How do you know in advance if a method (or function) will alter the variable when called? - python

I am new to Python from R. I have recently spent a lot of time reading up on how everything in Python is an object, objects can call methods on themselves, methods are functions within a class, yada yada yada.
Here's what I don't understand. Take the following simple code:
mylist = [3, 1, 7]
If I want to know how many times the number 7 occurs, I can do:
That, of course, returns 1. And if I want to save the count number to another variable:
seven_counts = mylist.count(7)
So far, so good. Other than the syntax, the behavior is similar to R. However, let's say I am thinking about adding a number to my list:
Wait a minute, that method actually changed the variable itself! (i.e., "mylist" has been altered and now includes the number 9 as the fourth digit in the list.) Assigning the code to a new variable (like I did with seven_counts) produces garbage:
newlist = mylist.append(9)
I find the inconsistency in this behavior a bit odd, and frankly undesirable. (Let's say I wanted to see what the result of the append looked like first and then have the option to decide whether or not I want to assign it to a new variable.)
My question is simple:
Is there a way to know in advance if calling a particular method will actually alter your variable (object)?

Aside from reading the documentation (which for some methods will include type annotations specifying the return value) or playing with the method in the interactive interpreter (including using help() to check the docstring for a type annotation), no, you can't know up front just by looking at the method.
That said, the behavior you're seeing is intentional. Python methods either return a new modified copy of the object or modify the object in place; at least among built-ins, they never do both (some methods mutate the object and return a non-None value, but it's never the object just mutated; the pop method of dict and list is an example of this case).
This either/or behavior is intentional; if they didn't obey this rule, you'd have had an even more confusing and hard to identify problem, namely, determining whether append mutated the value it was called on, or returned a new object. You definitely got back a list, but is it a new list or the same list? If it mutated the value it was called on, then
newlist = mylist.append(9)
is a little strange; newlist and mylist would be aliases to the same list (so why have both names?). You might not even notice for a while; you'd continue using newlist, thinking it was independent of mylist, only to look at mylist and discover it was all messed up. By having all such "modify in place" methods return None (or at least, not the original object), the error is discovered more quickly/easily; if you try and use newlist, mistakenly believing it to be a list, you'll immediately get TypeErrors or AttributeErrors.
Basically, the only way to know in advance is to read the documentation. For methods whose name indicates a modifying operation, you can check the return value and often get an idea as to whether they're mutating. It helps to know what types are mutable in the first place; list, dict, set and bytearray are all mutable, and the methods they have that their immutable counterparts (aside from dict, which has no immutable counterpart) lack tend to mutate the object in place.
The default tends to be to mutate the object in place simply because that's more efficient; if you have a 100,000 element list, a default behavior for append that made a new 100,001 element list and returned it would be extremely inefficient (and there would be no obvious way to avoid it). For immutable types (e.g. str, tuple, frozenset) this is unavoidable, and you can use those types if you want a guarantee that the object is never mutate in place, but it comes at a cost of unnecessary creation and destruction of objects that will slow down your code in most cases.

Just checkout the doc:
>>> list.count.__doc__
'L.count(value) -> integer -- return number of occurrences of value'
>>> list.append.__doc__
'L.append(object) -> None -- append object to end'
There isn't really an easy way to tell, but:
immutable object --> no way of changing through method calls
So, for example, tuple has no methods which affect the tuple as it is unchangeable so methods can only return new instances.
And if you "wanted to see what the result of the append looked like first and then have the option to decide whether or not I want to assign it to a new variable" then you can concatenate the list with a new list with one element.
>>> l = [1,2,3]
>>> k = l + [4]
>>> l
[1, 2, 3]
>>> k
[1, 2, 3, 4]

Not from merely your invocation (your method call). You can guarantee that the method won't change the object if you pass in only immutable objects, but some methods are defined to change the object -- and will either not be defined for the one you use, or will fault in execution.
I Real Life, you look at the method's documentation: that will tell you exactly what happens.
[I was about to include what Joe Iddon's answer covers ...]


what does it mean by 'passed by assignment'?

