Consolidate similar patterns into single consensus pattern - python

In the previous post, I did not clarify the questions properly, therefore, I would like to start a new topic here.
I have the following items:
a sorted list of 59,000 protein patterns (range from 3 characters "FFK" to 152 characters long);
some long protein sequences, aka my reference.
I am going to match these patterns against my reference and find the location of where the match is found. (My friend helped wrtoe a script for that.)
import sys
import re
from itertools import chain, izip
# Read input
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f:
sequences =
with open(sys.argv[2], 'r') as g:
patterns =
# Write output
with open(sys.argv[3], 'w') as outputFile:
data_iter = iter(sequences)
order = ['antibody name', 'epitope sequence', 'start', 'end', 'length']
header = '\t'.join([k for k in order])
outputFile.write(header + '\n')
for seq_name, seq in izip(data_iter, data_iter):
locations = [[{'antibody name': seq_name, 'epitope sequence': pattern, 'start': match.start()+1, 'end': match.end(), 'length': len(pattern)} for match in re.finditer(pattern, seq)] for pattern in patterns]
for loc in chain.from_iterable(locations):
output = '\t'.join([str(loc[k]) for k in order])
outputFile.write(output + '\n')
Problem is, within these 59,000 patterns, after sorted, I found that some part of one pattern match with part of the other patterns, and I would like to consolidate these into one big "consensus" patterns and just keep the consensus (see examples below):
will yield
another example:
will yield
PS : I am aligning them here so it's easier to visualize. The 59,000 patterns initially are not sorted so it's hard to see the consensus in the actual file.
In my particular problem, I am not picking the longest patterns, instead, I need to take each pattern into account to find the consensus. I hope I have explained clearly enough for my specific problem.

Here's my solution with randomized input order to improve confidence of the test.
import re
import random
data_values = """TLYLQMNSLRAED
test_li1 = data_values.split()
test_li2 = ["abcdefghi", "defghijklmn", "hijklmnopq", "mnopqrst", "pqrstuvwxyz"]
def aggregate_str(data_li):
copy_data_li = data_li[:]
while len(copy_data_li) > 0:
remove_li = []
len_remove_li = len(remove_li)
longest_str = max(copy_data_li, key=len)
while len_remove_li != len(remove_li):
len_remove_li = len(remove_li)
for value in copy_data_li:
value_pattern = "".join([x+"?" for x in value])
longest_match = max(re.findall(value_pattern, longest_str), key=len)
if longest_match in value:
longest_str_index = longest_str.index(longest_match)
value_index = value.index(longest_match)
if value_index > longest_str_index and longest_str_index > 0:
longest_str = value[:value_index] + longest_str
elif value_index < longest_str_index and longest_str_index + len(longest_match) == len(longest_str):
longest_str += value[len(longest_str)-longest_str_index:]
elif value in longest_str:
Output from print().
Edit1 - brief explanation of the code.
1.) Find longest string in list
2.) Loop through all remaining strings and find longest possible match.
3.) Make sure that the match is not a false positive. Based on the way I've written this code, it should avoid pairing single overlaps on terminal ends.
4.) Append the match to the longest string if necessary.
5.) When nothing else can be added to the longest string, repeat the process (1-4) for the next longest string remaining.
Edit2 - Corrected unwanted behavior when treating data like ["abcdefghijklmn", "ghijklmZopqrstuv"]

def main():
test = find_core(patterns)
test = find_pre_and_post(test, patterns)
#final = "YLQMNSLRAED"
if test == final:
print("worked:" + test)
print("fail:"+ test)
def find_pre_and_post(core, patterns):
pre = ""
post = ""
for pattern in patterns:
start_index = pattern.find(core)
if len(pattern[0:start_index]) > len(pre):
pre = pattern[0:start_index]
if len(pattern[start_index+len(core):len(pattern)]) > len(post):
post = pattern[start_index+len(core):len(pattern)]
return pre+core+post
def find_core(patterns):
test = ""
for i in range(len(patterns)):
for j in range(2,len(patterns[i])):
patterncount = 0
for pattern in patterns:
if patterns[i][0:j] in pattern:
patterncount += 1
if patterncount == len(patterns):
test = patterns[i][0:j]
return test
So what I do first is find the main core in the find_core function by starting with a string of length two, as one character is not sufficient information, for the first string. I then compare that substring and see if it is in ALL the strings as the definition of a "core"
I then find the indexes of the substring in each string to then find the pre and post substrings added to the core. I keep track of these lengths and update them if one length is greater than the other. I didn't have time to explore edge cases so here is my first shot


