Lightgbm how to fix number of step - python

I am currently using lightgbm library on python.
model = lgb.LGBMRegressor(objective='regression', metric='rmse', boosting_type='rf', max_depth=20, num_leaves=20,
learning_rate=0.1, feature_fraction=0.8, feature_fraction_seed=10, bagging_fraction=0.8,
bagging_freq=1, bagging_seed=10, verbosity=True,
lambda_l2=0.000001, lambda_l1=0.00001, max_bin=200), np.log1p(y_train), num_iteration=1000, eval_set=[(X_val, np.log1p(y_val) )], eval_metric="rmse", verbose=True, early_stopping_rounds=20)
The problem is that, the training stop after 100 iterations. I did not find on the documentation a step parameters, so I was wondering how can I increase the number of iteration? I do not want to use the lgb.train() function. In fact, I want also to use a Grid Search function from sklearn (and get the model then) so I need to use the fit function. Dos anyone know how to solve my problem ?
EDIT : It seems possible with the num_iterations parameters, but we need the last version of lightgbm. My former version did not work because of that !

n_estimators is the parameter of the model constructor in sklearn API, that controls the number of trees to be built. You can also set it via model.set_params().

You have set early_stopping_rounds=20, which means that training will stop if you get no improvement for the validation data in the last 20 iterations. This is used to avoid over-fitting, but may stop training early if set too low.


How can I handle overfitting of a model?

I'm using XGBoost model to predict attacks, But I get 100% accuracy, I tried Random Forest as well, and same, I get 100%. How can I handle this ovrefitting problem ?
The steps I followed are:
Data cleaning
Data splitting
Feature scaling
Feature selection
I even tried to change this order, but still get the same thing.
Do you have any idea how to handle this? Thanks
Overfitting occurs when your model becomes too complex for its task. Simply said instead of learning patterns in your data, the model will be able to learn every case it is presented in the training set by heart.
To avoid this, you will have to choose a model that is less complex, in your case reduce the depth of your trees. Split your data in separate train, validation and test sets, then train different models of different complexities. When you evaluate these models, you will notice that its predictive capabilities on the training set will increase with complexity. Initially its capabilities on the validation set will follow until a point is reached where no more increase on the validation set can be achieved. On the contrary, it will likely decrease beyond this point, because you are starting to overfit.
Use this data to find a suitable model, then finally evaluate the model you decided to use by using the test set you have kept aside until now.
Thank you for your clarification, I solved the problem by tuning the hyperparameters eta and max_depth.
param = {
'eta': 0.1,
'max_depth': 1,
'objective': 'multi:softprob',
'num_class': 3}
steps = 20 # The number of training iterations
model = xgb.train(param, D_train, steps)
preds = model.predict(D_test)

Confusion around the SKLearn GridSearchCV scoring parameter and using train test split

I'm a little bit confused about how GridSearchCV works with Train Test Split.
As far as I know, when creating models for the dataset I'm using, a paper used roc-auc.
I'm trying to replicate what this paper did, at least as well as I can. From reading a few other posts here, I've gathered that running GridSearchCV on the entire dataset is prone to overfitting, so we should split the data into a training partition and a testing partition. Then, we should run the training partition with GridSearchCV with whatever model and parameters, and then fit it, and then get a score using the test part of the dataset we set aside.
Now where I'm confused is with GridSearchCV, as far as I understand, it gives us scores for each of the folds that the data is split into when doing the search for parameters and using best_score_ we can pull the best of these scores. I don't understand what the scores represent and why you can pass in a scoring parameter to begin with, since the job of GridSearchCV is to always find the best possible parameters anyways? (Perhaps I'm making a poor assumption here but I'm assuming that there is an objective best set of parameters, regardless of scoring method). What I figured was that I would find the best parameters with GridSearchCV and then use the said parameters to create fit a model, and finally use that model and the partition I saved for testing and test it using the roc-auc scoring method.
So in the end, does it matter (if at all) what scoring methods I'm passing into GridSearchCV, as it will always look to give the best set of parameters anyways, which I will use to compute my final score with the testing partition?
This document may help.
Here you see that the scoring parameter allows you to have various metrics, such as roc_auc. See here all Scikit's metrics.
Optimizing over different metrics result in different optimal parameters. Just think about optimizing precision versus recall. Optimizing precision leads to less false positives while optimizing recall leads to less false negatives.
Also, in GridSearchCV, the CV stands for cross validated. Train/test splitting happens inside this function, it's taken care of. You only have to provide the splitter as an argument to GridSearchCV, for example cv=StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True).