As follow is my understanding of types & parameters passing in java and python:
In java, there are primitive types and non-primitive types. Former are not object, latter are objects.
In python, they are all objects.
In java, arguments are passed by value because:
primitive types are copied and then passed, so they are passed by value for sure. non-primitive types are passed by reference but reference(pointer) is also value, so they are also passed by value.
In python, the only difference is that 'primitive types'(for example, numbers) are not copied, but simply taken as objects.
Based on official doc, arguments are passed by assignment. What does it mean by 'passed by assignment'? Is objects in java work the same way as python? What result in the difference (passed by value in java and passed by argument in python)?
And is there any wrong understanding above?
tl;dr: You're right that Python's semantics are essentially Java's semantics, without any primitive types.
"Passed by assignment" is actually making a different distinction than the one you're asking about.1 The idea is that argument passing to functions (and other callables) works exactly the same way assignment works.
def f(x):
a = 3
b = a
b = a means that the target b, in this case a name in the global namespace, becomes a reference to whatever value a references.
f(a) means that the target x, in this case a name in the local namespace of the frame built to execute f, becomes a reference to whatever value a references.
The semantics are identical. Whenever a value gets assigned to a target (which isn't always a simple name—e.g., think lst[0] = a or spam.eggs = a), it follows the same set of assignment rules—whether it's an assignment statement, a function call, an as clause, or a loop iteration variable, there's just one set of rules.
But overall, your intuitive idea that Python is like Java but with only reference types is accurate: You always "pass a reference by value".
Arguing over whether that counts as "pass by reference" or "pass by value" is pointless. Trying to come up with a new unambiguous name for it that nobody will argue about is even more pointless. Liskov invented the term "call by object" three decades ago, and if that never caught on, anything someone comes up with today isn't likely to do any better.
You understand the actual semantics, and that's what matters.
And yes, this means there is no copying. In Java, only primitive values are copied, and Python doesn't have primitive values, so nothing is copied.
the only difference is that 'primitive types'(for example, numbers) are not copied, but simply taken as objects
It's much better to see this as "the only difference is that there are no 'primitive types' (not even simple numbers)", just as you said at the start.
It's also worth asking why Python has no primitive types—or why Java does.2
Making everything "boxed" can be very slow. Adding 2 + 3 in Python means dereferencing the 2 and 3 objects, getting the native values out of them, adding them together, and wrapping the result up in a new 5 object (or looking it up in a table because you already have an existing 5 object). That's a lot more work than just adding two ints.3
While a good JIT like Hotspot—or like PyPy for Python—can often automatically do those optimizations, sometimes "often" isn't good enough. That's why Java has native types: to let you manually optimize things in those cases.
Python, instead, relies on third-party libraries like Numpy, which let you pay the boxing costs just once for a whole array, instead of once per element. Which keeps the language simpler, but at the cost of needing Numpy.4
1. As far as I know, "passed by assignment" appears a couple times in the FAQs, but is not actually used in the reference docs or glossary. The reference docs already lean toward intuitive over rigorous, but the FAQ, like the tutorial, goes much further in that direction. So, asking what a term in the FAQ means, beyond the intuitive idea it's trying to get across, may not be a meaningful question in the first place.
2. I'm going to ignore the issue of Java's lack of operator overloading here. There's no reason they couldn't include special language rules for a handful of core classes, even if they didn't let you do the same thing with your own classes—e.g., Go does exactly that for things like range, and people rarely complain.
3. … or even than looping over two arrays of 30-bit digits, which is what Python actually does. The cost of working on unlimited-size "bigints" is tiny compared to the cost of boxing, so Python just always pays that extra, barely-noticeable cost. Python 2 did, like Java, have separate fixed and bigint types, but a couple decades of experience showed that it wasn't getting any performance benefits out of the extra complexity.
4. The implementation of Numpy is of course far from simple. But using it is pretty simple, and a lot more people need to use Numpy than need to write Numpy, so that turns out to be a pretty decent tradeoff.
Similar to passing reference types by value in C#.
Code demo:
# mutable object
l = [9, 8, 7]
def createNewList(l1: list):
# l1+[0] will create a new list object, the reference address of the local variable l1 is changed without affecting the variable l
l1 = l1+[0]
def changeList(l1: list):
# Add an element to the end of the list, because l1 and l refer to the same object, so l will also change
# immutable object
num = 9
def changeValue(val: int):
# int is an immutable type, and changing the val makes the val point to the new object 8,
# it's not change the num value
value = 8