Generating multiple strings by replacing wildcards

So i have the following strings:
And i want to generate the following strings from this pattern (i'll use the second example):
Considering #FUS# will represent 2.
Basically if i'm given a string as above, i want to generate multiple strings by replacing the wildcards that can be #FUS#, #WHATEVER# or with a number #20# and generating multiple strings with the ranges that those wildcards represent.
I've managed to get a regex to find the wildcards.
wildcardRegex = f"(#FUS#|#WHATEVER#|#([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9])#)"
Which finds correctly the target wildcards.
For 1 wildcard present, it's easy.
For more it gets complicated. Or maybe it was a long day...
But i think my algorithm logic is failing hard because i'm failing to write some code that will basically generate the signals. I think i need some kind of recursive function that will be called for each number of wildcards present (up to maybe 4 can be present (xxxxx#2#xxx#2#xx#FUS#xx#2#x)).
I need a list of resulting signals.
Is there any easy way to do this that I'm completely missing?
import re
stringV1 = "xxx#FUS#xxxxi#3#xxx#5#xx"
stringV2 = "XXXXXXXXXX#FUS#XXXXXXXXXX#3#xxxxxx#5#xxxx"
regex = "(#FUS#|#DSP#|#([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9])#)"
def getSignalsFromWildcards(app, can):
sigList = list()
if WILDCARD_FUS in app:
for i in range(RANGE_FUS):
outAppSig = app.replace(WILDCARD_FUS, str(i), 1)
outCanSig = can.replace(WILDCARD_FUS, str(i), 1)
if "#" in outAppSig:
newSigList = getSignalsFromWildcards(outAppSig, outCanSig)
sigList += newSigList
sigList.append((outAppSig, outCanSig))
elif len(re.findall("(#([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9])#)", stringV1)) > 0:
wildcard ="(#([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9])#)", app).group()
tarRange = int(wildcard.strip("#"))
for i in range(tarRange):
outAppSig = app.replace(wildcard, str(i), 1)
outCanSig = can.replace(wildcard, str(i), 1)
if "#" in outAppSig:
newSigList = getSignalsFromWildcards(outAppSig, outCanSig)
sigList += newSigList
sigList.append((outAppSig, outCanSig))
return sigList
if "#" in stringV1:
resultList = getSignalsFromWildcards(stringV1, stringV2)
for item in resultList:
results in
('xxx0xxxxi0xxxxx', 'XXXXXXXXXX0XXXXXXXXXX0xxxxxxxxxx')
('xxx0xxxxi1xxxxx', 'XXXXXXXXXX0XXXXXXXXXX1xxxxxxxxxx')
('xxx0xxxxi2xxxxx', 'XXXXXXXXXX0XXXXXXXXXX2xxxxxxxxxx')
('xxx1xxxxi0xxxxx', 'XXXXXXXXXX1XXXXXXXXXX0xxxxxxxxxx')
('xxx1xxxxi1xxxxx', 'XXXXXXXXXX1XXXXXXXXXX1xxxxxxxxxx')
('xxx1xxxxi2xxxxx', 'XXXXXXXXXX1XXXXXXXXXX2xxxxxxxxxx')
('xxx2xxxxi0xxxxx', 'XXXXXXXXXX2XXXXXXXXXX0xxxxxxxxxx')
('xxx2xxxxi1xxxxx', 'XXXXXXXXXX2XXXXXXXXXX1xxxxxxxxxx')
('xxx2xxxxi2xxxxx', 'XXXXXXXXXX2XXXXXXXXXX2xxxxxxxxxx')
long day after-all...

