I am trying to replicate the mathematical operations from the link using Python.
I managed to integrate the function but I am unable to plot it for the specified intervals. I've tried to use arrange to get values for arguments and plot it against the function but it doesn't work.
Does anyone know how to get it work?
My snippet code:
from scipy.integrate import quad
def f(x):
if x >= 0 and x <= 2:
return x ** 2
elif x > 2 and x <= 4:
return 4
return 0
res = quad(f, 0, 5)
I assume you want to plot the function, f(x), rather than the results of integrating it. To do that you will want to create a list of x values (sounds like you did this), evaluate f for each of those values, and then use matplotlib's plot function to display the result.
The documentation for arange says that "When using a non-integer step, such as 0.1, the results will often not be consistent. It is better to use linspace for these cases." You probably want to plot with a non-integer step in x, otherwise you will use most of the details of your plot. So I would suggest switching to linspace.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot
xvals = np.linspace(0,6,100) #100 points from 0 to 6 in ndarray
yvals = list(map(f, xvals)) #evaluate f for each point in xvals
plot(xvals, yvals)
Most likely where you ran into a problem was directly applying your function f to an ndarray. The way it is written, f expects a single value as an input rather than an array. Map solves this problem by applying f to each value in your ndarray individually.
Edit: To use a sympy symbolic function:
You can also define a piecewise function in sympy. For the things you are trying to accomplish in your question, this won't be any different from using the original method described. However, if you want to do further symbolic manipulations with your function this could be useful.
import sympy
x = sympy.symbols('x')
f = sympy.Piecewise((0, x>4),(4, x>2) ,(x**2, x>=0)) #defines f as a symbolic function
sympy.plot(f, (x, 0,6)) #Plots f on the interval 0 to 6
Note in the definition of a piecewise function, the conditions are evaluated in order, so the order you define them in does matter. If, for example you swapper the first two conditions, the x>4 condition would never be reached because x>2 would always be satisfied first. This is why the conditions are defined in the reverse order from your original function.
So I was doing my assignment and we are required to use interpolation (linear interpolation) for the same. We have been asked to use the interp1d package from scipy.interpolate and use it to generate new y values given new x values and old coordinates (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).
To get new x coordinates (lets call this x_new) I used np.linspace between (x1,x2) and the new y coordinates (lets call this y_new) I found out using interp1d function on x_new.
However, I also noticed that applying np.linspace on (y1,y2) generates the exact same values of y_new which we got from interp1d on x_new.
Can anyone please explain to me why this is so? And if this is true, is it always true?
And if this is always true why do we at all need to use the interp1d function when we can use the np.linspace in it's place?
Here is the code I wrote:
import scipy.interpolate as ip
import numpy as np
x = [-1.5, 2.23]
y = [0.1, -11]
x_new = np.linspace(start=x[0], stop=x[-1], num=10)
y_new = np.linspace(start=y[0], stop=y[-1], num=10)
f = ip.interp1d(x, y)
y_new2 = f(x_new)
print(y_new2) # y_new2 values always the same as y_new
The reason why you stumbled upon this is that you only use two points for an interpolation of a linear function. You have as an input two different x values with corresponding y values. You then ask interp1d to find a linear function f(x)=m*x +b that fits best your input data. As you only have two points as input data, there is an exact solution, because a linear function is exactly defined by two points. To see this: take piece of paper, draw two dots an then think about how many straight lines you can draw to connect these dots.
The linear function that you get from two input points is defined by the parameters m=(y1-y2)/(x1-x2) and b=y1-m*x1, where (x1,y1),(x2,y2) are your two inputs points (or elements in your x and y arrays in your code snippet.
So, now what does np.linspace(start, stop, num,...) do? It gives you num evenly spaced points between start and stop. These points are start, start + delta, ..., end. The step width delta is given by delta=(end-start)/(num - 1). The -1 comes from the fact that you want to include your endpoint. So the nth point in your interval will lie at xn=x1+n*(x2-x1)/(num-1). At what y values will these points end up after we apply our linear function from interp1d? Lets plug it in:
f(xn)=m*xn+b=(y1-y2)/(x1-x2)*(x1+n/(num-1)*(x2-x1)) + y1-(y1-y1)/(x1-x2)*x1. Simplifying this results in f(xn)=(y2-y1)*n/(num - 1) + y1. And this is exactly what you get from np.linspace(y1,y2,num), i.e. f(xn)=yn!