Returning a mutable object

I have a question about performance.
If I have a case when I pass a mutable object to a function and I make changes to that object, I know that in python it will change the value and all the pointers will point to the value that has been changed.
But what is the right way to write code?
Should I use the return statement and assign all over again the pointer to the output of the function to show to the one that reads the code that it is being changed?
How hard is it hurting the performance if you preform an assignment of a pointer to the same memory it is already pointing?
Should use the return statement and assign all over again the pointer to the output of the function to show to the one that reads the code that it is being changed?
No, that would make it more confusing. If you’re going to change an object in place, you should make it obvious, and part of making it obvious is not returning the same object. Take existing Python APIs as inspiration:
>>> import random
>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> random.shuffle(a)
random.shuffle didn’t return anything, so the only thing it could have done was shuffle the list in place.
Performance is irrelevant here.
a) It has no significant effect on the performance.
b) If your function takes a object and changes it, this is a side-effect and you should therefore not return that object. That would be confusing and misleading as it implies that the input is different from the output.
c) If you think you should write code that is useless just to provide information to readers of your code, use comments instead.

Correct Style for Python functions that mutate the argument

I would like to write a Python function that mutates one of the arguments (which is a list, ie, mutable). Something like this:
def change(array):
I'm more familiar with passing by value than Python's setup (whatever you decide to call it). So I would usually write such a function like this:
def change(array):
return array
array = change(array)
Here's my confusion. Since I can just mutate the argument, the second method would seem redundant. But the first one feels wrong. Also, my particular function will have several parameters, only one of which will change. The second method makes it clear what argument is changing (because it is assigned to the variable). The first method gives no indication. Is there a convention? Which is 'better'? Thank you.
The first way:
def change(array):
is the most idiomatic way to do it. Generally, in python, we expect a function to either mutate the arguments, or return something1. The reason for this is because if a function doesn't return anything, then it makes it abundantly clear that the function must have had some side-effect in order to justify it's existence (e.g. mutating the inputs).
On the flip side, if you do things the second way:
def change(array):
return array
array = change(array)
you're vulnerable to have hard to track down bugs where a mutable object changes all of a sudden when you didn't expect it to -- "But I thought change made a copy"...
1Technically every function returns something, that _something_ just happens to be None ...
The convention in Python is that functions either mutate something, or return something, not both.
If both are useful, you conventionally write two separate functions, with the mutator named for an active verb like change, and the non-mutator named for a participle like changed.
Almost everything in builtins and the stdlib follows this pattern. The list.append method you're calling returns nothing. Same with list.sort—but sorted leaves its argument alone and instead returns a new sorted copy.
There are a handful of exceptions for some of the special methods (e.g., __iadd__ is supposed to mutate and then return self), and a few cases where there clearly has to be one thing getting mutating and a different thing getting returned (like list.pop), and for libraries that are attempting to use Python as a sort of domain-specific language where being consistent with the target domain's idioms is more important than being consistent with Python's idioms (e.g., some SQL query expression libraries). Like all conventions, this one is followed unless there's a good reason not to.
So, why was Python designed this way?
Well, for one thing, it makes certain errors obvious. If you expected a function to be non-mutating and return a value, it'll be pretty obvious that you were wrong, because you'll get an error like AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'foo'.
It also makes conceptual sense: a function that returns nothing must have side-effects, or why would anyone have written it?
But there's also the fact that each statement in Python mutates exactly one thing—almost always the leftmost object in the statement. In other languages, assignment is an expression, mutating functions return self, and you can chain up a whole bunch of mutations into a single line of code, and that makes it harder to see the state changes at a glance, reason about them in detail, or step through them in a debugger.
Of course all of this is a tradeoff—it makes some code more verbose in Python than it would be in, say, JavaScript—but it's a tradeoff that's deeply embedded in Python's design.
It hardly ever makes sense to both mutate an argument and return it. Not only might it cause confusion for whoever's reading the code, but it leaves you susceptible to the mutable default argument problem. If the only way to get the result of the function is through the mutated argument, it won't make sense to give the argument a default.
There is a third option that you did not show in your question. Rather than mutating the object passed as the argument, make a copy of that argument and return it instead. This makes it a pure function with no side effects.
def change(array):
array_copy = array[:]
return array_copy
array = change(array)
From the Python documentation:
Some operations (for example y.append(10) and y.sort()) mutate the
object, whereas superficially similar operations (for example y = y +
[10] and sorted(y)) create a new object. In general in Python (and in
all cases in the standard library) a method that mutates an object
will return None to help avoid getting the two types of operations
confused. So if you mistakenly write y.sort() thinking it will give
you a sorted copy of y, you’ll instead end up with None, which will
likely cause your program to generate an easily diagnosed error.
However, there is one class of operations where the same operation
sometimes has different behaviors with different types: the augmented
assignment operators. For example, += mutates lists but not tuples or
ints (a_list += [1, 2, 3] is equivalent to a_list.extend([1, 2, 3])
and mutates a_list, whereas some_tuple += (1, 2, 3) and some_int += 1
create new objects).
Basically, by convention, a function or method that mutates an object does not return the object itself.

