Scikit-learn multithreading - python

Do you know if models from scikit-learn use automatically multithreading or just sequential instructions?

No. All scikit-learn estimators will by default work on a single thread only.
But then again, it all depends on the algorithm and the problem. If the algorithm is such that which want sequential data, we cannot do anything. If the dataset is multi-class or multi-label and algorithm works on a one-vs-rest basis, then yes it can use multi-threading.
Look for a param n_jobs in the utilities or algorithm you want to use, and set it to -1 for using the multi-threading.
For eg.
LogisticRegression if working in a binary problem will only train a single model, which will require data sequentially, so here using n_jobs have no effect. But it handles multi-class problems as OvR, so it will have to train those many estimators using the same data. In this case you can use the n_jobs=-1.
DecisionTreeClassifier is inherently multi-class enabled and dont need to train multiple models. So we dont have that param there.
Ensemble methods like RandomForestClassifier will train multiple estimators (irrespective of problem type) which individually work on some part of data, so here again we can make use of n_jobs.
Cross-validation utilities like cross_val_score or GridSearchCV will again work on some part of data or some individual parameters, which is independent of other folds, so here also we can use multi-threading capabilities.


xgboost and gridsearchcv in python

I have question about this tutorial.
The author is doing hyper parameter tuning. The first window shows different values of hyperparameters
Then he initializes gridsearchcv and mentions cv=3 and scoring='roc_auc'
then he fits gridsearchcv and uses eval_set and eval_metric='auc'
what is the purpose using cv and eval_set both? shouldn't we use just one of them? how they are used along with scoring='roc_auc' and eval_metric='auc'
is there a better way to do hyper parameter tuning using gridsearchcv? please suggest or provide a link
GridSearchCV performs cv for hyperparameter tuning using only training data. Since refit=True by default, the best fit is then validated on the eval set provided (a true test score).
You can use any metric to perform cv and testing. However, it would be odd to use a different metric for cv hyperparameter optimization and testing phases. So, the same metric is used. If you are wondering about the slightly different metric naming, I think it's just because xgboost is a sklearn-interface-compliant package, but it's not being developed by the same guys from sklearn. They should do both the same thing (area under the curve of receiving operator for predictions). Take a look at the sklearn docs: auc and roc_auc.
I don't think there is a better way.

Using Pytorch's dataloaders & transforms with sklearn

I have been using pytorch a lot and got used to their dataloaders and transforms, in particular when it comes to data augmentation, as they're very user-friendly and easy to understand.
However, I need to run some ML models from sklearn.
Is there a way to use pytorch's dataloaders for sklearn ?
Yes, you can. You can do this with sklearn's partial_fit method. Read HERE.
6.1.3. Incremental learning
Finally, for 3. we have a number of options inside scikit-learn. Although all algorithms cannot learn
incrementally (i.e. without seeing all the instances at once), all
estimators implementing the partial_fit API are candidates. Actually,
the ability to learn incrementally from a mini-batch of instances
(sometimes called “online learning”) is key to out-of-core learning as
it guarantees that at any given time there will be only a small amount
of instances in the main memory. Choosing a good size for the
mini-batch that balances relevancy and memory footprint could involve
some tuning [1].
Not all algorithms can do this, however.
Then, you can use pytorch's dataloader to preprocess the data and feed it in batches to partial_fit.
I came across the skorch library recently and this could help you.
"The goal of skorch is to make it possible to use PyTorch with sklearn. "
From the skorch docs:
class skorch.dataset.Dataset(X, y=None, length=None)
General dataset wrapper that can be used in conjunction with PyTorch DataLoader.
I guess you could use the Dataset class for wrapping your PyTorch DataLoader and use sklearn models. If you would like to use other PyTorch features like PyTorch Tensors you could also do that.

