Removing square wave like artifacts from numpy array - python

I have a numpy array which is basically a data column from excel sheet. This data is acquired through low-pass 10 Hz filter DAS but due to some ambiguity it contains square wave like artifacts. The data now has to be filtered at 0.4 Hz Highpass Butterworth filter, which I do through scipy.signal. But after applying Highpass fiter, the square wave like artifacts change into spikes. When applying scipy.median to it I am not able to successfully filter the spikes. What should I try?
The following pic shows the original data.
Following pic shows highpass filter of 0.4 Hz applied followed by median filter of order 3
Even a median filter of order 51 is not useful.

If your input is always expected to have a significant outlier, I would recommend an iterative filtering approach.
Here is your data plotted along with the mean, 1-sigma, 2-sigma and 3-sigma lines:
I would start by removing everything above and below 2-sigma from the mean. Since that will tighten the distribution, I would recommend doing the iterations over and over until the size of the un-trimmed data remains the same. I would recommend increasing the threshold geometrically to avoid trimming "good" data. Finally, you can fill in the missing points with the mean of the remainder or something like that.
Here is a sample implementation, with no attempt at optimization whatsoever:
data = np.loadtxt('data.txt', skiprows=1)
x = np.arange(data.size)
loop_data = data
prev_size = 0
nsigma = 2
while prev_size != loop_data.size:
mean = loop_data.mean()
std = loop_data.std()
mask = (loop_data < mean + nsigma * std) & (loop_data > mean - nsigma * std)
prev_size = loop_data.size
loop_data = loop_data[mask]
x = x[mask]
# Constantly expanding sigma guarantees fast loop termination
nsigma *= 2
# Reconstruct the mask
mask = np.zeros_like(data, dtype=np.bool)
mask[x] = True
# This destroys the original data somewhat
data[~mask] = data[mask].mean()
This approach may not be optimal in all situations, but I have found it to be fairly robust most of the time. There are lots of tweakable parameters. You may want to change your increase factor from 2, or even go with a linear instead of geometrical increase (although I tried the latter and it really didn't work well). You could also use IQR instead of sigma, since it is more robust against outliers.
Here is an image of the resulting dataset (with the removed portion in red and the original dotted):
Another artifact of interest: here are the plots of the data showing the trimming progression and how it affects the cutoff points. Plots show the data, with cut portions in red, and a the n-sigma line for the remainder. The title shows how much the sigma shrinks:


How to remove a zero frequency artefact from FFT using numpy.fft.fft() when detrending or subtracting the mean does not work

I am trying to calculate the FFT of the following data : data.txt
y_array = np.loadtxt('data.txt',dtype='complex')
y_array_fft = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(y_array))
x_array = np.linspace(-125,125,len(y_array))
The FFT plot :
I want to remove the artefact at zero frequency which I think is the DC offset. For this, I tried subtracting the mean from the original signal and also use scipy.signal.detrend() for removing a linear trend from data before fft. However, both operations do not seem to have any effect on the FFT.
y_array_detrend = signal.detrend(y_array)
y_array_mean_subtracted = y_array-np.mean(y_array)
y_array_detrend_fft = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(y_array_detrend))
y_array_mean_subtracted_fft = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(y_array_mean_subtracted))
FFT after transforming the data using scipy.detrend():
FFT after subtracting the mean from data :
Any help or comments is greatly appreciated!
If you subtract the mean, then what's left isn't a 0 Hz artifact, but some low frequency spectrum (perhaps between 2 to 10 Hz in your plot, depending on your dimensions). Try a high pass filter.
Also, since it's complex data, make sure you subtracted the complex mean.

Why is Wavelet Denoising producing identical results regardless of threshold level?