How to make a variable (truly) local to a procedure or function

ie we have the global declaration, but no local.
"Normally" arguments are local, I think, or they certainly behave that way.
However if an argument is, say, a list and a method is applied which modifies the list, some surprising (to me) results can ensue.
I have 2 questions: what is the proper way to ensure that a variable is truly local?
I wound up using the following, which works, but it can hardly be the proper way of doing it:
def AexclB(a,b):
z = a+[] # yuk
for k in range(0, len(b)):
try: z.remove(b[k])
except: continue
return z
Absent the +[], "a" in the calling scope gets modified, which is not desired.
(The issue here is using a list method,
The supplementary question is, why is there no "local" declaration?
Finally, in trying to pin this down, I made various mickey mouse functions which all behaved as expected except the last one:
def fun4(a):
z = a
z = z.append(["!!"])
return z
a = ["hello"]
print "a=",a
print "fun4(a)=",fun4(a)
print "a=",a
which produced the following on the console:
a= ['hello']
fun4(a)= None
a= ['hello', ['!!']]
The 'None' result was not expected (by me).
Python 2.7 btw in case that matters.
PS: I've tried searching here and elsewhere but not succeeded in finding anything corresponding exactly - there's lots about making variables global, sadly.
It's not that z isn't a local variable in your function. Rather when you have the line z = a, you are making z refer to the same list in memory that a already points to. If you want z to be a copy of a, then you should write z = a[:] or z = list(a).
See this link for some illustrations and a bit more explanation
Python will not copy objects unless you explicitly ask it to. Integers and strings are not modifiable, so every operation on them returns a new instance of the type. Lists, dictionaries, and basically every other object in Python are mutable, so operations like list.append happen in-place (and therefore return None).
If you want the variable to be a copy, you must explicitly copy it. In the case of lists, you slice them:
z = a[:]
There is a great answer than will cover most of your question in here which explains mutable and immutable types and how they are kept in memory and how they are referenced. First section of the answer is for you. (Before How do we get around this? header)
In the following line
z = z.append(["!!"])
Lists are mutable objects, so when you call append, it will update referenced object, it will not create a new one and return it. If a method or function do not retun anything, it means it returns None.
Above link also gives an immutable examle so you can see the real difference.
You can not make a mutable object act like it is immutable. But you can create a new one instead of passing the reference when you create a new object from an existing mutable one.
a = [1,2,3]
b = a[:]
For more options you can check here
What you're missing is that all variable assignment in python is by reference (or by pointer, if you like). Passing arguments to a function literally assigns values from the caller to the arguments of the function, by reference. If you dig into the reference, and change something inside it, the caller will see that change.
If you want to ensure that callers will not have their values changed, you can either try to use immutable values more often (tuple, frozenset, str, int, bool, NoneType), or be certain to take copies of your data before mutating it in place.
In summary, scoping isn't involved in your problem here. Mutability is.
Is that clear now?
Still not sure whats the 'correct' way to force the copy, there are
various suggestions here.
It differs by data type, but generally <type>(obj) will do the trick. For example list([1, 2]) and dict({1:2}) both return (shallow!) copies of their argument.
If, however, you have a tree of mutable objects and also you don't know a-priori which level of the tree you might modify, you need the copy module. That said, I've only needed this a handful of times (in 8 years of full-time python), and most of those ended up causing bugs. If you need this, it's a code smell, in my opinion.
The complexity of maintaining copies of mutable objects is the reason why there is a growing trend of using immutable objects by default. In the clojure language, all data types are immutable by default and mutability is treated as a special cases to be minimized.
If you need to work on a list or other object in a truly local context you need to explicitly make a copy or a deep copy of it.
from copy import copy
def fn(x):
y = copy(x)

Why do Python variables take a new address (id) every time they're modified?