Find Similar Elements in List using Python

I need to look for similar Items in a list using python. (e.g. 'Limits' is similar to 'Limit' or 'Download ICD file' is similar to 'Download ICD zip file')
I really want my results to be similar with chars, not with digits (e.g. 'Angle 1' is similar to 'Angle 2'). All these strings in my list end with an '\0'
What I am trying to do is split every item at blanks and look if any part consists of a digit.
But somehow it is not working as I want it to work.
Here is my code example:
for k in range(len(split)): # split already consists of splitted list entry
replace = split[k].replace(
"\\0", ""
) # replace \0 at every line ending to guarantee it is only a digit
is_num = lambda q: q.replace(
".", "", 1
).isdigit() # lambda i found somewhere on the internet
check = is_num(replace)
if check == True: # break if it is a digit and split next entry of list
elif check == False: # i know, else would be fine too
seq = difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=List[i].lower(), b=List[j].lower())
if seq.ratio() > 0.9:
print(Element1, "is similar to", Element2, "\t")
Try this, its using get_close_matches from difflib instead of sequencematcher.
from difflib import get_close_matches
a = ["abc/0", "efg/0", "bc/0"]
for i in a:
x = i.rstrip("/0")
for i in range(len(b)):
print(get_close_matches(b[i], (b)))

CS50 PSET6 DNA no match using regex to count STR

I have been stuck at this point for quite a while, hope to get some tips.
The problem can be simplified as to find what is the largest consecutive occurrence of a pattern in a string. As a pattern AATG, for a string like ATAATGAATGAATGGAATG the right result should be 3. I tired to count the occurrences of the pattern by using re.compile(). I have found out from the doc that if i want to find consecutive occurrence of a pattern i possibly have to use special character +. For instance, a pattern like AATG i have to use re.compile(r'(AATG)+') instead of re.compile(r'AATG'). Otherwise, the occurrences will be overcounted. However, in this program the pattern is not a fixed string. I have treat it as a variable. I have tried many ways to put it into re.compile() without positive results. Could anyone enlighten me the correct way to format it (which is in the Function def countSTR below)?
After that, i think finditer(the_string_to_be_analysis) should return a iterator including all matches found. Then i used match.end() - match.start() to obtain the length of every match to compare with each other in order to get the longest consecutive occurrence of the pattern. maybe something goes wrong there?
code attached. Every input would be appreciated!
from sys import argv, exit
import csv
import re
def main():
if len(argv) != 3:
print("Usage: python data.csv sequence.txt")
# read DNA sequence
with open(argv[2], "r") as file:
if file.mode != 'r':
print(f"database {argv[2]} can not be read")
sequence =
# read database.csv
with open(argv[1], newline='') as file:
if file.mode != 'r':
print(f"database {argv[1]} can not be read")
# get the heading of the csv file in order to obtain STRs
csv_reader = csv.reader(file)
headings = next(csv_reader)
# dictionary to store STRs match result of DNA-sequence
STR_counter = {}
for STR in headings[1::]:
# entry result accounting to the STR keys
STR_counter[STR] = countSTR(STR, sequence)
# read csv file as a dictionary
with open(argv[1], newline='') as file:
database = csv.DictReader(file)
for row in database:
count = 0
for STR in STR_counter:
# print("row in database ", row[STR], "STR in STR_counter", STR_counter[STR])
if int(row[STR]) == int(STR_counter[STR]):
count += 1
if count == len(STR_counter):
print("No match")
# find non-overlapping occurrences of STR in DNA-sequence
def countSTR(STR, sequence):
count = 0
maxcount = 0
# in order to match repeat STR. for example: "('AATG')+" as pattern
# into re.compile() to match repeat STR
# rewrite STR to "(STR)+"
STR = "(" + STR + ")+"
pattern = re.compile(r'STR')
# matches should be a iterator object
matches = pattern.finditer(sequence)
# go throgh every repeat and find the longest one
# by match.end() - match.start()
for match in matches:
count = match.end() - match.start()
if count > maxcount:
maxcount = count
# return repeat times of the longest repeat
return maxcount/len(STR)
just find out a correct way to get the desired result.
post it here in case any others are also confused.
From what I have understand, to match a variable named var_pattern could use re.compile(rf'{var_pattern}'). Then if consecutive occurrences of the var_pattern should be searched, could use re.compile(rf'(var_pattern)+'). There may be other smarter ways to implement that, however i managed to get it work as fine as previously .