GridSearchCV/RandomizedSearchCV with partial_fit in sklearn

As per the documentation of RandomizedSearchCV and GridSearchCV modules of sklearn, they support only the fit method for the classifier which is passed to them and doesn't support the partial_fit method of the classifiers which can be used for training on an incremental basis. Currently, I am trying to use SGDClassifier which can be trained on incremental data using the partial_fit method and also find the best set of hyper-parameters for the same. I was just wondering why doesn't RandomizedSearchCV or GridSearchCV support partial_fit. I don't see any technical reasons as to why this cannot be done (please correct me if I am wrong here). Any leads will be really appreciated.
Yeah, technically you can write a GridSerachCV for partial_fit as well, but when you think about
what is that you are searching for?
what is that your are optimizing for?
it becomes quite different from what we do with the .fit() approach. Here is my list of reason for not having partial_fit in GridsearchCV/RandomSearchCV.
what is that you are searching for?
When we optimize for the hyper parameters of a model for one batch of data, it could be sub-optimal for the final model (which is trained on complete data using multiple partial_fits). Now the problem becomes finding the best schedule for the hyper parameters i.e. what is the optimal value of the hyper parameter at each batch/time step. One example of this is the decaying learning rate in neural networks, where we train the model using multiple partial_fits and the hyper parameter - learning rate value would not be a single value but a series values that needs to be used for each time step/batch.
Also you need to loop through the entire dataset multiple times (multiple epochs) to know the best scheduling of the hyper parameters. This needs a basic API change for GridSearchCV.
what is that your are optimizing for?
There is a need to change the evaluation metric of the model now. The metric could be achieving best performance at the end of all partial_fits or reaching the sweet-spot quickly (in fewer batches) for usual metric (precision, recall, f1-score, etc.), some combination of one and two. Hence, this also needs a API change for computing the single value for summarizing the performance of a model, which was trained using multiple partial_fits.
I think this can be solved in a different way. I have encontered the problem that only partial_fit works (data is too big to do full batch learning via fit), so I think scikit-learn should have partial_fit support somewhere.
Instead of having partial_fit in GridSearchCV, you can write a simple wrapper (something like a pytorch DataLoader) which turns a partial_fit model into fit model, and do batch split and shuffle inside the wrapper's fit. Then you can make GridSearchCV work, with extra parameter to be fine-tuned provided by the wrapper (batch_size and is_shuffle)

Does GridSearchCV perform cross-validation?

I'm currently working on a problem which compares three different machine learning algorithms performance on the same data-set. I divided the data-set into 70/30 training/testing sets and then performed grid search for the best parameters of each algorithm using GridSearchCV and X_train, y_train.
First question, am I suppose to perform grid search on the training set or is it suppose to be on the whole data-set?
Second question, I know that GridSearchCV uses K-fold in its' implementation, does it mean that I performed cross-validation if I used the same X_train, y_train for all three algorithms I compare in the GridSearchCV?
Any answer would be appreciated, thank you.
All estimators in scikit where name ends with CV perform cross-validation.
But you need to keep a separate test set for measuring the performance.
So you need to split your whole data to train and test. Forget about this test data for a while.
And then pass this train data only to grid-search. GridSearch will split this train data further into train and test to tune the hyper-parameters passed to it. And finally fit the model on the whole train data with best found parameters.
Now you need to test this model on the test data you kept aside in the beginning. This will give you the near real world performance of model.
If you use the whole data into GridSearchCV, then there would be leakage of test data into parameter tuning and then the final model may not perform that well on newer unseen data.
You can look at my other answers which describe the GridSearch in more detail:
Model help using Scikit-learn when using GridSearch
scikit-learn GridSearchCV with multiple repetitions
Yes, GridSearchCV performs cross-validation. If I understand the concept correctly - you want to keep part of your data set unseen for the model in order to test it.
So you train your models against train data set and test them on a testing data set.
Here I was doing almost the same - you might want to check it...

How to add oversampling/undersampling procedure in scikit's Pipeline?

I would like to add oversampling procedure, like SMOTE oversampling, to scikit's Pipeline. But the transformers only supports fit and transform method, and do not provide a way to increase the number of samples and targets.
One possible way to do this is to break the pipeline to two separate pipelines connected by SMOTE sampling.
Is there any better solutions?
Our current Pipeline does not support changing the number of samples between steps as the Transformer.transform method does not return the y argument that would need to also be resampled. This is a know limitation of the current design. It might be fixed in a future version but we have not started to work on that yet.