Now, does this always work? No! We made use of the fact that our linear function is defined by the two endpoints of the intervals we use in np.linspace. So this will not work in general. Try to add one more x value and one more y value in your input list and then compare the results.
I have a function, I want to get its integral function, something like this:
That is, instead of getting a single integration value at point x, I need to get values at multiple points.
For example:
Let's say I want the range at (-20,20)
def f(x):
return x**2
x_vals = np.arange(-20, 21, 1)
y_vals =[integrate.nquad(f, [[0, x_val]]) for x_val in x_vals ]
plt.plot(x_vals, y_vals,'-', color = 'r')
The problem
In the example code I give above, for each point, the integration is done from scratch. In my real code, the f(x) is pretty complex, and it's a multiple integration, so the running time is simply too slow(Scipy: speed up integration when doing it for the whole surface?).
I'm wondering if there is any way of efficient generating the Phi(x), at a giving range.
My thoughs:
The integration value at point Phi(20) is calucation from Phi(19), and Phi(19) is from Phi(18) and so on. So when we get Phi(20), in reality we also get the series of (-20,-19,-18,-17 ... 18,19,20). Except that we didn't save the value.
So I'm thinking, is it possible to create save points for a integrate function, so when it passes a save point, the value would get saved and continues to the next point. Therefore, by a single process toward 20, we could also get the value at (-20,-19,-18,-17 ... 18,19,20)
One could implement the strategy you outlined by integrating only over the short intervals (between consecutive x-values) and then taking the cumulative sum of the results. Like this:
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as si
def f(x):
return x**2
x_vals = np.arange(-20, 21, 1)
pieces = [si.quad(f, x_vals[i], x_vals[i+1])[0] for i in range(len(x_vals)-1)]
y_vals = np.cumsum([0] + pieces)
Here pieces are the integrals over short intervals, which get summed to produce y-values. As written, this code outputs a function that is 0 at the beginning of the range of integration which is -20. One can, of course, subtract the y-value that corresponds to x=0 in order to have the same normalization as on your plot.
That said, the split-and-sum process is unnecessary. When you find an indefinite integral of f, you are really solving the differential equation F' = f. And SciPy has a built-in method for that, odeint. Just use it:
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as si
def f(x):
return x**2
x_vals = np.arange(-20, 21, 1)
y_vals = si.odeint(lambda y,x: f(x), 0, x_vals)
The output is essential identical to the first version (within tiny computational errors), with less code. The reason for using lambda y,x: f(x) is that the first argument of odeint must be a function taking two arguments, the right-hand side of the equation y' = f(y, x).
For the equivalent version of user3717023's answer using scipy's solve_ivp you need to keep in mind the different ordering of x and y in the function f (different from the odeint version).
Further, keep in mind that you can only compute the solution up to a constant. So you might want to shift the result according to some given condition. In the example here (with the function f(x)=x^2 as given by the OP), I shifted the numeric solution such that it goes through the origin, matching the simplest analytic solution F(x)=x^3/3.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
def f(x):
return x**2
xs = np.linspace(-20, 20, 1001)
# This is the integration step:
sol = solve_ivp(lambda x, y: f(x), t_span=(xs[0], xs[-1]), y0=[0], t_eval=xs)
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.t**3/3, ls='-', c='C0', label="analytic: $F(x)=x^3/3$")
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.y[0], ls='--', c='C1', label="numeric solution")
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.y[0] - sol.y[0][sol.t.size//2], ls='-.', c='C3', label="shifted solution going through origin")
In case you don't have an analytical version of the function f, but only xs and ys as data points, then you can use scipy's interp1d function to interpolate between the data points and pass on that interpolating function the same way as before:
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
f = interp1d(xs, ys)
I want to calculate and plot a gradient of any scalar function of two variables. If you really want a concrete example, lets say f=x^2+y^2 where x goes from -10 to 10 and same for y. How do I calculate and plot grad(f)? The solution should be vector and I should see vector lines. I am new to python so please use simple words.