Help parsing text file in python

Really been struggling with this one for some time now, i have many text files with a specific format from which i need to extract all the data and file into different fields of a database. The struggle is tweaking the parameters for parsing, ensuring i get all the info correctly.
the format is shown below:
WHITESPACE HERE of unknown length.
2 4565434 i need this sentace as one DB record
2 4456788 and this one
5 4879870 as well as this one, content will vary!
X Max - there sometimes is a line beginning with 'Max' here which i don't need
There is a Line here that i do not need!
WHITESPACE HERE of unknown length.
The tough parts were 1) Getting rid of whitespace, and 2)defining the fields from each other, see my best attempt, below:
dict = {}
XX = (open("XX.txt", "r")).readlines()
for line in XX:
if line.isspace():
elif line.startswith('There is'):
elif line.startswith('Max', 2):
elif line.startswith('K'):
for word in line.split():
if word.startswith('4'):
tmp_PA = word
elif word == "1" or word == "2" or word == "3" or word == "4" or word == "5":
tmp_K = word
tmp_DETAILS = word
cu.execute('''INSERT INTO bugInfo2 (pa, k, details) VALUES(?,?,?)''',(tmp_PA,tmp_K,tmp_DETAILS))
At the minute, i can pull the K & PA fields no problem using this, however my DETAILS is only pulling one word, i need the entire sentance, or at least 25 chars of it.
Thanks very much for reading and I hope you can help! :)
You are splitting the whole line into words. You need to split into first word, second word and the rest. Like line.split(None, 2).
It would probably use regular expressions. And use the oposite logic, that is if it starts with number 1 through 5, use it, otherwise pass. Like:
pattern = re.compile(r'([12345])\s+\(d+)\s+\(.*\S)')
f = open('XX.txt', 'r') # No calling readlines; lazy iteration is better
for line in f:
m = pattern.match(line)
if m:
cu.execute('''INSERT INTO bugInfo2 (pa, k, details) VALUES(?,?,?)''',
Oh, and of course, you should be using prepared statement. Parsing SQL is orders of magnitude slower than executing it.
If I understand correctly your file format, you can try this script
filename = 'bug.txt'
f = file(filename,'r')
foundHeaders = False
records = []
for rawline in f:
line = rawline.strip()
if not foundHeaders:
tokens = line.split()
if tokens == ['K','PA','DETAILS']:
foundHeaders = True
tokens = line.split(None,2)
if len(tokens) != 3:
K = int(tokens[0])
PA = int(tokens[1])
except ValueError:
for r in records:
print r # replace this by your DB insertion code
This will start reading the records when it encounters the header line, and stop as soon as the format of the line is no longer (K,PA,description).
Hope this helps.
Here is my attempt using re
import re
stuff = open("source", "r").readlines()
whitey = re.compile(r"^[\s]+$")
header = re.compile(r"K PA DETAILS")
juicy_info = re.compile(r"^(?P<first>[\d])\s(?P<second>[\d]+)\s(?P<third>.+)$")
for line in stuff:
if whitey.match(line):
elif header.match(line):
elif juicy_info.match(line):
result =
Using re I can pull the data out and manipulate it on a whim. If you only need the juicy info lines, you can actually take out all the other checks, making this a REALLY concise script.
import re
stuff = open("source", "r").readlines()
#create a regular expression using subpatterns.
#'first, 'second' and 'third' are our own tags ,
# we could call them Adam, Betty, etc.
juicy_info = re.compile(r"^(?P<first>[\d])\s(?P<second>[\d]+)\s(?P<third>.+)$")
for line in stuff:
result =
if result:#do stuff with data here just use the tag we declared earlier.
import re
reg = re.compile('K[ \t]+PA[ \t]+DETAILS[ \t]*\r?\n'\
+ 3*'([1-5])[ \t]+(\d+)[ \t]*([^\r\n]+?)[ \t]*\r?\n')
with open('XX.txt') as f:
mat =
for tripl in ((2,1,3),(5,4,6),(8,7,9)):
cu.execute('''INSERT INTO bugInfo2 (pa, k, details) VALUES(?,?,?)''',*tripl)
I prefer to use [ \t] instead of \s because \s matches the following characters:
blank , '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\v'
and I don't see any reason to use a symbol representing more that what is to be matched, with risks to match erratic newlines at places where they shouldn't be
It may be sufficient to do:
import re
reg = re.compile(r'^([1-5])[ \t]+(\d+)[ \t]*([^\r\n]+?)[ \t]*$',re.MULTILINE)
with open('XX.txt') as f:
for mat in reg.finditer(
cu.execute('''INSERT INTO bugInfo2 (pa, k, details) VALUES(?,?,?)''',,1,3)