Just wondering what the logic behind this one is? On the surface it seems kind of inefficient, that every time you do something simple like "x=x+1" that it has to take a new address and discard the old one.
The Python variable (called an identifier or name, in Python) is a reference to a value. The id() function says something for that value, not the name.
Many values are not mutable; integers, strings, floats all do not change in place. When you add 1 to another integer, you return a new integer that then replaces the reference to the old value.
You can look at Python names as labels, tied to values. If you imagine values as balloons, you are retying the label a new balloon each time you assign to that name. If there are no other labels attached to a balloon anymore, it simply drifts away in the wind, never to be seen again. The id() function gives you a unique number for that balloon.
See this previous answer of mine where I talk a little bit more about that idea of values-as-balloons.
This may seem inefficient. For many often used and small values, Python actually uses a process called interning, where it will cache a stash of these values for re-use. None is such a value, as are small integers and the empty tuple (()). You can use the intern() function to do the same with strings you expect to use a lot.
But note that values are only cleaned up when their reference count (the number of 'labels') drops to 0. Loads of values are reused all over the place all the time, especially those interned integers and singletons.
Because the basic types are immutable, so every time you modify it, it needs to be instantiated again
...which is perfectly fine, especially for thread-safe functions
The = operator doesn't modify an object, it assigns the name to a completely different object, which may or may not already have an id.
For your example, integers are immutable; there's no way to add something to one and keep the same id.
And, in fact, small integers are interned at least in cPython, so if you do:
x = 1
y = 2
x = x + 1
Then x and y may have the same id.
In python "primitive" types like ints and strings are immutable, which means they can not be modified.
Python is actually quite efficient, because, as #Wooble commented, «Very short strings and small integers are interned.»: if two variables reference the same (small) immutable value their id is the same (reducing duplicated immutables).
>>> a = 42
>>> b = 5
>>> id(a) == id(b)
>>> b += 37
>>> id(a) == id(b)
The reason behind the use of immutable types is a safe approach to the concurrent access on those values.
At the end of the day it depends on a design choice.
Depending on your needs you can take more advantage of an implementation instead of another.
For instance, a different philosophy can be found in a somewhat similar language, Ruby, where those types that in Python are immutable, are not.
To be accurate, assignment x=x+1 doesn't modify the object that x is referencing, it just lets the x point to another object whose value is x+1.
To understand the logic behind, one needs to understand the difference between value semantics and reference semantics.
An object with value semantics means only its value matters, not its identity. While an object with reference semantics focuses on its identity(in Python, identity can be returned from id(obj)).
Typically, value semantics implies immutability of the object. Or conversely, if an object is mutable(i.e. in-place change), that means it has reference semantics.
Let's briefly explain the rationale behind this immutability.
Objects with reference semantics can be changed in-place without losing their original addresses/identities. This makes sense in that it's the identity of an object with reference semantics that makes itself distinguishable from other objects.
In contrast, an object with value-semantics should never change itself.
First, this is possible and reasonable in theory. Since only the value(not its identity) is significant, when a change is needed, it's safe to swap it to another identity with different value. This is called referential transparency. Be noted that this is impossible for the objects with reference semantics.
Secondly, this is beneficial in practice. As the OP thought, it seems inefficient to discard the old objects each time when it's changed , but most time it's more efficient than not. For one thing, Python(or any other language) has intern/cache scheme to make less objects to be created. What's more, if objects of value-semantics were designed to be mutable, it would take much more space in most cases.
For example, Date has a value semantics. If it's designed to be mutable, any method that returning a date from internal field will exposes the handle to outside world, which is risky(e.g. outside can directly modify this internal field without resorting to public interface). Similarly, if one passes any date object by reference to some function/method, this object could be modified in that function/method, which may be not as expected. To avoid these kinds of side-effect, one has to do defensive programming: instead of directly returning the inner date field, he returns a clone of it; instead of passing by reference, he passes by value which means extra copies are made. As one could imagine, there are more chances to create more objects than necessary. What's worse, code becomes more complicated with these extra cloning.
In a word, immutability enforces the value-semantics, it usually involves less object creation, has less side-effects and less hassles, and is more test-friendly. Besides, immutable objects are inherently thread-safe, which means less locks and better efficiency in multithreading environment.
That's the reason why basic data types of value-semantics like number, string, date, time are all immutable(well, string in C++ is an exception, that's why there're so many const string& stuffs to avoid string being modified unexpectedly). As a lesson, Java made mistakes on designing value-semantic class Date, Point, Rectangle, Dimension as mutable.
As we know, objects in OOP have three characteristics: state, behavior and identity. Objects with value semantics are not typical objects in that their identities do not matter at all. Usually they are passive, and mostly used to describe other real, active objects(i.e. those with reference semantics). This is a good hint to distinguish between value semantics and reference semantics.

