bezier curve way, and which has an edge color defined according to a colormap (or, failing that, an arbitrary color gradient)?
One way I have found is to produce a colormap and then project it onto a polar axis. Here is a working example - it includes a nasty hack, though (clearly commented). I'm sure there's a way to either adjust limits or (harder) write your own Transform to get around it, but I haven't quite managed that yet. I thought the bounds on the call to Normalize would do that, but apparently not.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib as mpl
fig = plt.figure()
display_axes = fig.add_axes([0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8], projection='polar')
display_axes._direction = 2*np.pi ## This is a nasty hack - using the hidden field to
## multiply the values such that 1 become 2*pi
## this field is supposed to take values 1 or -1 only!!
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(0.0, 2*np.pi)
# Plot the colorbar onto the polar axis
# note - use orientation horizontal so that the gradient goes around
# the wheel rather than centre out
quant_steps = 2056
cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(display_axes, cmap=cm.get_cmap('hsv',quant_steps),
# aesthetics - get rid of border and axis labels
display_axes.set_axis_off() # Replace with plt.savefig if you want to save a file
This produces
If you want a ring rather than a wheel, use this before or plt.savefig
This gives
As per #EelkeSpaak in comments - if you save the graphic as an SVG as per the OP, here is a tip for working with the resulting graphic: The little elements of the resulting SVG image are touching and non-overlapping. This leads to faint grey lines in some renderers (Inkscape, Adobe Reader, probably not in print). A simple solution to this is to apply a small (e.g. 120%) scaling to each of the individual gradient elements, using e.g. Inkscape or Illustrator. Note you'll have to apply the transform to each element separately (the mentioned software provides functionality to do this automatically), rather than to the whole drawing, otherwise it has no effect.
I just needed to make a color wheel and decided to update rsnape's solution to be compatible with matplotlib 2.1. Rather than place a colorbar object on an axis, you can instead plot a polar colored mesh on a polar plot.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib as mpl
# If displaying in a Jupyter notebook:
# %matplotlib inline
# Generate a figure with a polar projection
fg = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
ax = fg.add_axes([0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8], projection='polar')
# Define colormap normalization for 0 to 2*pi
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(0, 2*np.pi)
# Plot a color mesh on the polar plot
# with the color set by the angle
n = 200 #the number of secants for the mesh
t = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,n) #theta values
r = np.linspace(.6,1,2) #radius values change 0.6 to 0 for full circle
rg, tg = np.meshgrid(r,t) #create a r,theta meshgrid
c = tg #define color values as theta value
im = ax.pcolormesh(t, r, c.T,norm=norm) #plot the colormesh on axis with colormap
ax.set_yticklabels([]) #turn of radial tick labels (yticks)
ax.tick_params(pad=15,labelsize=24) #cosmetic changes to tick labels
ax.spines['polar'].set_visible(False) #turn off the axis spine.
It gives this:

Setting matplotlib colorbar range

I would like to set the matplotlib colorbar range. Here's what I have so far:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.arange(20)
y = np.arange(20)
data = x[:-1,None]+y[None,:-1]
fig = plt.gcf()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
quadmesh = ax.pcolormesh(X,Y,data)
#RuntimeError: You must first define an image, eg with imshow
#AttributeError: 'AxesSubplot' object has no attribute 'clim'
#AttributeError: 'AxesSubplot' object has no attribute 'set_clim'
How do I set the colorbar limits here?
Arg. It's always the last thing you try:
quadmesh.set_clim(vmin=0, vmax=15)
Matplotlib 1.3.1 - It looks like the colorbar ticks are only drawn when the colorbar is instanced. Changing the colorbar limits (set_clim) does not cause the ticks to be re-drawn.
The solution I found was to re-instance the colorbar in the same axes entry as the original colorbar. In this case, axes[1] was the original colorbar. Added a new instance of the colorbar with this designated with the cax= (child axes) kwarg.
# Reset the Z-axis limits
print "resetting Z-axis plot limits", self.zmin, self.zmax
self.cbar = self.fig.colorbar(CS1, cax=self.fig.axes[1]) # added
self.cbar.set_clim(self.zmin, self.zmax)
[Sorry, actually a comment to The Red Gator in Virginias answer, but do not have enough reputation to comment]
I was stuck on updating the colorbar of an imshow object after it was drawn and the data changed with imshowobj.set_data().
Using cbarobj.set_clim() indeed updates the colors, but not the ticks or range of the colorbar. Instead, you have to use imshowobj.set_clim() which will update the image and colorbar correctly.
data = np.cumsum(np.ones((10,15)),0)
imshowobj = plt.imshow(data)
cbarobj = plt.colorbar(imshowobj) #adjusts scale to value range, looks OK
# change the data to some data with different value range:
imshowobj.set_data(data/10) #scale is wrong now, shows only dark color
# update colorbar correctly using imshowobj not cbarobj:
#cbarobj.set_clim(0,1) #! image colors will update, but cbar ticks not
imshowobj.set_clim(0,1) #correct