How to refactor this python code block to be more efficient

This code block works - it loops through a file that has a repeating number of sets of data
and extracts out each of the 5 pieces of information for each set.
But I I know that the current factoring is not as efficient as it can be since it is looping
through each key for each line found.
Wondering if some python gurus can offer better way to do this more efficiently.
def parse_params(num_of_params,lines):
for line in lines:
for p in range(1,num_of_params + 1,1):
nam = "model.paramName "+str(p)+" "
par = "model.paramValue "+str(p)+" "
opt = "model.optimizeParam "+str(p)+" "
low = "model.paramLowerBound "+str(p)+" "
upp = "model.paramUpperBound "+str(p)+" "
keys = [nam,par,opt,low,upp]
for key in keys:
if key in line:
a,val = line.split(key)
if key == nam: names.append(val.rstrip())
if key == par: params.append(val.rstrip())
if key == opt: optimize.append(val.rstrip())
if key == upp: upper.append(val.rstrip())
if key == low: lower.append(val.rstrip())
print "Names = ",names
print "Params = ",params
print "Optimize = ",optimize
print "Upper = ",upper
print "Lower = ",lower
Though this doesn't answer your question (other answers are getting at that) something that has helped me a lot in doing things similar to what you're doing are List Comprehensions. They allow you to build lists in a concise and (I think) easy to read way.
For instance, the below code builds a 2-dimenstional array with the values you're trying to get at. some_funct here would be a little regex, if I were doing it, that uses the index of the last space in the key as the parameter, and looks ahead to collect the value you're trying to get in the line (the value which corresponds to the key currently being looked at) and appends it to the correct index in the seen_keys 2D array.
Wordy, yes, but if you get list-comprehension and you're able to construct the regex to do that, you've got a nice, concise solution.
keys = ["model.paramName ","model.paramValue ","model.optimizeParam ""model.paramLowerBound ","model.paramUpperBound "]
for line in lines:
seen_keys = [[],[],[],[],[]]
[seen_keys[keys.index(k)].some_funct(line.index(k) for k in keys if k in line]
It's not totally easy to see the expected format. From what I can see, the format is like:
lines = [
"model.paramName 1 foo",
"model.paramValue 2 bar",
"model.optimizeParam 3 bat",
"model.paramLowerBound 4 zip",
"model.paramUpperBound 5 ech",
"model.paramName 1 foo2",
"model.paramValue 2 bar2",
"model.optimizeParam 3 bat2",
"model.paramLowerBound 4 zip2",
"model.paramUpperBound 5 ech2",
I don't see the above code working if there is more than one value in each line. Which means the digit is not really significant unless I'm missing something. In that case this works very easily:
import re
def parse_params(num_of_params,lines):
key_to_collection = {
reg = re.compile(r'(.+?) (\d) (.+)')
for line in lines:
m = reg.match(line)
key, digit, value =, 2, 3)
It's not entirely obvious from your code, but it looks like each line can have one "hit" at most; if that's indeed the case, then something like:
import re
def parse_params(num_of_params, lines):
sn = 'Names Params Optimize Upper Lower'.split()
ks = '''paramName paramValue optimizeParam
paramLowerBound paramUpperBound'''.split()
vals = dict((k, []) for k in ks)
are = re.compile(r'model\.(%s) (\d+) (.*)' % '|'.join(ks))
for line in lines:
mo =
if not mo: continue
p = int(
if p < 1 or p > num_of_params: continue
for k, s in zip(ks, sn):
print '%-8s =' % s,
print vals[k]
might work -- I exercised it with a little code as follows:
if __name__ == '__main__':
lines = '''model.paramUpperBound 1 ZAP
model.paramLowerBound 1 zap
model.paramUpperBound 5 nope'''.splitlines()
parse_params(2, lines)
and it emits
Names = []
Params = []
Optimize = []
Upper = ['zap']
Lower = ['ZAP']
which I think is what you want (if some details must differ, please indicate exactly what they are and let's see if we can fix it).
The two key ideas are: use a dict instead of lots of ifs; use a re to match "any of the following possibilities" with parenthesized groups in the re's pattern to catch the bits of interest (the keyword after model., the integer number after that, and the "value" which is the rest of the line) instead of lots of if x in y checks and string manipulation.