#Andras Deak: thank you for your post, i tried what you suggested and instead of your test function (fun=3*x^2-5*y^2) I used function that i defined as V(x,y); this is how the code looks like but it reports an error
import numpy as np
import math
import sympy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def V(x,y):
for k in range (1,3):
for l in range (1,3):
t.append(0.000001*np.sin(2*math.pi*k*0.5)/((4*(math.pi)**2)* (k**2+l**2)))
term = t* np.sin(2 * math.pi * k * x/0.004) * np.cos(2 * math.pi * l * y/0.004)
return term
return term.sum()
x,y=sympy.symbols('x y')
gradfun=[sympy.diff(fun,var) for var in (x,y)]
AttributeError: 'Mul' object has no attribute 'sin'
And lets say I remove sin, I get another error:
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'Mul'
I read tutorial for sympy and it says "The real power of a symbolic computation system such as SymPy is the ability to do all sorts of computations symbolically". I get this, I just dont get why I cannot multiply x and y symbols with float numbers.
What is the way around this? :( Help please!
#Andras Deak: I wanted to make things shorter so I removed many constants from the original formulas for V(x,y) and Cn*Dm. As you pointed out, that caused the sin function to always return 0 (i just noticed). Apologies for that. I will update the post later today when i read your comment in details. Big thanks!
I changed coefficients in my expression for voltage and this is the result:
It looks good except that the arrows point in the opposite direction (they are supposed to go out of the reddish dot and into the blue one). Do you know how I could change that? And if possible, could you please tell me the way to increase the size of the arrows? I tried what was suggested in another topic (Computing and drawing vector fields):
skip = (slice(None, None, 3), slice(None, None, 3))
This plots only every third arrow and matplotlib does the autoscale but it doesnt work for me (nothing happens when i add this, for any number that i enter)
You were already of huge help , i cannot thank you enough!
Here's a solution using sympy and numpy. This is the first time I use sympy, so others will/could probably come up with much better and more elegant solutions.
import sympy
#define symbolic vars, function
x,y=sympy.symbols('x y')
#take the gradient symbolically
gradfun=[sympy.diff(fun,var) for var in (x,y)]
#turn into a bivariate lambda for numpy
now you can use numgradfun(1,3) to compute the gradient at (x,y)==(1,3). This function can then be used for plotting, which you said you can do.
For plotting, you can use, for instance, matplotlib's quiver, like so:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
You added a specification for your function to be computed. It contains the product of terms depending on x and y, which seems to break my above solution. I managed to come up with a new one to suit your needs. However, your function seems to make little sense. From your edited question:
t.append(0.000001*np.sin(2*math.pi*k*0.5)/((4*(math.pi)**2)* (k**2+l**2)))
term = t* np.sin(2 * math.pi * k * x/0.004) * np.cos(2 * math.pi * l * y/0.004)
On the other hand, from your corresponding comment to this answer:
V(x,y) = Sum over n and m of [Cn * Dm * sin(2pinx) * cos(2pimy)]; sum goes from -10 to 10; Cn and Dm are coefficients, and i calculated
that CkDl = sin(2pik)/(k^2 +l^2) (i used here k and l as one of the
indices from the sum over n and m).
I have several problems with this: both sin(2*pi*k) and sin(2*pi*k/2) (the two competing versions in the prefactor are always zero for integer k, giving you a constant zero V at every (x,y). Furthermore, in your code you have magical frequency factors in the trigonometric functions, which are missing from the comment. If you multiply your x by 4e-3, you drastically change the spatial dependence of your function (by changing the wavelength by roughly a factor of a thousand). So you should really decide what your function is.