I'm trying to denoise financial time series data (second by second). I have a very long time series, but I've been working with 100,000 observations just to test how well the wavelet denoising (haar) works. It doesn't.
No matter what I do, the reconstructed signal ends up invariably almost identical to the original. Obviously, I want to preserve the original signal, but I feel like the series just simply isn't being denoised -- a financial time series whose only noise occurs in the few-second resolution? Moreover, even at the smallest time scales, the graph of the reconstructed and original graph remain almost the same.
I've tried changing the mother wavelet, the time series length, the mode in which reconstruction of the time series is done (soft vs hard) and, obviously, I've messed with the threshold value itself. I started at the recommended/standard threshold value of sqrt(2*log(len(signal))), but that did virtually nothing for me, so I gradually increased it until I got to the completely ridiculous 2*len(signal)**2 -- which should have smoothed the graph beyond recognition but did basically nothing.
WAVELET = "haar"
signal = training_series
mean = signal.mean()
mean_series = [mean] * len(signal)
signal = [a - b for a, b in zip(signal, mean_series)]
coeffs = pywt.wavedec(signal, WAVELET, level=LEVEL)
sigma = mad(coeffs[-LEVEL])
threshold = sigma * np.sqrt(2*np.log(len(signal)))
coeffs[1:] = (pywt.threshold(i, value=threshold, mode="soft" ) for i in coeffs[1:])
reconstructed_signal = pywt.waverec(coeffs, WAVELET)
I expected that the reconstructed signal would be significantly different from the original signal (as in, smoothed out, denoised, less... identical to the original), but that wasn't the case. At the smallest of scales (think every 10 or 20 seconds on a scale of 100,000 seconds), there is some very minor smoothing that is essentially just ignoring peaks and valleys of size 0.01 (the smallest possible change), but it's almost negligible.
I expected a signal that would be, well, I don't know -- denoised? Am I doing something wrong?
Your threshold might be too high.
You should try setting it by a metric based on the detail coefficients at each level, instead of the original time trace.
Usually starting at:
and going from there will at least get one started.
I had the same problem and found by steadily increasing a scale factor on the threshold helped.
I was attempting to denoise an acoustic emission signal, and only got reconstruction. By multiplying sigma by an increasing scale factor I could find out how high the thresholds needed to be to stop reproducing the signal.
import pywt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def madev(d, axis=None):
""" Mean absolute deviation of a signal """
return np.mean(np.absolute(d - np.mean(d, axis)), axis)
def wavelet_denoising(x, wavelet, level, s_factor):
deconstructs, thresholds then reconstructs
higher thresholds = less detailed reconstruction
coeff = pywt.wavedec(x, wavelet, mode="per")
sigma = (1/0.6745) * madev(coeff[-level])*s_factor
uthresh = sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(len(x)))
coeff[1:] = (pywt.threshold(i, value=uthresh, mode='hard') for i in coeff[1:])
return pywt.waverec(coeff, wavelet, mode='per')
wav = 'db4'
for s_factor in np.arange(0,20, 2):
data = wavelet_denoising(signal, wav, level, s_factor)
plt.title('scale factor = {}'.format(s_factor))
fname = 'wavelet_{}_sf_{}_n_{}'.format(wav, s_factor, len(signal))

Applying Fourier Transform on Time Series data and avoiding aliasing

I am willing to apply Fourier transform on a time series data to convert data into frequency domain. I am not sure if the method I've used to apply Fourier Transform is correct or not? Following is the link to data that I've used.
After reading the data file I've plotted original data using
t = np.linspace(0,55*24*60*60, 55)
s = df.values
plt.xlabel("Time [s]")
plt.plot(t, s)
Since the data is on a daily frequency I've converted it into seconds using 24*60*60 and for a period of 55 days using 55*24*60*60
The graph looks as follows:
Next I've implemeted Fourier Transform using following piece of code and obtained the image as follows:
#Applying Fourier Transform
fft = fftpack.fft(s)
#Time taken by one complete cycle of wave (seconds)
T = t[1] - t[0]
#Calculating sampling frequency
F = 1/T
N = s.size
#Avoid aliasing by multiplying sampling frequency by 1/2
f = np.linspace(0, 0.5*F, N)
#Convert frequency to mHz
f = f * 1000
#Plotting frequency domain against amplitude
plt.xlabel("Frequency [mHz]")
plt.plot(f[:N // 2], np.abs(fft)[:N // 2])
I've following questions:
I am not sure if my above methodology is correct to implement Fourier Transform.
I am not sure if the method I am using to avoid aliasing is correct.
If, what I've done is correct than how to interpret the three peaks in Frequency domain plot.
Finally, how would I invert transform using only frequencies that are significant.
While I'd refrain from answering your first two questions (it looks okay to me but I'd love an expert's input), I can weigh in on the latter two:
If, what I've done is correct than how to interpret the three peaks in Frequency domain plot.
Well, that means you've got three main components to your signal at frequencies roughly 0.00025 mHz (not the best choice of units here, possibly!), 0.00125 mHz and 0.00275 mHz.
Finally, how would I invert transform using only frequencies that are significant.
You could just zero out every frequency below a cutoff you decide (say, absolute value of 3 - that should cover your peaks here). Then you can do:
below_cutoff = np.abs(fft) < 3
fft[below_cutoff] = 0
cleaner_signal = fftpack.ifft(fft)
And that should do it, really!