There is a lot of duplication there, and if you ever add another key or param, you're going to have to add it in many places, which leaves you ripe for errors. What you want to do is pare down all of the places you have repeated things and use some sort of data model, such as a dict.
Some others have provided some excellent examples, so I'll just leave my answer here to give you something to think about.
Are you sure that parse_params is the bottle-neck? Have you profiled your app?
import re
from collections import defaultdict
names = ("paramName paramValue optimizeParam "
"paramLowerBound paramUpperBound".split())
stmt_regex = re.compile(r'model\.(%s)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)' % '|'.join(names))
def parse_params(num_of_params, lines):
stmts = defaultdict(list)
for m in (stmt_regex.match(s) for s in lines):
if m and 1 <= int( <= num_of_params:
for k, v in stmts.iteritems():
print "%s = %s" % (k, ' '.join(v))
The code given in the OP does multiple tests per line to try to match against the expected set of values, each of which is being constructed on the fly. Rather than construct paramValue1, paramValue2, etc. for each line, we can use a regular expression to try to do the matching in a cheaper (and more robust) manner.
Here's my code snippet, drawing from some ideas that have already been posted. This lets you add a new keyword to the key_to_collection dictionary and not have to change anything else.
import re
def parse_params(num_of_params, lines):
pattern = re.compile(r"""
(.+) # keyword
(\d+) # index to keyword
[ ]+ # whitespace
(.+) # value
""", re.VERBOSE)
key_to_collection = {
"paramName": names,
"paramValue": params,
"optimizeParam": optimize,
"paramLowerBound": upper,
"paramUpperBound": lower,
for line in lines:
match = pattern.match(line)
if not match:
print "Invalid line: " + line
elif match[1] not in key_to_collection:
print "Invalid key: " + line
# Not sure if you really care about enforcing this
elif match[2] > num_of_params:
print "Invalid param: " + line
Full disclosure: I have not compiled/tested this.
It can certainly be made more efficient. But, to be honest, unless this function is called hundreds of times a second, or works on thousands of lines, is it necessary?
I would be more concerned about making it clear what is happening... currently, I'm far from clear on that aspect.
Just eyeballing it, the input seems to look like this:
model.paramName 1 A model.paramValue 1 B model.optimizeParam 1 C model.paramLowerBound 1 D model.paramUpperBound 1 E model.paramName 2 F model.paramValue 2 G model.optimizeParam 2 H model.paramLowerBound 2 I model.paramUpperBound 2 J
And your desired output seems to be something like:
Names = AF
Params = BG
Now, since my input certainly doesn't match yours, the output is likely off too, but I think I have the gist.
There are a few points. First, does it matter how many parameters are passed to the function? For example, if the input has two sets of parameters, do I just want to read both, or is it necessary to allow the function to only read one? For example, your code allows me to call parse_params(1,1) and have it only read parameters ending in a 1 from the same input. If that's not actually a requirement, you can skip a large chunk of the code.
Second, is it important to ONLY read the given parameters? If I, for example, have a parameter called 'paramFoo', is it bad if I read it? You can also simplify the procedure by just grabbing all parameters regardless of their name, and extracting their value.
def parse_params(input):
parameter_list = {}
param = re.compile(r"model\.([^ ]+) [0-9]+ ([^ ]+)")
each_parameter = param.finditer(input)
for match in each_parameter:
key = match[0]
value = match[1]
if not key in paramter_list:
parameter_list[key] = []
return parameter_list
The output, in this instance, will be something like this:
{'paramName':[A, F], 'paramValue':[B, G], 'optimizeParam':[C, H], etc...}
Notes: I don't know Python well, I'm a Ruby guy, so my syntax may be off. Apologies.