GridSearchCV/RandomizedSearchCV with partial_fit in sklearn

As per the documentation of RandomizedSearchCV and GridSearchCV modules of sklearn, they support only the fit method for the classifier which is passed to them and doesn't support the partial_fit method of the classifiers which can be used for training on an incremental basis. Currently, I am trying to use SGDClassifier which can be trained on incremental data using the partial_fit method and also find the best set of hyper-parameters for the same. I was just wondering why doesn't RandomizedSearchCV or GridSearchCV support partial_fit. I don't see any technical reasons as to why this cannot be done (please correct me if I am wrong here). Any leads will be really appreciated.
Yeah, technically you can write a GridSerachCV for partial_fit as well, but when you think about
what is that you are searching for?
what is that your are optimizing for?
it becomes quite different from what we do with the .fit() approach. Here is my list of reason for not having partial_fit in GridsearchCV/RandomSearchCV.
what is that you are searching for?
When we optimize for the hyper parameters of a model for one batch of data, it could be sub-optimal for the final model (which is trained on complete data using multiple partial_fits). Now the problem becomes finding the best schedule for the hyper parameters i.e. what is the optimal value of the hyper parameter at each batch/time step. One example of this is the decaying learning rate in neural networks, where we train the model using multiple partial_fits and the hyper parameter - learning rate value would not be a single value but a series values that needs to be used for each time step/batch.
Also you need to loop through the entire dataset multiple times (multiple epochs) to know the best scheduling of the hyper parameters. This needs a basic API change for GridSearchCV.
what is that your are optimizing for?
There is a need to change the evaluation metric of the model now. The metric could be achieving best performance at the end of all partial_fits or reaching the sweet-spot quickly (in fewer batches) for usual metric (precision, recall, f1-score, etc.), some combination of one and two. Hence, this also needs a API change for computing the single value for summarizing the performance of a model, which was trained using multiple partial_fits.
I think this can be solved in a different way. I have encontered the problem that only partial_fit works (data is too big to do full batch learning via fit), so I think scikit-learn should have partial_fit support somewhere.
Instead of having partial_fit in GridSearchCV, you can write a simple wrapper (something like a pytorch DataLoader) which turns a partial_fit model into fit model, and do batch split and shuffle inside the wrapper's fit. Then you can make GridSearchCV work, with extra parameter to be fine-tuned provided by the wrapper (batch_size and is_shuffle)

Using cross_val_predict for predictions

I have the following code where I want to use k-fold cross validation for a Linear Regression model:
kf = KFold(n_splits=100)
predi = cross_val_predict(model, train[columns], train[target], cv = kf)
predi = pandas.Series(predi)[columns], data[target])
pred_test = model.predict(test[columns])
print(mean_squared_error(pred_test, test[target]))
However, I am not sure whether the code does what I would like it to do. Specifically, I am not sure about the part. Does it even use the cross-validation?
The reason why I am not sure that calculating it like this yields worse results than without cross-validation.
No. CV is just for checking the performance of model on a data (or rather different parts of it)
When you call fit(), it will fit the whole data supplied at the time whereas cross-validation only uses parts of the data (leaving 1 fold in each iteration). So this data difference may cause the estimator to perform better or worse. doesn't have any functionality to divide the data. It just works on the cost function minimization problem and creates a model (means find parameters).
Also if you think that you create a loop and you divide the data on every iteration and call again and again you get the more generalized model, then it's not possible because on calling fit 2nd time on linear regression model object, it forgets about old data.

Cross-validation in LightGBM

How are we supposed to use the dictionary output from to improve our predictions?
Here's an example - we train our cv model using the code below:
cv_mod =,
nfold = 10,
early_stopping_rounds = 25,
stratified = True)
How can we use the parameters found from the best iteration of the above code to predict an output? In this case, cv_mod has no "predict" method like lightgbm.train, and the dictionary output from lightgbm.cvthrows an error when used in lightgbm.train.predict(..., pred_parameters = cv_mod).
Am I missing an important transformation step?
In general, the purpose of CV is NOT to do hyperparameter optimisation. The purpose is to evaluate performance of model-building procedure.
A basic train/test split is conceptually identical to a 1-fold CV (with a custom size of the split in contrast to the 1/K train size in the k-fold CV). The advantage of doing more splits (i.e. k>1 CV) is to get more information about the estimate of generalisation error. There is more info in a sense of getting the error + stat uncertainty. There is an excellent discussion on CrossValidated (start with the links added to the question, which cover the same question, but formulated in a different way). It covers nested cross validation and is absolutely not straightforward. But if you will wrap your head around the concept in general, this will help you in various non-trivial situations. The idea that you have to take away is: The purpose of CV is to evaluate performance of model-building procedure.
Keeping that idea in mind, how does one approach hyperparameter estimation in general (not only in LightGBM)?
You want to train a model with a set of parameters on some data and evaluate each variation of the model on an independent (validation) set. Then you intend to choose the best parameters by choosing the variant that gives the best evaluation metric of your choice.
This can be done with a simple train/test split. But evaluated performance, and thus the choice of the optimal model parameters, might be just a fluctuation on a particular split.
Thus, you can evaluate each of those models more statistically robust averaging evaluation over several train/test splits, i.e k-fold CV.
Then you can make a step further and say that you had an additional hold-out set, that was separated before hyperparameter optimisation was started. This way you can evaluate the chosen best model on that set to measure the final generalisation error. However, you can make even step further and instead of having a single test sample you can have an outer CV loop, which brings us to nested cross validation.
Technically, allows you only to evaluate performance on a k-fold split with fixed model parameters. For hyper-parameter tuning you will need to run it in a loop providing different parameters and recoding averaged performance to choose the best parameter set. after the loop is complete. This interface is different from sklearn, which provides you with complete functionality to do hyperparameter optimisation in a CV loop. Personally, I would recommend to use the sklearn-API of lightgbm. It is just a wrapper around the native lightgbm.train() functionality, thus it is not slower. But it allows you to use the full stack of sklearn toolkit, thich makes your life MUCH easier.
If you're happy with your CV results, you just use those parameters to call the 'lightgbm.train' method. Like #pho said, CV is usually just for param tuning. You don't use the actual CV object for predictions.
You should use CV for parameter optimization.
If your model performs well on all folds use these parameters to train on the whole training set.
Then evaluate that model on the external test set.