How to combine the phase of one image and magnitude of different image into 1 image by using python

I want to combine phase spectrum of one image and magnitude spectrum of different image into one image.
I have got phase spectrum and magnitude spectrum of image A and image B.
Here is the code.
f = np.fft.fft2(grayA)
fshift1 = np.fft.fftshift(f)
phase_spectrumA = np.angle(fshift1)
magnitude_spectrumB = 20*np.log(np.abs(fshift1))
f2 = np.fft.fft2(grayB)
fshift2 = np.fft.fftshift(f2)
phase_spectrumB = np.angle(fshift2)
magnitude_spectrumB = 20*np.log(np.abs(fshift2))
I trying to figure out , but still i do not know how to do that.
Below is my test code.
imgCombined = abs(f) * math.exp(1j*np.angle(f2))
I wish i can come out just like that
Here are the few things that you would need to fix for your code to work as intended:
The math.exp function supports scalar exponentiation. For an element-wise matrix exponentiation you should use numpy.exp instead.
Similary, the * operator would attempt to perform matrix multiplication. In your case you want to instead perform element-wise multiplication which can be done with np.multiply
With these fixes you should get the frequency-domain combined matrix as follows:
combined = np.multiply(np.abs(f), np.exp(1j*np.angle(f2)))
To obtain the corresponding spatial-domain image, you would then need compute the inverse transform (and take the real part since there my be residual small imaginary parts due to numerical errors) with:
imgCombined = np.real(np.fft.ifft2(combined))
Finally the result can be shown with:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.imshow(imgCombined, cmap='gray')
Note that imgCombined may contain values outside the [0,1] range. You would then need to decide how you want to rescale the values to fit the expected [0,1] range.
The default scaling (resulting in the image shown above) is to linearly scale the values such that the minimum value is set to 0, and the maximum value is set to 0.
Another way could be to limit the values to that range (i.e. forcing all negative values to 0 and all values greater than 1 to 1).
Finally another approach, which seems to provide a result closer to the screenshot provided, would be to take the absolute value with imgCombined = np.abs(imgCombined)

Am I using Numpy to calculate the Inverse Filter correctly?

As part of a digital image processing class, we have been assigned the Inverse Filter for image restoration. I'm using numpy. The variable names below try to follow the names in Digital Image Processing Gonzalez+Woods, 3e.
A zoom of the original image.
Gaussian kernel "zz.tif" same size as original image.
Zoom of the gaussian smoothed image with no noise added
f = imtools.load_image( sys.argv[1], mode="L", dtype="float" )
zz = imtools.load_image( "zz.tif", mode="L", dtype="float" )
F = np.fft.fft2( f )
F2 = np.fft.fftshift( F )
# normalize to [0,1]
H = zz/255.
# calculate the damaged image
G = H * F2
# Inverse Filter
F_hat = G / H
# cheat? replace division by zero (NaN) with zeroes
a = np.nan_to_num(F_hat)
f_hat = np.fft.ifft2( np.fft.ifftshift(a) )
imtools.save_image( np.abs(f_hat), "out.tif" )
imtools is just my wrapper using PIL+numpy to load/store images. (Can post that src, too.)
Zoom of the inverse filtered image.
Am I calculating the Inverse Filter correctly? Am I using numpy correctly?
Is the ringing in the final image expected or am I doing something wrong?
Generally, yes you seem to be doing things correctly, as far as I know.
The ringing is due to an overly "sharp" high pass filter, but that's what the method you're using does.
However, you might consider using numpy.fft.rfft2 ("real fft") and numpy.fft.irfft2 instead of numpy.fft.fft2 and numpy.fft.ifft2 because you're dealing purely with real values. It should be slightly faster.
I don't know much about Python but the 'ringing' is normal for the inverse filter. The Gibbs phenomenon lies at the basis of the ringing. Since the input is not entirely smooth but has some discontinuities, an infinite number of Fourier components is in principle needed to represent it completely. A finite number of components is sufficient here since the display resolution is finite, the image is pixelated. However, some information is lost in the recorded image because of the multiplication by zeros in H, by consequence the restored image approximates the input image with components covering a finite bandwidth, lower than that of the display, revealing the Gibbs oscillations.
To mitigate this use proper regularization as with a 2D Wiener filter: F_hat=G * H.conjugate()/(abs(H)2+NSR2) where NSR is an estimate of the noise to signal ratio, e.g. linearly increasing from 0 to 10 at the highest spatial frequency. This will account for the finite signal to noise ratio and when the NSR estimate is close enough you should see little 'ringing' after restoration.