So here's a solution, where I assumed
V(x,y)=sum_{k,l = 1 to 10} C_{k,l} * sin(2*pi*k*x)*cos(2*pi*l*y), with
This is a combination of your various versions of the function, with the modification of sin(2*pi*k/4) in the prefactor in order to have a non-zero function. I expect you to be able to fix the numerical factors to your actual needs, after you figure out the proper mathematical model.
So here's the full code:
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def CD(k,l):
#return sp.sin(2*sp.pi*k/2)/((4*sp.pi**2)*(k**2+l**2))*1e-6
return sp.sin(2*sp.pi*k/4)/((4*sp.pi**2)*(k**2+l**2))*1e-6
def Vkl(x,y,k,l):
return CD(k,l)*sp.sin(2*sp.pi*k*x)*sp.cos(2*sp.pi*l*y)
def V(x,y,kmax,lmax):
k,l=sp.symbols('k l',integers=True)
return sp.summation(Vkl(x,y,k,l),(k,1,kmax),(l,1,lmax))
#define symbolic vars, function
x,y=sp.symbols('x y')
#take the gradient symbolically
gradfun=[sp.diff(fun,var) for var in (x,y)]
#turn into bivariate lambda for numpy
I defined your V(x,y) function using some auxiliary functions for transparence. I left the summation cut-offs as literal parameters, kmax and lmax: in your code these were 3, in your comment they were said to be 10, and anyway they should be infinity.
The gradient is taken the same way as before, but when converting to a numpy function using lambdify you have to set an additional string parameter, 'numpy'. This will alow the resulting numpy lambda to accept array input (essentially it will use np.sin instead of math.sin and the same for cos).
I also changed the definition of the grid from array to np.linspace: this is usually more convenient. Since your function is almost constant at integer grid points, I created a denser mesh for plotting (51 points while keeping your original limits of (-10,10) fixed).
For clarity I included a few more plots: a contourf to show the value of the function (contour lines should always be orthogonal to the gradient vectors), and a colorbar to indicate the value of the function. Here's the result:
The composition is obviously not the best, but I didn't want to stray too much from your specifications. The arrows in this figure are actually hardly visible, but as you can see (and also evident from the definition of V) your function is periodic, so if you plot the same thing with smaller limits and less grid points, you'll see more features and larger arrows.
I am trying to find the root(s) of a line which is defined by data like:
x = [1,2,3,4,5]
y = [-2,4,6,8,4]
I have started by using interpolation but I have been told I can then use the brentq function. How can I use brentq from two lists? I thought continuous functions are needed for it.
As the documentation of brentq says, the first argument must be a continuous function. Therefore, you must first generate, from your data, a function that will return a value for each parameter passed to it. You can do that with interp1d:
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.optimize import brentq
x, y = np.array([1,2,3,4,5]), np.array([-2,4,6,8,4])
f = interp1d(x,y, kind='linear') # change kind to something different if you want e.g. smoother interpolation
brentq(f, x.min(), x.max()) # returns: 1.33333
You could also use splines to generate the continuous function needed for brentq.
I would like to numerically integrate an array d dimensional for instance named c.
This hyper-surface has to be integrated using some axis with a specific increment.
Let's say that these particular axis are:
I wrote a function that compute it in 2 d:
from numpy import*
import scipy.integrate as scint
def int2d(c,x,y):
for i in a:
return scint.simps(g,y)
This works,
How do I extend it to a multidimensional input array?
I need it because I would like to compute the hyper volume of some function of a histogram.
You can use recursion.
Also from scipy.integrate.simps it says the assumed axis is the last axis.
import numpy
import scipy.integrate
def intNd(c,axes):
''' c is the array
axes is a list of the corresponding coordinates
assert len(c.shape) == len(axes)
assert all([c.shape[i] == axes[i].shape[0]
for i in range(len(axes))])
if len(axes) == 1:
return scipy.integrate.simps(c,axes[0])
return intNd(scipy.integrate.simps(c,axes[-1]),axes[:-1])
You may also consider improving the efficiency for integrating large complex arrays by integrating along the longest dimension first. However. not integrating along the last axis, which is the fastest, may impose some penalty. I did not look into these details myself.